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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Feb 1961, p. 8

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NTEEKLY TIMES rete - Editor' andMage [ptioni payiýable in dvic O ~in U.SA 2.5 Trsal at te office of publicathin eet. Ph-on-e 10, rono, Onitarjo OronýÏ,lo Basebail? It w.s athe grtifIgto laulast week tatinterediiiate 13aseha1ilmay returato,0Oronlo jandjtarea iwite renewing )f the Lakeshiore Intermnefiate BasebaflLage This Ilague ov7er the ipast t-wo years hias been conspicutous by its bec and has cer- tainly been a loss to the area in the realm of sports. The rebirth of the Lakeshore is definite withi a number of teams definitely entering the league. The scope will also be great- ~er than in former years wth ent ries fromn sucli centres as Belle- ville and Peterborough. There is a possibllity of the league lýeing made uip of ten teams if ail centres interested can rouse enough interest in their own centres. Lasf year was the f irst year in which Orono was niot repre- sented in any leag-ue witb a baseball team and if left a gap in the sporting activities oýf the Village and at the Ororo park. The re-entry- by Orono depends on the desire of the boy: to play and the intereýst of persons to promote and manage such a team. To arrive at a decision a meeting lias been callkd for Wed- nlesday, February th in the Orono Restaurant wlenail those in- terested are inited to attend. It is to be hoped that Orono can come forth with an entry this year to add this sport to the sehedule of activities in Orono. lMame The Softies It has been said over the past few years that Canadians are becoming softer and lack the grit of former years. Such a re- nark was even passed on by Prince Phllip on a recent visit to this country. We now feel sure lhat the weatberman, or whoever is responsible for our weather, hias been reading these reports and bas decided t o janci a hand to correct such a condition. The answer by the weatherman hias been tço make conditions underwhihwe live more difficult and this lie hias been doing the past tLwo wi1îiters Last year those in~ thîs area of Canada were con- tinualy atW the end of a snow shovel figlting mountîng snow banks or witb a shoiulder be-hind their, auto pushing if hroughi more snow. This year, "lie approach hlas been changed a littie, but the hard- ,ships are stilJ asgret.lTe temperatLure for the past two wveeks has been far beiow no)rmal and one often hesitates to push his or her foot ouf the dloor to see how cold if is. "Woukld someàne telli'the weathiermnaker that Canadians are now stalwart souls and that some relief be provided. Orono TeIephorne Service T'le main itemi of i scussion within the Vilage these ltays tends to b le t'hat centering around the Orono Telephilonie Company al- dtefut!ure ~of this Company, It seems quite apparent iudging,- frcnm t1e sidlewalk talk that the Company will be sol to one of trebidders, Port Hope Telephone Company, Bell Teleplione CDmani!y or the Dunnlville Telephone Comrpan1y. The sale of this local Cômni>ily does in a way seemr a shaime. Services of the Orono system have to- be improved to meet growing- demnands and to keep up to existing standards tlroughout thle Country. ThIs, of course, means the establishment of a dial system along with other improvements. If appears that maTly feel thiis is not within the abiity of the Orono Company but it is cer- tainly possible if other Comipanies can comne in and supply this imiprovedi systenix The cost of a dial system w ill comne out of the local users over the next twenty years or so no matter who holds the onership. The tcelpone business le one noted as being an ex- cellent investmnent f i- capitol and bias no competit ion as they al- Way7s operate in an area where they hold exclusive franchises. The road for the local company to continue to provide tele- phone service and estabillh