e p t- t- t- t- ORONO WEEKLIY TIMES (Authorized as Second Class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa) Roy C. Forrester - Editor and Manager Subseription payable'la advance InCanada $1.50 In U.S.A. $2.50 Establishied in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Publishied every Thursday at the office of publicatio)n Main Street, Phone 109, Orono, Ontario EDUCATION WEEK' This is Education Week ii- Ontario. organized to increase public understanding and appreciation of education, to in- ,,rease appreciation of the sehools by pupils, to reveal sohool needs aýnd problems, and to encourage and strerngthen co-operation be- tween the sehools and the community throughout the year. Achievement of the pur-poses is souglit ilirougli sucli devices as "ýopen hud' panel discussions, sehool displays, . classroom visits aind soon Each dlay during the week lias a theme. Sunday's, for ex-- aýmple. was "Education, Key to Survivail"; Monday's, the Key to oDccupations; Tuesday's, the key tIo self-developmeünt, inteliectual, mnoral and spiritual; WVednesdlay's was cultural development. The postwar years have seen a tremendous increase la public awareness in education in Canada. In many cases this may be the resuit niy of increased sehool costs, as the necessity of More schools and better pay for teacliers reflected ini higlier tax bis. Ia many other cases ht has been the resuit of the Soviet Union's d1emonstratin of scientifie progress, and a f ear that the Com- munists nmay be outstripping us in the technologicai race. And in mnany cases, we hope, it is the resuit of a better understanding of thie need for, better--educated people to- meet the growing com- plexity of lIfe in an explosive age. Whiatever the reason, the awareness cani only be good, des- pite Plhe fears of somie professionals in education that the amateurs, mnay prove to be too inquiisitive and. too meddling. A system of e- dlucation can thrive on controversayy but it cannot thrive on plac- idity or apathy. There should always bc an atmosphere of divine disonitent about our> sehools, be they elementary, secondary or of uniiversity calibre. We are spending imore money on education - approximate- ly one per cent of total personal income than la 1957. But we have increased our spending on tobacco and alcohol by considerably mrore th1-an that. Stili, thougli money is important. it alone canl- n ot buy a good systemn of education. That can only be obtained if thie public demands higli standards, and our standards could be-~ mnucli higlier. In the 1958-59 periodi, i was estimated that 441,000 teachers i n Canada had less than senior matriculation and one year of teacher training. BIRTH McGEE-MVr. and Mrs. A. MeGee are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Tammie MAetaTh- esa, 7 lbs. 6 oz., on November 3rd, at Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanvilie.1 at Mmeorial Hospital, Bowmianville, a-P B I RTH DENNIS-Bili anid Naniey (nee Haneoek) are proud to announcel the birth of a baby girl. Susan An'-' -ette, S 1hbs. .1 oz. on1 Saturday, Nov- emrber 5, 1960, in Bowmanviiie MePmorial Hospital. Mother and daughter doing weli. a-p O EATH S1 JOHNSON---At Memorial Hospital! Bowmanville on Saturday, Novemn- ber .5, 1960 Albert Alexander Johnr-- son, beloved husband of the late Hattie UTena McNlsh. Age 77 years. Resting at the Barlow Funerali Home, Park Street, Oronio, Ont. Srcefrom the Funleral Home on Monday«\, November 7th at 2:00 p.m. Inlterzienit Pontypool Cemetery. ROBINSON-At Memnorial Hospital Bowmnvileon Suoday, November' 61th, 190 jGïsorge Robinson, New- castie,, aged '78 years, beioved hus- banid of May Lovekin. dear father of Chiarles, Helen (Mrs,. Gordon,ý, White) and Margaret (Mrs. Abner 1 Lanigley). Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- v-ille, on Wedniesdlay, November 9th' atf 2 o'clocýk. Interment Bowmnanville' Cemetery. a-p IN 'MEM OR IAM THURSOAY, NOVEMBER 1 Oth t LASSIFIEO SECTION, KEATING TENDERS Tenders for the installation of a heating system for thec Orono Corn- munity Centre wili fie received by the secretary of (heOrono Police Trustees, H. E. Milison, until noon, Tuesday, Novemnber 22nd. Plans for the system rnay be receivTed from Mir Milison at thec TownshipOfie Orono. Lowest or any teInder not necess-i arily accepted. Orono Police Trustees FOR SALE Powder blue. lace over satin semi- formai dress for sale. Worn o)nce au ~T~dflgatt~ndnt.Size 12-141. Phone 1421, Orono. a-p FOR SALE A chrom- le0 set, consîsting ,)f table atid four M1h1r 0 in, a- lv niew. As sall Cook stove. Phonie 14R8', Oronio. a-p JACOBSEN - SIMIPSON Furniture Finished and Rfnse pairitin-' -i dPpr Cupboards Built PHONE ORONO 1-413 or NEWCASTLE 4371 HELP WANTED LOST Dark grey Persian Kitten. Mrs. R. Taggart, phione Oronio. 1062, a-p FOR SALE 1 Steam Bolier. in AI condition. New flues. Phione Blackstock 96R12 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ORONO WEEKLY TIMES c-37-p1 PHONE 1471 SWEET APPLE CIDER FOR SALE Albert Pos, phone 2237, Orono. Will deliveV- in town, 75c a gcallon,. b-36-c AIJCTION SALE Farm Solid TIractor and tracýtor m-iachiniery, Combine, Baler, Feed etc. Thie property 0, f Josephi Crawford Lot 1, Con. 5, Darlington Township.. ý mrileS w'est and 1 mile north of 9ron,.ýo. Saurdlay, Nvme 12 ai 1-00 p.m. Cattie, Feed, Machinery, Jack Reid, Auctioneer HORSES BOARDED« Horses boarded Lazy J Ranch. Reasonable rates. Horseýs drawvn, wvithiin a imited range. Jack 1-ous-J ton, Millbrook, phone, 523,22 after- .FIRST QUALITY ONLY AlumnumWindws.Doors. Awn- ings, Railîng-s andj Sectionai Grag Doors at owest os.sible pric. rg Sel-Air Aluminum o)f mink peits. TlpHon)ICe 9 ring 15 36p 1642.a- I BALL-In loving rnmory of a deari hiusb>and and father, James B3ail, NOTICE who passed uvay November 14,1Dgwesaeîfomdta h 1959. Dog By-law la thie Village of Orono, Thiough y our smile lias gone is stili in effeet. Owners are askedj forev,,er to keep their dogs tied to avoid cost, And your hand we cannot toudh i of having thiem picked Up. We have so many mnemories Of you dlad, we iov,,ed so mu.ch. Lov iingiy remem'beredc by wife POPPY SALE and fimlly. a-pI D.1 . jIN MEMORIAM CQRNI\ISH -Iniloving -memory ofa deoar wvife and mother, Elizaibethl Corniish who passed wi Nov. 11, 1959. A sulent thouglit, a secret ea, Keeps her memiory ever dear..rl Time takes awaly the edge of grief Eut memory turns iback every leaf. Sadly m-issed by 1Heniry, lauad Dorothyv, Joyce and Gord, Car-ole alid Lavýerne. a-p ('ARD OFN IANKîif line L/,,vrnv/ii ie 'U i i /Line Caniadian Legion will conduct-theiri anniual sale of Poppies in ron this Friday evening- and Saturday. Your support wvill be appreciated. a-c COMING EVENT Evening Auxiliary will meet as usuial on Thursday, November 17th in the Sunday Sehool Auditorium of Oronio UnitedChucl.Mrs.Leo BIron of Lindrsa y will lectIure and show films of Finland and ani in- vitation fias been extenided to thLle other Church groups to attenid and enijoy anf evening planined by the t '~ ~ slipi." Please plan to jofli us and III I would like to say thanks Vo Drs. bring along a friend. a-c MecKeazie, Guli and Rundie, the NusigStffad yspecial nurs- - O MIN G EVEN TS Ses for- the wondclrful care and at- epStraDcmr3do- - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tention I Treceiv'ed w'1e i a atient in KepaudaDcmr3dopm J- g moral Hspial, owmnvil?. n to attend thle Annuýal Bazaar and to il rindswl' mde nour Tea sponisored by the Ileathier So- N O M INand vNils, sent cards and lhelpedial ttClub, - 9g 50many ays.a-p _________________________________ . S MofatCOMING EVENT oNotice is j-ereby given to the Municipal Electors of the g CAR O0F THANKS There wl be an AmsieSr _____ve at the 1United Chur-chl, Oro01o,J g U wih t thak al m frindson he vening of Nove-mler l13tho w;0p.m. Ail ex-servic encand PoieVillage of Orono s't) lwr n fsdr n oen jare isked to ri-Mee-Ilt he 3 ~in the Township of Clarke bhafI euie een lle s () lso ec!a! df1o'sHl al adayn tht1lcomplianýe )with the Statutes in that bhU thanksýi Ie ai- p;ý.T alal o the presence of thne said Electors at the Orono Municipal ui- staIff of the-oot optl. e-mv f a :0p.sapto - in1g in the said Police Village of Orono at the hour rinOn. ardili o the CeoahtIlacr) the- ni Bob Thomas ~wreaths. Te aad ill thn mve 'i of seven o'clock p.mn. o n UDot,_________________t teChrh o te7:0o'lc gh C l s e r v ic , .I fb 3 5, 7 : ý J c o c g for the purpose of nominating fit and proper persons for the nre n tf'o hr iln i off ice of