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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Jan 1961, p. 2

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xnooU i Dupr. CONE-PICKERS Local News EARN $5000 aot$00a~so i Cone-piekers ernat.ngs Mr'. amci ]Nrs. Douglas IMcGee and year helping the lancis andi forests There t famiy frm th Sother Staesdepartmient in the Linidsay Iarea pro- and teS visitedi last, weel< with his parents, vidce seedlings for future planta- -claia Mr. and M'rs. L. McGee, tiofls. Then gt Daren Wst I~nther ChristI Pickers are paici a variety ofIthe provi] rn-as holidays with lir graindparenits prices, which ranige from i$2a bushel Sown. in Mr. and Mrs. Percy HaYward Of, for Norwayïý Spruce to $10 for Whlite four y earý BownanvilleCdar Ienlough to New Years Iay guests with MUr. Th numnber of conies to a bushel patig ni M.,rs. George Dunlop were Mr.1 runs from 200 for Norway Spruce to Cnep and Mrs. R. Hollingsworth andi Ar-11,0 for White Cedar, with a seeci White Sp mond of Cowanv-ille, Miss Joan, recovery cif fr-om 50,000 to28,00 IAuuist Marshall of Canniïigton, Mir.anpe bushel repcivlýabout the Mýrs. Hlerman Dunflop and Sharon of To) facilitate iniiafl dryingfesl tenthi Scairborouigh, Mr. andiMs Walter fpce oe are spr-ead( on tral Pille, and Rleeve Walkey ppointments to ridge andi also1 itLtees. His ýippo ,oad and Bridgl ýeutv Re-eve Sa\- the year be aihere. rninatiflg it. tures toofix thnm Up. jTne xi-P also asked for more orgaiiizatfoU> miade his aninual within thJe Road EDepartment- the Roacl andl the Finance Corn- Ointment to the e Commnittee wasi The appointment to the Finanke- \-ery and Cournc4l-'Comm-ittee was Coul1ciuors S - aking the appoint- andi FoI-ster who statedi the ae4evV.- miphasizecl the im- will set up a finançial budget 'ferý g a budget at the the Township andi also have under- ancione hichtheir wvin- the Assessor -Jid the rc- 'd t thoughut stritionis avound Msport. He u mate toftheughout both commoittees te considier the p )mmtte wil hvepointments as a job that mus-,-be- 1 - idone ln order thiat the Towiiz'd,- questioned whE maày (j f aith inj to reacli ilSO takes ~nessage te main- friencis --ý 'n te live, communl- family in li he lias k. Jlonticello, ni U.S.A. 20th, 196(0, Dear Friands: As I write this letter I do se with! the idlea of cenveyinig te you MY1 wtish of a joyous Christmas and, years of joy, peace and God's wvill for your lives. 1 trust lt will be hIelpful, encouraging and challeng-1 ýIng to you, that ye- aygveyUr best during yer hest during your' l'ife, no matter wvhat vocation you! ehoose. I recall in rny younger years asý 1 trudged, or rode in a bumpy bus, te seheel that 1 used te wonder, what 1. woul be when I grew up. JLittle did 1, dreamn that 1 would bel iz minister. Iu f act 1 dici nt like te attend S.S. or Church at the age of 11-16 years. But 1 am~ thagnkful now ,o my S.S. teachers, young peoples' leaders andi ministers who were se piatient and encouraged me te at- tend and te "seek first the kingdomn ,af Goci and His rîghteousness". . Then at the age of 16 years I was eliallengeci to accept Jesus as my saviour, which I1 did and shall neyer regret. I can say that it was then Iht my 111e took on new nieaningi and purpose. Jesus gave me new, -nbler andi purer desires in ife. As 1 experieuceci forgiveness for sins, a new joy andi peace came itito my hatand made me determined te giv,,e my best to serve God however, 1Ie would lead me te do. Highi school teniptations often imet nie in the classreom, on 'h football fieldint the gymui and ini social life where sin and immoral- ity abounded. Through. lt ail Jesus helped me. As I read his word. p-rayed and trusted i Hlm1 was able ie suçceed la my studies andi say no te those things that 1 knew were -wrong for~ me te do. 1 feuad many lessons of if e te lern. Often 1 feit ike glvîng Up and doiug those things that the crow.,d or ganeg did but agaixi and again came thé call of Jesus inu my conscience. Se'metimes this wýas found in the bible, a sermon or words of advice from my teachers, parents andi friencis. Now that i look back 1 can see how all these things were necessary and par't of God's Plan. Often 1rI membr puzzling over those ques- tions that çoaifrent young people, ~about occupations, educatioa, ffe, Churcli, ted aund Jesus Christ. -Mfay 1 say that even uow thiere are still questions and probably always wi]1 bc but ne longer dIo they alarml me because I kaaow that1 as m'y life is committed tato God's biandluintrust thiat He wil'l lead ime alid meet ail ny Nprel1emi and 1 must close nowý but before 1 do ~ma3 I encourage you to accept Jesus. Christ as your Saviour., May you 'receive jesus at thils Christmnas lime andi allow lis purp<>ses to bc~ boem lu your ife 50v that yeu niayl Inow lus abiding preseuce and' guiding biaud thl'ougýh this ife. It Is oly as aur live nke»u<d withl Jesus that they will co.uat for etelru- lýty an'd we w11 Ieujoy eternal life. May God ridhly bless yçou eac1i and every eue that hear or vead these -n,,rds of testimêliy. Yussneey D; Hubert LeWeS- when buying k s-a1sô} buildi*ngr Do you ever drive long distances to a BI CITY~ te shopfor "bargains"? If so, you're beating yourself for nothing, beeauso; the biggest bargains can be had right heroe from your local merchants. Flere's why: Every dollar you spend in our towriý does double duty . . . gives you a bonus purchase,ý For it makes you a partner of our hometown merchants ini building a better community for yotu and your family to live in, iThe e4ucational, recreational and health facilities we need for better living corne mostly from the taxes paid by local businessmen. The more business~ they do, the more taxes they pay; the more taxes they -pay, the more of the goodl things of life wil be ours.> So doesn't it make sense to keep your shopping dollars at home, especially when the quality, style,~ selection and price of the merchandise offercd i axe just as favorable? (tiIS MESS$AGE 1$ PUBLISHCD AS A PUBLIC $ERVICE MV HERE'8 110W YOU BKEIT UVDOINQ ,When yêu buy from ub ometown merchants you (jets' 1. I4ONEST VALUES 7. FREEDM FROM ROAO HAZAP.DS 2. AMPLE SELCTION 8. ILIM àffiION OF COSTLY~ 3. INSTANT DELIVERY, -- AkIGROLM SER VICE AND APJUSTMÊtPRIGPOLMS 4. MORE PERSONAL AND 9. AVOIDANE 0F JÔSTLING FRIENDLIER TREATMNÎ CROWOS 5. SAING F TIE 10 THE CH4ANCE TO BUILD 5. AVIO F TMEA- BETTER COP "1iUNITY SV C 'F FROM C0STLY PUTTING Y0UI' DOLLARS .'E- L 7:) WORK H&U t v 4" i~ 'i

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