Sound Advice For The SIcge-Struck Next timre 1 arn approached by éý,st1age-struck hopful--or the hopýfefuI's appreliensîve parentf- ctout how to bre-ak into show 1uin1s Ishall recommrrend a Qopy of Bruce Savani's "Your Ç,areerý in the Theaqter." It is jenibIe, orderly, and informa- tive. Mr. Savan covers the main ; how businiess, vocations-actor. irector, chlorcographier, p ro- Jucer, mraniage,.r, composer, lyricist, playwright, convductor', sýet ds~ir costumne designer, talenit agenýt, and pressa<agent. Hol desibste jobs tin consider- ale Iodetail and tells how to get them11. His 3civice to the players, 11-10 others, is, money well spent Aý1lhough lt without initerest for the iitiate, "4Youri Career in the Thieater" is addressed pri- mnaril 'y to the beglnner-whether t-alented or merely stagýe-stru1ck. In ither cas:e. the book's plain s;peakinýg and pticality recOmy- me2id eseves strongly. Con- sidening the hordes of inexperi- enccd yugpeo-pie who head for Bodwyevery ya-m pelied mrostly by hliighhOPes and wishful thinking-M\,r. Savan's 'handbook shjould mi-eet a definite need. Hee re sm omisOf bis counseýl: "When yoju deucde f-)corne In New York, be suire ý(1ou haVe a hotel iresertation. .Whtyou wil ee ore tananytihing eisc is study'. Fyou areflot ai-. ready awavre of the touigh coin- petition tha--t exýists iii the th)ea- 1er, you wAill certainiy learn of il wheOyouet Ito Ne\v York. When o ir ' ' ard [makhingrons)sem dreac rad xasigcra part-timc jobis higll cirbe TheCre are ernploymient agencies thalt seilz in this kzind etoof . "I uualy ure teatnical 'a'- piranLý,ts te larrn shorthand and typing, and to be prepared te survive for at least their f irst two 5yearsî without earning any- jhig ii their chosen- profession-. a n itheatrical career lhas Styled-to-sim and cut for freg an)d easy action! No waist seams, it's ail straight, swi't scwing. Scoop uip a special buy in Pretty cotton, and SAVE' Pjnned Pattern 4593ý - lait S;izes 14½16½ 8,2Y,2 24.Sîze 161k2 requires 4 yairdý 39-inch f abric. Sond FIFTY C~ENTS (stamps cannot ho e ccePted, use Postai notje for, setety). for this Patterni. .Pleese print pheiiily sur., NAIME, ADDRESSI STYLE Send order te ANNE ADAMvS, Boxm 1, 123 Eighteenth St.,Ne Toronto, Ont. ANNOUNCI-NGý the biggest fa- shonshw of Spring-SUI-nmier, 1961 - pages, pages, pages of pattenns nir our new Colour Cri- talogue - just out! Huirry., send 3 now! ISSUE 10 - MX3 been initially f inanced, a n d peciodically sustainod b., theýý ebilily te) wait an table. And mnany an actor lbas devehoped & second imeans et hivýeiihood te me3intain hiniseif Vwheni jobs and unemloymnenl insutrenice 'both run e(ut.", On tickeot3: "If ou wan ick,' hl- ets for youi r wn how, youus buy theým et the box offi. -- Passes, oýr eny free tickets,ar rare. .7(Hemnetewn papers o! th1eaton f(elk, please ce)py.) On teurinig: "The leýs uggagp, you carn manage with, thle eesier the transportation pre-bleiins. Unlessý you are travelingj with a maîd or valet, lea1ve your dog et On suimmer theaters "A nain- coat, boots, end um-brehlaarin dispensable et most sumnier the- On produicing,: "A successfuil producer must pos3ess certain specific quahities. Il is abs&lute- ly essentiel for him te have 1he ebility te raise rnoney." On pawiig "The probe- biiyof youn turning you~r firsl Play Litocash is a remnote . c To ho bhuntly reellstic, -you will be iucky if you Lcaget yeur moüther te rea)d lhrough aihre acts etf yourm -asterpiece." On becomning a compos-er: "The hItoaytestant is t e bsate t phay ,-the pan. Somre et the toregoinig mey setund-1alinost tee elemoentai. Actualy. ii is not, Tho flund et ign1oranice a nd miscenception posse-_sd by p)eopie with theatri-1 cal ai 1tÂin is phienomenai. WishuL thiaking and these o&H Hohlwoodbackstage musicahs~ have prpetueted the legend ot the nkneown understudy whù replaces ani ailing star on