Rçound Steak ori oast Rucmp Roast, round end Sirloini,.Wing and, T-Bone' BUTT PORK STEAKS PORK SHOULDER ROAST PREMIU FRANKS SIRRIFFS INSTANT Potatoes 6 oz vpkg 29c IENZ TOMATO Ketchup i1i oz 4 fer 85c JAVEX LIQUIO Liquid Rleach 3 z23c JAVEX LIQUID Liquid Bleach 64 oz4c boulie45 OAK LEAF à,hoice Peas 29C OAK LEAF CHOICE Creain Cern Z* 20 oz 29C lb 49c lb cellIo pkg 49c Kraft Dinners 2 for 29c Brown Bear Creamedi HONEY 2 lb tin 47c Nescafe Instant - 30c off pk. COFFEE 8 oz jar 89C Cheer - Sc off pk. 20c coupon DETERGENT giant pkg 7 5c Treesweet - 6 oz. tin Lemon Juice 2 for 1 9C Crowr. 6c off pack TEA BAGS ,100 bagrs 79c It's Red & White for the finest in, P RODPUC E FAMOUS CHIQUITA BRAND BANANAS Large, Juicyl, California Tendr, FeshSpring - No. 'l doz5c Grade l b 39ec Ibs êâmc Cisp, uly-No. i Grade 2 f2r-5c -No. iGrade ech 25 HITE PHONE 1121 g- I Mrs. G. Catatlisi okl e on itle toicThe Ministry of Surprcisýe"_ r- ~narkin)g that 11f e is aaigyf uil ch(Iange adflsurrises and t1LI ' he ,ind ofc surprisýes \we okfor', \weJre- cý,ive. Shie spôke of her own esp 4,1 experiences and of noticing thiat iver SunIIlSet was different. n dy 11 i 1e shie \was out on thie lake inu !,)oat wvith some companions, they saw a beautifuil double irainbowf. \We spealn 0f the uniforrnîlty 0f inatuire 'nd oti would think it wouild loe (_u111.(God1av'erts that dread mnonot- ony by Hiis strange and beauliful iethod of surprise. An article r-ead f rom Thfli,(Obser ael 7,1 the -life of John iCasseil, wvhose path led hlmii to famne becauise it took two utterly un- e-xpe(cted twists. 'H1is fathier wIlas I ]andlord of thie Ring O' Bells Inn in Manchester and had an) accident s hor1t1y after Johin Cassell's birthý whIieh made hin an invalid. Thus thec boy hadI to work in the public house When hle was 17 years of age he leaedï Livesey, the great temperance reformer and was converted to the ]cause of tempet'ance. To give tLhe working- men tea insteadcl f gin was 4ierely subsîdiary to his tpmperance ,work. The first numnber of his "Pop- i.4ar Educator" ran through the country like a flame and was fol- lowed byv a whole series of educa- Ltional works. In thec latter part of the nineteenth century, Cassell's jwas oeeof the bigg.,est ail-round pub-1 'l i~ sniers in the worlct. ments were servedl. A vote of thianks was given to our hostess on behiaif of the mnembers. Quite a nunber of lAfricanl Violets, wichel have been blooming ilj through the winter, were greatly amrd Co-op Meeting niloperation reported thiat nine nlew members hiad joined the Co-op dti.ing the past vear. He-reported dhat members equiity hïad grown from $24,000 in 195 n$3300l 1960, Ini benefit to memibers hie sta-j tedl thlat about $50,ýIO0 had bceen dis- tributed to members since its incep- tion of wýhicb1 $20,000 has been in cash. The retiring directors were MAessr-s. Don Metcalf, Hoeward Quaitrill and ýDoniald Staples. Those elected to of- fice for a three yvear termi were F111- tnTnHoward Qutanili anifl Donl Staples. -1Ate some discussion on1 the COm- ing year's' activities the m-reetiing ,adJ-, DURHAMA COUNTY AGRICUL-f TURAIL CALENDAR 'Fridaýy, March 10-1:.30pm r Annua MeeingQuinte District Cattie Breeding- Association. C.N.R.I, A. -Aud(itoiïumi, Beille. Guest' Speaker, Dr. D. C. -Mapfledieni, Vet- erinary Directlor Firm 0f Stevenison, Turneri & Boyce. A bus will be char-: tered from hm Counity. Contact WIesYeolesCO-5. AUCTION SALE Peter Fyf e's Imported Antiques THE BUILDING IS HfE AT ED sale commencing at 1:00 p.m. Antiques consisting of Period Furniture, Stirling, Decorative China Choice Glasswvare, Sheffieldl Plated Silver, Clocks, Brass, Copper, etc. This is an outstandjing fine shipment, Articles wili be on dis- play Friday, M arch '17th from 2 to9 p.m. Everything ,vili be soId wvith no reserve bld . CýtaIogues on request. Terms cash, H-. BRUCE SNIDER, Auctioneer Phonie 195 Odessa, Ontarlo (Private Line) ROYAL owmanville Rvý' YA L MA. 3-5589 Thursday at 7:30; Friday and Saturday 7 and 9:10 P.M. "Hercules Unchained" In Colour M1ARCIT l5th - Wednesday andTudaat:3 Friday and Saturday at 7 and 9:30 P..M. WAIJT DISNEY' S "Swiss Family Robinson" ta pa rty lr e a tS better -wt N N N s N h N N N 'N r' N N N N N N N "r N N -r s N N N N s 'N N N N s N N N i N N s N N N N N N N N N r' N s' N s N N 'r N N N N N S ~,- ~1s EVERWEETRINDLESS BACON lb 691% Modernize Your Bathroom P This is the best time Of the year to m-,odernize- the plumbing of your home! Give uýs a cail now, and we'll gladly furnish you with a F RE'E estimnate. We have the ex- pert.nw-o to give you the best atI' es rates, Easy credit -terms. INS'TAýLLATION G0F QUALITY PLUMBING IS OUR JOB! ROLPHARWR