BEST BUY - SAV'E 22c Chicken Nooclie - Torfato Vegetable LIPTON SOUPS BEST BUY - SAVE 25c Wagstaffe's - 9 oz. Jar JAIMS or JELLIES BEST BUV - SAVE 6c Solo Brand MARGARINE 1 lb pkg BEST BLJY - SAVE 16o Honarch - Alil Varieties CAKE MIXES pouch pak, BEST BUY - SAVE 17c Pineapple-Grapef'rut - .18 oz. Tin DI LiMOINTE L>INK 9f or 5for 4 for 8 for $ 3 for $ BEST BUY - SAVE 2,;ic Doc. Ballards - 2c off Pack - 15 oz. Tin CHAMPION DOG FOOD 10 for $1 It' s Red & White for the firiest in FINPSR 0LO .4 PR D UC E RED & WHeiITE GeRAPEFRmeUIT Liiscious - Fresh - Good Size PINEAPPLE ea 29e Fresi -Green CABBAGE lb 8c Rmb End 3V2 lb. Averabe PO'R K LO0IN RiOAST lb 49c iORK CIIOPS lb 69c1 Swift's Premium Grade A 2-3 M.~ avg.. - Oveil Ready Tendergrown Chickens lb 37c Lean and Meaty PORK HOCKS Swift's Premimr - JRincless SIDE BACON,- Swîft's PemTiurn-...-the pieve Nb 135c lb 79c lb 39c No. 1 YeIIow Cooking - Polly Bag ONIONS '31lb 1< Palm Gardeni No. 1 - 14 oz. Cello Pkg. TOMATOES1 Feature- Save ISo GoId Reef crushed 20 oz. Ti n Pineapple 5 for $1 Featurem Save 14o Red & Instant Coffee Feature - Save 17c Red &1 Jelly Powders White 8 oz jar White Assortec Feature - Save 5c York Fa»icy 20 oz, Cream Corn 5 for, Feature - Save Bc Cigarettes Popular Brandis 3 for Feature- Save 16o Brisling Club Millionaires Sardines 4 fo or-s Feature - Save 29c Burn's Canned 3 lb. 4- oz. Tin Whole Chicken $1 Feature - Save 65c Walker's 1 lb. Pkg. Saltines 5' for $1 Feature - Save 8c Libby's1 To matojulice Fancy 20 oz. Tir 8 for $ 1 CORNISH' RED &WHT ORONOI CNT. PHONE 1 121 I f Mission Barnd 7ifhe Orono Mission Band mret on We.inesday with thirty-six mem-ibersi pxresent to take part in the after- fnoon's activities. Sharon éAllin,vie iJpresident occupied the chair in the Fabsencc o f the president, Sao Sipo.Tevc-president opened the meeting wvith the Missioýn Band an followed by Janice 'Ruthler- f oi'd v with the Mission Band Pur- pose. The cali to woxrship wvas also taken by Sharon Aln Iioh DuivalI took up the ecdlection fThe offering prayer was taken by Marilyn Tamblyn followed by a song by Group two accojnpallied on1 He piano by Marilyn Tamblyn. NMrs. MoýLar-en then introducedi the bible story whîch was read by Geke De Jonge. Prayer was read by Dale :Janiice Rutherford and Geke De Jonge favour~ed the meeting with a vocal duet which was flowdby g-roup study. The children also enjoyed the showing of a filin. The meeting closed ý,ith the Ben- ediction and with Mission Band pa- pers jbeing distrbuted by Dorothyý, Dunlop. W.M.S. Group 1 The regular meeting of the V. S. group 1 met at the home of Mrs. Alex Watson oni Tuesday, February j 28th.. with nineteen ladies present. Mrs. Long presided and opened the' limeeting with the Hlymn 110, from the Song book: I arn Thine, 0 Lord, 1 have heard Thy voice followed by the Lord's prayer in Unison. Mrs. Cecil Robinson was in charge of the' Worship service and opened with the call to wo"rship. t 4The scripture from Luke 1: verses 116 t'o 21, was reaci bK Mrs. Evan1 Quantrili. Others assisting were Mvrs. Wm. Robin~son and Mrs. F.j Eddy. Prayer by Mrs. Cecil Rob- inson conicludeci the worshiP ser- i ce. *Mrs, W. E. ,Armstriong