open- ing ight and leaps te faine. In a mode]. o! understatemnent, Mr. Savani observes that "such suc-, ces3s is rare, and always in- volves a performer with somt talent." "Your Career -ln 1he Thealer" considers ethics, persevcranee, etiquette, and rneoeals as wel a professional subdivisions; deais with sturrner stock and Off Broadway as weil as Broadway, tehevlslon, and m iotion pictures; and delîvers ils aulhor's con- sldered opinions or. a numnber of naltonrs. Mnr. Savax wrltes frein hlm background as theatrical ce- produè~er, stage manager, prod- uction manager, and latterly tal- ent agent. B~y John Beaufort in thec Christian Séience Mo-niI;or. Miracle On A Railway Lino For Mrs. Charlies Moody et Wyckhes Cerner, Ill., Il waàs a day juýst like any other in the lite et a husy housewite and mothen et tour. With her youn-t- e 3. - month - old Terry Lyni,. tucked sefely in tho cenvasý car seat beside honr, she dreve to lber sistor's heuse for a visit, stop:- ped et the haundiy for the wash, thoni turned bier g-reen 1954 Mer- cury toward home. Suddeaiy, Mirs. Moody's wboheý spnene -worhd was shatteredi by a blaning hemr.'* A Wabesh Rail- noad diesel freighlt train wes bearnng dQwn on the gýrade cross - ing ia front et ber et 50 miles an lheur., "Everythinig bappened se test 1 didn't se the train until il bit us," Mrs. Moody said later fromn a welbi in the hospital. "I lust romerrnher a blinding pain, ln nmy heed 3and I don't r-Peoi- ber anything else until 1 mwas eut on the ground." Bruisedi and bheedîng, Mrs. Moody began a frentic seench for bier baby. "I wanted teo find honr, but 1 was atreid te," she seid. I kept seying: 'l just know sbe'Ih b. dead.' And -a man standingý thore said: 'Honey-ý, you juist cen't cx- pect arytbing else'." But e mile clown the track the dies l ad baked te eq stopan the crewý leetped te thegoud NO EXCUSE -- Georgiai Tripp ha% riz excuse for ïItth.g~ around in her b.alhing suit - except that she liesthe sun in Phoenix, Ai-il. Our dPtugýhter must hav 'e had' qute a week-end. Hr wsthe Set-up. Art, her husbanid, a sick in bed; she had two guests comîng for Saturday nigOit din- nez; ave roughit a rabbit frein sehool. to take care of aven the wee-end - and they have a fullgnown cr a t, appropriately named "Mvischief'! Well, I have just got throughI takn eDee and furtunately they ai survived, including the rabbit. Eddie and Jerry, just nlcely over ehicke-n-pox, were wlld with excitement about the rabbit, ebpecially when it was let out of its Cage. and given the run of the bouse - in and eut of the bedrooms, 'the bathrooem iind the playroom. Apparently the rabbit was used te being mani-handled as he wQuld runi out of nowjhere in particular and corne nibblinig et their heels. The enly one whov didn't appreciate the situation was Ciw~hie! v'whe îsn't used to being shooed eut- side or dow,ýn to the basemnent. Maybe th(- visitons vwere not too enthusiastic eîther, not being being used 10o children - or rab- bits, Art wasn't toe happy either but holaneedail igt jby Istay3- in, in.bed- most of the timne. Later in the evening wuhe-n the boys were gettingý a littie eut of hand Dce senvt Davc to bcd and put the twe 11111e f eiiows to soaký in the bath-tub. By the time they were throughl the bathroom was soaked too. But a happy time was hed by ail. Howcver, as ain aftermnath, at ten & oclocck this monningl Art was stili sleep- ing, Etnd se wvere theý boys; Dc was eiring and tidyingý- the house; Mý.ischief xvaýs snoeping eround from room to rom and the rab- bit was lezily nribbling a carrot' within the confines of bis cage. We aise head a rabbit last night but net the sme vanriety. Our rabbit was sittingý on the front porch sheltering f rom the pour- ing rein. When 1 put on the ight ail he did was hop off the stops and took up a position on the, walk leading fronml-tho ouse to the diveway. Which brnings e to the we ther, Last week, we had eveýry- thing .