,A Chilren's Visit ToOf ord Io does oe impart culture ~childrcen? And an appreeÂâatiOn inbauyl art andarhtc lur:e? Thýat is the question 1 ,t% ke d ms when we tDok a ou1se In, Oxford for a whole su",mmer lastyar As the timne for departulre 4rew ï-ear- I complained to* my ýhree (aged! 11, 12, and 14 that ,they thad not yet been over one f the- coileges which ail the1 weorld came,ý to see. Ev7en the ,iigt of ail those endless bu,'s loadIs of turists pauring thrôuigh thie ancienit coliege doorwmays- every day: had nrot roused a flieker of cuýriOSit. Ail that niythree -wanted was punting and picies on the Cher- wAell, or m-rotorboat trips on theO, Thames, or matinees at Ox,ýford's theatersý and cinlemas, anld the* did rather like lim-ibing Carfax tow,ýer ta see the view. They were perfectly' happy to do with- o)ut cujlturýe, thouitgh there had been a rlcatadmission that they hiaden ljoyed Oxford's mnu- seums, whichl I had persuLiadedJ themi to visit one by one. "Es- pecially thte onie with the Egyp- tainmume, they said. But, now I puDtt y foot down. TheY tmust see the collee. A ,ý,alkiIngp tour ofr the coileges was advertised as a daily attra'ctionï With a UiCLde provided. And on ,t gojlden summ-er afternoon, the sky blue aove the spiresan ainnacles, of Oxford's matchless akln, we set out. A vr international group we wvere, and Our guide was m-os"t xcletand enlightening. We lookedi at beautifuI l odcourts bright vith flowers, ancient hi- braries and chapels full of his- tory, noble halls ful0fof lamroua portait, equisite stained glass windows and carvings, and the thiree listenled and iooked duti- ulyBu las, a look of veiled boredom was creepfifg Over th(emn, and I noticed atter a. tim. 1 tendency ,ta hang back. Would the guide notice? But j£ -was that miost admir- ý&blca guide~ who saved the daYe UINow wsell look ut ometing tue youner ones willl 1k bet-. terP shýe would Say, , md oe Week's Sow-thrifty PRJNTBD PATTERN ilose - e arbrigî[-t fash- %o the schooi set loves best! Coutrast-button trim crtea doubl~brestedeffect. PitdPatteru 4i603: Gijrl' Sizs 6 8,10, 12, 14, Size 10) ]umpar takes 1l/ yards 54-inch faicbouse 1.¼ Syards 35.inch. SniFIFT1Y CENTS (s5tam:,psý canno beIccePted, ulse postal noe o sfty) for this pattera. Pleas print piainhy SIZE, AEADDRESS, S T Y L E NUMBER. Sefiti order0ta ANNE VIAS? $o~1, 1'23 Eilehteenrth pt , Nw SEF"rIDNOW! Bigbatiu7 ,Ctt0'Ln C Ca, ,g has ov r10 stlst3ew -sehool,,career 0a47zs. ny31"'! anid over again f ound sýometinig ta catch their Interest. At Magadahen College, hiaving iQoked at the perfection of beau- ty lu architéectuLre ai-d gardens, we walked to where the- deer wývere grazing uinder the treex near the ancient coliege waIis. She succeeded lu calinig thens ta the railings, and what is mr.Ore, produced Peppermints (of al thiuàgs!) for thje chiidrein ta give them ta eat. Thy ike pepper- mîints, those deer, and we ail iiked stroking and patting thems, wvrites A. M,. Biandford lun the Christian Science M4oitor. 1 Ir Corpus Christi Coihege- we wandered out inito the lovely alçl garden wvithi its exquisitive view of Christ Church mieadow and the Thames bey onrd. "Because wýýe really mnust feed Christy, the colege toIrtoise," said aur guide. And- there. sure enough, he was, with his nam-e painted on 'his shehi, a very tame ahbd ancieut f eiiow, withl a very" nice, tiny cottage blit for hlm in thne gar- den. wherefthe uudergraduatem were r1eadling ardia -iking under the trees. At Christ Church, biggest Cal- Lege of ail (for Cardinal Wolsey in thie l6th century believed in dloing e-,evrthiin ua big and imrsiew'ay) 'e were taken up ta the 1ibrary _where Lewis Carroll's Corrections of the proofs for "Alice lu, Wonderiand" are kept. 1,at delight for thie cihdren wheýn they1 were cailed toa awu do.wt stand tip-toýe and look dowa into -a garden, the gýarden wýhere th,-e littie girl h'ad played who had inspired the story7 of Ajije-,n Wonderiand, which was f irst told ta entertain her and hier friendsý on a rJiver picnic. That littie girl, Alice Liddelle had, been. the Deau'"s aughlter when Lewis Carrofli (CharlEl Do>dgsýouý) was mat-hemnatical lec- turer Mo Christ Church, and her greatest joy was taù be told won- derful storles b)y tue ,genýthe and retldjng professor. Thiere was the very sakme ches,-tnutt tre.