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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Jan 1961, p. 6

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Instcili Seut BeIts eor S fety The a,;verage moto-rist May 11ot b. interested iii seat beits for bhis ear, but the US. federcal govern- T1he governient is now in t 'he process of having seat beits in- ~tailed in aIl officiai cars. The program i as -orne about grad- Seat belts were tried outin soûme cars of the Forest Service. anêo. proved so effectivýe as a safety factor that the govern- ment is even urginig employees; ,0 add this equipmrent to their private automobiles. The governmnrt s actuaily thec nation's Iaýge3t operator of cars, having soüme 250,000 ini operatian in tihis cauntry and abroad, Financial responsibility f.or in- juiries ta those driving -or rdn in governnment cars amouted, in ,1958, to "c2,500,000. So it is na- tural thait ofLficiais shýouLld take ani interest in the use of practical safety measures su,,ch as this. The Forest Service instailed s;eatc beRsints sme o! its cars as f'ar baick as 1954. By'1956, it had proot tain one casea Iat t'he s of a safety beit had been atffective in prevention Qof injurý-y heea vehicle Ôeturned. Today thýe record shows thait at ieast 100 persons cangive Warmn, smrart, easy-knjit! Al moan -- fromn the college crowdA up - love thlese cozy hiichs elrs. Ideal for- sparts, saaow shavel- ling, outdaor work! Pattern 506:ý directions for helmet, cap, mit- tens, wristlets ila mea's sizes esmallH, imediumv, large included., Send THLRPTY-FIVE C ENT'S (stamrps cannot be ac-eptied, use postal note fo'r safety) for t'irs prattera ta Laura Whleeler, Boxý 1, 123 igIicenth- St., New Tor- arto, Ont. Print plainiy PAT- TERN NUIMBER, your NAMIE sinmilar testim-ony, The Forest service jnow lias about 13,500 seat beits instalied in 6,300 velu- çcs-aitd says the beits are worn at least f80 per Cent of the time.c Trhe Departinent of Health, Eduçation and Weifare is taking 1the initiative in a governament- Swi4e drive to increase the use oi these devices, They are already i use in cars of the bIternal Rev- enue Service, the Atomîic Energy Commission, anidVie Nat.ional Park Service, writes Josephinef Ripley in the Christian Science Monitor, Over the past year, the Public Healthi Service joined forces with the National Safety Coun.cil and thie American Medical Asso- ciadon irii a canrpain to educate the public as; to the value of a-u- tomrobile seat beits anid to eni- courage their use. Extensive research at Cornel Universi.ty lias shown that seat ibeits do rep.resent a considerabie safety factor, and statistics show they 'wouid provide additional secu_,rit1y for as many as 5,000 persons a year. Seat beits have flot been wide- ly popular wih otorîsts so f ar for two reasons: one is the cost of beits anld th!-eirins1tallation, and the second is dislike of' the device becaýuse ÏLit may "wrinkle clothing,," is cumnber.somne-and "too0 mucli bothier."> Cost is no smnall itemi. Seat belitsrange--in cos.. from $10L)ta $12 eachi, and the charge forin stallaâtion from $'2 ta $5. But this maiy le offsetsoewa if in- suirce raýtes are cuit for beit- equippedcl(ars, a step nlow beîng cont"emPlated by severial com- panies. Meanwîý4hjlethecre is evi- dence thaqt some of ths esist- aiace is dsovn.Au)to acces- sory chain store:s report ices ing- purchiases oif the beits, parti- thers. The obvoius rneed is a real edtucation .programi. The Berkceey, California Health Department sh-owed what can be accomplish-ed thirough sucli a programr. On thec theoxy that eduication begýins at hiome, the departm-rent started mwith its own employees. No pressure was applied, -buit employvees were tthorougly brefedon the ad- vantages of this eqipmi-ent, through lectures, filmns, etc. As a resuit 10G seat belts were purchased by 38,'em-ployees. A simla program- conduicted by mployees of the Berk-eley ub lic Schaol Sysýtemý, vwî'th the ob- jective of selling 100 seat belts ta teadliers, went over sa suce- cessfully that more thani 450 1belts wý,ere puirchased Students in the adult driver traini.ng program urhaedan adiinl206. So fair automobile nutfac- turers have not yet beguta t in- clue satbeits as. standard equipma-ent. Onily -about 3 per cent o,! new,% cars have thffij, ai- thougl two freign cars, the Volvo and the