Durham County Liberal Association' A'NN"UAL MEETING AND ELECTION 0F OFFICERS ORONO TO WN HALL Tuiesd-ay, Novcuerbarl 1960 - 8:3J Pa. The Nonolurable Wôlter E. Mar-is Minister of Finance in' the Las, Liberal Governnent Othe-r Speakers EVERYONE WELCOME E. R. LOVEKIN RUSSELL HONEY IlPresident Secretary-Treasurer Cj OD SAVE THE UE CAKE DISIIES Fire King Copp(ýr Tint Oven- ae,2-year qurarantee againist ô- yen reakge,8 inchnes squarýe. Reguar $,15.sale Price 75(7. CASSEROLES- Fire King Copper Tint Ovenware Ca'-seroles With division, gua-ran- teedagis oven breakage. Regular $1.25. Sale priCe 75c. GLASS DECANTERS :2 only - Crystal glIass ail-pur- pose Decaniter-s, ylooly. egar$1.29 Sale Price 75c. PLASTIC DUST PANS Along with 3 Dish Cloths Eveninge Frlday & Saturday Open ^il Day 75c. nsti other features of a typical carrnage. The motor is a 2-cycle engine sim- ilar toa lawn inower_ motor. Thiq fuel is a mixture of oi1 and gas. The vehicle hias Iwo speeds forward and1 Ia reverse. The machine was macle in the United States and 1$ one of the first such vehicles. LOCAL NEWS Weekend guests with Mrs. Ken Gamsby were -Mn. and Mrs. George Flegg-, Oshawa, Miss Barbara Bath- gate. Bowmanville and Doug. Gams- Guests with] Mr. and ïMrs. . Kbg -~ owere MJiss Mýaily]n Kinig, Nurse-in YOUJ CAN BEGIN riTraining at the Es ýnrlHs U o pital, Toronto, Mr. John Galbraithi, CARER TRAININGO J Newmarket and Air. andlc Mrs. Jii o Gamisbyv, Oshaw\a. AT ANT TME î I iss Jo Ann Rutherford and Miss fl Jan1e Suttoni, Toronto, spent the UTeOshiawa Business Colleg-eo weekenid with th~e former's 'parents isopen ail yeair and ou.adMs .13 uhrod g metho ofindividualur [M ~ r~tutinpermits you to M\r. and Mrs. Grant Moffat and start ut a 1).7-time ufamijjly, Oakýville, visltedl over the I ___________ wekend with Mdr. and Mrs. Win. DySehooIjIl Courses f rom U~uft jwhiich to choose M.aVdd Mis. Wmi. Biiey, Tor- o oto spntSund icay with Mis. Hari [Bailey, Wyeand 1Mary Lynn. 1 E ENI1N G CLASSES j TUESDAY ai-d THURSDAY fjMs J. ýfî'. Stevenson returned S7:00 to 9:00 p.m. ID hoeme on Saturday after- spending Choice of Subjects [ two weeks in Virginia and Detroit j __________with lier soný, Mr. and Mrs.Har 1 pcilClasses for Steenson Mi-s. A. Lloyd and son, M.aç J q Iosies-Sftosr 3Mrs. Hary -Grady and- son of *,am- p Ten-ge ypits iltoni visited wîih Mrs. E. Grady, ov- ____________er the weekend. M FREE LITERATURE M ir. and Mvrs. Lloyd Ashton,Mr flAVAILABLE ýaiid Mrs. Russell Ormiston and U _________ ftMessrs. Ronniie and Roy Ashton vis- n ited with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Tamï- Il 10Smcetreet North [3blyn on Sunday. S .Nro pn the weekend -vising the latters sister in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bi1llings, Mrs. Hleber Souuen and iairs. iary i£ai1ey had dinner Friday niighit with 2IVr.o and Mrs. Joe Rîckaby and i. and MiS.JaR icay in Toronlto. I MNrs. T. Wilson has been visiting hrdauighteran amily in Ottawa, To-day, Thursday, a joint Remem- brance Day Ser-vice wiIl be held by the Orono Public and High J Schools. The service will be held in the Orono UJnited Chutrcli. On Friday evening of last week over thirty boys registered to play * oceyi te rooMivitem this -coing *-easoil. There are still 1Liýiýby e h ilsglad tnayýb aos t a later date. The Orono Badminton Club are O1 holdCing anl organîlzationlaleingMs hs-CrsmsCrs h ie iday in th!e Comml-unity Cen- 13Don't Ms hs-CfitnsCrdTePie ltre Pln o atten1d to, assist \with ~ci-est Assortment. 