o:ositl,îls fiens Indneigli- vice at the Uie hrlOoo bo)urs for cardls, gýifts anJ may o the evIeing -,of :oebrlt g o ctsof indnss urig mysta inat 7:00 p.m. Ail ex-service mnen n the hospital anýd since returnlng wmnaeakdt etu h home.eOddfecew'srHalleeal0 and anyon ThD oieT ute Willis Barrabaîl else takîng part. The parade will for the Polibe illiage f0rý) f «Ihal icor are hereby o __________________ oe off at 6':30 p.m. sharp ILo if a greater number of candidates than required to f ili the said o CARD 0F THANKS * Wreaths. The parade wl then*move offices, are Inomynated and maki-, the required declarations, polis t h hrhfrte70 'loc w%,ill be opened in the foîlowing places ,, W;iht xrs u prca evc.b5 lj ion for the many(-ts ofl kindniess g ~~ and expression o 0smptyan g iI~rnolV uncpa B il in GJondoiclen(e etndbyouï' friends BADMINTON. MEETING O ro-ïo M un cip l B ild ng o and neighibours during jche recent An, o)rganizationaji metig f the illness and deathi of our derfte.orono Badminiton clb wvill be held in the said Village of Orono on ï\T inia, Ben Mladill and family. on1 Frlday even-ing, 8:15 p).m-. liten a-p orolloComni Centre. Those in- g C OND)AY, E) ECE mBEi"R 5; G lafis may be made for, the coming ýj CARD 0F THANKS selason. Anl intelencub meethingis g and vwilý be open fromannolnr 7 cîc<pm woîiik otnkeeynevleo 10 o'clock, a.m. uni 'lc ..being hIeld ths Sunday!la BoWmnan.' an n lngr foteir man a ofkindry ne s, letgarran1ge inter-club vîsits. ~calls, glîts, flowers and cards, Spec- g Given under my hand this lth day of Noveýmbe-r, 1960. oial taîst r.M eZe Dr. COMING-EVENT OfficePG undie anld nursinlg staff dIngI The Leskardl Womian's Association H. E. MILLSON, Returning Oficr stay la Mvemorial Hospital.~ Thaniks are hoIlding1 a Pot Luck Supper on g G ~again En a-p Wdedy November l6th at, 6:00 EdaMercer o'ýoç!k. Pictures will be showýýn fol- lowinig tIe supvpe. ac Monu mental Work, Phione Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whithy FINE QIJALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Let us erect a bandsomne, dig- nified monumen.t over the rest- ing riace of yeur Ioved onies. It's flot expensive. A.nd seaing this last tribute wiII ulve you endiess comfort. Il Building a lieuse? -r remodellinci Vour presenti One then contact FloydNihlo Phonfe 2191 Orono Foundations and Septic Tanks pre.Forms avaiiable. WALTER FRANK iVICQUAY and KIDO REALTORS 177 Church St. Bowmiranville MA. 3-3393 1Hlami-, î1l cogs lesurance Service insurance in ail its Branches Aut., Package and Composite Policies, Fire, Farm, Life, Surglary, Liabiîîty, Marine, Accident and Sicicness, Wind, BolIer, Fidelity Bond, Et. Sadie Hamîliltoru Phone, Orono IR16 FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS OROHO -DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINARY SURGEON Phone 10616 Oron., oqr, LMÀL' Lawrence C. Masotn, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVIL.LE, ONT., Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-5553 W. LAY LYCETT, B.A. Damrister - Solîitor In the Of fices of S R. R. Waddell Q.C. MAIN ST., ORONO Telephone 138 Orono) tJ. SKAIFE Chartered Accouat BY APPOINTMENTS Lycett's ',fjsurance Office P.O. Box 63, Orono, phone 1251t INSURANCE Ceocrai & Lf SEE FRED LYCETT OFFICE -MAiN ST., ORONO Phone 12516 Res. 11716 JACK REID ( >roi ifreme Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for ternis and dates Phone 5 r 18 - Oreiw TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Condlucts Auction Sales of ail aium and at reasonabie rates Communicate with him at Port Perrv, Ontario - Monuentsand FanilyMemoris Our quality and service leaves At.n othing to be desiî-ed Akhe person who boughit from Ms- a neighbour, friend or relative The RIJTTER GRA-NITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE "Largest Dispay ini Southera Ontarto" Orono E" c'c PHONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR 1'AR-Man 11S Free Estim-ates APPLTIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed RepaIrs to ail kinds of Electricalý Equipment and, Appliances S 1 ch as Motors Water Heat-rs -Radios -Stb.ve - Irons A. P. MCKENZIE, M.iD. PHYSICIAN and SUgiGEON Office Heurs 2:00 to 4.00 p.m. 7:00 t . 8:00p.m. Saturdays and Wednesdays by appointments only