Jenisen, ar'e instal- ling belts ln their ne.w odecls. ApparentlY smeone "soldJ" the royal faily1- in Brîtain an this type of equiipment, for, seat beits are beiugÏ installed ;in aIl o! the, palace cars7, including Prinîce Philp'sLagndaand Princess Margaret's tw,,o Rails Royces. POPE JIOHN'S CHRISTMAS MESSAGE- Standing beFpoi- igtedc montage of St. Peter's Sur Pope John XXIII records~ his thirci anrnual Chr-istmas message.,h Pope called on thewrds Ccatholic, ta figh.t what he called a "dice>olical conspiracýy iagainst tru1+iý' being carried out thro;ugh ail forms of airt and miass comm-unications mediai The Pontiff's 5,500-wford ad-cdress Wa,,s broadcast a nround the globe by the oefJVtcanidio and by ci !ink-up of national sain in other C0Untrieý. ats well as for yau, isover. il seemTed a long time a-comiagy but it 2inl ' gat here, But, 0oh dear. 1Friday nmglit we thauglit wc- %%ere going ta lie done aut aýi aur Chr-istmas dinner!. An(; Chisma mrning it[okdu t!' we mig,,lit lose aur litie,- dog T-laffyv. Now thoso to icidnt roquire a littie oxplanation. So h'er ees As 1 told you belore Dee and Art wore holding Cirristmas for ah o! us la Toronto - tire sansoý as tireY have done for tire last tlireê euas. Wie try Vo equalize things tins way. We pay forilire turkey, Dee chiooses it and cooks it. Inmake tlire Christmias pud- ding. Two woe-ks lieforeL Christ- mas. . get that, TW'ý WEEKS BEF01RF CHRISTMAS ,.. Deem ordýýered a- 17-lb. turkey from lh dham store acthtie plaza wiere she doos 9ail lier shocppinig, whidi usually ami-ounts Výso over $25 a wveek, Tlhey took 1er order-,lier n-ame, address and teleplie niiwber, and the turkey was tai Le hbld aand picked .Up oni the, evening o! Dc-ember 23. The weiglit of tliie bird ýwas impor- tant+. bV lid ta lie big enýoulgli Vo f oed us ail and saure Ie-ft over far eatiag cold. But àV could noVtlie tobig otherwise 1 ýVùwuld' not go inta Dee's aatetsz aven. Friday niglrt Dee and Art w'ent slioppingàas usula sked for Vhe turkey that liad been ordered-- and presumnally set asidie. BDt the clerk said -- "We- don't haýve- eny turkeys left that size. The best we Ca-ado is oitlier 13 lis. or 92." "4But," said Dee-, "I ordered ,my urkey -- a 17 lb, bird - yau must surely hav'e set ane :ý l~pand ta hutt a Chrýýistuas 1 a rkey. Sh o gathIle sze sht watdbut na)t par-ticurarlyý fice bird as, o! course by tiret tare they bWdbeun proty wolt pîcked over. 1 amtepoing yu ticsbecauSuý 3ust rcently I rea a aricle -viecli said amn ther diings, "il you are ploaed ith the sr ýice ar prdufct i youget froin any partialar ,store iW\rite and tliu the mngeetabout it. it wiil be aproi )edOnthe' otIher,. hand if yau have any ,ýcoin- plaint, let tlemknow t Lhat tao. Any eputblebui-iness wll lis- ton toauaI reasonable complaints" Sa thiat's that. We fnlldie. get aur- Clristmais dinner -- af- ter a loit of extawrk and wavo- nS for Don. Naw about afy Crita monpabout ecight '-,ock, we put Taffy atsdefor a i-un un is rope, as wve always do. H4e lias about thirty feet o! rope and that way cari gel ai lthe exor- c'ise hiened.A we sat at breakfast1Ilh e a r d pecuarï Ad and irau ta thewindow. Thmee isaw Taffy on r, is back, legs pawingthe aIr, Wh two biger dogs attackiag hm One was ;a G-'ermyani sheplierd (moagrel) the uËther a pure-bred blue terrier.ý Wecasdtlie other dogs awvay and called Taffy la. lHe nagea_ýd ta corne but %vas lïim-pingï and liad blood drip)ping framý a d e ep Cgouge la bis shule . . and sliakiag witi fear. Aithougli the waund was deep 1V did not seenî big enougli ta require sttdles, Idressed ïit aud wlhinwe Ieft home we gauve hîmn asprn thultlie w-ould be- better quie-t than ta camne withi us. Today rie sceurs a lotbetter, Wlat is the lest wyto keep a dog - let hlm loose ta anno.y people, or' keep hlmi under coni- trol, irus avaiding trouble wvithý neilibursbut deprivý,iug tlie dIog of natural mei-aus of cdefenî-e?