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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Oct 1960, p. 8

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ORONO EEKLYTIMES T-URSDAY, OCTOBER 20. 196, ORONO WEEKLJY TIMES (Authorized as S".cmd Classa1 mil, Post Office Departinent, Ottawa) Roy- C. Forrester - Editor and Manager Su1:Jsription payable in advance In Canada $1.50 In US.A. $2.501 Established in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Publishied every Tliursday at the office o! publication Main Street, Phione 109, Orono, Ontario Be Pr,7gressive . . Vote YES In the laie 193us theý, Police Village of Orono purehasedc it?; ojwn Hydro systein froin the Ontario hydro. This action lias proven ofver the past twenty years to have beeýn so)und judgement and lias Ttdso saved local users considerable in hydro costs. The Orono Hydro systen, now owned by.the people of the 'Village was purchased for a suin o! $8,00W.00. During the past benty years the systein has grown in value to a surn of $60,000.00. The $60,(M.00 figure takes into consideration depreciation and thu,,, 't can lie determained that during the past twenty years the people h'ave subsenibed to the ýcapitol expansion we11 over $80,000.00. Further during 'this period the local Hydro Commission has been able ta reduce the unit cost of hydro to the users on five ýdfferent occasions with the result that those in Orono enjoy a rate over twenty percent lower than those in the immediate rural area. The capitol expansion and the reduction of rates was possible t,'hrough this municipaly owned systen even thougli the cost of op- eiation and the cost of power was eontinually rising to the Com- m-ission. The foresiglit of those in 1938 lias eertainly paid dividends fo3r the residents of Orono. Mueli of this benefit was due to the fact that the Village of ODrono was growing and new users were being added to help share the costs of the syvstern and to make the vast improvements whicli bave been made'in the systern. There is a great similarity here between tli& purchase of the Hydro system and the installation of a water systen for the Village. During lie past few weeks we have read the comments o! _zu-cli men as Premier Frost wlio in Peterborougli recently termed Ihie area along Lake Ontario as "The Golden Horseshoe". An area tv.here great expansion will exist in the future. Honourable Starr, ~Federal Minister of Labour, just this week referred to this whole a egion o! Central Ontario, in which Orono would be included, as 4'the dynarnic hub of industrial developinent in Central Canada." 7{e said that it will probably expand at a greater rate than any of as dreain of at the present time. There can lie little doulit that Mr., Starr is correct in his predictions and Orono should now be preparing to reap the bene- lits of this expansion in the future. Today we look at our sehools and find that enrolment is ever on the increase with liundreds and liundreds of new schools having to lie built. This in the future -ineanis tliousands and tliousands of new homes, a boomn which is predicted to become evident in 1965 and really on the move by '67î We now ask ourselves if Orono is going to be prepared for "lis development. Municipal water should be one of the main con. ierns in thîs préparation. Without it we will be a backward com. r-nunity witli little to offer. During the past five years the assessinent in the Village o! Crono lias increased by $100,000.00 or a 20 percent increase. Dev- elopinents such as this reduce unit cost of municipal services to the individual and would do so in the case of installing municipal water. For, example, wliere today it would lie necessary to impose 'a five milI rate to retire a debt, in f ive years this could be reduced Io four, tliree or possibly even two milîs. This of course would lie dýeternined by the amount of new building and expansion which increases your assessinent figure. It is quite reasonable to beleive that the unit cost o! water at $1.00 a week would reduce every year with our growtli. It lias proven to lie so in Hydro and would also prove so with Municipal Water. Ble progressive .... vote YES for wvater. TIhe W.A. of Orono United Churcli are having a Turkey Dinner on Wednesday, November 2nd, in the Suniday Sehool Auditorium. J Supner wîll commence at 4.'30 p.tn. Prive: si-50 and 75e for child- ren under 12 years of age. d-33-c Bowmanville Choral Society will present a cocrti thé Kendal Un- ited Churcli on Friday. October 28th at 8:15 p.m. Admission 50e anid 25c. This is under the auspices o! the Woman's Association. b-c Kendal United Churcli Anniver- sary Tiantk-Qfering Services, Sun- day, Ootobe, 16, 1960. Guest speak- ers: 11:15 a.m. Rev. T. R. Norman, IB.A. of Ajax; 7:30 p.m., Rev. D.i Wyoodhouse B.A. of Port Hope. Spec- ial music liv Kenidal Choir. Wednesday, October 19 a liot Turkey S will be served.' Ad- missioni: $1.50; Sclio.