- un- der wllh Alice bad played, and there the iii ttIegree.n door lu the gardený wal, that every child r-emnembera lui the story of Alice. How ),gratefulI 1was ta th at kiudly guide for giving y ch dren-aud ai of us--such a de- Igtfl afternloon, 'Oxle,fordisa plaatplaceý for a. child, with Ise two rivers (where' We punted and bathed ahl that perfect suii- myel), t tamne squîirels that ike to be fed iu the Braad Walk, anli its lovely hafJanQes ýbeside the Cherwel. But I1 thinik the children hliked best ofahi te ittie l2th centuryv shpnar Christ C'hurch andte Thames.,,: There we uised ta stoDp auid buy sweets, fromn a very kiud and friendhy shopkÇePer!, ou tý he way ta thIe iver. "or thýat was the very sami-e shofp Lewis CarroI- l wote about in I'Through the LooingÉ-Gass"- ihe shop where Aiice talked ta the oid womnan whoIater turued into a s-heep. The Garbo Chili. Was ReulIyIy y When, Greta, Garbo saîid: "I vatot be ahane," she eat t sh aas cap>able of beiug al vne he etiîh srruded. Lar -culvier when he went to olywadlu 1933 ta s tar wlth her lu ý rale Garbo wuted for johu Glhbert. Biograph-,erFritio BllquIt dscrbesthe enrcountetr "WenOlvier appeared glases. Sc rem in doap prodhale .. he. scnewas a (pasionte)anc .af se hiee cac, itcould roake hlm lao0k vr eak Duîgapas Olivier tried ta talk ta her il.. e be-gan ta speak about SweýderLi .. u PRESIDENT KENNEDY AT HIS DESK -- President John 'F. Kennecdy swings into hs duties on the morning offer h ioguoio He sits ot bis desk in the W\,ýhite I-buse. (RONICLES Su,pose we put slips into a hat foir al the thiugs that hiap- pened duriug the past week, then pull aà slip and seo what oomnes up flrst. YeE? Ahi right then, hiere's thie flrst, and wa do we have? A hockeygae ne hes. A hum-diuger of a md 1weck hùckey, game betweeni Tor- auto andi the New,, York 'Rangers. Wasni't that a game ta watchà? 'We were just about sittiag on th.e edge of oui seats during 'the last five miniutes of the teiecast. Wheu the Leafs fîuaIly got a ti- goal 1 f cît as cxhausted as if I hadt been ou the ice mnyself. 'But you're not luterested lui hockey? Oh wehàet's pullante slip out of tht, hat. * "Inauguratio.n of Presideat J. F. Kennedy" -- that, at ieast shouid luterest everyauc wheth- er you are for or agaiust the ueew pres-.ient. Wlia-t a, day-Y weathErwise--peopie must have been alnost f.rozen - except the girl wha wore fiaunehette py- jamas under 1er long dress! Andi ta cap Jit ail a short cicinluthe P>, system. I watched the, soecurling around the ras- trum and. officiais iookiing under and arouud it, yet noue of. those near it batteýd au eyeIid. It wouid have,- been awfuhl had there bee1n a fire; those la. the immedi.ate viciuity wud' have staod. a chance. 