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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Jan 1961, p. 7

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Cacrba, who is' serving a two- ycar' term for undercov'er man- ag,ýing, clutched a slieet ai paper. îie loe dowin and began read.- isi: " rspetfulydecline o ;answer the question on the ,,ro-nds that 1 cannot be compel- led ta be a, witness a.,,inst ny FjifVy-ïfve timies, aiten slurring over vwordcs, Carbo rend the same1 anpswetr. At the end of the hear- ing, Kefauiver iooked at Carbo. "'Do you have aniything tise o geay?' tht senator asked. CrIa paused. "There is only nthiag, I want ta say,"ý he said.1 "f ccngratuate you on your re- Pro FootballI Do.sn't Always Puy Against va Iriglut backdrop of red inik, tht Houston 'Yilers, chamrjpions aif tht Eastern Divi- en, meý,t tht L o Angeles Chakrg-ers, W es t e r n Dvso ehamipIons, lu tht Ameia Wrootball Leagu'sflxist titie gaine *w Ye;r's Day. For the n1il- lIon'aires who lnvested in h* jIiw leaguie <aong themn: O- man H.L. Hunt's son, LaMar, of tlsand hotel mnan Conrad hiton'g son, Barron, ai Les Anugeles), the championship game *Ompietes a disnual introduction 10 professional football., Losses in tht AFL,' raîiging frem a higli neat $900,000 in Las Arngele,-,te a lew near $50,000 in Denver, exceedeci expectations. Crowds, rzngimg from a low of 4,771 ia Oakland ta a high of 27,132 in, Bostoi-i, fel f ar short o! *xpectations. Players poTped vp and disappeared with awe- sîome xapidity. Euring tht year, tht Boston Patriots listed a otal 44 239 difffrent players on their rester. (Twc Syracuse AIl- Americns-Ger Schwedea and ]Bob Yates-who had signed two- year contrants, failed ta inake the team and may serve out their contracta as office' helpers.) Would the ATt. survive? De- ,4pite its h7eavy finztadal lasses (a total of more than $3 million hi cight meraber cities), the lengue "aeems ýcert&in o continue.. T'he reasonsi' A $1,3 million tele- vision. contraet, a chance ta get bte the black xy 1962, and th* it.alth of is batckers. "Hunt lat bt*ween $400.000 anId.$500AOê >treý" one >Dallas sportswrîter ICIford to loetfor the- nîtxt10 4ç<cor4ing te Chictgo authori- Is, mn aaged4-4bha.ve the eatest chance ef death froml roronary heari disease. Ont in 14,0ein I.thia -age croup haqve et 50-.50chehnce îo! deyïng of a <ronary. Obey tlhe tzaLffiersigna --they' " lt uaed, tex',for Y OUR NAZI DEATH CAMP COMMANDER ARkESTED - Former S.S. Mai Richard Boer, 49, last commandant of îhe Nazi death4 camp at Auschwitz, is shown in Frcinkfurt, West Germany, Dec. 21 after bis oirresi. Until he wae taken into custody, Baer, re- garded ab the most important concentration camp officiai stll at large, had worked for 15 yeors as ao woodcùtter under the rame of Kijrt Neumarn nr the 'estafe cf Prince Otto von Bis- mntrck D llzading me.,mber of the West Ge:rmaýn PcrIicment. Catching B;g Ones ln Southern Waters Thse most outstding fisingl grauinds off Vh1esencaast ai F'rnda 0are wit'hout question VIeý slow,-moving wa-,,ters ai he- fa- mous Gulf Stream. This reli thse main VhiorýoghIfiare af tht denlizeis "of Vhe deep i),"Iong the edges aif'Vils srasailfîsh, 1daîphin, ,,aihoo, Linfisi, and other great game fish are founde. Saýilfisi are uisually founid iromn VIe Flarida, Keys Vo Juniper lai- let ins faîl'ly goa(.d numbers dur- iing the winter montIs. Their range ai travel depends a great dleai UPon the water temperature antI food supply. They usuaily swum aRlong the edge of tie Gulf Streain, but an nuhuerous occa.