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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Feb 1961, p. 7

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Iseci -1i>tuirbed na- JIh iseh f nua psy- ýtoin em- izars te li, Nigeria, the u ufertunai te esiegees te a comnmurtitv witch docter, vwh ýos e isud-ht eic.,, rarked wtha white fa.There, resýting- on ai grass ïçiýAtinstead of a leather couchi, tuhe patient is put juite deep comra wihacraughlt 0f nmysterieurs yellowv. liquid. Thjis is thie 'r quiiztr."Later the pa)jtientiîs given a cake c bacorap wicte bihtyrobedit,îchi 1otrper'suadces km ihl w u-ay'the evil spirits." Th-is. ,;c oureis thie tl" Thbis interasting paýra11(llob- ýtw-een the practicas in the priim Park Avenue office and the primitive African inud hut wasz enade recently by Dr. Raymnond PVrinceý, 35, a seft-speken psy- aihiatriat of MaGili Un1ivarsity, who ý reccntly spent eighit er sueutii su Nigeria, practicing in Now wtha Secie-ty -fer- the InvstiatoftumnEcolegy ;,rant, Dr. Prince returnedc-( last mo)nth te -the bush Country ef een-tinute bis investigatiesîs intn witch dctoring, in the sprawling, populous (45,000 na-itives and Europaapns} omuni of Abe- é0kuta -1A imentally disturbed ntv e fthe Yeruba triba aystay tinder the witch dector's care as Tong,, as two yeare," Prince said. -And ha is raquired te poa y Fa stîf f fce. If he is wealthy, hie XVill pay 7 the decter in goats; er ha mjay work off the debt in the gloctor's fields." The high cost of #beîng ,vitch-doctored, in fact, was what drova sema enatives te Pr. Prince at the hospital. On Dr. Prince's last visit te) Nigeria, a highly regardedwic 0octor named Adetona pe-rmitted hlm ita watch a treatmnen't. Aftar- wgard, Prince persuaded him ta lgive himi somae of the patent yvl- kow *iiqui;d which he then had einalyzed in London, "The herb distillation turned. ûut ta b. enùcal iiar ta ea tàajanqUi1hifg crug knoxvn ta us tor. just fifteen yearýs," Dr. Prince eqid. It le_ made by boiling az xoot from the~ trea Rautwalfia týh&t growýs near the village anld Uts activa agent, reserpina, is UsQd î )inmeet modem tranqui- liZers. IJ ol guess they have been uslnig this drug for hundreds of years," lie added. "And there ara o;therýs--perliaps soeawa don't kîiOW yet--that might be invalu-. mble te Western maedicîne. "'On this trip, I'm ging te look jkor ethr drugs, and aise probe ita ftha question ef how rmuch Of fite cure depand(-s (oulthe malgicý If 'talk,' and, how mruch oan phar.- macloicalyactiva druigs. Tisý, questioni is pertinent te Wester-n DRIVE CAREFULLY - Thet 1lfe y«m sava mray be your own. -- - 7 WEIT PROFIT -- A reil :catch 9Pr ariy ucky fisherman, Kcthy VFrote ,dropi into t4e nef at B;ilvcer Sprlings, Kathy, 17, ie « wÉh ho en er. SKI-HIGH FLIER - Seen in octipn is Toni Soiler, ,Aorld"s only 3 Gold Medals Olymnpics Wjnner, (Cortino, ltaîly, 1956), ond who ploys host b o ne of Lufthansia Geýrman Airlines fomnous Euro- pélon ski