-- deep snew, bri ght sun- shine, nain, fog, anid then celd, penetneting winds. I den't know If there er ny flooded base- ments around here. Ours, for- tunately, steyed dry - thenki te Partner's engineerinig. Lest week we hadci uito a run of cllers, inchuding a heant speoiailist wvith an electrocaIrdi- ographl machine. The-re seem-ed to be no hpeofgtin a bed Se this atiua s;iatcaUme' iout te m-e. Tt wacqite ,a csiir- prise, as I had nrequwýe t te dte' be postponied. H-oweven, due cte an oersghtit wasa't, whicb, iii the long nuni, proved quite satis-. factory. My goodness, one doesn't havNe any secrets heft atter a spe- ciaist gets tbrough wilh bis job. This docter was3 asking questions fer- thintyv minutes and wiliag, it ahi dow,,n. But ho had such a qutiet mannýer that no-ithen b is ques'tionîag non examination was eny ordeal et a..And aI the endie et il bis prognesisw able. 1Iwas tbldmy,. e heahIth depended a lot on myself. (1 was ld that once befono, torty yeers eg.) Graduehly -gel 1bck te niormnal," said Dr. X., "find eut whel you cenj- do with- out dislress but stop the mninute you feel any chesi pjaini. Do your part and thon lbave the nost to a Higher Powven." la these cdeyi -wben there are se an agnos- lice and atbeists around, thal advice was ntresbeýing te hear. 1 often wonder if ani atbeist is truiy an atheiislte othe end etOfbis days. I supposeGre Bernard Shaw was. Whal a torcera a tti- tude te carry tbnougýýh lite. Evýen a Buddist can takýe comtort in bis boe et an inca rnation. But te believe in absoluteýviy nothîngi .. Il isý a state eýitid that ï cannot evon imiagine. The nexl day I get wind etf xceeing in conneclion wýith our County Courcil and twe nii taIs, nortb and seutb eit 'hýci ty. W. are intenested 'I lai the south whichwn ae since we ,ecane here Arv bous place, welI tfe ll run - and tinanciaily- In ti1se eaBut aies, in size bly inadequate te accomme1detýteb district ilt ries ;te serve. Plansi for e-xtension bed been submnit- ted a-nd appnoved but the Couinty Council w-as stili uneble te sup- ply finianciai aid. And yel Ibis meeting wsnet publicized eat ahi. Taxpayers were neot givenr- an opportunity te express ain opinion. We gel the tacts onhy by contecling the Reove oetir towvnship. -We wvere bold a deci- sien had heeý,n detenred - for tinancial reasons, net because' the need we-,s net recoglnized. Deheýntures ould have te be is- suIed ae m agne the bue and cry! Bt peoplo whio move te the suburhs shouhd ho psepered te shouhd-er theýse financiai obligations. Wher'- ever People congregato there musj,ýt ho achools, chu-rces - end boptl.Il is oaly logical il is the people theinselves Who must pey tor thein - by direct er In- direct taxation. Yet il is aR curi- euis tact thet il is oaly increeses that appeir nthein local ïtex bill thet bemeewners really ro- snt. A govenament gran thet's fine, it doesn't concerma them eij t ail! How t, oolisis cen we Mfodlern Etquette By Amie AsbleY 0. I have been es o ebe a bniesmidandthebride baýs -aiready 'stated wha"t I ari t0 w cair - cto'iotir, styl1e and so fot.Shouild't 1 have been cqon- sute inst about isý? A. No. T, isebride chooses thec costumes et hon attendanlts, even' th-ough heypayfor their. Ow'n rite.Truic, thIis doos someý- lims cusea lthorelucitan ce on thoe part et the 'bridlesmiaids-- but is the aope rcd Q.Se mutch is witten about the bride's ciothes, but what aout thie guests et a w,ýeidîing? I an nover sure wbether l'in dressed enouigh or overdnessed. Wh1at is the rule about fIbis? Aý. The beast ule is thet et an inflormai eddng the guests wercenservative chs4rcbi - 9going1 cioheiadtH)at thewmeiea bats andgevs Experts' Faces Are RedI There wi 'ae, a1tr ail, ne, way t>f golng abit ýo bus1ness dis- treety. Oethê earthou- sande of vh4itore had stopped toi ~euiptur.s w e emed