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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Dec 1960, p. 6

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AND SEXY"~ - Rosaonna Schbaffino, 21, is a double tre-at in a i which she pîays twin siste-rs. The Ronan gM has been called Latin womion in Europe. u ding Sport-; ýrnationa alil-i dli 'be beld on and 18. Many s of dogdom rid the Uaitedé lispiay. Indoo.,r iii be another le. througbout ,he dog shows. dest 9gMan -y yaung man Robert May- eajoys nothi- -0iling bis cat- ýlaying Arheri- mores. lRe bas ýrything fro-n o Mcçarthyv- television ta football. iîs ýe steady siide, rd intellectuai lecture audij- ersity in Med- bait hle meaniS sident of the ýblic tickcd olf nang them: tiomelFter, anl ,eaped by the -anstan, 1.I fluitchins. "Its placed Lbefore ermnits group, lhe emibarra ss- Youi press a m iaybe. The group wbat il. r, a ma er you miay essive sales- r' movemnent, hurches and 1 mrnbarri- ýroirms yourii and you do any pcrsov,-a1I ach wiýth the in. Hlm a ? "A I1i1e la is ùoir Univç;r- lor. The nericans hins,1 iý ta the tdcation he con- catian 1 ýured lin ýeed no, LaI. Edt,- s davel- Tol be mir- da y In and we ta hlave necessary eipt of a it some iPSO il This is Christmas. the hap- py tiime .t.Ithe time to send your greetings once agýain. Wlu-en mast o-1 the work 13 done; decorations in place; par- cels wrapped; Christmas cards away; then ecomes the timie ta 1snatch a few minutes of quiet- ness -ifîwe can - and reflect upon the reaison for it ail. We havc ta assure ourselves there is a reasan back of tlhe comrimer- cialismn, behind ail the geýtting and giving, the redundant sing- ing of carols and variaus t 'ypes of celebrations. If we pause f ôr a moment we shall realize that lt al stems from ian, instinctive need for expressing thanks that goes back nearly two fhouslanid years; ta the timne when the Wise Men heard of the birth of Christ. An-d you kcnow what happened then. Because they were glad ni their hearts they feit the need of outward eiNpressiani as proaf of inward re-joicing. Sa they gather- Pd together what they considered choiece iftS ta present ta the 1In- fant Jesus., And inthatwath giving of presents ta those we love bas become symbolic of aur regard for thiem. It is a lovel.y custani - -when kept within bouiids. Too o-ften it isn't. To often we forget that love can- nat be mieasured în rdollarsý and cents; by- extravagant gifts or by, garish creetings. By contrast a gift prom-rpted by love alone is often simiplicity itself, Or it imay be just a card, or a letter ta someone whomi we want ta re- member - and whamr we wn ta !et know Ëhat he or she i e rnembered. Thet-re now, don't you think it bas been worthwhile takiig these few miinutes of quietness ta remiember the origin of Chirist- mi-as; ta rcmind ourselves tIhat it bas a very djef laite mncaning for us; that la this age of canflict- iag "sm"and "ologies-" the Christmias mnessage af love, hope. and goad flowhpstili en- dures. Intio this short period af quiet- niess an-d peace mnay 1 send along- my owa message ta ou, the raad- ers af this calumn. The letters .1 have received fromn you frin timne ta timie make mne feel very close ta soime ai yau. To the dear aid lady who was so giad ta býave belp la threading ber needies; ta th-e maay who bave asked advice about the use af a hearing aid; and ta therF who b-as iess urgent mnatters in which they ýneeded a littIa frieadiy ad-- výice. To alai you, and ta every reader of this columa Partaer ani I sead aur very best wishesý for a HappY Christinas and a NIew Year that wihl brlnig yau iacreased happlness,-goad hat aInd prolspeýrty. We know vyou, ome and ail dsreit. Wclntit îbe wnef if sorneform )F electronics wr posibl sot tby Vgiving 'a sig- nal we ucoid vst hothlu'i n aur homries by siIght and sotund?. Just imalginie if youngmarie autai amang I119 women teach-ers warn have tîraded the lights and com- forts of civiizat 'ion for the' coit and snow of life in the North-. She weat ta her first northerni post 12 years ago when Cana- dian goverrament schools open- ed la the Northiwest Territories, at that turne starting the first -scbool at Fort McPherson la the Mackenzie district, la Septemiber Miss Hinds left, Ottawa bou.nd for hier new post at Wakehamr Bay, a tiny coni- munity on the shores cl Hudson Strait where before been a sziool. That Lhe would be the oniy Englîiý-_ speakig persan there worried *ber not' at ail1 because she speaks Eskimno as well as French, Ital- ,an, and Swedish. Eskimno ac- cents, she says, differ, and Eski- inas oftea slur their words as do their fellow Canadians ta th.e south, mnakîng it difficuit ta unî- dlerstand the,ýin-. Miss Hitids' affecetion for th-e North began mnaay yearsao when she was teaehing in Eng- land and speat a summrer _Vaca-._ tion ia Laplançi. She loved the country and made mnýy friends there, returning the aiext suir, mner whea she toolt part la the hering of reindeer calves at, brandiag time. The peopl,a-) course, are