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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Feb 1961, p. 6

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Incore Oidn't Get As Much Applause Whatever -yeu rr d o, you shaid ,iit -with ail your mgt One en years, ago w%ýhen we were an cmigtrip my wvifce anýd I àkcve out oÈf the woods ta the X"t town for aqfew supplies, 4,nd we.vfaund it -was Grange elght. Sa wýýe wound up in the sebiwatching a boy and jir get the first and second, and! ýfterwýard assisting ,with ail aur ight in the ruination of a beau- tlful collationt-, which is the higli Point of ail regular and wvell- go3verned Grange ,?tten-danýce. Nowv during the Literary Pro- gmwhich w'as u1nder thle direc- tion of Worthyv Sisýter Lectuýre, we ýwere cailled "Ponl for remarks,' as is csoay and 1 ex-,pressedi pleasure at, being presentwhe my wif e expý,ressed keen drelig,-ht 3t the qua'lity of the -work. The Granige is 'ýfOunced uon the osoteroprcetsof giulue ýnd has a laudiable mnofality which itsmemecseiousi,ýy in- eulcate in new mmbesund it is aiwaysý inspîýrinig 'to see the candidiate 'mar-lichd ài'ound and Instructe2d preperly. But, aftc: er ecmetdbrief- 'y, the Worthy Sister Lecturcr qeemed to taqke on a ildatitd MI despair, andi in alethin troductionsegaete mrs -;ion tha,,t _%vhrt she v as abU!out to dlo ws gnt rjumet but that tee a n ayot. Shi n'tl), sa hs h ffe-red tby ayof an undertenei(, by înflection and g festujre. Wha,ýýt she actuaqllysaiJd, if deprived of th as privieeUc git be entertie b h qgottlenlt and se nan efot, n e wold ne1 ha!mioinsolo 1by Wiljd applause u ilt forthat this, but e oud ceitwa torcedl. Eeyod 'looking sad, bu hy eecapping gay. Itloke "hNo"b u 1 itsouind- ed "Oh1,ys' nthtumut anlrl gentle- IMan, brsk a-nd unstçoopedý, camie For Hailf.Sizes ,k irts aeperfectfor cyou! herha"Ped tol slim .yùu ~mrly afit without,- alteration ta~thipsin ength. Printed Pattern 439. For: hall lizes -- 29, 3y1, 33Si5 37%, 40- 4nch waists. Size 31 sUrm skirt JlIî yardis 54-inch; flared 1 yards. Send FORTY C.NT'S(sap (ýannot b)e accèpted,ý use pos LaI note for sfty for ti pattern4, P1ease, print plainly, SIZE, NAIME, ADDRESS, STYLE Send odeta ANNE ADAMtlS, 'Gox 1, 1'23 Eightéýeefnhst., Ne.ý' Toront,Ont. SEND NOW! Big bautifl, ÇOLOUfl,-I-IC Eall and .Winter Pattern Ctl ~ia vn10 ÏSSV1E 5 - T196t the cýorner- (not oiperating that warmj- eveninig), strode for-ward and reachiec a violin case dOwn off the Piano. It gpaq an odd- laoking case, about ha-lf as wd and twice as long as .ommnr ones, and w,7 could tell il, was a homemnade. This genitlemlap, many years back, had decided' with-ot any previous inclination taý mak.e a violin. The hairs an the bow, even, he had piu1Cked f rom hîs own) white horse's tail, And having made it, hne 1'ixt iearnied ta play it, withiout e teacher. Placing th~e case on1 the table where Flara, Ceres and Pomona cuIstomal1rily funi-ction, he apened3 it, drew forth the bow, arnd wxith deft finger action screwed thto hairs taut. Next he liftLed forth a beautifuil green feit bag, with a piu-ckering st.îng, and unitying it found his violin. It was mnagnificent. The bright spruce, w,ý,hich he hadl cut on bis ownr hiliside, shane handsomiely, and the bir-d's-eye maple of the neck had a high giosse He folded te bug, put it back in the- box, snthda hankerchief from bhis pncket, and lovingly wiped the1 ,io1in ail oveýr befor e ha uned TheV violini like the casýewa logand leanl. What-ever thu rea- son, he had mI rade jitnaý1rrew, lhen atuned iit, etre by ear, it s-,emedto 'ha-ve a fine, tene. Then he ,ýýput 'the handk!er~ chýief underc his chinthewthe violin upt., placed theý bow a ýcross: the- stringcS, andbea tpin his foci o t1esabishth rhth tan tps. Ten hedrew fleibo dow. adiv- r bean the wild He jrked and jump-ed, changv- ed keys, played lis own obbli- gato as ha w:ent. And ha con- tinue! in This imannar for about 20 minutes, ail on the samn- c curring tuine. H1e then stopped abrupily, fer such tunes seam ta1c hiave ne beginning and nù end, and bowed gratefull]y as theY Grangethw itself into anethar frenzy of applause tee claarly mnanufactured ta be genuina. Mr. ToothaLker then loesened the strings, loosened bis bowx, tied