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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Feb 1961, p. 8

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Established in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Publishied every hdy at thle office of publicaitionl Main Street, Phone 109, Oroin Ontario Th e Wilmnot Wctershedl In the Towniship of Clarke there are two areas which con- sist part of a Conservation River Authority. These two areas do however represent only a small portion of the Township with the remaining area not included i any plan supporting the theme of conservation. This latter section also centres around the largest watershied ia the Towns-hip, the Wilmot creek. Ia the aorth-east corner of the Township an area is eacom- - assed la the Ganaraska River Authority. The Township of Clarke supports this .0roj ect fiaancially with a suin of$150, an a- niount which is equal to thrat paid by Hope Township and the Town of Port Hope. Furiiher, a very sinali section of the Township, in threnrhws corner is ia the Central Lake Ontario Conservation area for which the Township pays a f ew hunclred dollars each year which paymcent is based on anr equalizing factor with the lar- ger centres who pay proportioaately more. Clarke thriouigh bothAuhrte pay s in thre neighbourhood of S1700.00 ec yeprn The benefit to thie majority in the municipal- ity is imnited to a sMall portion of the Townsh-ip. The largest section of thre Township receives no benefit through the aets of such Conservation authorities. Judgiag fromn the progressive and fine work done by the Ganaraska it wIould appear that, there. are certainly advaatag-eous to haviag the Wilmot Creek area included in a River Authority or Conservation area. Incidentally tire Wilmot creek watershred is about the only watershed system between Port Hope aad Toronto that is not included ia such anr area. It would be suggested from t[hîs corner that tire Wilmot watershied be formed into an individual Conservation area. Some may, however, sugg-est that it be part of either the Central Lake Ontario or the Ganaraska but it wvould appear that as it is entirely ia the Township of Clarke that its admiinistration should also be so. It could be further sugIges;ted that the Township seedk a more equitabl,e mas of pyet by the( varlous imunicipalities ia the Ganrakaara.Itseem unqutbl heai Clarke with a rriuch smnaller assessmenit o-n whicýh to colleet payment thian that of Port Hope should pay an eý_qual amount. Port Hope~ also receives pos- sibly the greatest 'advant"age as thre vorik only tlie Gaaarraska by the "thority hasreud flooding in Port Hope thus increasing the Value of property along thec river. On the other hian-d Clarke Ton i as lost tax revenuie since land reforested by thre Author. ity obtains a reduced assessinent even below that of Christmas tree farins. Thus Clarke pays an equal amounit as Port Hope but asliIts source of revenue reduced. We would neyer suggest that the Township pullout of the Ganariýaska or thre Central Lake Ontario Authorities but we would suggest that a more equit-able payrnent be sotbght in the Gaiiaraska ia ordeor that a WilmCt area lbe set up and Xunanced VTithjout further buirden tlo this Towiahip. Handwrifing On The Wall It lias been ma-de quite clear in the public discussion of Can- ada's current uaemploymneat problern that unemploymrent is most serious arnong those who have no trade or vocation, the group often referred to as "unskilled labor." Whule unemploymnent arnong worlxers with skills does exist it is by no means so serious, eithier ian total numbers, or in percent- age of the total workiag force, as the unemploymnent among un- skilîed wQxrkers. Tliese facts should serve as hiaadwritiVg on the wall for al students who are tenpted to curtail their education by leaving school earller than they have to. It should be eminently clear that the more education oae fhas, the more likely hie or she is to fînd employment, and tie nor'e ikely that emiploymieat is to be steady. One of the most t ragic examples of humati nature operating at its uathtnking worst is the spectacle of htgh school students leavingl school in large numbers when jobs are plentiful. When- ever jobs are scarce the attendance in the uipper grades seems to iacrease, while ia boom,.