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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Feb 1961, p. 4

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yoRK FROZE-N MXED yvE"GETABLES E1 4Ç boeaguins titis ýýend GOLDEN DEW M ARGARINE Food Prices Effective February 9, 10, Il We Reserve the Right to Limlit Quantities FAN-CY WF11TE SAICO TUNA s a ve 6 c IGA - SAVE lic TABLE SYRUP CATELLI SPAGHETTIl or 16 oz pkg MACARONI AUNT JEN11MA REGULAR OR BUTTERMILK SAVE 7c P'r-ANCAKreE MIX, SPECIAL LENTEN FEATURES 2.S tin 29c 2ugsý;0 39C 2 for 33c 2lb pkgs 39c pIl d FRESH BONELESS OVEN READY WîTH DRESSING FRESH BONELESS OVEN READY WITH DRESSING PORK BUTTRATwilî RO'YAL GUEST SLICED eSIDiE BACON I FREE! A TotapI of $36.00 Ilu EXTRA,à CASH TAPES WITH FREE $6.00 BONUS TAPE Kraft Miracie Whip - 16 oz. jar Sala-d Dressing 1 lb. Tin Cadbury's Choco That Dares to be Knlown by Good Taste Alone THE TEA Detergefit - 12 oz. Tin Free GiattSize Miale Leaf Liquid IGA Royal Gold - AIl Fiavours 1/2 Gai. Ice Creaml WITH FREE $2.0 BONUS TAPE Tablerite - 12 oz. Pkg. Sliced Bologna Frozen Donald Duck 2 6-oz. 'Tins Grapefruit Juice Canadla No. 1 - 3 lb. Bag Cooking tOnions th dressir lb 43C ig lb 53c l'b tray pack 43c ridl A HEARTY ENERGL FOOD CANADA NO. ýlGRADE U.S. NO 1 GRADE LETTUCE ctisp garderi fresh, FLORIDA ORNGES a gold mine of vit.., C lb 6 9c 2 forr 29e z2 doz 79c GRAP3£ES California finecst U*,. Ne. I 2 lb 29c GREEN PEPPERS No. I grade U.-S. No. 1 GRADE GREEN ONIONS U,S. No. 1i 3for 27c bunches 27-e Po5T ta 730 m.~FTOTVChaïnnel 9. i ýRound About Us UNDER WAY Darlington Park nlear Oshawa is rhe site, of a Departm-ent of Lands -idc Forests winter Cdeveiop n t and mnp ro v e m en t p ro ject th is *w vnter.- The Ohaw project. in support o)f he Natfio-nal "Do Itf Nowr" Cam-1 rodinchuding colci weathet, - suffîcient adcv ertising and the wronig tyeof enterta.inm-ent,whhwa a rode(o iast year. ONLY 78 PC 0F TAXES PAID DARL-INGTON COUNCIL TOLD paign, which aims al easing s eason- An "unrelistic" bac' k-tates f ig- ai urieniployment, is considered by urIoalg prxmtey$2,0 the Lands and Forests Department was1' brought to the attention of te to be one of the most 'important. Darington TownshiP Council mneýt- Schedeculedl for Darlington Park igThurjjsdayI afternloon, last. the construction of a picnic sheteri mesu1n 7 feet by 30 feet. A- tlclTwsi red3 udr way is the cons.truction atodter Rundie, tohIp lek tolt th Coucilthanas et only ofý an atiditional 2. cleluxe style pi-' 781/a.'I per cent of the total$4000 vies, and worimen are bus'y grav- 11960 tax approvail had been clet epling parking lots uising mjjateriail ed, îeaviniga total of $90,360 o)Ui dIred(ged from thq-e lake.I standfing for the year, the rest beîng,9 In th LildsayFores disictth(,th full total of ail back taxes. parks br-anch1 is c-arrying ouit %ork Un 25 Such proCjec.ts including wvoodis iimprov-emnent work, lbuilding coni- struc«tion and revivation, sandling end gravelling beaches andi parking lots. Tnis workS program shioutld help in stabilizinig a \few househiold bul-, gets this wvinter, and provide butter Servi7ce-s andtimore enjoymnent for Darllingtin Park gitesisnetu- mer. BUTTER MAKE riS LOWER LITTLE BRITAIN GO. SHAAREHOLDERS VOTE 3 i AGAINST SALE A mleeting o0;the share1io1cIerý îcf the Lirttie Britain Telephonle Ctm oayLtd. saw aprosib h chaiýse the Little Britain Compary' rîgts vewheminlyturnetidon 'Jhle 125 )st areholders present,ex- cieia vote for each share te ownedoc, votetI 1097 agaînst theBel proosa,, nd)60 in fa o0f t Tile Bell's offer was for $6,000 foyr thie cýompany's business, the oa The statistics branch of the DOn- p lnt imateacisi t - arjo Departmient of Aýgricuîltuiere te qupet ports the muýke of cr-eamiery bjtter AGRFUCU LTU RE in Ontaria-andi Durhanf CoiluesNIH C SE lasi D Lecemrn wý- as lower thai n Ni H LSE the corresponding mnonth. of the pre' The Durhami Departient ofA- vious yar.