dayT school and church at the sarne once, by white hooligan hour, 11:15 a.rn. after Easter, was was addressing a white discussei. We would1 like to Jknow what the parents think of this idea. The Rev. R. White le while lie ~The Women-'s Association met at It willl nable the parents to bring j s11A 01 VVi litwe cando U ll"t t e home of Mrs. J. Stapleton on the children and attend churcli. 1lans to'wards world p)eace?'. Wedesayevening, the first dayLuc was served by Mrs. Staple- -,o!' February. t was perhaps saine-1 Mrlis. Brown read the scripture tnadMs otr ti-ing o! a record to see the roads land -Mrs. Low took the devotional. -id lanýes as free of' snow as iu thelMr-s. Cathcart gave a talk on troub-J A number o! thie frienids aiii( sojmmer turne. This was the coldest led fcateling about a aîant neglious o! the Late Mr. WeV(, î glit 0f the winter thus far, four-ý,and hlonoulrable Jnativ7e leader, Chi E ' 'aatendfed l is funeio t"een below. Ltuiwog0 pl msiniudyatron lOonoc. fHe farmi- iLLil,'itili výic) gre luuptheaKendal area 1tililic t etiredi The presidenit, Mlrs. Stapleton opidho n So-uth Africa. He became inOon e ersa( eudthe mneetinig with a hynin. The a c!1ege teacherý, thien a tia mrinutes were read and the purchase checf and la world traveljler. HIe is'3 Mr1. Roniald Gay of the Sixth unile o!a new carpet was discussed. It, the leader o!fine million Africans. 1 l'ias Joýined the staff o! the Bjank o! i w,;ýas decided to buy carpet for thelHe lias re!usedl to be crushied bv Motreal i BwaMile c.entre isle and choir loft of the apatei, athough i pioued',1- church. The new, planii to ho.dun tried for treason, and imprn is p -yt erta r..lI I beate up L-1-e lias been iiil for a couple of wks e lhope hier ,-pIDetite w imiprove with thle fine sunnyi weath- I or we areut, now enjoying.- RO YL ~wmaviIe IThe trees are being -cut these tvln- R OA L M A. 3-5r589 f er days along thie seventh lit4e n)ext sumnmer'. IOnie week ag-o Garry _JýJci I went toCzlling oodt skii. -Or0fl() Chamber- {Continued fromi pagel) the tax bill. IMv. EI.,IH. Samuel reportei that the Commercial Committee had planued to hold a nooni lunchieor on Tuesday, 'February l41th for ail the, merchants and professional men! when a plan for bettering commerce would be suggested for discçussioný andi approval. S. B. Rutherford said that since Inoroatio for the Vhilage may beapossibility. lie was su~ggesting that thie Chamiber have both sides of the proiposa;Il presentedl at the Chain- ber in order that members ceuld be bet-ter informed on the mattr, On motion by S. B. Rutherford and Dane Found, the Chamber is to re- quest the O0rono Police Trustees to present facts on Incorporation.- Tt was also moved by W. H. Car- man anC rBo Hazelton that thet Or- ono Chamber also invite tlho5ç"!t and "against" the Liquot- question to present their views to the Charn- ber at the next regular meeting o! i tli Chmbr. 171ismotion also car- Kendal News WE ARE AGENTS ýOR Continuous Forms AND AUTOMATIC, MACHINES LOWEST PRICES Orono Weekly Times Phone Oronio 109 SAVE CASH AT RED & WH-ITE SAVE CASH AT RED & WHITES$AVE CASH AT RED & WHITE6S&iE .CASH AT ED& WHITE.SAVE, CASH AT REOSAVE-CASH AT RED, ECASH AT RED & WHITE -vi Shirruff's Goodi Morning M AR "MX' .ýLA DE 24oz Cworak SYRWUPw Kraft CHEESE WHI2 60lb 7c G~EN aSDgE SUNKIS? 'ORANGES 45c--d Cl v rl a - 0i ht 4-w Silicone 1RONING COVER TUN A I H7'i 7 ETELCIOPopping Corni ceilo 19e > g 93 FaPCY -48o J IUritn 2 foir 55 c e ASETe pint brick 25c A-pple Sauce 2 for 39e --Beef Stew 24 oz39 Rn>s os b Robin Hood- Aunt JemimaI. IIII I9 W fIfl [ Quick Oats 5 lb 5ic rancake Flour pk 2l1c < 0o.Tnwt h prhs fi»g o LAMB CHOPIS Rib Loin lb 49cX FR EE fIeiz omtoor Vegetable both Swtft's Premium a a >ý ~~~Walkers Saltine Sodas 1 lb fr31 5 SAVE. CASH AT RED & WHITE-SV CAH AT RED& WHITE SAVE CASH, AT RD WHIT~E SAVE CASH AT RED &¾ t*4TSAVE CASH4 T ýD AVE CASH4 AT RED &WI-7 CÉ SAVE CASHF AT kE TWa1TIT 'i -t"' g f r4 Have You, Got Your Costume For Saturday, February Lth?' 4~t lui New - No. Good Valq Danish lb 7c dezen 39e 6to pkg 35c Manzanilla - Loase Pack 6 oz jar 23c Manzanilla - Loose Pack 8 oz lar 29c OaRONO WEEKLY TIMES tOrono Rangers, (Lounge Vote fromi Page 2) a5dtion in passirig the Sub-division Mrs. Gardner aLso appeared Ué. Water Bylaw onto the Department. rOnonesyel ther meettnefore counil askixig what consfiera- On Wednesday evening Couneil atn thanhoerofshelda [Uarrmbating tion had been given to the subinit- liacked the plan and are submittlng ter the treasurer's report, plans te sûwlo.n plan. The plan ap.- it for approvaL. were madle for the for lhcoItiii trip prently has received rio considera- The Trustees also asked for t;om,3 to see thec Van -Goh,-cllectioni at tio. emuneration, on the dog tax licern- 1 ces sold in Orono and also that flhe theTont Art Gallery,.Ilt\vas de1- Tlhe Orono Police Trustees also Village be excludled from the Ganar- -ind mjjIade open olth e public.Te approached counici_ asking for xoad aska rate in order that they could-' ,)d adeope tothepubic.Thework in the Village this year at an use this suin for work along the Or- ufare wi cost apprjoximiately expenditure of $4000. This was re- ono ereek. These two matters are tc, $50andl would leave froin the Or- fer'red to the Road and Bridge Coin- be' giveni furlier consideration by Io Tov al taou :0 ..mttee. The trustees also asked for Counceil. -Che bus will be back lu Orono about 5:30 or 6.00 o'clock. iFor the better part of th~e evening1 coloured slides of the paintings Of; Degs, orisot, Goerguin, Cizanine' Renoir, -Monet, P~arLautrec,j ýaiid others -were sliown atnddsu- Shieila Barrabail, Fenna Reinstra and( Mariiilyni Cobble-iik gave brie!' nlotes On the lives of each o! theseu mjen and. Susan MN'ajor' gave an ,a,- coulit o!f the book "Lust for Life", I the biog-raphy Of the lufe of Van Gogh. MNrs. Samuel also put mucli ap- preciated turne and effort into re- searcli for our mneeting. OUir graclous hostess thien served a delightful lunch o! tea, ice-cream and angel food cake.- ibr