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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Dec 1960, p. 7

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CHAMP'S GIRL - Joan Lauder Tunney, 21, dciughter of for- mier heavyweight champion Gene Tunney, wiliImarry 0 Ncrthweste.rn University ïtu- dent next yeaor. ,a-ble ta o thCe bubbly type 0f thîing. What 1 do mnust have a foudaton.You know, Fra the soiid Swede. People who laughl t my-novies have ta suffer. too. In 'The Beils of St. Mary's,' for example, 1 was a pretty gay Psnd lovely persan, but 1 had tco have .tubercuiosis." Miss Bergm.an wras a skf.el about lier long layoïf f sncc 1958's The Inn of theSit Nappiriess." "For one year 1 linA ftoc) 1wni ot~he'-i hirietzot( part bcauseý mi stuf f,' she ta do0 ties. «fLo't have ta4ý clutel at a dear 1lue. 1-1 Sixth Happi- ils w,,ondet'ful extarîors andl lavish. And d: The turie ta recelit Dima absalute- ive me a sort '27 different ttiie." -Fïofi Q.IOW 'cal] I remOve sOme stains front my mattress? A. Place the mattress ia the sun, then caver the sta-ined area whit a tbick past of starch aand cold waitar. Rub or brush off in ;4n hour or so, or wheri the paste is dry. if -some of the stain re- maýins, repenat. s E s m lu tha script or ie, far fromi ie greot ac- been gainîn. biy have ta e- it's teo frad") and ta add des- skirt on."), as iovely uas he center o0f i from br hen shewa Il ior a small mnd through stic onlook- 1ough nmone-y kaly adept mnage wrît- ta his right ýurned I eft. re hie wenlt md aimised Th)e amnazinig feats of »r. Barbara Moore, who conquered Briitixt, America and Austra1i.î on foot, and thase cf cîeiteerin- year-old Wendy Lewiîs, who won S3,000 by walking £rom John 0' Groats ta Land's Enid, have. had one very successful outcomne. Al the publicity about their foot- siogging has helped people il this jet-propelled, supersonic age to rediscover waiking - mnan- kind's oldest transport systerr. But when it cornes to walking, no one has equalied the acieve- nient of! Plennie Wing-o. This littie mon f romn Abiiene, Texas, with a name like a rock 'ri' rol singer and enough optimnism ta be a rockç 'n' roll singer's mana- ger, did it the hard way. lie set out ta walk backwards round the world, twenty-five years before Spike Milligan even lhought of doing it for Christ- mas. Wingo ran a snmail restaurant iii Abilene but he was forceed out of business ini 1931 because aof the slump. Compietely broke, he went tç Fort Worth~ in search af a Job, but wvork wTas hard to WVhen he had ail but abandon- ed hope lhe rmet sorme cattiemnen who were lookiig -for a mrari ta publicize their àrinual rodeo, It entailed walking through the town with sandwi>ch boards. Wîngo took the job, but found hie wasn't attracting mnuch atten- tion. Sa lie decided ta tr'y walk- i ng backwards. That did the trick. The public fiocked 'ta the, show. Aiter the rodeo was clver Wingo went to colleci, hi5 fec anld iaund ail the cafttemen taik- mug delightedly qboit bis publi- City stunt. "How far could a guy wplk backwa.rdr?" they gsked hlmn. "Well, provlded you didnVt ea. pect me. ta swhn backward-k zcraýsa the watQr, I reclkan I could go round thte ld"Wlnigo ;nswer*d. He 2aid It half-jokingiy; but thte attlemnen took him serious1y end offered hlm $1,000 ta maki a backward circuit a« tht &lob*. A week later, wlth z few "_ sential possessions, a pair ef tougli boots, and dark glasses with hinged mirrors attached zo that -he could see whbere he was going as weii aýs where he'd been, Pltnnie Wîngýo set off frcm Fort Worth. Through Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana and on througlu ta Boston trudged Plennie, put- ting hzs best foot, backward ta telling affect. At first lhe iade slow progress, finding lis cuaint meth1oda(if l)comrotion awkward a.nd weary- ilng over long periods. But grad- ually he became aeeustomned ta ià and his dily mlaeices ed. After two weeks ii leg muý s- cles becamie accustomned ta back- ward walking and he foiund it ri(, more tiring than the usua] mnethodl. Iu fact, quite thic re- verse - sa ta speak. Each day he put mort-an More miles in front of himr un- til between Providence, Rhode Islandi, and Boston Mass., hé set U1P a personal record. lie caver- ed the flortLy-five miles fin jus-t twelve hours. On his backc Wingo wore a sig~n telling of bis atte-mpt ta a itewaiii keep up1 oni board eontract - retrated hi NURSINQ HOMES ý '-7911. 120 H, 1V. ,, am i NUTRIA ATTENTION PIIRCHASERS Of NUTRIA When purehasing Nutria, coidî,,er tié fallowing points, wlbthfis orgar-lz6 itou ofters; . The besi available stock. n-a Cross-, bred or standard types recomimended, lThe reptitatlon of a plan whlch ,grAvïng ittelf substiantîatced by Mies r M'sfied ranchers. -Full insurance eaiirenpacement ghould ihey flot Ilve or, lu the eve;4 et sterility (ail fully explahned in eut certificate of menlt.) 't We give you anly îmttons he o-~ in deimand for fur garmýeîlts. *You rèeceve trom tCAS argoanizatiox a, guaranteed pelt market, l wIn lx M. Yemrbershlp In our exc)ïislve breed- or.' assoclation, whereby only pureh*ý era of tMls stock may participai. lu îth4 jeneflts so offered. 1. Prices for Breeffiug Stock ý atari aS $1200. a pair. gpeclal offerf0to ose vwho qtialfyý erm your Nutria on aur oaperativ# bats.Write: Canadiar ura t, RI. No. 2, Stouffyille, Onitanlo. JOINi CLUO UT 'est L N4 DIXON'f RIMEDY FOr, FAIMS OR NEURITIS. >1 I PRU@ STORE OTTAWA Express Coll*ct teront-siapp hlmi, les large polie, This was more thail warcl trav( Wingo bold bock part, crec papers. Bu flot impre! litile Texa the local Thrown tesqted loud by a man litile Engl ta the Arn two days Inistead tbraugh T I his mmid bock pa He backeé lrne thrau Spain. ther Rare he blis traver. got a lift1 then lie s wards ta Parrt Of th( ISSUE 5Z - 16 pany, Sale, af desert bc Phoenlix. Il t( Finally ha an1d coll2ctec two vears al bis mlarathlor lehal nleye lijury; Ibut Ii les ardy. IL two pairs in1 o.f frociiie xc K b pany;v there dog f01 ahund flirts ta Miss Ber; qo)-workei mot ifri On the îcer, Yul1 erai Cam, )iabby c watclied love s'ea bulo0Us +0a finishelcd,1 ced vr e. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s' N N N N N N N N N N * N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N - N N N N N N > N N N s N N N N N N s s' N N tliey Pl- aL sariOus em to lie

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