- sions thty are faund in tht green lashore, waters feediag upon balao, m-ullet, and other smafll fishes. There are variaus fisi- img centers along Flrlda's east coast where boats anmd experi- enced sifs skippers are avail- &ble for sudh offshore fishing, Four of tht most prominent Parts are Miamni, Fort Lauder- dale, Palmr Beach, and Stuart,. Tht offshore wvaters offer nurme'nous sPecits o!fîsi that will strike a moving spoon, ici- ilher jig, or a strip' of cut hait. Varieuis species ai mackerel, such ase the Sp&nish c cr0, kiaig, &nd the wahoa (occasionally) rýeierred Vo as the quten mack- tel, Pare ready customnens for an angler's lait whemn gerfisi are, noV plentiful. Tht 'Ling ak erel, more romoinly k>nown as kingfishiun soutiteriwaters, is one ai th* sportiest te, takel.wîih sait-water spinminggar TItre appears te be, litti, wvrit- ten aýbout the fua V titre is in fishing for ponipano, but vol- umies have been writtem about how deliçious ,they are Vo tat. Tht commom pompano (Trachin- atus carclinus) is, cne ai tht most "bea;utiful fiai of the wam eas. Their size UsUally a'verage enly 1 or 1 Y?. pounda, but hey' givt a good' aceount of 'thermselvem Ou spinlnig tmoki. The pcmpaao'm pceak of abun- dance is on Vhe I'loridk Gulf along the beacheg bta lwflets Imd passes' ed Ila cten foundUft.- irng in shqllow lagoonm onu inali crustceans;- sand 'fleas, aad live shrirap. Only la receat years has it been discavered that pompano cri be caug>V en artificial lures. While raainy fishermien cansid'. -r sand fleas and live srm the lest ai natunal laits, tie cmaI2 yellow ai-d whit bucktail jigs arêe ffective when moved .,bowly over a samdy bottam. Ther*eare Vwa very defi ite pcompano runs eaci year la Fier- ia waters.'The. fi-et etarL abot POWERS -- This :,% the first photograph thse famlly of rncis. G. Powvers has recelved inc«e sflier was imprisoned *fter hit Moscow trial lt August. Powers' father, Oliver, eays hé inteçids te renew him çippels k Soviet authorities to rêease biý-sion afier President- *l.ct Kennedy takes office iii hook,ýed, they iii ,ive you a bat- ie that la surprîsing. An,, excellent waýy of catchhing these trout w.,ith live shrim--p 15 tll-fishîng with a popping corlk float. Strange as it may,ý seem, t trout are attr-actedi by a sur- facýe disturbanc(e. When the couic îs given- a short jerk, causing it 'Io ppp, fissh xviII often strilke yotù' bait. Souther-n sea trout are found iii fairly shF'ilow water, mbout. grass patche,, aong edges of san1dy -flaýts, Find in andI around .Passes. Tht developmenit <ù?spinnîng tRcle lias opened a brand-newt way of eatching rnany species af salt-water fish." A xod of 6½i or 7 et iwith powtr eog to cast x Iure wtighing between U and Iii aunicée, z 6- or-l.monof i- lament line, xvi take the major- Ity' of fish that inhmpbit the shel- low Wlrida waters. 1 t ja entirejy" fittini that fish îîhould he oune of the 9Ètate's chef attractions, for it kla iarly sur- rounded bty Ywateiý, end tliere are IxumeroUs ýrivera mnd hlkes'with- in its borders where maniy re- cordi catches have been mnade- By Robert D. H-all, Sait Waýter Edlitor "4Sponrts Afieldl.' How Con I? Xy Roberta Let' 1-m athere anythinig 1 Calido about th 'e mait Iaded spots Afld' gèams on blue jeans? gewgaws, one car stands likc- a î'ock against the prevailing tide. General Mators' big an.d brazen Cadillac, the epitome of glitter- ing aittiiotive class, is doing better than ever bef are in a bis- 'ory of almost uininterrupt'?d success. Its share of the "high.. priced" car ma,ýricet, a comfortý- 4able 39.9 per cent ten years ao, was running a a simashing 65À ercent laVe in 196. 1 SomeLtime lasýt ionth, a dae scmeherein the U.S. retaiiecd the 143,612th Oadiliac te be sold1 in cal1enda-r 1960, Vhecrebyv bres-k.