À children 75c. The W.A. of St. Saviour's Chuircl are holding a sale of home cooking, aprons, fanicy work etc. in the Par- ish Hall, Saturday, October 29th, -oinmencing at 3 p.m.. Afternoon tea' will be served for 40c. b-c IThe Kiby United Chureliha k jOffering Services will be lield Oc- tober 30tli. 1960. Services at 2:30 Iand 7:30 E.S.T. The Rev. Walter Togan. B.A, B.D.. will be thé guest. ýspeaker. Special music in thé after- 1aoon witli Mrs. I. J. Thompson of ~Port H~ope as guest soloiet; ln the Jevening the Orono Choir «vill lie in Jattendance. A cordial invitation is exteiided to ail to enjoy these-'er vices witli us. - The Corporation of the Township of Clarke NOTICE TO THE ELECTORS Take notice that the Counicil of the CorpQrationon of the Township of Clarke by it's BY-laW No. 1362 passed on the Nineteenth day of September, 1960, has enacted that there be sub- mitted to a vote of the, electors of the Police Village of Orono a Question of which the following ie a true copy: "Are you in favour of the application~ of the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono for a cont.ract between the Corporation of the Township of Clarke on behalf of the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono and the Ontario Water ResureComsinfrac pet municipal water system being installed in the said Police Village of Orono at an estimated cost of $1 75,000.00." And take notice that the said Council by its By-iaw No. 1363 passed on the Fourth day of Octaber, 1960, has appointed that the vote of the said electors on the said question shall be taken on Monday, the Thirty-first day of October, 1960. between the hours of 10 o'clock of the forenoon and 7 o'clock of the afternoon, Eastern Standard Time. at the foîîowing place and by the following deputy returning officer and poil icerk. Polling Place Orono Municipal Building Deputy Returning Off icer Mrs. Ephriam White Poil Clerk Mrs. Mary Morris And take ntice that on Wednesday the Twenty5lixth day of October, 1'960, at the hour of Three o'ciock of the afternoon, Eastern Standard Time, at the Council Chambers in the Township Hall at Orono the head of the said Council or a member of it appointed for that purpose by its resolution, wili attend for the purpoce of appointing, if so requested, two persons to attend at the final summing up of the votes on the said question by the Cierk and one person ta attend at the polling place on behýalf of the persons interested in and desirous of promoting voting in the affirmative on the saidj Question and a like number on behaif of the persans interested in and desirous of promoting voting in the negative on the said Question. And take notice that on Mgnday the thirty--first day of October, 1960, at the hour 0f Nine O'cloGk of the afternoon at the Council Chamioers in the Township Hall at Orono the Clerk of the Municipaiity wiIl attend and sum up the number of votes gîven in the affirmative and negative and delare the recuit of the voting on the said Question. And take notice that a tenant who desires to vote on this matter muet deliver to the Clerk. H. E. Milîson, at thie Township Hall at Orono, not later than the Tenth day before the day appointed for taking the vote, a 'declaration made in accordance with the provisions of subsection 3 Of section 276 of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1950, Chap. 243 an d AmIend m entc thereto. And take notice that any Corporation wishing to appoint a nominee to be added to the vot- ing list must, according to law, file with the Clerk at Orono an appointment in writing not later than the Tenth day befare the date on which the said vote shah be taken. And take notice at any time flot later than Five days before the day appointed for taking the vote, a )udge, upon the application Of any person whose name is entered on the list of voters prepared by the Clerk or of any person entitled to be entered oni that liet may strike from the list the name 0of any persan who le dead or whose name has been wrong- fully entered on t, and may add teo the lit the name of any person whose name has been wrongly omitted fram the liet or who, if a tenant, though he Iiad not made the declaratian prescribed,- by subsection 3 of section 276, establishes that he has the qualification prescribed by that section. And take notice that if the accent of the eiec tors is obtained the Question set out herein wil bc taken into consideration in regular meeting of Council commencing at Three o'clock in the afternoon on Wednecday the Sixteenth day of Novemnber, 1960, ta be held in the Council Chambers hi the Towvnship Hall at Orono. Ontario. And further take notice th-at 1, the under- signed, hereby certify the above Question ta be a correct statement cf the Question sub- i-nitted. Dated t-ils 6th day of Octoýer, 1960. H.E.Milison, Cîerk. one aduit. ,Box 21 Orono Times Office a-c flamiltons hIsurance Service Incurance in ail its Branches Auto., Package and Composite Policies, Fire, Farm, Life, Burglary, Liability, Marine, Accident and Sickness, Windi, Baller, Fidlelity Bond, Etc. Sadie Hamilton Phone, Orano IR16 IFIRST MORTGAGE LOANS Orono Electric PHONE 129 D SECTION tP@eimlD~d PENFOUND-At Oshawa General CLAS I FIEEr Hospital on Saturday, October l5th I 1960. Estella Penfound. R.R. 1. Newv-' FOR RENT castle. Aged 32 years. Daugliter of A four roomed Bung-alow on the late Mr. and Mrs. Sinon Pen- Cobb Hill. Owner at house after 6 found and dear sister of John F-. rn. and Roy. bothi of Toronto; Mluriel Oliver Knapp Jr. a-pn (Mrs. M. H. Staples) R.R. 1, New -___ castle; Clarence, Courtice and J.