the violin in the bags put the bug and the bow in the case,i snapped the case shut, and laid the case baick onc the piano- after whicbhaliereturned tobi seat behinid the steve. TLha ap)- piause continued, se after an interval lha arose, went te the piano as befere, took down the case, toek eut the bow and tightaned i t, get the violini from the bug, tunad the strings, tap- ped bis toas, and played his en- core of "Turkay in the Straw" violently for anthar 20 min- utes. But this time, whËrn he endad, the Grange gave a truth- fui and unfalced flapping et re- iuçtant hands fer Ailof thre seconds, and Mr. Toothaken again laid hb violin away - this time in silence - and took biis seat. We found eut, by askïig that Mr. Tethiaker, as a youing man, was sad that bie had ne talent te offar at Grange. Everybedy dlid som)llethýing when callad on e-xcept hiimsalf. H1e deciiddIte learn to play the fiddie, ,,,hicýh meant mnaking ene first, and "Turkey in the Strawv" was the caly tune hie aven ieanned ta pa.That covaxeed bis naed. His, friends and neighbors, and fel- Iow G Cran)gers, properly racogn-iiz- ed bis amrbition and accom-plish- ment, and dlutî*fuliyparmmit-itted hlm ta paywhenaver lha camne îtaj Grange, Although thay haýd heard -him inan-y timaes bafore, aýnd lhad long sinca týirad af "TPurkay ïin the Stra.w," they ioyaliy affacted enthusiasm in a brothanly gasture, and neyer let on. !Te caxrtainly nmasýtered bis talent wvith ail bis m--igh)t Ita nice ta hear him. Once. By Johni Geuld in The, Christiani Science- Mýonkitor. A CEýNTURüY APARZT AND STILL TOGEcTHER -Botrme cream nscitin gwnleft", asworn acfàAbrraham Lincoln's nu- ural Bil in 1861. IUs influencz an the ,,ballioraomgon t right is aýpparent. The bow-trimmred aibsinthe green satin dress was3 warn at .John F, Kenriedy'3 Inaiugural Bal. Last Wednesday was the Jan- uany meeting of aur local W. a Meeting Of which Ivwas sup- pesed te have charge. Sa wchat happens . , .,I1stay in bed and leave AIl the details ta aur pres- ident and -antetainmrrent comn- mittee, It wouldn't have îmat- tered se mucli had, it been an't ordinary mneeting but I1'had al- ready arrangad for a guest speaker and had suggested that othar branches in the distr-ict ,be invited. Hwvayeu knlow bow W.l. memnbers help each other eut in a time of emergancy -andi this timie was no excep- tien. Our president is capable of hiandjing any situation. She is a woman with mest Original ideas and 1Ithink hanersehLeafer decorating the hall wýas th'e best yat. It being the nmnt of January sha based ber ideas en Janus, the legendany Roman ged frm w-hem the month ef january get its namre. Janus, as yeunmay knw, w vas a ged whe haýd twO faci, ana loeking backthe othar Ienwand. To illustrate, this peint our president had ebtained 4 great numbar of large and beau- tiful caiendars, siee for 1960, othens fer 1961. These fer l1960 wevre placed at thaebck i the hall 1961 at the frent. Thus members and guests at the meet- ing weuld bce lkathe ged JaUS, abia te look back teth past yean, and ferwvard ta the prasant.r The imeeting was aise supposad ta bie historical in character - -why net, it was thie aniversary of the birth af John A. Mac- donald? As a roîl cail mamibers hiad been asked te bring a -cen- venc" belongig te the eanly ds.Sear were sac, irons, nmeanttehaeicticty and ail the C metadcneineit baýs breoug-ht te ourhms.Hr again eour peietsee e or'iginaiity. She( preducad alc siii ol curling papers r rgs the kýind we e n usad te w er ut 1iight tinie tu cu"' our hakir befcre pernient wves ere invented. She toldtis amusi story about berseif. Just baIerae she was abeut te ba married she began te worry about what her husband-to-be would tink of bier when ha, saw bar bhain done up in curling papars ait night Sa she daecided to put hlm te the test - brave womian! One night, when he came ta eau she greetd hM th ber baintigbtly tist- ed in catten ragé!M'el sha fi- na> ymarried hlm se 1 presurea lié éuHived the sîdcék. 