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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Feb 1961, p. 1

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Vokum 2, umer47Thrsa\T, Fcib uary 2nrd, 1961, OroOp1-tarjio Autharized as Second Glass mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa, ______ ___ ______Subseript ioninCaada $1.50; in US. $2.561 Ge rg Ciron Iete OGr onidrig il KoxIlnred - Red Cross To Agoin Preide t O onoFctr[ ntemedateBaeba~ Wtb resiitt~us D monrte Inhalator i______________- onsidera-ýtion is being given itoi M\1is s Jane Knox, cdaughiter uof Mr. Th nnal eeing0ftheDu- o te Gerseyenerani nrediate Basebllaliind rs. Charles Knox aird bride to Th rulreti-o h u-officer o IA .ýssoýciaioýn1teami na nwl ormied Lkshr e %, setrand aud ee-The Orono Red Cross meeting wa&i Basebaîl gieui1eague whichy wcilîîî operaepctsiblitaof of Kea Loca ta nti g feld at the home of Mrs. Wmr. Arm- ham Cet')' Aricultrai Sciety 1ncernng tch pnssbiiityof holing -ing ai, ie home ofMrs. sM.gonJnur 2.191 wvas 'held i the Township) Hall, Or- their anniual show at the Orono ajaýin t his year after hiaving beeni a Miscellaneous showe2..T1e6Co hostesscIn !ExhibitionndThe minutes of the last meeting -thrt-fveprset.Th pogesiethe lýcal association. 'meigtOicssternwl<f Barbara Keast served a deli-cious'___ jinterest siiown by the directors andthLaehrLegewshlinlc.I____we read by Ethel Tyrreli. off icers of the organization enisure T"le financial report for the patNwate"i hrdyeeIng Tuesdlay evening Mrs. Perey Lutin, This coming weekî in Peterborough Mrs. Armstrong did contact l3ruci- greater t1--ings for the- comning fair year showed a balance of $806.531and atthlat timie six tealTisvmadle it Ms .Bi nIMs Em unteEs etrai Art and Crafts As- Mercer concernigdeostaon! in Septem-rber and for years t on.o- of whichi a f e-w accounts stilli kn-owni that they %vould deffinitely entertained Jane at a mîiscellonieouls sociation are .holding thieir annual thep resuscitator. but it is felt that f have to be paid. 'lhle total receiener such a league thîis commig. shower i the Oddfellow's Hall J Art exhibit. 0f the fifty soi-e paint- more practice and publicity are l3uring the meeting a new slate of for thie year amotunted to $9,201.36 :sumner.wersoestygetsergah ings on exhibit, one is by a local'ne'eded.Ele ilnsmvdta o)ffice-vs were elected to office Wth twhidhi was made up of $2rd.Te9ai-a1bat7ulydc artist, Mrs. Amy Valnden Huevel.1 Daisy ceni and Mrs. Arrn- Mi-.Geore Casonbein eleted80 in grants, $339.00) in donation, Messrs. WV. 1. carmlanl and J. L. oratOd with a large floweredSunMr.Vne eelspitgisstngeeBue ecrwnsta preidefl --7 tho(jgainization for ïthe j$1. prsi$2501.eMr1A9Banhadini gate reoeiptsi and~ the i-e- Iowýery were present at the meeting 1,umbrella wývhite wedding bells- and known as "Mýilkweed" and depicts date for another demonstration be- xext two yealrs. 'mum. Th gitAwrelaanchdaamas of milkweed being quite im-1 fore our new. pool is opexiect for use. was the retiring- president. Mr.-. mainder in fees, meinberships, to represent orono and con.,idera-j'us h it eearne 'ms Francis Jose, Newý,castle, was electedt space rentais and advertising. Ex- tion is being given, Ioeally, to enter-, in a bath tub to overflowing. On ar- pressive. "The Milkweed" was chos- This motion was seconded by Mar'y ie dtondStpeOnopenditures amotinted to,$8394.83 ing a te-arnin e oe ffe botaguetl f15f uhefodrivi o e oedthg first vceand Dzild i his tieneauearsalJane was presented with aenoeofftouofatalo15RthrrdI itobhodtat secndvie.Ni- Rehrdivoron , iiw asaid out in prizes for itheThose definîîeiy e t1g .