- period.s, the attractioni of ready jobs cýauses many ani able student b,- discontinue bis e-ducation. The more educationI a student gets before entering the labor market, the beftter is chances of a good job, and conversely, thie Iess education he h ýas the more likely lie is to find himself amnong thie unemployed when times are niot quite £0 good, and emploýE,_ý arefrcd rdcthisaf. "Evening Guide," Port Hope OFRNO WEEKL. TIMES THVRSDAY, FEBRUARY 9,6' 1te ' ,1 takýe home. and thereby spreàd e- gospel to the2ir own people. Ia India, thie people are more rcadily influ- eniced to the Christian way of life by actions rather than by teaching. Gospel messages are broadcast by the D.Y.S.R. radio station, also on televsion. The chief coacera is training leaders who cau be under- stood by the people. Films and fl1aanelgraphs are also,, used as tliey can be raiyuiider stood. Finaixcial assistance is given by both Cana- Idians and Amnericans. Mrs. Wtn. Robinson gave a paper on Paul, a servant of Jesus Cist and M'us. CobMbledilck read a shor piece on "Faith". The business meetingfollrwd ,,Theminutes 0f the Jiast m"eeting were readl and ap- Thie prýesident aniiouii-ced the fol- lo)wiig nmeetings. An executive meeingonFebrua'ry 8th Jin the Suinday' vSchool rýoom to plan the World Day of Frayer for Februaryj 1Lth. An invitation from the Evea- ngAuxiliary to attend their Birth- dayý supper on February l-6th wias accepted. On February 2lst the executives of the VW.M.S. and W.A. are requeit- ed to attend a meeting in the Sun- lay School room where Rev. Long will explain the uaiting- of the two groups. On February 22nd the W.M.S. Rally wilt be held ia Bowmanville. commeacing at 9 a.m. There will be tliree sessions. A delegate was ap- poiated to attend. The Supply secretary reported be- ing asked for blankets or money to purchase same. -Money was sent to Durchase two baakets. These wilI go to Pakistan. 1Our regular Supply parcel will consist of one pair of Pyjamas to be sent to Mrs. Peg-g by MVay lst. Thts brought the meeting to a close. Lunch was served and a plea- sant social time eajoyed, Group No. 2 Group t-wo of the -Orono United Church W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. W. L. King on Tuesday, Feb- ruia-iy 7th with ten ladies present. The leader, Mrs. Robert Allia, o- pened thie.eting wîth the Lord's prayIer after which she rend a short -poem: Yesterdlay is always but a mnemory, Tomorrow, neyer a reality, 10nL oday is ours to fashion our own crowni, We cannot recapture froin the past, Nor can we borrow froin the fu. ture, An unuLsed opportunity to serve, A single mnoment to replacea wasted one today. mrs. Ring ledt the Devotional op)- eniag with witth the hiyima "Jesus, where'er thy people meet," followed by the 23rd plsalmi. Shie then told a: very mioving story about the notedi actor aadic the elder-ly minister ad the resuits whecn each hadl a tur ata reciting the 2r psalmi. The story was called, 'Do you kaow the shep- lierd?" prayer. After the offeriag was, takea, Mrs. E. H-amm f avoured us witb a thoughit-provoking rýeadiag on "Grýa- titude" whichi was very m-ucli ea- joyed. One thoughit was "Gratitude lis said to be thie mother of most.1 virtues, becýause iiîoï this onie foun- taiiin, so mI-any rivulets arise, suchjl Iasreeec for parentls, love of our, counItîy, and obedfienice to God'V. A chiapter or bble StUdy fBook w\asý rev1\iewccl by lVs. Allia and Ms Mrs. Allia then anni-ouaiced that Mrs. Kinig had coasentedi to act as tresrer, Mrs. tlancucjk as see- tary and IMrs. Sutton as Missionaty M thycoaverior. Eigbit members paid their mcm- bership fees and thirty visits were 1recorded. and evcryonc agreed. We were re- miadcd of the World Day of Prayer on Friday, February l-7tb. The