1 heaved a sigh of relief -when the smoke f inahiy cleareti away. Seeis ta mne many U.S. citizens wil long rmme the day JoIhn Kennedy was sworu into office. Aud of. course one naturally wondcrs what klnýd if apresident lie willi make. Qulte apart from, pehitics I have resýervationsý. about so yaýung sa leader but yet 1 was3 very mUch imp-ressed- 'with lis inauogural address. I1liked lis short, terse, sentences - f ar me impressive than a on-wudd ddrcSs wouhd- have been. Are" Vnow for the nesl Iip, ".Coaeh bus ervic", Tat's eoniiugo oserrtaehomeeand bout ft 1 car, sa-y phcu-,ty. Her lathe story. W. lad a visitar who was ritrn igtaTorouta by bus, Because 1Ivas stil, confincedtit mny bcd 1 asked aàegîorif le wouhd driv:e her ta Cooksviihle ta catch the 7.28 -bus-whd lie did. Mý,ly friend got he2r tic-ket at thec lo-cal bus station and sat in ithe car until the bus wa-s lu sight - the t.icket agentla saiti the bus wauld stop a9,t he --sta- tio)n.Butif.this was ance it- did6n't. Sa there w,,as my rieuti ieft standing an the sdwakas ioeiy as a bride descrted at tie- altar. The ticket agent was furi- o)us as ther-e iwasnI't anoýther bus for twýo lours. FoTunatehy ,,a kiudiy mtavscl kow t tho getoffer-edtadiem frieud fta t'h o ýot Do Jane aad Bloorc Se tha's how she got Now 1 ask -yOu, wtkind af bus serçviceü Is tatSeemî-s tc me a bus jshouhd 4,e -equIred 1(t stpa il bus 7stations.'f à persan Prefe!rs ta îi ,lsTde the offÏ ie unhliIne secs t. bus can3- without lsigthe bus,. A (com-n puisary stop a ail bus -sta-tions oudgiVe p0aIýs,-'ngerS ample tjure ta get out ta the r!oad. M>USt we be forccý r on the rn What of those who aire aid and crit)- pled? Is thereeno consideration for anyone aDYny more? Has catch- iug a bus row -,,- oePossible anly for the fleet anid thestog Inuaah fairniess 1 s[ioild say Î have usually found bus-driivlers c-ourteous and olgn but then 1 do't traveL by bus \very often and lu anty case 'm Pthe over- anxiaus typea--- more liikely- ta stand In the mtiddle ai the road for fear of missing it. And that, 1 thlnk you wlil1 agree, shouldn't b. necessary- ,, at least, not ouIt- aide a bus sain Next slip.. "the weathier". Oh well, therc's oniy one thing ta saýy about that. IT'S COLD! Below zero for four con.secutive mornings. But no snaw,, no ice, rio stormrs -w can just think: ouvrseIves plain Iucky. Hiere we go again .ý , , "Books read just reýcentiy". Oh dear, wyhy did I pick that one hast? Have just finishied a book that 1 couid write about for ages. It J.5 caled "The Winthlrop Wo- man". It is fascinating, parti- cularly for thase wý,ho are inter- ested lu history as it is foundeti on, fact. To me it is of particithar initerest asth first part af the book feautures a district i Suf- folk, Enghaud where 1 ived as a girl. The periad is the early 17th century but the niamres are, the sanie as when I was there -- Bures, Boxford, Edwardstone-, Lavenhani, Groton Hal - ai-d mauy others. The Wiuthrop famil.y emigcrated ta Massachul- setts, there toalae a new life for themselves. The details are similar aita othier pioneer storlses but these are based on actual dýcume.nts. H4ow setters sur- viveti those Primitive times l liard ta believe. And the f awn- Iiles they rai'sed. Childrea or at close intervas, imany r0f themý, dyiug in dhihdhood or aàt birth, Men mnarrylug two aud three timnes; each -uew w ife -cariug for -the f irm grosses $2 million ta He Makes Clothes For New First Lady Fromn the perfumed salons nt Paris ta the s wa tch -clutte redc world of New York's Sevenith Avenue, the tapie of conversa- tion hast monthî was not thiene Ameri'car. Presîdent but what his wf'if e was wearing. Jacquehine Kennedy had sparked a revalu- tion iu f ashiori. MliesWereý 17oaded with pilîbox hatts, hair- dressers wvere be-sieged wi,-th or- ders for "slash bangs" (under- the-cirier taikJ for Mrs. Ken- ney' air style), and a whole niew c rop of wý,ide-eyed brunette moüdelsý filled thlefaho mg- No one was happier ab)out the trend than Oieg Cassini, thc newv First Ladyv's "ýof1icial' couLturiier. With the exception of on(- bal gon(by New York's Berg-doýrf- Goodmaýn), every resha, 1n coa,,t Drs. Kennedy wov,-re to [the officiaisý doings oaist Week caime fromi Oleg Cassini, ci, coup thtcouild