a diaI systemi would nef be easy but une requiring many bours of work and organizing, for the direc- The decision, of course, rests wif h the sbareholders 0of the Company who, we u-1tderstand are meeting titis Saturday to deter- mine- the outeome of the CoMPan-y. (as Sen-i- pea iTeMotalr ~ItJ~' Lix CARLE)0F THANKSÇý' >I s's1 to epress j thnsand apprec'4iati0n ta nurses and staff of the1à H1ospital for, their careaar ness during my stay in the] aiso many- thanks 'for- al th~ gifts and welcomne visits those who so willingly fie hoýme wifle 1 was a-way. A nesses are deeply appreciat 13il DIED TOD t iis residence, NlewtonvilleonSaudy ,19.1, oneC odl yer elovedcl husband o.l Connli, earfathier of C ileen (Mris. D-on--. Stapleto Service waýs leld ini th( Monda, Jauary30, al Z.OK Tempo)raryDintermÀ2nti an, Orono. ILEIter1To Thle 11 o for 1563J ac BASEBAJ-L. MECTING ~" A meetig olfroseintaeestd, JuII, ir and <kmdii a sle Coi -pewlll be :-eld h O ro Reur 019k.1 sare adinebanquerte. ndte o Ree1 î of the evening were giv- The Editor, Jan. 27, 196[t en byFnnca Secretary, Sister The Gronio Weely Times, Gladys Gami-sby, and Were received Orono, Ontario Iby Treasurer ister Irene Murray. Dear Sir: Last Thursday eveniing weee Sister Louise Clarke ,vas escorted privileged to bave AMrs. B3agniani to the centre of the floor where she lecture to us on Vincent Van Gogh was presented with a gift on behlfaî bad is Contemporary Imrsin-o h officers andi embers of l3ee- ansIprsson hive Rebekah Lodge anid Heather The Recreaf ion Committee very Rebekahi Lodge. properly extended a vote of thanlcs' Ileather Lodge Officers then were to Mrs. Bagnoani but overlooked a asked f0 vacate their chairs when simjIlr gesture to another pereoni Beehive Lodg-e Officere took over, without whom the evening w\?ould Ndble Grand(ï Sister DOaisy Paedon neer have been instigated. I refer presiding for thie Closing >-ceremon- of course to Mrs. Edwaird Samue l, 'ies. w\ho was inistrumentIal in organiz. in r.Bann' dmntato. Avery dieliclous lunch wa-s served Perbape we can regard thlis as l -e banquet hall, f his was served merey bc frernnerof seiesof uffet style anid consisted of many talks on1 lb and other cultural topicsind fsnwchs ac n eg.. ballet, theatre, opera, musi, 1plain ithrlse and delîcious liteaturacli'àeology etc., which t!arts anid cookies of everY discip- could lie nmore wd1 derie in throughout the enitire districýt there- byatractinig a larger audience - mté oehrwithi the music loy- and couild w\e not, during theacho , ersi h rarne to have an holidayS, lhave som1-ething for tfhe epetdiscues onje of thle operas be- There are muaniy local residenits'Mn eetsi Trn o,,now whohav a backgrounId of tirainînig couldI, ithI a littlefoenwdg, ini these allied subj ects who would offerj farý more stîimulatiag eniter- be in a position f0 assist the tainen th they appear to do). tee. 1 repeat a hearty vote of thanki-s The Mtropolitan Opera Company tW Mrs. Samuel - well done Margot. of New York wvill lie at the '1KeeF e Yusfitfl Cenitre in May. Coid not thLe smjSoaFeniw DyiondDicse Health in Ontario Can Be Secouéd 4Career-iýc Mafthew B. Dymn, KMD, CM. Ontario M;riist'er of HeuIthý raingalfogamzIbition to nrethe Sick. W iIh thir familles rowling up they arecstarting a scon)d ocareer, becoming Certi- lied Nursing Assistants. These womien are filling a real need in ourhsptl under the spriinof a registered nurse. erfedNnrsing Assýistanits are important mnembers of the nurs- ing teani providing bedlside nurs- ing and indeed AIl the needs of the patient. The Ontario Departmnent of Hlvath operaies five centres in the province to provide the con)- prehenusive training a Certified Nursing Asistanit requires in 1er wvork. As well as these centres mnany hospitals also conduct sn- lar courses urnder the supervision of the Hlealth Departmnent. But one course, more than ail the otheicrs, attra cts 1house wivesý. Tiiýs