51 beautiful Christmas Cards prmtino this sport in or- 13 with Envelopes. Regular -box 69c. This week 59c. 1 n.1896 i u3 Windowv Shades, washable Cellulose fibre, w7idlth 90 Cuar In Orono iIn 36 inches, length 70 inches. Colours wie ceam fi Duîng thepat ront ~ o sand and gen Complete with Roller and cal itizns ave een iewng t HjBacket's. Reguflar each I.39.This vweek . S$1.12 the new 1961 moidel cars a]s they J drie;aong -the b-ay.Over fthe' Nl tour 1ilng'2t1'e- Or.olo Mi tre.This NvIn Hs emesM'icro-Me-sh Plain Ki-it, auto, or hosls ahgdates U i amd Save t Li "' 1 67c bak o 1896 r 7aqdis konas O hgetqaiy u u lu a tven D1urea. 2 pair s-ellîng for.. ....... ...........12 9 The ca is ondby Martin Sis-,O sýons and is being ca(red-for v fle. AlsofOronlo.jTra- Mr.Sisdn rcenlyCandy Tet Fresh Coo aassorted -Wýith thle h1oîseless carageinPhilidel. craman jelly centres. This W-eek .. pound 49C p1)ia whrele 'came lupon it in a U'l wrcigyard where ilt was almost TA covered wýith other piarts andi de- DIl~ T ~.~~u~ bis. The car was brought b Oronio f$1.0efUST the Later part of last ee and is . no i unin peato. f OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGSO For thie past t ent eas fthe carw was neyer in operation aNI r. 11) olyv-1:2 inchsqureCush- *J~eu1a~1.50 sale Price 75e, W ASTE BASKETS In Jvory, black or-turvquoise. 1Ideal for any room in the house. Regular 79c. Saile Price 49c. 836 inch size, ye 1- o blu-e pr.edIOmIinating Sale Price 19C. DISHES 5 onily - Place Settings, floral desigii. Each setting contains 1 cupl, 1 saucer, 1 dinnier plate, 1 bread and butter plate and 1 cer- eal dish. Sale Price, per setting ... $1.25 Store Openm ruAm&ngsA^11Day rongs Monday M Ziucii s ,;aet(,,-, ii took ny w hiours to hiave it runnling< af ter ar- riigat hiis garage in Orono, The vehlicke is tru a oless craeWith carniage Nwheels and PARTNEPLUMBING & IIEATING 0 AONOI ONTÂ-RIO Jet us instali a new Iow-cost, fully guaranteed 011 FURKACE f or safe, dpnaâle ail-heating eomfort à only $300.00 - Convenient Budget Terms ~A- Iow as $30.00 down *Up ta 5 years ta pay AIWAYS LOOK TO IMPIRIAL FOR THE BEST THaiIS'll§týWEEK.S SPrECIALSï Corduroy Jeans, Boxer style, assorted colors sizes 3 to 6. Regular- $1.00 for...... 88e.1 0JPanties, Ladies' Cellàsuede, Band leg, white or Jpink. Size medium or large. Reg. 59c. - 2 for 99c. Shirts, Men's Printed Cotton Flannel, sanforized assorted colours and patterns. Sizes medium, UNITEDI 1URCH. Orono Pastoral Charge Minister R-ev. B4sil i-oig SUNDAY, NOVEMBER l3th CHURCH SÈRVICES Oronlo-- 11:00 a.m. Armnistice Service -- 7:00 p.m. I4eskard -2:00o p.m.- Kirby -3:00 P.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL OroOnO - 10:00 a.m. Klrby -2:00 p.m. L.eukartj - 1:00 F.M. Ail Kinds of- SHEET METAL WORX ' i PLUM1BING FIXTURES, PUM-IPS and PUMVP REPAIRS PIPE and FITTINGS I DRAIN CLEANERS BiH ANSEc 13.-H. PINTUSES. STOVE AND FURNACE PIPES Made t Order Poe11816 O 'IOitai N N N N N N N N N N N . . . ....... ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THURSDAY, NOVEMEý 1étIÇ PHGNE 1792