like people the world over, and an Eskimo student is rio different framn a stu dent ia any oth-er- school.. Some are- good at their studies, others lazy. ýAs ia anîy *a rural school ta tje Southi, piz- 13ils must walk long diïstanc-es. Last year at Arctie Bay there- x, ere a couple of children h wvalked six ijles a day ta.: schooll across the frozen sea, writes Kay, Rex in theChita Scee Christmnas is hier busiest tiine. La-st year at, Arctic Bay sheý baked and iced .14 Christmars cakeCs aDd made a huge pot of stew for 50 chiidren she invitedJ ta a Christmas party, Ina the North, the eveat af the seaslonl la t 'he Christmas mail drap,, when everYone camnes out inth Arctic darkness ta wait for tpýe Royal Canadfian Air Force plane. The RCAF drops a tree at every settlemnent abave. the tree line, attaching a flashligbt ta each tree so i1 can be seen whenr it lands. A blackt cocker spaniel narred Pin-gua -- which is Eskimo and mneans plaything - has shared -MIss Hiads' Arctic experienecs scePor~t 1Harrison days. She says ta Pingua is wellac- matized ta Arctîc !ife, even fra- ternizes wit-b the huskies ar1d bas been known ta dom-inate them., Miss Hinds, whea interview- ed, was planning ta reach Wak- hain Bay by Ship, crossing Hudi- son Bay fromn Churchill, She prefers travelling ia this miai- ner ta a new cami-muniity, rather,ý than by plane, partly becau-e sle caunts on meeting peaple along the wý,ay wbo kaow t'he area and can tel her sothting- aýbouit it. ~~p~sent, a arious parts oA other teachers arc ýOI mhiuch the saine thing in schbols - r!nPme one-room iai-l selarger -- thiat have sprung up in remote corners of the Nýorth. For these w,,om-en, and for the 103 maie teachers employed in the North, the hours are long ýa the if e rug.ged. Yet it h" acertain attraction, evidenced byv the fact that while a teacher sýhortage hlas existed for yearb ilhroughout the southern part of 'Canada, the North bas a wait- ing list. Consequeatly only thosa, M7ti1 the highest prclessional Qualifications are ch'osen. Square Leads Up ta 1376, pencil leads were souare. R-Qund leads were manu- f,-ctured the next year andi be- ca.ane standard for ail except spe.- cî-ýl purpose wrîtiag iu t e ns i 1 a, such!I as the carpeaters' peacils. Luxury for Linens couples could flip a switch and sece parents an-d graucipnrents, rniybe miany miles away, quiet- 1 y and happlly celebrating Christmnas la their own homnes, And woulld't it be marvel)lous if Grandma and Grandpa could watch t1heir grandchildren on Christmas Day, playing with new found treasures; eyes buig- ing with surýlrise and dcligbt as wrappings taral froni parcels re- veal yet anather reason for squeals of joy and laughter. Mai-Dy- be it is Grandma's first peak ant tbe ncw baby . . . and she stealthily wipesý a tear from ber eye because the baby lookzs sa mucb hlike John did at his ag-e. Why that sbould brin,- a tear ta ber eye she Vwauld ha.lbard put ta explain. Yes, there w.ould ba maay adi- ditiana) joys ta the Cbristmas season if we couid sce and hear those we lave at a time whepn lt is impossible ta visît tbem in thie flash. But it would bave its shiortcomrings too, There are turnes when 1I would hate to bave friends tuning in, on my home activities! H-owever nana of that is passible except ia aur imagina- tion, Closcd doors are -stili suf- filcienit ta protect us froin theL eyes of the warld. Just imagine, if> by a pre-arraaged signal, frieads couiçi visit, us by tele- vision, or some such medium, we should then bave ta rua arawnd,( with a floor mop and duster just as we now do wben we get wvord that uinexpected guests are comn- ing ta cal But, since we cannot s'ec or hear aur -frields by alec- tronic means that makeq it mare than ever necessary that we ce- miember themn by a simali gift, a card, or better stifl, a latter. And sinca thîs coluinn 1irmy anly means af reaahing most of you !et mie once more repeat that agýe-ojld message, that bas lost nothing la its passage thraugbl time - A VER-Y MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A BRIGHT AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. 'Bye everybody - bave fujn. l'il sec you again la '61, Spark a plain towel, scarf, oir pillowcase with pretty flawer3 -and birds lai easy stitchery. Thirifty way ta UýLuxuy! FEnv braý.ider these dainty motifs on yo-ur owa or gift linîens. Pattera 999; tranlsfer 6 1motifs Zx0 inches; color schemes; directions, Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS,, (sýtamps cannot be accepted ' us.e postal note for safety) for this pattera ta Laura Wheeler, Box- 1, 123 Eighteen St., New Toron- tOnt. Print plainly PATTER~N NUMBER, your NAM1E and AD- DRESS. JUST OFF THE PRESS! Sad now for aur cxciting, aaw 1961 Needlecraft Catalog. ve 125 de- sigans ta cra.chat, kait, se,axa- broider, qulît, weav-e -- fash, ions, homafurn5shings, toys, gifte bazaar bits. Plus FREE-instruc. tions for six smart veil capsý H-urry, send 2.5< no-w, tionai he

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