-m oeae _rntosb ~~s m paintings submitted by amateur ar- more of oui- 1eading citizens wlll'be- wasappintd t thhBordoard r-1manfdeDrtent Inthlfni tn'jn ete lag-e tis earareBele- a. anneAfer penng er ifa. ist frm al oer he rea inattndace o se tis ernyn also for the operation of the fair. J ilNwate ot oea<1 an fa1l4teî~e iape iTe painting is an. oil and bas been stration. Mr. J. C, Gamey, who bas been ,thi-çe teaiin, out of Peterboro0ugh. ation for thei lovely gifts. A, bride o xii rvosy' On making h-er we1é-fàrie report, Secretar-Trasr ftheOonJ..PRTRftbr entries may appear froin was then brought forth. very artist-I Mary, Ruthl-ïerford said they had Fair for the past number of y-ear-sj i shawa, Bowmanville, Cobourg anci ieàlly mraçie of ail kitchen utensils. Mrs. Vanden Huevel hias beenl a lookeci affer several needy familldsý \vas tandered a hearty vote of RECE IVES PROMOTION Orono pxoviding sufficient interesif The evening coxicluded with a de- mnember of tlhe Orono Art ciasis for ald believed there was a bibi for, thanks for his untirlrtg work during' is sutown. iicious lunch served by the hostesses the past twa years which bas as lit underwear at Armstrongs to be paid this period in promoting the Orono James C. porter, CNR station IT ynxg ~s ,Creh1inlstructor', Major D- L- Bennett of She abso said there 'was a couple Of Par.Mr Gme rtiedfrm hi1 ent since 1956, lhas i-ecived a pro- etn s ob edat the 01, Necsi. h hic ftispit eedy farnilies at Newtonville to bc position with Mrs. Ross Gilbart be-Newcastle enterrained in honour of iag to be exhibited in the show i hce ndti oldb oea 1n aponndaen sertr-i-es otion to tlie position of fri',,ght ono Restaurant i connection wi"th1 Janie ami a presentation was mnade., certainly a credit to the local artisit soon a s possible. It, was moved by ure. omedicusioacnted n- getofr hecome n i hi twnforip ateanfrotOrnoforth1 -G--as-. a wllas haintruto.earyRuhefor ad ecode b ul'e. ýlé,111'>CSSIOI (enteil a-of Lindsay. Mr-. Porter says hie wiîî league. This meeting wiIl be held on1MayRtefrad coe b round thbe need of a fair )aa e Ce oung to Lindsay almostined eiedy eyýr thwe w ~ ~ 2 nrti xii Daisy MeKenzie that this report be anda this wll o doubt be given f0ur- itely, but was niot sure 0f the exact eryo-inter ested is in ivitecI to at- beas'nerai heAt xhbt"'-'nghldi adopted. thr ose iation Illte lneur f u- date atf the Lilime of writIng.tnd loth Junior and Intermediate[ the Peterborough Public Lîbrary ture. players are asked to attend. UTL & with the exhibit png this Sat- The. treaeurei-'s reiort was given~ 'Manyr >ýeports vwere received t_______________;0_________________ llii DBaiqilel yFebruary openang ome-i-by Daisy McRenzie reporting a the____e!!___t__e__varions__________________i__-uray, 4t e.The and comrne bnbak balance of $213.-19. ofthe mfatrngand thesaos aspectsheennga 73 p ~of the air andsuggestins Were rjIr~I.Tuescday at six fifteen, eighty- oe aheeiga :0pm A lette-r xas read fromn Mrs. gvntowvai-ds improving -nd111 Ove $ 3 7 >0 000 ...j.J InAthree Ring ailandnext wee-k. Theer bbW Villageireside DaiQ There will be a blood drive about Il L near01Orono, weea dlcosban- va ponel ronio O n xecreatquet Mns \,ay. We 'nôw have storage refrîger- Mr. Dane Foud was appoited '-i '..Jl aLlon wasenjoyed. The banquet wvasatofobldluB mavle fo take care of s-peciail promotion __________________ eld lu honlour of Sister -Lou1iseýainfrbodî w'ork for îthe fair which woul- id lflCIla'i-k-ePiesident f the 'RebelkaIi Uhang V te Telllcaion'n'le 'de ort cldeener'anmntand other fea1-1 aura affernoon thi le Ca-eof inciudling a wadinig pool at thlelAssembly of Ontario, Sisteý ~Clarkýe l>r Th e