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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Jan 1961, p. 5

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*WITH A FARM IMPROVEMENT LOAN Farm Improvemnent Loans, backed by the Domin ion Government are available from your banik-. uP to $7,5CO at five per çent simple Înterest andi _4Jp ta ten years ta repay. Thiese loans caver -the purchase of ail types of faim equipment and 1 mpravement ta the farmn house and farm buildings. SWITH A SMALL BUSINbESS LOAN Enquire about Gavernmentbacked loans for improvemrents ta srrall business estaIblishmcn s through the chartered banks-up [o $25,000ü andj up ýco ten years to repay. """n Wky Wait for Spring? ÏOR A UWICE AND ASSISTANCE, CALL YOUR LOCAL NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE ISSUED BY AUTHORITY 0F THE MINISTER 0F 1LABOUR,.CÇAN.ADA SALE 0F LADIES' DRES We are cleapring al our Dresses at IAUF 10 DRESSES, Regular $21.50 ON SALE FOR....... ý.. $12.25 12 DRESSES, Reguflar $ý19.95 ONý SALE FOR......... $9.98 91) Spécial Soie of WlhitE These are mil ends of real good quality this sale by buying it in 141 Yard lots. SALE PRICE 14 yards foi 7 yards for .... Single yards.-, CELANESE BLANKETS-Viscose and nyloi ing, size '42"x84". Beauitiful shades of turquoi Regular value, $6.95 SALE PRICE..... TOWEI 6 dozen TOW1ELS, itegular $2.75 pr ON SALE F OR pair....$1.95 Size 22x42 3 dpzen TOWELS, Regijiar $2.00 pir ON SALE FOR pair ...... $1.59 Size 22x42 2 do'zen TOWELS, Regular $1.50 ea - ON SALE FOR ............ 99e 3 dozen TOWELS,Reua $2.50 ON SALE FOR.......... $1.85 Size 22x42 5 do 'ireifa *most capable airector. i±v- rt-e Ire e - ~~'ayura 000-iUi AO ice cryoneretireci three yeatteng. from the ]11:00f) 12:00Y)Pee %Wee Hockey- eryneisliete t ated.Goodlyear Tire Companly, Bowmjjan- 2:30 4:30, Public Skating l Tc yping roon desks have been vle !sande-J ,!anld relîniishedi by custod1IanIr ACCIDENT CLAI1MS LIFE vle 7:30 9:30, Publie Skzating- {2lrt La'mr.lie scienice aua AT HIGHWAY INTERSECTION ILor ha taie~with electric outiet,i ga odwT hie efficient, sýpac- ELrniest Jaucson, 63, 0f Lind1say Jý f î.i,ý offife wiii be il"nuch appreciated was illedl in a twvo-car collision on U oyt~ncpa DulhodIgson an igh illway 11,5 at the N\oihumnber- !1 lus s'af: four 1JfL-imie tacer, andl-Durham iiCounty Road iintersec- lùd~opr ie ion, onie-hiaîf mile nrt aJ N A Y1th tfOoo REBEKAH J Te accident happened about 7:30 AN A Y 6 h o 2 s t MEET)NG11. ASunday evening. Mr. Jackson I -A MEIG-ie ý (cnjmdfo- ae) was a passenger ini a car dive y~t (Cotiuefro pgei>~~çre 39a, ~ascio ofLindsay. I NCULUS~IVE heLodg-e and fleather Lodge wi 1 Teohe ucobeivlvdlf enitertaini the honoured Guests at t Iie collision was driven by James o dinrat the Fireside Barbecue, ai- Kînig of Toronto. so ay mmber ofeiter Ldgeare Treated as out-patients at the f welcme o aten, wouise ~Memnorial Hospital BEowmianville for meet the Presîdent. Sister i e culs and abrasions were: Robert a OU R Clarke. Sister Gladys Gamnsby is 'nSratEgeeLteA re Mc charge of the necessary arrange- Spa nLgeeLtte nde e m1-ents. It was decided further thýat yHoward Gengrich, al of Lind- Heathier Lodge wiil confer the de- onto.Kig0To g-ree later thiat evenling. m m 1 The M ca y car was apparent y Heather wiil act as thie hostess travelling