touu. Poocuîî f ntas emnAri Talks Show Business Raul, the suav-e maitre 'hte atI Nawý, Yark'e Algonqin Ha1-tel, confidIed ta a visitar in 'h thea- trinal haunt knoWn- as tIse Oak )Roomn recently: "That Mvr, Pluni- m-er's a gzreat acter. Ha aughit ta go ta, Hollywood'and make pic-- turcs. TIsera a3re 50many lmn Marîncants a t er Christopher Plm eslightly Isarried, arnhv- ed for lunch and a fez.w Worls a bout "'Thé Prisorler of Ze-nda,"ý th-e weli-wTorn perhad piece ha wavîs starring in on CBS's "OuII Pont Show of the Men-tIs." 'Trankly,"' sai d the 3-er oild, alagantly turned cout Plum- n'ai, explaining why oue of .thle finest actons on the English- spaigstag e wound up, in tIss olJd retread, "I nieaded thse money. I'm net tairirbly matI for doing ýratak'ýes of o e fl eis, but 1 hava te get te England (hr hae will play Shakaspeare-an rueas at Strýatford, starting J)in Febýru- ary). Playing twe parts ini 'Zendia,' thaugh, i. s rathar nicQ fer wan cgotist lika c.e" Jin "Zenida," Plummî-er play,- tat wi nrele Ronald Colmyan mnade famous in thew 1937 movi e -thapt of an Eng-ilihman who doubles as lis cou sin, the King cf Ruritania, whan thec latter Jh hield captiva in Zenida castle > ,I swtha mevie on the late show t ne other night," said Plummrer. "Iïi hosa days thay piayed rt etraight; ours leans mi-ore towa-rd ljilit comredY. 'd lieadte av done it as a Satire, but th-,ey're afraid ef satire onr, avson' "Soea dy" hamused, "'Fd like to do a satire showvýing whaIt ; ceally goas wegwhen a. TV play l aped - ithe cmr ejpening on dlead air (a bIant su reen) actors standing in ;hc corner grumibIing, theatcaeras bcnl trobe hteadec Weuldln't knov-w what was gjn g ecuaePlummer tra,;inad w the CanadianRepertor1y Coin- pay and draw considaerable fraisa for the strengthi andpi.u hac br)Ioughjt ta ShakI'es1-pearean relýs it, the Strattlord i(Ont.> Fresival. (Plumniiier thas smyalh r- gard for- th-, Ameican Stratforcd ,(oan.,) Festival: "Th-ewhl thing ,shrieks of disguise. They b)ring ôujt a m-ovie Star'so 'thle star can hiave a romp ihn.'Ise sumertime.") On Breadia-y, ha-à ' sarrhd .with Julie Harrisi "TIse La-rk," antI played t'ise raie af. tIse clevil in "J.B."1 Racently d3ivorce-d fromi Tamr- mny Grimes, thie elactrie sensa- to o Broaaway'sý "TIse Unsîfnk- able MVolly Brown," lme $ a y s cff is_ currenitacvii: "Right naow, 'y. just been - tinraounci on mnY bbhitid wit- îîîg ta doiea-nov,,ia- "Ten( I's Isa igh"Sclznick wae nsgo- :ng t e doit, btnow he-& baan achanýjge and, I1 scr hy'egoing te alta it on a back Ilo nbewheyr.I eught te get semamoeyfrinthei - cr -sua. After Eigland, I mig7ht do a couple of!ove The pisys sent ta ma eare se ab,)oiniable. Broadway is becemîng an enig- ima trie m. Toamnysplasby :,et designers. "Telse nd mevies can h fun, but tIse stage is ts ii inecdiumi in which an acter cati ba fully creative. H'lollyw,,oed is thpe nly pac Iknow Vwhere, aânimnals -- and aýmateurs -- a ce éitars. They send a great stage actar out ta HeoliyWeod te wr sýay, With Gary Cooper. 