make this Paris-buorr nolmn- turned - -,eedle-,uoï'k- er the_ fashion man of the ,Year, or eveni of the next eighit. Witlhàa whloiegle of top Amrerican_1 designers, Cassinii haid stibmitted sketchý_es taJackie Kenroedy as soon as the )oIls clsc. is showing- took place at Gogtw Hospital in Wash- ington, jtist before her baby son waqs born. Cassini got 1the nod, he saysTor his synthes-is o0f Mlrs. Kernedy' 1e>gane. 1l fýash3ion circles, whlere th-e gnash- ing of teeth almnost drtownved out the ciash of scissors. Ris critics though his connections withi the Kennedy, vclan pia-yed a big part. (Casýsiniï has designed ciothes for the First Lady's mothier-iný-ha-w, Mrs,. Josephi P. Kennedy, and for two of her hu-sbaudi's sisters, MrIs. Peter Lawford andl Mrs. Robert -argent Shriver.) Cassini vigorou-sly denies anyîý "family influence,"~ He mnakes noý secret, howý.ever, of his lonig- standingý friendship (and p)olitie- ai support) for the uew Presi- dent. T[hey men(t toward the end of Worid War Il in Californiia, where Mr.Kennedy vwas recu- perating from his war injuries, and the designer, who put lu four and a hiaif years as a U.S. cavairymnan, was freshenînig up his Hollywood contacts, A fashion man frein way back, Cassini hbroke n ras a sketcher lor Patou In Pars4 later wre in Rom-e bef are invadingo the U.S. wihîhi mother, Countess Maruerteanrd brother Igor (society co u -nni st "Cholly Knickerbocker" for the Heaï-st papercs). He made his mark drap- ing such H-cýkvwood notables as Grace Kelly, Rita Hayworth, and his second e-x-wif e, Gene Tierney (the f irst was cough - syrup heirerss Merry Fahrney)' in styles that one fashion writer wvaspish- iy described as "al-iuring--or Succýessful asîthese lhave !be-en-- the step-children - and add- lgafew more of her own. And those days are reaily oniy a short -wvhiý'le back.. I wonder how mnuch attention is given to pi- oneer history in our schools;? Even So), Cauiwe expect the ris- ing generation of accept early settiemelit stories as- fact? "Noû doubt thiey find it casier ta be- 'leve ,fantastie stories of a& space age thaï) hardiships relative tc the plone-er p.riod. Stars lu crochet! Such dahity doillies are welcome in every househoid. They last endlessly,. Lightning-sw?ift crochet! Star these doilies oni table, dresser, auywhere. Pattern C0; diee.- tions square 81/a inch: round 9Y2; oval 7,/àx1l'l No. 50 cotton.ý Send THIRTY-FTVE CENTS (stamps canni-Qt be accepted, use postai note for safety) for this pattern ta Laura Wheeler, Box, 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New,ý Tor- onto, Ont. Print plainhy FAT- TERN NUMBER, SIZE, your NAME ad ADDRESS. JUST OFF TEE PRESS! Send now for aur exciting, newe- 1961 Needlecrft Catalog, Over 12 designrs ta crochet, kn, sew, embrüider, quilt, weave - lfash- ions, h)omenfurnisin-(gs, toys, gifts, bazaar hits. Plus FRýEE - n- structions for six smart vilcaps. Hurxry, send 925ýý now! ISSU 6 -1961 million a y-ear, Cassini sayýs-tii style is out for Mirc lKenneçly. Sa are the less thýan suibtie names he used for has $l0-nd- up creationis. (Samnple Cassini titie for, a bare-midrif fnmbr "Navel Operations.") "MaYe, he said, "if Mrs. Kennedy liad heard some of the nam-es, sýhe wouldn'-it have picked mie."' JIMMly WASMIQ TE "We decided ta viýsit Aauc and water-ski for a while," i uews item quoddfim star Jire My Stewaýrt. It conjured upl the bee'ses of a picture: Spindle-shaniiked Stewý%art inri a bathing suit. In Mexico'ssasid resort city, an enterprising pho tographer rau, Stewýar t ta earth- on) the golfurse- hutcouldin't lad hlm t!a the drink. H' -1 isquoted, the actor raid, dd- ing: "I've neyer been ren water sýkis ilunmy MhIe.111and(:Ilontey let anyone , see me l-) bati ngý tr:iuks ithm ssn lg catch the Stars