\ \cuture \Nîght Schl OIclasses wf The output bfcreamiery butter in JsrtFebruýar'y 141and cniu the province Wva, up .1 pier cent ajtjthýô-uttgh to ithe 28th. 5,002,5)00 pounis lis against 4.995.300J pountsis n Decenbhr. 1959. All classes will be hield atth The reort sates ~pajrish HAll, Temperance St.an 'Therepot stcche make in On- start prom-ptly at 8 pM. tario Counity last Deqemiber was i0,n 082 pountis comparelà, with 8S9,103 On Feb. 1, J. A. DaWlryflPle pounds in December of ,te Previous1 farm m'anager ai Extension S&N~ year. Th'le imakle il) the cydur-j talist f rom the Kýem-ptville AgruLd ing 1960 was 1.182,499 pouhdcs com-Ituiral Sehlool will discuss thiehad pareti w'ith 1.153,456 pounds in '1 ,959 ing of hay ai pasture wihsm Sdisc-ussioni of the result of ürimnPers, 111 Durhiam County the mi-ake last crushers ai a brief taik on zerO Deebevas 30.274 pouis. This, grazing. lcomipared iwth 33,810 pounds in De-' .T wï,Asitn rfso [cbe,1959 The manle for 1960 lin, D.T.ei.. OAssistantpeaon the county wàs 486,16 pountis. Thi Sé nfratonrlaiv o h omaeiwith the753,5,28ý3 pun s usand i-lmt eaiet h riade during th pevou ea. Poeof feirtiizeis, Feb).2. th rvoya.- Feb:. 28, Dr. Darrel Plauint, mem-201 hé, of the \AgliculturalUEconoii HOPE TWP. COUNCIL TO SPEND Dept[. w outlinie farm ange ý$57.000 ON ROADS, BRI DGES mn ihseilepai nvr Ata meetng in Port Hlope the upaeofttsbectatom lawý 1 369, providing for aýnexed _________________ ture of $57,(00toriosrcto'n maitennc ofroaisand bridges duT9 gthe ypar. Wok > TinsisA $2,000 increse over the0 viLieR Rtulros oiLit -ùýr.WI MTHiNSTALMENT T1ýe iosrin (> PAYMENTS COMMENCING tion of)lhe rog1am hing dison- APRIL OF 1961 1 %WA inQq) ll\nsh i fex. Pln now to have that newi : puedani ueqstowa x'aisd o Pumbing or FHeatng instala- I a1s te whetleher or'. not itoudbe tion Émade. it can be clone un- feaibç t cntiuewit te po-o er our WVinter Work Plain with 1payme-nts fot starting ~rarA. ~ uflm Aprli 161 N EWPR TY%, ESTO) FORM For further details CLUB IN'PORTHOE ARHRPU BN 1 0ling a pulmeeting at the town g SI MULATE WlNTrER h anil last Fridlay. S-peakers at the! EMPLOYMENT i ,-,, ztjir ,nh,,lr theN ew"TcUTPartv's ro mions, HUalter Pitman; of Peterboro, anti Bruno M'orowatz. a former Uni- versity of Trnoprofessor. At pt-osent the, New Party has one ciluib in Durhiam County wherel P ercy R w . is fth cp resid (1ý en. the party in Bowmianville and Or-1 ono tumringl the next two moniths. POO'R CROWD RESULTS IN FAIR LOSS~ Legty iscussionis took place at. the annual niighit of the Port H-ope Agricultur-al Soc.iety t h 1tw hall on ways of improving the an- nual 1h11 fair and attracting largerl crowd-s. particularly on Friday nightl A poor crowd on Priday niight at iast year's fair resuflte i n a loss of severail hundreti dollars on the ev- -enini-g operaion. William Marvin,ý secetry-resuri'of the societyl Mmesexpressed differinig p- inionis as to the reason fo~r the -ooar Watch TV on Monday and Thursday at 10:00 o'clock for interesting Beatty Announcements ? M ING-HM- -,UNER DEALERo the-ese il i l' - - - TS - STORIES FROM THE SATURDAY EVENING POST T oifth 71--

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