next meeting of group 2 (formerly group 3 aad 4) wtll be on Tuesday, March 7th at 2:30 at tbc home of Mrs. Ro- ert Haacock. lb was also announiced timat W.M.S Presbytcrial wtll be lield on Wednes- day, February 22ad la Bowmanville ,and also that the Eveaiag Auxiliary hias iaivited ail the Afteraooa Aux- iliary ladlies to jointa tbr at thieir Birthlay party on Tbursday, Fei-1 ruary l16th at 6:30. After the singing- of one verse our W.M.S. hyma, "Jesus shail rei whiere'er the sun."' We repeatecd Mizpah &Leedictioii. of ign the JACOB EN - SIMPSCNý Fuq'niture Finisild ad Refinishie Pain ing and P4eriflg C tpboardis uit PIH O'NE 0 ,NO 1413 or N LE47 STAFFORD BROS. Monuffental Work: Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALiTY MONUMENTS AND MARK ERS Let us erect a handsome, dig- nified monument over the rest- ing place of your loved ones. It's not expensive. And seeing this last tribute wil give you endtess comfort. rrn,. dellinç yotir present de then contact FI yd -kbcoIson Photne 219l Orono IIFoundatio'?ts'4fd Septic Tanks poured. Forms avallable. 1Profé,iinat DfectoG-0ý- A. F. M-,cKIENZIE, ML. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office I*ur-s 2:00 te 4.00 p.ml. 7:00 t@ 8:04> p.m Saturdays ard Wednesdays by Eappointmnents offly MARR1ELS EDSCI Ol Satur ay, -Peh ary 4th, 1961T IO by Capta in Col e."avation 10'NrmyA FE BoravlMarra Jane; daugh- R1CEPIO BQe i WA10 re ntr t e r o f M r . d M r . ~_ C h a r l e s R . K i i o l X M . a s u s V a n 1 M o r n e n o n a r o oa e a i t r to) Marlshll sonffMr.1%and Mrs. M Witywi be atiorne to thieir eted n01rmg w ingla Keat S. rieds ndjatve onfil ocasonnighits, 9:00 p. i. ae asked b on of tir l25t11VHPd A; ierartact iM.Partn , nonme 1782, Orono at th(e_ , , ome M ndM r Caresorcwontact UL ý-Bowl, o an E. MilerOr o Febuary lthville,.- 91,from 3to 1, and ci7 t . -1,____ W .M .>.-i.GroupsTOWNS ,qP 0F CLAR 3 M eetApplicatie s for warbli Fly -RD PARTY . nspector 'f Applicatonfor Warb Fly la- Th WMS.ldisofgou mt A caydpt illbhi- l tr (1i t1eispectorfor- tie year,'1961 eiii be re- at! he oe fIs Am iryScooiFia if lt coin- ceived by ith undçersignep up to and st3gon Tuesday February7th. mecjg t :0o'l- lç rizes and, inclIfdingf Thle presidentMs1og(a llluc.Ariio 25 cits.Febrpary l8ti,16 thechir .Applicant;ts are req stcd ïo .itate The imteetîing opened w:ith singing remunertiNexpe(2 ýd, Duties to two, fmiiaýr yn and the Lprd's ýei n uisoi. QÂ EH. E. XltLSON, prayr ïepeted n uiso. -Clerk Mr.Long, calledi on Mrs.Ar The offi JOf W K.j ycett, Oroni stronig whio gave a splendlid wovorsî-ip W11l be c-ýlsed. fr'omnebruar:y lthAN service amd led ta prayer, after to March 1, 191)(1 1cIusive for hol-1 atdt . fieDs which shie continuedl with the Study iday. cc n ood 4condit n1. She toIld how, the Afir(-icas o0fe whomn there are milany tribes, each Su onîy todayjý is ours to fashjion u Afu F ýR ENT withl a different language, may go 0 wn Arfonr rooffed ungalow. Can be to Litlit anid be taughlt eachI in hisl"htafîn e aei eu"seenantm lo itn-îc, . i. i %- e n Tflliteratiire j, 1 Phlone 2053, Oronio. ORONOÀ DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINARY SURGEON Phone 10616 Orone, O* Lawrence C. Masou, B.A. 2 Barrister and Solicitor.-ï BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-5553 A W. K*Y LYCETT, B.A. Inamrtstr -Solicitor In the Offices of RL R. Waddell Q.C. MAIN ST, ORONO Telephone 138 Orono Chartered Accouatatt 8Y APPOINTMENTS Lycett's. Irsurance Offioe P.O. Box 6?, Orono Phone 1LStf INSUR,-ANCE General, & L FRYXED )LYCETT OFFICE - MAIN ST, OROf4O Phonie 12516 Res. 1171d JACK REID Auectoneer and Valuator III ~ Specialize in~ Farrii and YÎ 77Furnittwe Sales Cong<dt me for ternis and dates W T R ANK oPhone 5rl18 - Ortie NcQUAY aW KIDO REAL ORS E JA K O Bo' man CiurchMA. oAuctioneer and Valuator a Bo mantueMA. -333 ~ Cenduets Autien Sales f ait le» ~ZDoCZZand at reasonebte rates Commurticate with hlm at Port Perry, 71 - 7 i ý tiý -_ , ý 77 - 77,7 1, PHONE 1471

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