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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Mar 1961, p. 7

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From 7î4,000 passenigers in 19,55 te 7M,-000 passengers in 1959. This statis-tic, reported by Luf- thansa Germai'n Ait-unes m tise ene ef its fiftVi anniversary, re- veaIls the most rapid rate of -. rowtb in international commet-- ciel aviation. The Germnan air- lice established scheduled (oper-ý 'ations wti the Fedleral Repub- i lic of Gernjy on April 1, 1955; et ee Buropeatn ait-ports on May ýv1.), 1955; aind Vo the United States (oniiJune 8, 1955. IV bas ac- eomi-plisbed a teni-folid expans;ion fiveyers eveIoping Vo nmat- urity wVith a spee-d that'bas eut- paýced i ,Illthr internationalair- This rate of! progres'ts is es- peciall signîicatbca,-use of !tie compiox in the cdevelopmrent <)f an air]ine. For eapiLut- thnasroute network Ilas been ecede rom 8,000 miles te 58,- eWO imiles. Trained perso)nnel isad been increascýd tromi 600 at tise bcginnin.g of 1955 te 7,441 in 1959. Lttiansas scli-oel et Bremen, tise enly tlying scisool mnaintain-- t>d by a commercial aitlino, had graduatcd 194 pilots,- 34 fligist riavi.gators, 35 dispatchers and 31 raieo"raItors. Groundl crews have been trained et Luftbansa's mnaintenance base in Hamburg. Tise Germnan ailine's fooet bas miultipiied from 13 aircraft Vo 49 &Ïrcraft. Maintenance bases and grclund service facilities have bee-n established and ex-ýpanded bý keep pace witi Lufthanse's lprogress; and sales and service off îcei-s and personnel have in-- cre-ased correspondingly te ec- ec:'smodate passengers, t r aý v e-I agents and sIippers. Currently, Luftisensa's f 1 e e t coesists of 32 passenger aircreft, 1,cluding S Boeing B-707--430 "Intercontlneniteî" jets. Two ad-- ditional -Boeing "Intei-continent- &Ê' jeta, .and 4 Boeing B-720-B medium~. range jets are scheduled for delivery Iic e-ar future-. - -Luftbhansa's vw o r 1Icdnetwork serves a totalof1 41 citiLs i 26 coeuntries on 5 continents. Sdi-e- dued non-st,p jet service bc-- tweýmn New York andi Frankfurt was- introduced on Mercis 17, IfflO; service frein San Francisco 'v2a MSntree' Vo-P.pris and Frsenik-- %ii twe naugtsete~d on May 13, 1960; and freinm Chicago lion-stop te Paris and Frankfurt on May Î4, 1960. -Lufti-snsa Lso provides - che- dulcd daily service lscoss th*c South Atlastic Vo - Mvontivideo, Rio de Janeiro, Bue-nos Aires an-d Seniage do Chile, and mnain-- tains scheduled air service Vo Baghdasd, Teheran, XDanascus and Cairo, The . irinae- lias ecently *bran.cied eut te Kara.chi, Calcut- ta anmd Beng-kok. Lutthansa's cargo operatiôns lhave risen sherply. Tise Ger)- iJinft arline's cago-carrying ca- pacity ni e Norti Atlanitie route, totgç over on. million pounds per montb, %with connect-- lng service Vo the Middle an-d F ar East and Africe, as well &m toelal parts et- Europe. Cargo s5ervice is meainteined also Vo Great Britain, wîViin Gerininy, end te other European points, Despite the tact that scisedul,-d Iet service i-as net &vailablr, un-- til tise en.d et th.e period, Luf- thansei'8 operations for the first quarter cf 1960 l*dcated a con- tinuation of its recomd-niaking ate co! gmeth. During this pc'. riod, 195,000 pessengers wert f lown mross thte rths AtIntîc, - as5 opae with- 125,000 during tise flrst quarter a! 1959: 2,830 tons o! freigis t e transporte-d, as rgaisnst 1,749 tons - in the firtS quaýrter Cf the previous yeemr. WIAS 1<15 FACE 'RED WbnJudge Bevcrly use eif Mempisis, Tennessee, Ahowved vp zt churcis te deliver an ove- iining lecture on s "memory train- lng" ho fruxnd tise place dat-rk and cleserted. The reason: HIe forgot tise date, .ot Vier.-a-i-ghtea-ly RENDEZVOUS- Ulcsn Bator, capital of Outer Mongoliai, is the setting for a mid-Morch meeting between Nikita S. Chroshchev and Mao Tae-tung. The Russian and Cinese.