took the study book and baseci ber remarks on the worK belng donc in, Africa, lrldîa, Asia, Burina and the' Philli- pinles. She stressed the iineed fori« This is the to rnodernize in the Sunciay School Auditorium on April 4th and lunch for the meeting was arranged when we hope to have a guest speaker. The meeting closed with singing two verses ol the theme song and, the Mizpah benediction. A delicious1 lunch was served by the hosfès ' andj apleasant social time enjoyed, Duringu the afternoon thle. ladies quilted a very pretty crib qilt. Ceming To BowmaeividleI (continued f rom page 2)' guard ready to arrest Jesus andi in again represeninig [the crowd at the trial of Jesus; three miembers , of the Company of Pilgrims laor xn-1 cessantly '"Barabass, Barabass,. we_ want ]3arabass." The Company of Pllgrimis lias an impressive record. Since its forma- tion in 1955 the mnembers of the Company have been recognized as makig asignificant confËribution týo the life of both the Clhurch and the iTheatre by the presen tation' of Re- ligious Dramna ini over one 1-1ndred ~performances given in Toronto and other Ontario centres. l7ley present their plays with littie thoughit of gaining credlit for themselves - iIhey1 actL anonymously, seeking only toi convey thie true mieaning of thie-Gos- n pel with a miore powerful approachi. Mýrs. Blanch H fogg, the Director of tins notable dirai-a whichi is now, entering its sixth year of present- ation, lias directed and producedý miiany pînys. and -won awards both l as an actress a'nd a directox in re- g-ional and Dominion Dramna Festi- vals. Àny funds raised in the f orm of, performance fees are tur'ned oiver t-o the Christian Dramna Counceil of Canada for its worlk in local chur-ch- e-s across Canada. The large con.gregation Who at- teýnthed 'Cry Dawn iii Diark Babylon'i you m'Ill ilke this one even mnore, ,s0 corne early and prepare yourself best time of' the year the plumbing of'your lrome! Give us a cati now,' and we'il gladly furnish you with a FREE estirnate. We have the ex- pert know-how to give you the beat at lowest rates. Easy credit terms. INSTALLATION 0F QUALITY PLUMBrNG IS OUR JOB! R OLPH PIONE 143 ORONO BOWMANVILLE CHORAL SOCIETY are Presenting GILBERT & SULLiVANS TRIAL BY JUR-,Y AND OTI-ER SELECTIONS in the BOWMANVILLE TOWN HALL Fri 0 -S at. ADMISSION: 75C. CURTAIN TIME 8:15 pm. ORONO WEEKL.Y TIMES THUJRSDAY, P4ARCH 2nd 1961 I M w M M - March3&4 STUIDENTS: 50e NO RESeERVED SEATS g s N 'N N N N N N.? 'N N N t N ' s 't A'-. ROYVAL Bowmanville ~ MA. 3-5589 ,THURS. AT 7.30 - FR1., SAT. 7 &9.15 MATINEE SAT. AT 2 P.M. THE RED WHITE AND BLUE SHOW 0F THE YEAR!1 ELIS .... ... M Mj "The Wreck of thel oengTush C anelBtrcoreaywifaclo Gary Cooper, Charlton Heston, M'ichael Redgrave 1~ I âuâim«w-lý N N N N N N s N N N N k N N N N N N N N N N N N. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N * N N N. N N N. "N * N 'N 'N N 'N. * N N N. - N N. N N 'N N N. N N N N N N N. N N. N. N N N N N * N s N N N. N N N N N N N N. 'N N N N N "N. N. N. N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N 'I N N. 's N N. N N N. N N. 's N N 'N N N N N N s s N. N 'N N N N N N N N 's N 11