1-a smrokes a ciaet nd say-ýS 'Yuip' and seasthe scene." Suddenly Plumme -r inquired tIse time, sai-.d, "Sorry te !run, but l'mn ]ate for an appcint- mnent," and dashed off, "'He's a -great acter," sgodu- Raul. "Ile ought te go o te oll) - wo" -From N-EWý,SWEEK,. NOW IN LIQUIDATION otbr'eak of car steahing came ta an abrupt haitwIllte arr-est of Giancanlo Menti. [le confessed te0 the Police thiat ha was forced te steal, and li,]1 twa cars daily te kcep up witb, bis thist. Hie da:ydninking neasvere 30 glasses nf brandy plus 4 pint of wine with ench ef bis meal. TIsa mucil miayy1 younger gefiaration je. like tIse prvuseus in disrespac(ts, - I ( DAM GOODIiA S( me nineteeýn years a1ge, when wý'ater supplies virtually dlried Up at David M.,Ionteýith's f arm, near Prince Albert, Sas- katchWanhe dýeLcded te "en- curainge" beaver-s to build a damn for imi Afergttiiig the consent of -Goeruentofficiais lf ocn- str,ucing.ada-m acress the Slîell Riv7er'te raise water levais, Mlon- teith arrang-ed for two lorry deads cf poplar trunks te be dropped inte the river close by 'is farrpa This w,,as done and immnnediately keavers took ever Worki7ng induistriouisly wvith t 'he legs and mud the ene-rgetic littie animais seon built up a strong barrier and censerved the wýater. Teý-daiy, twro main dams assure aplentifuil supply of water, and farineýr Monteith luas neo an-xiety fer a Pvwater sîlpplY for his large herd of cattie. Q. Hew can I easily remove- aprthat has b3ecome stuck to a f'res!shl-varnished surface? A". If you'l1 sealit it herougàly w,-ith olive cil, it sheuld peel off May be Warning Backecluhe je etten caused by Iazy kiduey action. Wheu kidueys get out ef eýrder, exctse acide sund waetesý remain i the ïyedem. Then Iackache, i. turbied reteor that tied-eut sud heavy.. heeded feeling may foco feIIow. That's the thue te take Düdd's Kidney Pille. Dec iCuilate Ihe kidneys te normal art jeu. Then yeu fiel better-sleep better-worhc better. Get Dedd'e Kidney Pille now. 5 C eLASSIFIED AGENTS AGENTS WANTED MALE or femnale: W01-110yOo 0Lenter- efited to seil Ban Lon Sweatens direct toW wearer? FuIl or Part tim-e. 111gb quality and eXclusive Styles. 111gb coin- mlissions sud bonus paid. For Free wvorklng Kit write to: 'JAY DISTRIBITORt p O. Box 13S Ouftremont, Monitreal ii, BABY CMICKS BRAY hatching Amnes lu--Cross pullete, duýai purpose, dayelde, to order. Sev- eral,'.varieties started puLlIets eavailable, prompt sýhlpment. Book A1pr1Il May brollers now. See local agent, or write Bray I4tchery, 120 john North, Ham- ïlton, 0Onterlo. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CAME BIRDS OFFEri excellent ilnvestmieiit possibili- tie:. Gueranteed Domxnioni-wlde miark- ets te those who quallfy. Please wýrite for apitmn.Gam-elanid S s I e s Company, Mýezzanine FooKiug Ed ward otel, Toronto, FOR THE MAN WHO IS LOOKING FOR OPPORTUN ITY Gýet ion, the top new etffre iu fran- chises, niew products, new services, nmail erder, new imports and niew salbusi- ness opporvtunities. Free details. Box 228, 123 - lth St., New Torèntio, ont. BE A TOWN HERO!1 and INCREASE YOUR EAcRNINGS UP TO $5,000 A YEAR uany ofyunhurrigcommunmi ties are now enjoyl!ng the luxury pro- vidled b3y s coin-operated lauiuiry. Yeu wlill be Ilovedj by every InseUel you1r locality. CONAHwlll provide 'you witb the fineat coin operated lanndffy equlp- ment fe.turling SPEED QýUiiRi "3%- mercial washers and wl compietely plhan and su(pervise the 'osru )one youir store. A complete package decal w,,illinmclude special Promiotionai Assistan-ce, Opers- Be 'lie firsi and the only mesumber of your communiiy to own a protected fully liicensed iand ecuieCOIN.- WASH TORE.CIli collect or write Coiwah Eaten> Ltd., 125 The Queensýway, Toronto, 18, Ont. CL. 9-66,33. COINS "THIE old Canadianl and U "; coins you hav;,e beeni savlng are worth mnioey" Wve wlt! psy cash3 for waný1ted coins, Premilumprice lilt 254. shbowsthe ceins desîrecd.11 Internatinal Coin Company, 22 itraStreet, Torou'to. FARMIS FOR SALE I>ARKMfAM; for sale, 60-acre farrn, bou1se, 'dlcoeuecs goo)d barn, river runulng across propectty. J,1B. Johnson, R.-R. 1, StoffjlLe FOR SALE - MISCELLANEOUS CHIEQUE Protectors: RAcendlttined sud guiaranteed. Several usiodeis. Very rea- sonabIe. Information: T. H. Graham, 296A lenforest Rd., Toronto 12, Ont. HELP WANTED MAL& BEEKEEPER. Position cpeu April 17, 1961, ini one of Canadas largest bee- keeplng businesses for exper$enced beekeeper with chaiutfeur's licence. Write to Rideau Honey Co. Ltd:, Xemrptvllle, Ontaio, statlng a*ge, experi- ence, hepight and wepîiht, references;, and sny othler helpfui Information, ciln- 1close pheotograph. INSTRUCTION EARN Mlore! Bookkeeplng, bSal'esman.x shlp I 'iorthand, Typewriting, etc. Le. sons 50(". As), for, free clruir o. 33. CaainCorrespoiudeuce Courses I29(j0 Bey treet, Toronto. INFORMAkTION BOOKLET TI-IFLORIDA DIGEST, treasury cf Information for retirees and vacation- tsts on emiploynment wvages, smgll buisi- niess opýportunitles, City descriptions, $2. Karie. Box 2262, Lansing, il, Michigan. MEDICAL POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BAýýN [SE the tomnent ùî dry ecm rashes sud weeplng skIïi rue. Plost's Eczema Salve wýiIl not disaàppoint you tchlng, scaldlnig sud !burnjmng ecze- ma, ecue. rlugwormr, pïimpies -,nd foot eczeïna wIlrespond readlly te 'tieý staiief.se odorles oltilen, rEgardîes off bow sube or hopelece th1ey sem. Sent Pott Frneun Receipt cf Prïce P'RICE $,0PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1U5 St. Clair Avenuiê Hast, YORONTO BOOK NOW! yI~ sait eqrly und Save 10% on fj4f, V ! rounid-trip to Europe -'V Europe in Spring je eit its bIaseom becS . . . Cunord gels you there ieaxed, refresýhed und ready Sa enjoy fie pleesures cheod. Pound-trip reductions, until Apr;l 14th * %leess British service * Cuisine te delight a11 tast. eDancing, parties, movie# *DuSy-frec shopping *Stobilixerà for smoofh sailing *275 lbg,. free baggege ollowanee AU Aiînc[uded hi your Cunau-d ticktt SEYOUR LOCAL AGENT, Enurobourtheb new Cunard Paoy-Later Plan --h. budget way tb mcke yo'Ur trovel dreame corne true. Cerner Say & Welllngten Pes, Teroet, Ont. G ADVERTISI G, MEDICAI. TRY 17 I IVERY SUFFEEROF RHEUMAlIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S RMEDY. MNOSDRUG STORE 1135 ELGIN OTW $1,25 Express CCohen PURCHASERS OF NUTRIA foliow'ing points. which tl; re u tien off ers: 1 r h.e beat -eilabl!e s re' iuua b red or snd'ýard tyes rcommnde 2. The reputation of . h he' proving ltel îbstiaîe;d vIic catljsfieder ners. 3. Ful) nuaceaanilpi-euet shtould they t ifi.ve o- 'eth11 . -1 certiticate ofmn. Ï, Weriivy ou211 u1111v c a 1- n i'runh ar1e ln d enand frfigarments 5. oq receifrùmth5eg,.ur ers où! this sokuo atuiel h benefîts eofurd 7 Prices frinen,,ta Sand Speclal osier tothewh uaiy cýaru ' our IN ntri o u oprî R R. No fiStuffv]le nrt MI, N ANDWMN SON E A PAIRDRESSER G5 Eorea si'tu>uc-it 72 asaidigmfl iree.o;so tor arveloc rodu'e' a G Armierica's' Greateatlpv iSte tm fla Ginatrtd ,tloue rban .Srite nf Cap 358 Bloor t, T irno lAl tor7Ux20-idauFSReinta waý SOX RSO AL GT magnau , S pOris!Zul ich Dec- orcase plii onU each Tlsmn Gusnt-eed. Sendl 3 dollar notes te: frAi Geians, Box 230, O;erpor 0 Duban R-1- ed. raneed, olmalîeoclu-plai pvacl, iýncudlng catlogue snd stcexy býomckMfreA wtrnialasOtnu.1 o 'D1.00 (Focet qityWesten Oerbs rse, x spFReinge, Sesk. Flhn ienr 100eyard s ud; ee moe sprnm aeintbe G404 ipn 12 mad eig cn prucnts 60* En Reprtfo tsints 6* each. orcot taes; elopin 1100 mi et ncludiont( ritl e 16,000rine3elsc etras fundfo elil frured1,inted ne ge, TRU-LIR Na 36CHIESlt g.ae Mustelra,0nableno etAtsl-', Hstcer PhnelehRP!tanFOrdSA Elc tiDeAL rtlocion,- Weeste adrontarlo; '%25.Bot acrs ith large wi sýn lterie oroinforanhed reecked 3 yrsC agoe paend 20b eug construce nea-b.ex- 1 tes; lethan 1Co.milsotr3m5TeOnt. otal spreie al6,00,re .9nable tee 43 icori,Onto. EM -32 ;AnicUSorl --'15revferensud imop 50feed f52.60. 5eý, Lut'aiy, $6550,200nd hqu Oer M.d.'hoped repd. ForC Ot- L nd20% epdslt.Si2c96A mptes incoun1t'Î, cOntrçl N ~'5 N N N N N s N N N N 'N .1' N 's 's 7-s -s 's N 'N ~r 4t'.". ~s fi-j -s- 'N N 's St N N ) ) ) J J N 's '1 "s "'1 's -s N N .5 -5 "s N '1 N -.1 N N N N N N -s N N '"1 ~1 N '4 '4 '-5 N N 's N N -s ('4 N - N N N N - N N s St "s s -t N N 's N '-s -t N N "-s q 'N s-, N N N N N 's FAST, PREQUENT SAILINGS FROM NEW YORK TO ENGLISH, -SCOTTISW, IRISH & FRENCH PORTS QUEEN MARY Fob. 3, 17, Mar. 4, 22 *SYLVA:NIA Jan. 27, Feb. 24, Mar. 22 QUEEN ELIZABETH Mar, 15, 29 *SAXONIA Fob. 2, Mar. 2, 3 PARIHIA Feb. 17, Mu, Ifl, CARINTHIA Feb. 10,4vMar. lù MEDIA mm'r, $3 1 'I1VERNIA Feb, 16,'.Mzr. it THERDAPTEÉ RR8UL'Ak S'A#iÊNC3PROM MONTkAL &NW Y00K 'OCUR Offlc*. M2 Htifaîx 0 Svint John - Quebe* Menree .Tnt. * WImnilIs - .Edmionto;ï - Vorcouvw*e

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