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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Jan 1961, p. 6

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STREET SCENE IN STRIF'E-TORh Moslem children rush for shelir o:penred i ire ona mob of theuv shoLjled slogans, of the rebelsA of- bliaodshýed lef t î22 persoils d IN THE _M000 - Sophki Loren proveses one of the iast big spenders by corrying with her frorn Romne to Madrid an en- tourcige of peoDple Io satisfy her every w,,h;m. incuded is a mu- 'Siciran ta provide ber with mood mniusic. She's nin Madrid to star with Cliarleton Heston, in "El Cid." pi ic e today ta three cows or The Fon, da.iimýs that hlien I- t,Îtledi to have a e1tcec hiarem accor-ditng ta lawsmal by his ancestors I"ilis ordainied that 1 must have plenty of w ýývcs in the cm oud therwise!the tribe will1 falil upon evil day s i.-e says. Il is ltkonhwmi ch1ildre--thUe Fnluias fatliered But te are numbered ln hu- d1reds. - 'îcom "Tit-Bitsý." Iera llte bgetadvaita-ge ta thc metaiiic type ai Cliriïstm-as tree lia tliat yu ii -t fiind lmiudedJs aitli dcardecd ili the streeýts during tlie si- mnontha fliw fg he hliday se i **- - n jured. theý bacikground asi in Algiers. French g centre of tlh- city w six years, Five pre'v 2P. CtclIcke HaDw do ýyou feel about neigl- bours dropping la ueXPected- iy? Do you take it as a friendly gesture or as interferences? And what is your attitude tow'ards newconiers? if strangers mov i ntû o 5our district are you con- ýernc.d about their camn.gs m-d goings -- and !et tliemi know , 1? 1 arn askia-g these quýestions lie- cause of a letter that appcarcd in a Toronto paper jusercently th-at illustr-tes sa vividly similar situations that I have corne across by living in different dis- tricts, somne by personal experi.- en-ce, ailiers by observation. I, conccrns peopie wlio move ta the cauntry to "get aw:%ay from it ail" oiy ta find tliemiyselves .mare, invalved wvitliatliers tlian tliey ever were liefore. 1! ail arises fromi a m-isýconceptian af country livfingL. I a-m gaingta quofte parts af tlie letter' bec'ause I1 knaow it iwiiil be cf interest ta urban a-ad rrlfaik alike. Here- is tlie- letter - in paqrt. "Iarn a rctire-d singiýe womaîn, in gaad _lliealtli witl a ùpension, th11at gives me enaugli ta IL i on 1 boughit a liause and gari1den .on thle outskirts of a village- - a diream came true. I lave teo gar- der, and witli my cat and dog for campa-ny it liOuldlie anl idealistnc.But imy nleigli- bour.s make it impass-iblJe. Every- one knowvs everyonpelese's busi- ness. i like ta keep mybusiness ta y 1. antwi.sh1ta lie pried anld spied u1-pan. One marai- ing1ci did nat open nmy d Cra-pes as usual. At noa(-n a nieiglibutr camne ave,.r ta See if 1 was alrglt Saidsýhe %was waUrried because my curtains were drawnr but I knaw i, t was jus! an ecuetO came ta the doDor, haping tai be invtfined la s sýà could see the. inside ai myhonse. Haw can I1 keep my nighbours -at aidis- tance? 1 I da't wanit t ure buLt I dan't want tillmSjpyi na me or nerfrngwtl ylife Wel w1lit dou kow tha. tpe, na dOUÏ)t yu avL but tlian1k ganssvteya revew imaginete se-up ' .a frierîd- wrong .1 fol site movesLta a smiailivillage. The ladly-edýitor, in repiy ta her ietter, told -'ý"Miss S.,IW'"shIc shouid be glad o! nleighibaur's interest; that she wias taking thle *w:rang attitude; tha sometime, in tche case c[f;iîrncss or accident, slie mlil-t apprceciate, thei1r inter- est. Hawùtrue. Now; for a few persona) ob- servations that miglit come unl- der tlie headig of "'neighbous h)aveknw . Wlein we f irst came toý thisj district a r-etired couple wýere living- on the property backing aur own. One Cday IMrs ....said ta me, "I ablmost phoned you this miorniing - 1 notiîced your liglt oni in tlie middle cf the niiglit and wa,-ndercd if anyone were sik"Did I 1feec spied upan?' Indceed nait. I feU tliat aur wel- fare was ofin-,m concern toait leas an neiglihour. It was a comforting thougltt anw cam-er in a str.aluge district. Later that sami-e couple moved awyas theiz' property was tak-. en oe for- industrial purposes. Aithlio a ur acquaintance wa3s so recent wefeit as if we adc iotnew-foun"d frienids. 