1 aep ber rmy sistar and .1 usad te be,) called "tais and snails" as bui Laten on atiheeighee1ure wanre outstanding musical slc tians, violin and vocal solos, gn arouslyý contributed by nnmm bans in thle disý,trict wbo s la maka aur meetigs more ajy abile. T'hen cama theahîgh'light" of the meeting - an ,addressý by our own EthZiel Chapmnan, editer of "Hemre and Coiuntry" that de- lig-htful lifle m-agazinie that keeps us se wall-înfarmed a1 every lavai of W.I. wark - How Bngo Was Abolish Fromn the-OId Folks' Hoi By WARD CANNEL Newspaper Enterprise Assis. New Rechalle, N.Y. - It had ta bnappan of ceurse. Thie police hav_\,e finally çrackad down, ex- posingr, the New,ý Rochelle Wa- mien's Club and the Coibuna M,,emorial Hoei, for the aged Ion what thay really are. Whlat iooked for ahl the Woodc like Ieng, alterneons cf fun, games and jelly beans ameong thre ladies and the adid o'Llks in this propar New,ý York suburb bas turnad eut te be at ieast a viola- tion of penal law section 1388. At laast thiat's wbat soe lawv enfercamant authonities dlaim. And tins reporter ýis mighty -suspicious altar listaning ta confessions wugfnm memn- bers ofl[the Wemnen's Club, As police iece it together, tha whola businiess started sava-r- ai years ago when the ju-ýnior, section of the club vatad ta ex- pDand its civic activities. They wýýere already taking c4na ol a Konean orphani, help- ing at a local centre foýr the handficapped, celiecthng food and mufine-y for the Salvatian Army- and doing vlunltear werk at a hospital. Se it was just a case af ana, hing leading te anether whe-n thn ladies turned thin cii eyes twadhe Colburn Me- meniJ Home for the agad. Whatl jo1lly fun it weuid be, thyagraad, te h1ave a mnonthly bingo Vgame at[the Heme with socks and tius and writng papar for pnizes and witb homiem-ade cookies, soda pop and je:l beans fon refreshment. Wbat jlfun! Walthe read te haell is pavadl witk oo inteniens. And bôingo, accerdng to e tha staasLot- tary Control Commuission, ls one aI the biggast pavýing blocks, Acýcording te thecomsse chaian, Judg Rlichards (cg) Hannirah, pinage bas becema such bîgiu2 ies ad eanertain-mant and tb)e tenýptP>tions ta dafrapitc. hav .açp.ase great that àa pass-ed rgltn asand imore wiml rlabi a~te do ç ya l the ryerfuue In New York stat alone, "Ho dleasý enareli wben En i gatti,, old?," >asks a naad- er. When yoýu st-art chlýck,-ing th-e hed bme bingo accouatsl L for about $40 mrillion werth oft aad mmIpnîza recaiptsý anaually. With th-1at much-e at st1aka, infïractions ef th-.e reg-ulatonylaws ara:,freUquenft enougb t e kep thaeomsse' 18-man staffevnwnkd hle tnying te belp local polfice de- ptmnsuphold the law. It wuas, tLherafor, manuiy months bel ena lottery coatrol inva-estiga- tors tumb!,'lad te what was going on in the a Rochehla old age home. The finst break ini the caise cmas it oftan doaes, from11 an aýversight. by the guLy h Womien'.s Club postad an an- neunicamant in tbe local paýper tirat its naxtý bingo gama would be hald ,on Follewing this flimsy dlue, in- vestigators disýcovared ali sorts af violations. There wera na posted rui 'es of playing. Finar.- ciai stateme-nts aI tbe gamre were not liled. with thii commiis- sion, No $10 license ta play haàd bem) obtained. JU1TS T 0ÎOF 'FTH E PRPESSI S, (id now for ounacîtnnw1 Neadiacrait Ctlga vnl dasigons te crochetý, knit, sew, cm,- broidar, quilt, %waava - fashl ins, homafurishing , ts, gilts. -,ba- zaar bits. Plus FREE -isrc tions fer six smnart veýil as HTuîry-, senJi 5frnowt "Tan doillars""oeaclub lady wa,,iled."Wy we don't spand thiat on a whola leno' Navarthalass, the law is tire aW(which in this cae auaise mnore ýthan a halË million dollars in, $10 licenises par year). -N'ew Rochelle police wara alar-ted. The cakonbegan. "I sure hatad te de it tOhe,' Deta-ctive Johin Murray sidJ. 'Eut itwa section 1388 oeI the panal law,. I bad te." Tha Womaen's Club teek it g~aefulyconsultad Ltheir ilw.- yar on tha law. iand changad the- mennthly gamec at the eld age home -te another individual cýard- and-ceunitar gamne cailed Pokena, Tha aid flsseaete like ià quite wlaccording t cyl cem-mittea chairmian Mrs. Wýil- liamr Allard, althiough therd ie Stîli'seacenfutsion aitrth0 Homýe. Winnars usuallyv cal! eut "Bingeo" înstaad of "Pcjoano." "Yas," says taycen'tral cemmssinerHanah."How- aven, what people say w han tlhey play tha gama e les net Lau u- der our jurisffiction.- "And pIecise sfoýp callinD them Tha n..~.

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