ý, 0f course we do take Talffy out on a leas-h for exorcise but it sousta me a dog slýIuldas be safe lu lisowu backyar-1d. Taffy certainly wasn't, N 1 -iadn't heard him nlie tmiglithu beon killed. Show Business Is Tougb Business On. stage in the studfio, an ut- resistible force - the piercifig voice of Ethl Merman - WaS colliding witli a seemingly imi- movabie abject - an unwieidy George Gershinl tune, "Let n Pat Cake-." Engulfed lai a sea o.Lý lancers, Miss Mermian gýrapedî woith the lyrics while camleras and choruis slldaround hlir Suddeniy shz, stopped siuigiug ber pie face contrIte. "J. don'i' k,ýnow the lyriýcs - I'm sorr,', shje bellowed as she adjse $40 beige cow,,boy hat perched insolently on lier poufy hair. A cue-card mnan scurried in front, of lier, The Mr repeated thie wards, and then confidently an- i-ounceýd: -0K, 0,K,lt' go. "OK, OK," ehodd i rec1or Nýorm-an Camipleli mthie con- trait baoti. "Lots of energy, kWd, 'cause théis ay lie dt- and it ia-d better lie." And wjth that, tlhe tapinýg of the msclSCen-. -in wvhi ch Mi ss Me lU -ýrmaqn p 1ays a Posientalcanidae ut on tIe StUmnp - resumned aan Il was late in ftie afteraoonî. and Miss Moman, currently ca arting in "GYPSY," had berio haýnd i ce 8:55 that nmarning 1ta roereand tapea ine-miiiue segmient for CB3S's "The Grsh w'in yeýars,'* a 90I-mý'inutle look aIt UjS. ililatho ,192's and '307s, set agaiast a backdropcf smno 60 George Gorshwm sangs. Conceived last suýmmierune the cegis "deoctieproducer- Lelan iayardtheJaar specil, wich a als o tastar Elleen Farreil and Juli London, liad beon entangled infrstr- tions. Two hýoped-for performerýî -Nat Cale, and EllaFigea- had beon unable ta mnake it ho- cause Af cmmitments. Us fira- toar, writer-dirctor Mass Ha2rt, had becen forced aut by-q.a1-1,rt attacir and rieplaced by composýer Richard 'Rodgers. On1 1 y a few'; days before, a disastraus mne- clianical error had erased hall of a tnmiuetaped "Porcgyý and Bess' sequence shot on loca- tion alang, a sliantytowýn stree-t la Raockaiway, N,Y. And now il Looked as if a promnise miade ta tlie luinchless Miss iMerman - that she would be sprungyp 5:30,.so she migbt rest UtG her evening peirorLmanice of "Gypsy" -- would net bc kopt, «This is a bitch of a si~u yýou can quote me," raspe.ýi;rt)- ducer Itayward as lie g2e dolorously at the proceediagsý. 'Originally, I wanted ta do the Bodgers and Ha-_rt songbook; wand riglit aow 1 kind of -wish 1 lad. For the 52-year-ald Miss Me,,r- m an, a veteran of thirteený Broadway bits, it had proved a particularly w e a r i s o mn e day, cýomplicat(ed1 by personial prob- lims. Amnoag tlim were a liov- ering appaintment with lier de-, tist and a scheduled fligit t Meioat the woeekend ta di- vorce lier third liusba,ýnd, airlines executive Robert Six. Throughl- the môrnin; and early afternaau, shie had patiently rua îrugi "Wintergý,reen] for p r e sij d e n y, number in whlich she wa-ýsbosd op and dawn in a plywood l- capter, blse itbl fake tra;in smake, olteaedb onifetti and stremers,. and lad to con- tend wîth a large chorus and e 24-piece orchestra on sud rau- sers as "Strihe lUp the Bqand'" aýnd "Who )Cares?"- Mtner sire blew thre lyscs On, "Let 'em. Eat Cake,- a mk boom dr-b.pped la front af lber, rUining a s- ubseý,queCnt taýke. Ani- other taping lad tg ble scrappedi "As Isaidbefore, thistu botter b-e it," cle u ieî, Camipbell. Aiad aon theywo- Mvermaý,n Llin the corspas- turing.,. tliu techunicians l in contra]. bqoth tcnfig The inmber w \ent (ofýf wiliut ahitch. but in the cntailo-tI, al minor d isaisterC vSilruk. Theý,ý tape -whenit was spuan bac-Ir - h)a d secv eral1 te2hnicaul bli ps in it Tor wre euncslf ta ae twsamat6aco . a nd everyi one wau> staggeriag1 wîith wrr.But theilone almX vaîice spokeý up in thie davrnes.. "'Tliey,'l icneer k-now at homi-t - tliey'll 1hink it' sonnémeth ng wrong wýitb their sets." said theý speaker. "Let's go an?" And sa they cdid, evorya)ne l ally adjauraing into tho s1nowy streets at 7120. And tha. as they say, is s-how hz7. jacet Tops Plaid Jumper - Fun To 5, v Main and Qada taL, note! Little girls who go tu scheol are sitting pre2tty tins winter, la a colour-coordinated çoUtft tlhaýt 's easy for you ta seýw. Jumper, jack;et and blouse-aIl thiree are ma- cludied in Aune Adamis Printed Pattera 4,924. As slicwa haro, tr soft, furry acket is lined w-itli the pretty plaid ai th juper Otier suyggested flabrics for this charmer are v7elv'eteon, conrduroy ar denimi. Priated Pattera 4924-1camres ln Chifldcen's Sizes 21. ,4 6, 8.» Send FFTY CENTS for this patterii (st4mps cannot lie ac- cepted, u-se Postal note for safety), Please- priatpail SIZfý STY~LE N", BER, NAME, ADDRESS. Serd yurordeïr ta A nna Adamns, Box 1, 123 Eighteunth St., New Toiiauo Patterau Depart.- 4 -~1 '-7

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