ý TO GIVE AWAY Allin, Oshawa. Service was held ini Beagle Hound pup, 7 mon tls old. -the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow'ý-i Brown and white. manville on Tuesday, Octo)ber l-8th Phone 14Ir8, Gronoý.a- at 2 o'clock., Interment ÏDowmavile b Cemetery. a-P BAKING SALE CARD 0 F TI-ANKS The Orono Girl Guides atnd Mr. Tom Lewis would like to Brownips ire ïi)lcing their Annuafl :hank the g-irls who assisted 'witli Bake Sale this Saturday, October !-cna f' the, Canadlian Insti- 1ý;' 2tnd at 2:30 p.m. The sale will be tute for the Blind on Monday right, I held in the basemnent of the Orono also. those who donated to this1 United Chureli. a-c cause. -A sun of $132.75 was sub- J WNE ORN scribed. Tliank you. a H Ated o DTo raarNt o COMING EVENT hýro)undfloor' , unfurn-ishied - for GRAVEL Highway No. 2, Newcagtle area, 95 acres, tests Gradle B and H.L. No. 3. Modernized stone liouse, 6 rooms, bath, oil furnace. Barns. $39,50() ful purchase price. Good cash pay- ment required. For further infor- mation contact HAROLD W. MAVES Hu. 1-3391 Evgs. HU. 8-4603 J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS LIMITED, REALTORS 46 Eglinton Ave. East, Toronto. H U. 1-3391 JACOBSEN - SIMPSON Furniture Finished and Refinished Painting and Papering Cupboards Built PHONE ORONO 1413 or NEWCASTLE 4371 c-c FURNITURE SALE The undersigned lias received in- struction- from the Estate of the late Edna Underwood to seil by Public Auction on Saturday, October 22. Sale to be held in the Orono Coin- munnity Centre. Bedroom, living room and kitchen furniture, electric, stoveý refrigerator, Bendîq Auto- matie Washer, complétely over- hauled. vacuum cleaner, glassware, dishes, rugs, linen, McClary combin- size crib, perfect condition with Jbest spring mattress, --cycle power Law T i wher. etorc., CONTRACTORS FOR î w[ I uýeieu FARM and 110115E Terms cash, no reserve. WIRING iJack Reid, Auctionr Free Estimates 50NA APPLIANCE SALES FEEDER SALE Prompt and Guaranteed Repaira The Durhiam Farmers 7th Annual t. ail kinds of Electrical EquiPmerit Fali Feeder Sale. To be sold by and Appliances Publie Auction in the heart of the Sq- as Motors- Water Hea*.#f Good Beef D:strict at the Durham- -Radios- Stoves - Irons County Sale Arena Orono on Thurs- -day, October 27 art 1:30 pm. sharp. MonnM ntS ad 500 head of choice Durhiam and Monu entsand Hereford Steers ranging in weight f rom 500 - 7(X0 lbs. each. Stock r 1 calves, open and bred heifers, grass Farnil âlem rials calves, Service 'Bulis. Our quality and service leaves This is a Farmers' Producers Aue- nothing ta be desired tion where buyer and seller meet Ask the person who bought fram us- each year. 70% of cattle sold at, a neighbour, friend or relative these sales go to repeat buyers. There must be a reason. The RUTTER GRANITE This is without a doubt the finest COMPANY consigninent of catte we have ever 73 Ontario Street loffered for sale. Ail cattle sold- in PORT HOPE 1suitable lots by the Pound. Your at- IlLargest Display in Southern tendance will be greatly apypreeiated Ontario" Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, Auctioneer. A. F. MeKENZIE, M.D. PHYSIC IAN and SURGEON Office Kours S2.00 te 4:00 p.ým. 7h00 to e o nli appointinents conly PHONE 1471 LOST Black and tani female hound, lost eastof Orono. Finder please Tbdone Orono 14211. a-c FOR SALE Table Turniips, 75e a bushel. P'hone linlO. Ormoo a-p FOR SALE One pair lady-,'s ioln Shoes, .;Zc7, iused lonce. Cail G'ft Shop. Oronio. a-c FOR SALE 2 furrow Fleuryý Plow for sale. -Jack Ogdlen, phone Clarke 2222. FOR SAL.E Sweet Apple Cidler for sale. 75eý t gallon. Albert Pos. Phone 223ý7, Orono. a-c ORONC Orono, Oi*. LEÂL Law rece C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phonîes: Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-55W3 W . K*Y LYCETT, B.A. 1faerister -Solicitor In the Offices of R. R. Waddell Q.C. I MAIN ST., ORONO Telephone 138 Orono L. J. SKAIFE Chartered Accouitant BY APPOINTMENT$ Lycett's frsurainc. Ofice P.O. Box, 63, Orono Phone 12518 INSURANCE Cenerai & Lie SEE FRED LYCETT OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO Phone 12516 Rs 11716 JACK REID Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture. Sales Conquit me for terni and, dates Phone 5 r- 18 - Oroiu TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of al lunm and at reasonable rates Communicate with him at Port Perrr, Ontario- j LEARN TH1E FACTS 0f PROFITABLE WOODIOT IIARVESTING... PICK UP TOUR BOOKLETS AT i ýj"ROLPH HARDWARE Saturdays and WodnesdaYs bY DR. R. J. TAGGART VE TERINARY SURGEON OFtONO WEEKLY TIMES Phone 10616

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