te sumr tî the beien2ibie essenco o0fwar, -oreover, ar*nt çM ý hmd en illedabou ther14ch bsad worried about him., Sù last mni hN£w Yr' e tropolitan Museutrn put on its brevest face and announiced that, for neenl1y 30 years; it bas beeni exhibiing t hir e e magnîticenit trauds: A pair of aeeoterra cotta -warriors and a terra cotte werrner' s head. SuIppo(selyý Etru- scan pieýces troim the f ifth ceni- tury B&,they hadlenbuh by the museumn in Paris between 1915 and 1921. Appcpriatehy the Etruscans are one of the monst eluszive et ancient peopfles. For, eighit cen- turies they dmntdItaly, froin the ýT*ý,ienftethe Po. IHerodlotus wnrites, thet they camne fromnAsie Minor ta escape mine; an eenly Greek witr aimis they wcre indigenous to Tuscany and Etru- rieu. No moidem iiseholar ha-syt succeeded in transleting 1h. sk tcy lieratre tey left be- hind wheýn their hoose confe-dera- tien of city-sates mat crushd by Roman logons in Cl2 secqe, century B. ýObsesscd in 1ft the demïions of a bizarre re1iygi'~ et superstition and mgithe trsasprepered terdeadi for a hereafter of unending O- lighlt, painiting theirunrgod tonbs -,îtihsniîling dnermu- siinand ethietes. The artisýtc -who forged the Me(-t's Etruscans, bowever, deriv- c-d tersumnptueus red and b1aeký figutres from the -very ea worljd-oetmihtary struggle. 'In helmcot ýiadbaflle stance, bth larger 800-pound warrior standis More thani 8 foot tali, the smallený somei, 6 foot 7 inches. The giar- ing. heimed bead is neaurly 5 foot high, Wheni the Met bought the figures they Wcee i25 appare-ntly convincing fragnts, which weone asseýrmbed and shwn fisskA i933. E'prsin Etruseaar LcheologýY have frequently ceiied the terra cottas ý-,is sp eC1citlonstyhistic geud.In Homcie hast woek. Dr. îMaýiio Mrttsupet-intend- ont of the deaarhment et antfý quteýfr southenari Etrunie, sai1ý "W'econsîdered 1them takles f-or jyears. The shne oet the var- ni h, tcoste eSAPes, al indic a a moer hand and net It ws tohniog, bwcver, rot stusidiu aalysis that gave the Utimate answer te the ex- perts' questions. For aimost -a yosr, Jse V. ÎNo-ble et the rnuý,-um staiýff and. an experton th-,tehoogyet ncien1t cena- mios bas been makhing speotro- graphic tests ofscrapings from the fakes. Three months ago ho waOs ssfied that theis-famous "GnekblCk" wsflot that at al. Nole's tets showed t-J hat the biak gaceon tlhe Me11t's figures diê, admangnee ioid ,was dscveedlathe eighiteenth centuryp Then, eaiter this month, 60 Inches Acroiç For dlining or display! Create abeautifu-l settingý with thius strikii%,. circuler cioth. Elegant clolli for round table -centrepieco for oblong. Grae- fu-i poineapphes accent pointed edge. Patterai 675: clebh 40 inch.- os in No. 30 and 60 lan stnisig". Send THIRTY-FTVE CENTS (slamps cainnet ho accepled, use postai note tý on safty) for Ibis pattera te Leura heleBox 1, 123 Eighlecenth St.,Ne Toroni- te, Ont. PriaIplaily PAT- TERN NUB~ onNAME and ADDRESS"-. JUST OFF THE 'PRFSS! send now tion us- 1961 NebcatCtigOve,- 125dein teocht.Irait, sew, embroiden, quilt, weavec - fashi- ions, bmtrihigbygifla, hazear bits, Pu REisrc tiens for six sar vil capsý. Hiurry, scnd ?5c ow te toe.own, spring tonic. the mnuseumn's curator of Greelçü and Romian art, DierichyÇv Bothmier, oabled fo o~thut he hiad strOng proof of)l the Cui tity of the forgers, hchMu- seum officiais will 'no)t reveal uintil von Bothmer has p)ubll.shed a cholarly expose. Meauntime, what-w lbeco)mt of theý beautiful but phony* Etru- scans? For the monlt thieMe ~op1~t wil leepthem oen 'Ve a sresin(hR viewers last week did 11ot seem. to notice) pointing outI their questionable oengins. Museumn direCto"r Jamýes 'I' Rorimer, wh1o was not at the Mot4- when the Etruscanswer ac quired, saidi: "I've hailn e mmid about them fo mor tha a dozen ye(ars. But h fact ha 1 didnt have ayhn o? with buingthm iin' m', me any hpir"F~ kS WEEK.