Chamber Meeting 'ID ê .P Domm 1 sld,"to - iw presicient. A. McLaren. ieltit t iai mn în~rase ur W~l0the comnmittee was stiil in effect, (Continued from Page 1) 1 i.1I. . Mercer asked whIat a-btlthat a report was still awaîi T 'n 11 Cubaincldingmediinesaud ood-ti' hadl been1 taken to assist Wih rom thlem. 1 eue st-uffs. i fur!!her help) of financing for the Mr. MlcLaren pointed out thiat thec Negotiations with the fdaines to swmigpool. Hie stated that thebln- xsng ov1 The mi'nister referreci to a change Park Board was anxious to have the blanc xitnguw op )e have the differential uised u 0h în the Ho(use ati Ottawa where he new pool open at the Orono Park by l~ year was abIoutL $100 m-ore.. lie purchase of whole milk le to ilhe claimed the CCF Party or New the first of June and to do so nuore feit that the Chamber wasflt in a whoîesale 1price of butter, will comn- _Party were taking over from the funds would ble needed. The Par. rnnil oiint sedfO i smee on February 8 according tLo Liberals as the officiai opposition. Bordie sa1id, would likçe to know m nosl (of the frunds would be needdian anniouncement ruade by rnerson()I Thle CCF, hle said, hd ine front vhat further assistance the Chamn- t sis urasn -1hr.ois anwotof- -nsile is Une debators while the Liberals had' ber. was iun ]diulg to give. By knoýw- fo heyar ic-President of thetOntario Whiole four. j ing this11 the arBodcolpin uheChiristmais Homle decora-1M'ilk Producers Le -e at the An- onl tei prgrm.Mr. Mercer aske tions it was reported by Hl. Duvýail1 ual Meeting of the bague, Janu-ý what action hlad the Chamber Fin-1that nioo eue hiad been appointed to ary lthad th au Toronto. A,ýccord-. The most important thing to your ance Committee taken. ilook lafter the project and as a con- ing to Mvr. Farnsworth, these nego- go(vernment is the individual mecm- e sequcel- thie judging had not b-,een tiatîons will be undertaken eon a bers and hie urgcd% that those iun n.H.1uv-l taed ta t donc Thie $30.00 pnize money was!fprovince-wide basis with the League- Durham continue to work to keep! Chamiben Commi-ittee had not e oteSimn olFnýcii o h oa rcue*ss_ Dr. Vivian t 0t~aa. [andic so no action had been taken. vtdt h wmmnaolsn ctn o u oalpoue so Dr. Výàanat Otaas the Chamber felt that nothingliatious. cldnow be douein tis matter. This action will imiplemient thel I esolution passcd at the League Ali- au, mU fnual Meeting a year ago. Asato t ROYAL Bowrnanville KenjdalNws kuto poosb a YL MA. 3-5589 Aohraciettokpae oution uow beîng taken, a ee Pýo 1)",(e o meeting was tabled, siiuce it was I udyeventing at the junction o osdrdu csay theSixh Lne it 11 hihwa.,Everett Mv. Bgg, ssistant Dep- NOW PLAYINCG UNTIL JAN. 14 lThis time -one m ian waskill ai1ty'Mnstr f"grc Lture (Mark foinr sent to 1hspital. Maybe a eting), told the Leaguie: i h Matinee Sat. 2 p.m. hbiliing lighit should be installed at 1itntion afdthe Milk Iudutnyf Act,9 .............. .'Flic ti cosig Teeast end of theýrclueadIl ikl(1itýAe * dxhLinie is more dangenous. Those thait thene be one orlganiization lun r, tr~avlling east thinik they are on a the province to repreýseut the wholei 11,,,,,,glhighway. Those co imilk producens, and 1h