- in,; Cadilauc's altime one-vear sales record set in 1boomiing 1955. Target for the year: 151,000. Tire ftact is that Caddy is sel& - ing al the cars il can produc'- the ultimrate standard of succesa in Detroit. And strangely, Cad- illac dloesn't particuiarly want to sýeil any more. Why not? "We'r'e in balance," expiains Harold Warner, the sive-r-haiýre-d 52,- yeroid CGM vice president w,.ho is, general mnanager cf the Ci.d- iine- division. To increase vol- urne, lie adds, "-we ,vou1d haïve Vo expand ail phases uZ the oper- a.tion . . . But wec ouild £unte 370,trS t this rate andI neyer lose a' st.oke." To boost its niorai productiomn scheduie cf 642 cars a day, 150,- 000 cars a, year, Cadilac would have Vo add a third shift and Lvo vwarking days to the nor.-nal two - shift, five - day - a - week scheduie in its single assem'bly plant at Detroit, and apea'ud ril- lions Vo boost capacity a" evtry point on its assemnbly uine. But Meore Vo the point, says Warner, iV would force Cadiliac to comi- prom3ise- its fine-honed mainteni- ajnce and quality-contnol sched- iiies. (A-nd whether it wvas an ac- cident or somethlng else that created he Caddy's ireputatVoii, the fact is thaît it's Vhe car's Solid quality that mnaintains its repu- tation.) "Rolls-Royce xiii polish a part whether it's needed or mot-1 1that's supposed Vo denote crafts~- inanship,"' says Warn.er, whoc- &.iders the Rolis more of a curi- osity than R corrpetitor. "We prefer ta leV the produrt decide wý,hat it needs. We'il spare no ex- pense on somnething that xiii heip improve the car, and we won't spend a nickel or) so-me- thing that coutibutes nothirg." Samopie; Caillac spent $65,000 on a machiner just ta wash th insides of gas tanks; itmae eleven difierent-size p i sVo varying, oniy by two-thousadh of aýn inch, ta mrake sure that ecch cyiinder in an engine lias, jusýt the right fit. Ail this has ihelped build wlxajt amiiountLs ta a. fierce loyalty atri- ong Cadiiiaýc owneýrs. A wallop- ing, 75 ïer cent of kail Caclillan sales are repeat businesýs. The same car, af Course,.las Crvkd a Sto'rM Of insuits and positive disloya.lty in a, doz'n quarters. The Cadiliac offen seem-s to be the chromne-lined whipping boy for tht whole (iapitalist systemji. According Vo it& crnVies, the Caddy's f amous fins, introduced back in 1948 ;and oýrlginal1y called "t'ish tails," sent aplmost ail oýf Detroit's styling' reelimg backwý,axd andi upwqrci ta sucli ridiculous fextremes that they .eveftualy produced ma. - vulsian In public taste~. Tht Cad- dy is Sven taken ta task for its eustamera, alleg-ed ta include anl inerdinatle iinber of boolcieS, racketeers, hust1ers, and cok ed 'labor leaders, (e.g., Bave Beck). 'Automalcer Warner's aui- avwer, in tif et: Ai perffect dia- mond is -a perfect diamiond, ni matter wha .owns iV. Warner i not worried ýabout bayer~s switching ta rhinestones. Despite tht current trend ta chea&per, less elaborate transpor- tation, the Cadillac division'â ov'n~rn mna2er k is firml con- "THE old Canadian and U.ýS coins you have beeu saving are xorth mioney". We wiil pay cash for wanted coiims Preniluini price list 254, shows the coinsi desired. International Coin Conipany, 227 Victori Street, Toronto. HELM WANTEO ARTIST: G2neralI layouit, design re- touchling, fuUi fringe heneffts, long ternu proposition, Please a.pply in writ. Ing and sencl sam,-pIes of work ta George Mýcçuaig, Art Director, c/e Richardson, Bond & Wright Limited, Owven Sound, Ont. I4ELP WANTFID MALE WANTED: Young mcii 17 ta 30 te train at homne for Agent-Tel eg raph ers. W. baImn $715 Coe machine & supply books. 