east on the Counties Yoad lu ýLolg ý,itl BehveLodge assisting. and faied to observe the initersec- A NAY iBirthday Greetings were exte nded tion atHgha 115. Th'le car was to Sister Lola Kennedy, Sister Betty a total wVreck and 1ancded in the -Major, Sister Irenie ra and Sis- f iel'd east of Htghway 115) at the in- ter Gýladys Gamsrby. jtersection. Business beinig concluded, og ORONO TIMES APPEARS w i cflosed according to the Ritual after,ý ON TELEVISION CHANNEL 9 C whichi a tasty lunich was enjoyed, xna h rn ell ýTimes appeared on television and ani editoriail whichi app)earedl in thei pa- per two weeks ago wlas read. The ed- o -orial was on departmintai examin- L Iationi in thie schools, or rather theo DS E S lî of st1h. ni,~ television Station c ch ýIanneI 9 on a Neigh-lbourh-lood go prg alt2:0oclc This is a t' PRIC oress wekly' program andi on Sunday f i)RESSES, RZegular $-_21.50 with th!e refürenc'e to the 01.011 )N SALE FOR ......... $10.75 We1y ime eitrilsihe C-Qt i ý1'bo utrg Sentîel Str nc the P ete-In1 4 - l1 5 L D ESS g$1F5 to $22.5 0 lborougth Eaiew ere xead. J ~NSAEFO............ALL HOCKEY PLAYERS ASKED Fl . n l t eTO PAY FEES Y SATURDAY k I / 'Il g,- Flannelette. Takie advantage of Ornleams unider ithe spon)isorsip " - 5.6of the o n~Ahei soito r are$54 asked to lhave their riegistratiioni $3.15 fees paid to their çoaches on Satur- Jf iay oIf this week. This also includes I 19C. iinsuranice fees.Se th LagB is n Ai-players mujst pay a $1.00 reg- S l U i Blankets with wide satin bhind- istra1tion fee and for thiose intm se, pink, yellow and Orchid. Pee and Eatam anl additionaiMalT -'y lily, sensonWs ticýket.. Birth certificates AIL% ýJ_ý~~~~ae a1SO needed for those who will - N 5 ,T $1 n Si »eplayý,ing in the Little NHL Tour- uzen TOWE,ýIS, Regular $1.25 minment later in the season. ON SALE FOR pair........ 89e ~dozen BATH TOWELS, Reg $1.25 ON SALE FO)R each....... 89e Size 22x42 9 dozen IIAND TOWELS, Reg. 75e *ON SALE FOR each........ 5> Size 16"~x2 7" 5 dozen Linen-Strippe-d TEA TOW"- ELS, size 22"x30O" Regular $1.50 ON SALE FOR pair....... 98C CLAR COATS 1 Car Coat, regular $24.50 for $â,95 1 Coat, regular $14,95 for .... $10,95 I *Jçat, regular-$19,95 for .... $11.95 1~a regular $17,,9â for .... $12,95 Store Open Monday 2 Car ýCoats regular $22,50 for $15.95 4 Car Ooats, regular $13,95 for $9.*95 2 Car Coats regular $19,95 for $14.95 2 Car'C oatsregular $24,95~ for $ 18.95 Armstrong'ys Evenngs Friday and ,Saturday Open Ail Day Wedniesdaý R j The Athletic atsks that these fees be paid by Saturdiay in order that thiey miay finance the ice timie and i-o\er thie cost of insur-anee. -~UNITED CIIRCH Orono Pastoral Char-ge Minister Rev. Basil Long SUNDAY, JANUARY 15 CHURCH SERVICE-S 01ono10 11:00 am Leskar-d - 2:00 p.mn. Xirby- 3:00 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOI. Qrono . -10:00 a. Kirby -0:OGpm. Leskard 1:00tOO m. ORONO TINSHOP Ail Kinds of- SHEET IMETAL WORK PLUMBING FIXTUlIES PU31PS and PIJMP REPAIRS PIPE and FITTINGS DRAIN CLEANERS BR-H. PAINTS Etc. rPtP IL 11NU ZIM i i-' STOVEr AND FURNACE IPES Made to, QrdeÈ. Phon R. E. LOGAN, Pr. le 11816 Oroio, Ontario 4é~M~hI!EI~4IMM4*4meq.,.4mn4.a.p4,g -~ ,. I - ~ -4'- 1 N t- N -t N N N N N N N 4~4 N N4 N N N 's N N 4t4 s s N 'St s N A -r N A

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