allctorste aefrte tires whM'ichi may be added. A Fin-'T nhp Recreation Commiiiissionl, paýrk and arrangements were made is a miem-ber 0off Mystie Linlodg Change- of Hockey Sohedule fcmn er an,,ce committee- Wvas also set-up) b along wîtb other Oruloogopsmtfor-Mi-. Eîlbeck along wîth Ila Tpool orot nda rsietmdehr To oegn, s teO- Officers e-eted for, 1961,ara- studlyIlle- ticket s-aie -alt the gates ith Mi-. ckEilbeek -of teCo-ispecialist to me-et vwith Board me- o"fficiai visit bth 1is district. Beehie aaOrhn aes bee orn- flos ndohrprietmatters. miunity Programns lBranch t to ý iscuss bers on Tuesday morn ing f iw1Lde- omnvlejon- e-a1er dnd rpae Ihaebeo. resdetVlm Arnton, s The rmeeting discussed foi, some- the operation of Ille Commrission fthepark and discuss the reniodel- I Lodge- to nmake-nece-ssa&y arn e andeaeruay th gme wî vice Presîdent, Ethiel Tyrrell; 2ndl tinchi etendngo! the fair into and other phases of recreation anýdl Dlgofthe existing pool into a. wad- mt-ts-ir-Theafti- theBaw anviîe h be-enPOQ Pesien, ,'Iyla'r;Sere ful ft'two-day fair. Coi Oderat0 iion sEl to Bofr hewmnJchldei M4 he4iary hoae-e- bq Vceeni1a eao resueroDis ÈsI b ia-vig the _amiýand miareke- .he-ksupplitsi iany helpfu sui i kO1 .all, h.eray-6hgaewt MKnl;Nutrition, Elle-en BIlling - of t histeinS ssoiaton.O-ooThek yed-1- h paryed 6ebrary 1-7. VfaeMrý uhefr; Vr tiekýtdW t- Show moved tfo During lte a3111ometig r estions to the Board members t fa. F 1 Friday f if w uld eetwith th'le ap- Eilbeck met 3 wh ithmebers 0 fi l i-ste opertioniof the pool andi Sster Maude Cooper as Nob"'le Cobourg wili be played Feb ru- Wefe;Mr.Rhrod; or 11 _ýar1supply aplan of operation ranrsde ihSister Emm!a ay1t.Bt aest tr Ro. Miss1. Waddelb; WateV Sae- provainoard nd dicussedndWi a O 0i-i ügý 9P .ty. Joyce Tennant; Bbood Donor. Mi-. Mr. J. Reid int10thegi-eat suc- cnsrcto of a chIibdýrens 'e- adscon sideration. 1He also LaVceGadasitn. og pm iddell; Pu-bliiity, ro.y For-ester; ceýss of the 'cattie show last yeari pool and proceuesfr!h oeaemphasized the desirability o!. hav- _______________________ Auito, RsieGi-hai0111mp-g1 which was an outstandiug feature. tiono it e simngpo1a n alr e ra surrouidin h eiso rn og neing antaag-,Rtheay The Board was- also contacete-d by au tite parkz. H omededhi -la oond recomme-nded tat the ap- aigtersain nadîgnîfie-ci Ruh1-Iý Heon arnunddthelne-w poolshouldîbermarnne-r. Jeach office-r doing lber part excel-i Wýe- il eed a swimming le-ache-r at least twice as large lu are-a as Pi-st Order of business was - -etl.tii % a.Ifwsfiv-db lee Iiýit f te pol tsef.ýceiingvistor. 'lieAssmbl Ofi- Billings and secondec by Ruth ras a P nt d !bie po islf ciin istrs he ss-bl ffi Under Order of Business Goodt Grady vtiat we contact Mary Aune. \Ifr. Ellbeck' ais-o discussed -with ce-rs we-re- asked f0 retire accompan- and Welfarýe"'Sister Luise CIarýeî Dais-y Me-Keuzie movec that the a n WdIleRecreation me-miter -ni-s inrled by an escort. 'Fice visiting broth- was aske-d to address the-meg meeting adjouru, ____ problemns lu the Di-ama promotions crs and Sîisters wer-e gîveni a hearty sh-prceddf give a vr a ig civ e r 4 M ii i n T r !siaj c ecm-b h-NbeGad e-sti-uctive- and h'elpful -message; M ijssion B"an tieïeeigfia rooPayr 0!hnur fic---fre agadBuilcI for the- Future - Bring I lne-w' i'ý metng iltthe Oon Payes jiliooumaidging rc, anhru ai-chrai tememberstis1 TitrainersofthWhatoo is wîlIl be presentiug a titre-e-acf play fholdinig a 1long ste-mecIcarnWaftîIni your attitude towlard Grand Lodgel itirBandmemite-isenbt edr'>uo Mis- TltGkiiraiýaRl-vr oýsevPrincipal receiPbs for ite- ye-ar !la-inIlite mont h 0f April. ýýIchwere la er piace-d in -front o! and your own LocIge--Are- we- ion Bae u wretisnt Whdn e flou Authority began ifs 1961 talti\-i-1ce-i-ufie-ut gran s. ,736 adînî- Atalocm p o icsinti ah orbteranuadmetn.