association south tlhink iït is the miain road and so dlesignated is Ithe Ontario WVhOle - M Ailk Producers League." D Q LE there isno10stop sigu. casnsHill is wvithout a guard C rail of any kiud. In a snow stonm Cathcant. These boys and girls are everything is \vhite and ionie cai't geti- a fine start in life by reg- ýee whereý the edge of the road is. uilar Sunday sohool attendance. luicr as already gone over the Mlany of Cauada's gneatest mca, * maket o any more will hiave a Sundcay Schiool backgrounid. Ï go over befone sprnu? These include our Prime Ministei k ~Surely some iron posts could be Hon. John Diefenbaker, our Min- dinluand nef lectons wired toister of Foreighl Affaîrs, lion. Mr. the, 3etera fucia the top of1 Green. The leader oft"the opposition,! thle cliff than an aiulance at thielHon. Liesten Pearson, Premnier Les- bottom. lie Frost and mlany others. (Two Shows: 7and9 P-) On Sunday morning Ross Jack- Mr. and Mrcs. V1ennon Peaýoclc Color Short "N avy Angels- and Cd.rtoofl so nesne the pupils of his Suni-jwere Sundcay visitons with Mdrs. dlay School class wîth thein certifi-j Thomipson and Arthur. ints cates and attendance pins. Tommiy Severai have hiad the flu l hs Foster hiad a record of perfect at- vicinitY. êMêN. O WED JAN.16-18tendance. Shirley and Dorothy Mr edlstre(ets are, very icy. cer had been there every Sunday Mr. and Mrs. S. Gor-dou ndMr. j. r*, T D xcept whieu they had the me asies. andi Mrs. A. Curtis attended1 th e -m-e des ai 10k0 Xi Two othiers wiinug pins wý\ere funieral of M-r. Alfred M_ýitchel on Bruce Mercer and Bobbie Geach. Sturiday ,atallyduiff. E-xcellent technicolor reissue lu the teen-age class Carolyn Fos- The Kedl istitute is ver'Y ter, Junje Geadh and Joan Falls jaippy to know, that we wl o Williamn Holen, Grace Kelly, Frederic March 1wefre pnesented with theïr secoud 1have a Ceýunty Museumi to store our -,,ear pins by their teaee,> Mrs. tneaisured relics of pioncer da3is. Rep airs, Remodellirig Interior Decorciting Maintenance Work, etc. Ment and Materialsare Available Now WIIY WAIT TJLL SPRING Cail Your ILoea1 NATIONAL EMPLOYiMENT OFFICE 314 SILMCOE ST. S, OSHAWA RANDOLPII 8-4631 SAVE CASH AT RED & WHITE SAVE CASH AT, RED & WHITESAVE CASH AT RED SAVE CASH-iA~T RED & WI-ITESAVE CASH AT RED & WHITESAVE C,$kIAT RED & WHITE SAVE CSH AT_ .PORK LOIN SALE 312z lb. Avg. RIB ROAST lb 53c RIS PORK CHOPS lb 69e LOIN- 3U lb. Avg. END ROAST -b 63àJc MILD CURE - 34 [b. Average CRYCVAC COTTAGE ROLLS lb 630 GREEN GIANT Fa«Mncy Peas 15 oz SWIFT'S EVERSWEET KINDLESS fBACON 6 for $1 FOR WINTER FIEALTH - CALIFORNIA Ni1ORÂNtF Ilb pkg 69c ~'! ~q<, Ketchup I1i'oz ~i o 'a CRISP, JUIC. FANCY GRADE- 3 lb. pl a I-INSTANTMclntosh APPLESô 2'for69 TMES WHIITE-4W 1 Cleaner ~te~-RED AND WHITFE - Seffutar Size RIIlS ~t issues lb~~ 2 for 53e 3 2 oz 7 9 c ,10 for $1L SMOOTH, NUTRITIOUS - [10. 1 GRADE Waxed" TURNIPS QUICK, EASY TO COOK - NO. 1 GRADE S-PINA-"cri 10Ooz 35 11lc) 35~oe per'b e Iceberg E-Y'"TTUCE 2for 29C T KIGSCHOICE - 20 oz. Tini Green Beans 3 for 49c KING'S CHOICE - 20 oz. Tin Wax Beans 3 foir 49c PABLIJM - Oairneai. Ricce, Mixeýd - 16 oz. pkg. -esSneaks At Oroêna 1~ 77, I 3c UT , 1 l ' ýo 'ikim W-1-1k "' " wder