1'ren foider flescribes Course & Fees, Cassaýn Sse P,1 astbaurnie, Toronto 14. INSTRUCTION EARNMore Bookeepngs2iesman- saip. Shorthand, Typewritlng, etc. Les. sons 50e. Ask ,for free circular NJo. 33. Canadian Correspondance Courses 12100 13ay Street, Toronto. MEflICAL DON'T WAiT - EVERY SUFFEPER 0F RHEIJMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SI4OULD TRI DIXONIS REMEPY. MUNRO'e ORIJO STORE, 333 ELGIN OTTAWA POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISII the torpient off dry eczemî, rashes and weeping akin- trolibbea Post's Eiczema Salve wlnat Edisappoint Sou. Itching, scaiding and buring ecé.. m2a, acne, ringworsn, pimiples and foot eczenois vill respond readtly to tIse gtainle.as oderiess ointrient, regardiesa cf hoW stu.bborn or hopeless they seem. Rent Pest Frteaen Reelpt se t rîke PuICE$3.30 puRJAR POST'S REMEDIES 1863 et. Clair Avenue Watt, _ _ TORONTO NuRSES ,WA#4TÊ REGISTEREO NUR<SES 40-heur week TOP SALARIES PAIO, TltANSFOR-YAT1ON ACVANCE[D, New Nurses' ibesidenep-be-autifuliy furnislied. Dirctor of Nursing, P'ontiac Comusut. aity Hospital, SIIAWVILLE, P.Q. CAN, ADA. NuTRIA ATTENTION PURCKASERS 0f NUTRIA When purchasing Nutria, ionsider the foioing ps!oints. wliicb this oreavtza 1 The best avaiiable stock, lia cross* bred or standai'd types reconimended. 2. The reputation of a plan %,hieb 18 proving itself substantiâted by flet cf ssat1sfied raneliers. 3. iruIl insurance arainst repiacement, sheuid they not live or in thse eoynt of sterllity (&IL fully explned ;in our ertificate of ment.) é We give you onni mutationsm whicls ere in demnand for fur garmentsq. .1. You reecalye fromi this organlz&tion aÀ gsaranteed' peit market, in jwrltiisg. 6. lt1embership b o ur exclusive breed- ersr association, vwhereby o$y purchss ers of this stock may partIcipate l!n the baenefits se offered. 7- Pttces forer neing Stock start at $200. a pair. SpeciRl offer to thoeêwho quiaity: ,sara vour Nýutrîa ons our cooperativ* btsls Write: iaIIRn N'ut, aLt.,. L.No. i. touffvitUe Ontartc. oppoftTUNIis FOR MEN ^ANo WOMEN SE A HAIRDRESSIR J*NCANACA1M* LRACU4G SCMOOL Great Opportunity tearn Hairdressing Cleissant dignified profeTssion; good waRges Thousands of successful Maprsel Graduate3 Amenica's Greatest System flustrat*d Catalogu& Wr. W4*.ë or Ci AIRVUL ftlaOMN CHtL W. ~4i , W Terentes dou 3$*t, Ottmw* PNAM&C8TWANTI" PMONOGRAPH RECORDS LATEST AmOer!,Ican Phonographl Rec-ý ords by mail! Mll ty pes, country, pop, R. & lR. free Bonus rcrd.Free iist. D eajay -I l Rýecord op, Box 7297. Cievos. land 29, 0h10. FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, OALT, ONT. Films developed andc il mnagna prints 40é 12 magna prints 804 Reprints & each, KODACQ1.OR Developung vr0o1il 90e' mot includlyng prints>. Color prints 304 ýeaclî e:xtra. Ansco and Ektkiehrorne,35 suas 20 ex- PoSures mounted Ir. sldelýs 31.20. (f0101 prlnts t ram ellides 32, eoi. lfoney ne- funîdedhi CulFor tunpruintfed eatv PIPE SMOKERS REVOLUTIONARY PIPL1 S M 0 N i N G INVENTION!b Free information. Pen.- nyfeld. PO.Box 413, Deprt. B, Chii- RESORT8 le Moniclair Inn FAMOUS FOR CUlsiNî STE. ADELE, QUEB.WC FrencisCanadIan anopee Exclusive skI rasont - ski lift - sk mcho 1 - ski w"eezs. Lwailrious cocktail iluage. PreseltInq dally lns Copper Bar adniphtly dane- Ing "Thse Montelair Muisiciatis. BALIESMEN WANT&D S9ALÊSMvEN! Seil lEquipunent ta Busai- noss, fu or part time, Make $50 daly Incoinssistni. Inqirlles answered ~ Opty. L. AIcNeUy, '12-A Susis Rivieading, Mvaschustttl ISSUE t - iel THE TUCKED TOUCH' tuirna'é asimnple casual Into' pue /af th* smartmst fasioos going! Littiem collait, slim ski-.rt are ideal for shrefuiler figures. Printed Patter-n 457:THale N N N N N N N N N 'N N N -N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N 'N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N

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