~ienbt TieGnrsaRvrCn er cld-d wit tocan upfricsinberwo'F1513 gv ite- Noe rad get i %eee-doing oui-fair shiare -Co-operabiin eeing was ope-neIwit iteis- fies witit bite election o! ofoffice-is ïYand if was sae htavr u- Tt-hnue u-f b er --is 50 essential lu everyfhing - Vital sion Baud I -ilynad ry for bt ne-w year, leipalargrants, $5as 000, cogi-ited u n a, o 1 ce er:point is sincerit y - Le-f us be-since-re Shepilaarraballil inroduice te- W- J. Boggs o! anvesucTowdniiper works, $,3.1;amnstaoo Uoo rs. Fre-nitman )O!fbite Depuby Pre-sidenit o! District No). 71AmI(s-îsga oodeamp l? - Arn raing ie lesson. GlRat enn iGrad wascletec cairan uccedU 4130.70 ad a rd-111poi-tNottayRsarantoffered 10,dis-tesbSister daJeP-fHpn ri stngbiteGoold enRule? T-sei 'll!i-e-datraerl.z;(i.C rd Thor cot !Hoe-Twnhî. $1,71711.T]îe e-ad o!f9 stwdplay art ,vork af he--Restauirant o ititDpb rsdet0 it e-sm-o!ite lak'sb- d Ti-cleio wa aeuupy J. L. Sletro! Port Hope was blne o a1o $07.Hgiwy13whicit Itee njrisbs, if N.8 IstrV oetPire is,i.VrgSOwhi- hîc t sise-d ,acslti EDnl eel n ii-- eJn '71. JO S; Vioer PisrcnBaud utti-l e orJ ftieAuiort1frbte iIi dnconnion ittOrnoLnday scinofitReeaPt,.,go wses iserPe--e ie aros(rup e 0 tie-i Tite Autorit bri-fl. oubined ifiGaaras'a Athorby nigcb betitin.lite eeatAsml !Otrl.Sse ilsi fakeoo-ie o etn repeainbithe eedic- va inseprcitofAsCso land, fo rde- H asak-dt ctct utte or twa ot- itasu f ecmeb isteroiMaud. e CopR Jxf1nedHaie n eeie aiy abyEan-Fiies sine ofdfiebse-inrf one- thoff iceasnt.MInues !bt che-I s fwa ai-e btei-- 1)i--;ansa),Fret, eprt-c uitif 1\un1f ro bund $00.0. Tiis r-taf, Sitr ac Alen, ere- ap- S'e" -e-raiof ,lutcomfs- be-u constdere-d suciti Of asn lugebngfr ots-adex-se.prgrsoflteAthrîystc- f Li i. r Lt goune ibut ne ovecybt-Nbe Grad. iTwofi L ii!iiýl !;ý - tiTh AiteI-Iýýb -ief0 qgoi- oufoHe oblnecIbie ie-- îatig rogrfufoc tte Cmmssononltehi fr ayeu. OI gi-an cri-ed ut ndIaiititt 4 ac ievus ing bfitelrty Sser Ema lVicel Grandral el4fit u at fi- aim Deceiter 6, ,67 areso an it utoo- Th ecaltin Comiatasio ne ý3-w te cmmb -sicebafmtig Tt- e put u "giuhing"rl 1,( aGaden lageei-i,1ui pogessha)bt n-a iutreb oufled hois iv p rte ielance- o! cad it con;at70 .. nbt uie ala lt u- a aiods etnas tab ~e-nsrvatin areta ata c L fbe-urma-, ibacif ie-d. VLuabe i-ee-S if lethe thepublic ud fo h u èe-raryonis trre lle CmuiyCnr i 3m-n tun uasn atno o or ($4l)0 i, 159aicIWe--e uw -wig n itat wasui-taomises i«n be-o! assitanefoidie-hd e-toulilbet-isPhc)b-ispie-et.Tt'-mnteahfbie adwaci it loe-sdPv'lp - 811w160 fr hci bteP-IL one bi-'eie, ae- ,ads sta he-lubit- omoft. it oble fGan"Iad intuelast metnw--i-a byTvfPaîsorie-siggrdnwr- ityeint wer- $17de-i cie s plýa are heeve e-tIftl a I-e-suifo!fi-e-stcou-spaerwa ive.fcw s epoectpeitei -i-swr eid ovwee-reuntil Sec-tj ingals aitacnth l boôn.PlnsF,,,,n we-vry e yadbeu The Auitoi-iy enteed 196 withset Fr-ts uoye1o- e on. mou b inat around s 800.00y pisu e--ingWte-u bitey an e iced e ipa h ycnisgou~ ui oe n e ya !bt ifbauii eite -adepb e-f7.2 titge iad ornHe- awlong way, ie-ie ttcit e- anGoi itegs Iniito eg-- a ofr-c ieys-- 0b-d-eoiga i-bo A l-anfro bte ankwasobaind Wfitbie p-e-entpi-bue-.Copiisio infomiu!a enir ran duiugtiis arto!titemeet-giis ai- asbie-yai-ngongfo e- extmetinowil b b-idaf it lle-te rtr' iiilrprt 28. fbe- drn upa bi ae-teebin f Goprt. jga digafulieportad f e-aiitvo an-rltbieMrctorArl eebig4e-rar 3d f700p

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