0f course there is unother type of interest ' - neiglibours wlio waVtdli-,ta see wlat gaes inta the bluse uip thie street from deiiv- ery vans. Even thiat I don7t classify- as snaopin. If you like yaur neighibaur you take an in- leres, in lis or lier belngings,-.1 IfanwR ahn maclinte gaes ta M V. ou are giaqd . . . YaU knew SI-e liaJbeen having trou--. bice %itli ler aid one.In tlie csaiac,interes! runssy higli Every one wants ta know tlie mnake anid the modeL. Ail such acqu-isitions evcnitualiy be- corne tapics of neighliaurly dis- cussion!. Even Of greqter cancerfi is the dactar"ý 'sar 7adoto s seen gaing inta a neighlbotir's drvwa t isn't long 'before i re inqiriies as ta wlio is sic - nd i ofulrsean offer M~leIarn wrang but I feel the Onu kind aof ntre 1htlat slol i1eiseted: is wliena pesa ldiîberateiy keeps ta-b on a neghliu o thýe puirpase ai Thtis uinfargivable. Or Mien a neigliiaur cams taac often and systlong.That, toa, h an, infrngemnton one' privacy. Tliere is a happy mcedium that, uan be deterrnined bil par-,Il noncened.A littie tact, a bit ~Mr. Frost took advantage o!) th ainthe George W. colemnMmria l Lecture at thie Ford lHall orm-(o.on- duýct- a wh-imisical camnpaign for a, * "secretary of the arts H-e -would siop tche post office * from labe'l-ing books of poetry "'edutcational aera. "This is flotedctoam- terîal," lhe complained. "iltheý best things, ail the- bigc things are done for their owa sakes and aniy incidentally done for the good things they dIo for people, "Love is love. tsif'or its own self. ',The pC'try I carp for, ïis poetry for lis owfl sake. "My poetry is fIirst of al for those of kifldred spirit, flot ta) comvert anybody, flot 1for any- thing, just for companiionship. "To) comrfart themn, to comfor!t mysýeif." His audience, sno)stly young people, iistened itet î o i poems" and gefltiy laughed, athi comsnents: "Bstn sed taL lie a Purîtan cy, andit has just started again ta be a Purit-an city-. Theresa fresh bur,1st of PurItanism goiing from Boston ta Wýlash-ington. "Oniy a few are poeticaiiy elect, and the rest of them lie- have as if they were. The rest -you cali tleiem hyprocritLes. "Somebody li-as been tellling me 1 generalize toa ncuch in m * poemls. I don't scee1liow I can thïik without gene-ralizin. "Ail 1 ask is that poetry be declared equal taO big busine-ss, science, and schola1,,rslhip." The Vermiont'er cliattedwil lis audience ans if tliey were vis- itors ta lis home. "You mustn't laugli at tIs one," lie warned. "Contrai your- self. It's3 a prayer. "For give, oh Lord, my littIc jokes on Theec And l111 for get Thy gre.--ttbig 0fl ,nme luis warning went unheedIed. The sniatclies of poetry lie ap- peaied ta love the most wr comment s on natuire: "Take this one," bhe toldi his audience. "I vill say it twice s0 you wîi remember it forever: 'IThe wv a crow Shoa l d zon an m The dus! of smaw Froma a hemack tIree For 415 minutes M-r, Frost f ield- ed questions-"thle mûre d-anger- out the better'-in , a waythat PRIN' ci> rape ta rcunnin,g e divided skit !Mate it wltli ýt or cozv swvea- ters f( Prir canI1nLot e euceptect, note for safety!ý) for Please print plainily S ADDRESS, STYLE. Send order ta ANý Box 1, 123 Eigliteer Toronita, Ont. SEND NOW! Bi, COLOR-IFIC Fal Patera Catta]og- lia styles ta sew - scl ha1-s1es 1V y35('! t tfne -ond good the Fon le twmns mvney or ta-kes the 0or mareTC ual "Pur- hrcugiut w li at 1;s rice," lUn- uliwrittcn I the

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