is the csening course h1eld at the Toronto trinîng cenvrtre on Daxe-nport Roaid. Three, niglits a wee4k lfor eighit nonths wameLIn at- tend classes helire lanigthe basic theoryv andpric of nurs- ing. When this is cmitdthceý unetsefour mmnhs of fuil- time tanmgatfthre city hos- pitals. Typi'cal of te omn ttnd 0w h vnigcus is Mr'. I lazel do o'r1;[York, mothe.r ofuof ech*ildrenI. BeecaIIwe nuevofr c ebilýlie reIqireýd a great deial of attenl- tion to hîs bIealth Nwhen lhe was smiall, Mrs. Ord became, eager te mae a career of nuirsing later on. The evensing coursýe at [tie Toronto centre gave hier thlis op- port unity. Like most of the other women on the course Mrs. Ord finds bier training and the study slhe must do at home tiskes uip all of bier spare time. Yet thcry ail make this effort willingly. Moat of thien have familles who need their attention during the day; only evening clasgss-,ive tlhem the opportunity to undlertake nursing training. Thecse wvomen lu the higher age groups hiave mnade a definite contribution to the succeas of fie Certified _Nnrýing Assistant ,hee.Since the programi start- ed in 1946 they have formed jjmre than fhaîf the graduares 'rli(ir inursing sk]ills have heneo fltted tb1lousýaIds in hsîa homles and conImnmnitîes thrionigh- out the province. LLOYD REALTYa LIGT WITHý LLOYD) THEN CA Y OUR MOVER $540,00 DOWAN $540-00 Brand ne'w ro brick house close to Oshawa Shopping Centre, five minutes drive to, General Mo- tors via new overpass to 401. Bal ance $G3.00 mronthily on one N.H.A. m-ort.gage. O--veri 50 of these fine homes sold. Oniy a f ew, left. Act quickly. Cal Lloyd Realty at RA. 8-5123 or alter hnours at RA, 8-2236 collect Lloyd Rea!ty Ltd. Reialtors ý RA. 8-5123, RA. 8-5124, RA. 85125ý 101 Simcoe St. N. 1 JAC013SEN - SIMPSON Furniture Finished and Refinished Pairitiri and Papering Cupboards Builit PHONE ORONO 1413 or NEWCASTLE 4371 STAFFORD BROS. MlonumentalWok Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whltby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Let us erect a handsorme, dig- nified monument over the rest- ing place of your Inved ones. lt's flot expensive. And seeing this Iast tibute wiII give you endleSS comfort. WALTER FRANK MeCQUAY and KIID REALTORSg 'j177 C-hurch St.g 'j Bowanvile MA.3-3393 ( a ÏG 0i fInsrei H ail ts Banhe Auto, Package and Composite oPolicies , Fire, Farm, Life,U oBurgiary, Liabiiity, Marine, Accident and Sickness, Wlnd, Boiter, Fideiity Bond, Etc.g Sadie Kamilton Phone, Orono 1R16 FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS A. F. McKENZIE. M.D. HYICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours 2:00 fo 4:CO p.mg. 7:00 f0 8:00 p.M. Saturdays and Wedn-esdays tw ap7ontmtsYl PI4ONrE 1471 ORONO DR. .R. J. TAGGART VETERINARY SURGEON Phone 10616 Oroný;ontuf Lawrence C. Mason, B.A Barrister and Solieitor BOWMANVILLE, ONTr. Phories: "'ieM 3-1,118 Home AA1-153 W. KIAY LYCETT, B.A. Baorlste- 8Sol itor In the Of fices of R. R. Waddei QC. MAIN ST.ý ORONO Telephone 138 Orouo L. J. SKAIFE BY APPOINTMENTS Lycett's Ir-surance ORSiee P.O. Box 6'3, Oronea Phone 12516- IN SURANCE Cene-ral & Life FRED LYCETT OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO Phone 125>16 Res. 11716 JACK REID Auctiop.eer and Valuate Specialize in Farnm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terme and dates Phone a- r 18 osouo TED JACKSON ,Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auctioni Sales of ail si«. and et ereasontable rates Communjcate witfihihm et Pori Perrv, Monuentsand Our quality andl service leavea nothing to he desired Ask the persan who botight fromn us- a neighiboljr, friend or reîlbtve The RIJTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Oltarlo Street PORT HOPE "L.argest Display in Southern Ontario" Orono Eed PHONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR ta al t-4

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