- heade of state previously met in Oc- tober, 1959. Is The Curse Off Famous Diamond? OfficiaiJs of the world-Zaamous Smitsonap nstitution and imu- simin Washington are aU! weajr,»glhappy snilesnwaas Why? Because no mfisFortu ne l's efallen ani-ycone th)-Jeesn abý,ouit two yeas go, the m)use- uni aicquiired a 441½-carat deep blue ianind -the abulous H'ope Diamnond wvhic~h 1bas long- been said to bring lbad Lick te its possessors. When Mr. Harry Winston, its formier owner, prescrntedi the iaz ron the muiseumn, it is saidJc tii-t he heaved a sighi of relIief. The jewel Nwas insured for $1,000,00 before bei;ng sent by- registered post froin thïs inter- national gem merchant's head- quarters in New York te its present '"h-ome" in WaShingt4on. Not that Mr. Winston ha,,d ýuid it unlucky. Quite thê reve-rse. Hle d used U te maise funcis, for charity ini Americaad abroed. lie diaftsold, whichll »Gopu1arlY- SuPposed te hive beer- torn froin the forehc-ad of an Jndian idol, trevelled thousýand S 01 miles to vRi-iotis exhibitions- enmd no one setmed te suifes" ;fter seeing it! 'vêt gFra un namecd l'a- vernier 'who is said to have sm-uggled the Hope Dizn-nnd out of Inin I1642, was bitten 'o dfh bY aa pclk a! 109s. A Greek brolcer who once cswned it w2s killed with him wife Rsîd thild ina zellef aill. But Îs it reaelly a gem a! iil! Gmen? Mlillions of people refuse to believe tis egend. One whe didn't wass oa cwner wýo continsreto wêar if after lier ' mlliconiaire husbaîîd, who h&d bougrit it fol. $200,000 broke down in he-aith and a estranged 'from 1her. The>n her son waýs ki1led in v, üar &ccident. Sh-e vwent on wear- inlg 1, but much later she was repostecd asý saying: "I ancn vinced now that the izmond is she di;ed a broken womun. flow Con I? RY Koberta Lee Q. OW eau 1I rewove e() utinls freai poccelain?! A.- Rub with m peste inade «! ereara of tertar end hydrtigen tpe-roxide. Q. KOW oaa J1keep Use hsafr in cuiri for a longer *leue? A. 1V s ls alnued thât tise hair wil kelin curil ongeýr if m tea8spoonful of ordinkry tea Ism steepted, alittie ,sugar add n liPPlied to the heir. Q. How fan I resulove tile top irom R bOttle of Oglueor ibrary past1e without dlflicUlty?. A. Ail nrecessry i.s to mes tebottie i a v,5ssel of. h-ot water fr n few minutes. Qè. Hosw fan I strink Bonej, wFoolees materials? A. T2ke a bed setor othjer larg wiite Piece oýf thin nia- ler1al and w et it. spread tht we't sheet on an even surface. Op1en Your wooien material ,coin- pieeiy ti prrad ovrer the. wet îlhEot. Now clip tVie fabric qelj- Vage terYte-w luches. Spr.a-d V, -SrCCots1 et eshoot oser tise woeolen fabric, pat light1y ovri tflic entL- e ;-, end loict stand Cïzn Openc-r Verbus Ho.: It'z agenthat tinit 01 ytr whet tio vezRitg.-a'burbaenitê ponde-rs whether tc pisait vagetablee lu Do You Remiember The Alger Books? Name droppers corne in a- 1Fot-ted flaveurs, a! course, wb-Iich -niakes it ratier biard te say ýwhichis1 the most obnoxieus ... There is a bunch of charecters (W'ýhose) 5specialty is referring Va the Horatio Alger bonkjls. Tbey want te, know if you jrem(em-ber Ted the Bootblack, or Phul the Fideor Julius the Streetboy or Bon tie Luggage Boy. Now the whole point off this particularnmebnig is not býecause these pet-sons are inter- ested. in the nostalgia bit, or ear,1- lier Amnerican literature, or thýe Ef e and hiard times UffMr. AI. g4,r1s waifs. Actually tbey are tr1ying o Sliggest they Ise came uip the hard way, wvbileJprbabl thley noer hadlil an-ytuhr thaqn lîigging the coal scýuttie up frotm the cell1ar or sil'ting -thet zsies. Tie bld 13 noV for ympathy1, yo mnderStand. lt's rea3.Jlya Lînd a! venity, the! oid decria- tic pitch about u-p f r ôm the ranks, and baving ne right for a '-wo-oar garage, well-to-w-all car- petirig and inermbership in thIe ,golf club. Se wben you corne te loen ike Rlp1- rine of NwYMtk, who rePCally knocws i A]gecr -- ail 118 volumes -- and etli lWlleves in thle ,stiive -nndl ucedideal, it's q 'uite a relief lt-arn he nmdopr 'Mr. Gardci.ner is giüng a b collection a! AlgeIriqlaa V Ne Yor k boys' clubs beCau1se ho beý- lieves even la this spajce age, .s0em e yoUngsters vwill take iMFr. A\lger seriousiy and krecp theîr no-ses Io the grnsoerattier than Vise steer-i)g helci* a jaloPy.1 It Would be landeýrous Vote we do neot have our h-ardlworkîng yeoung people today. Btt ac more we con eruit Vo their ranks, tise 1cm fiabby our cul-- turc -will bc insieediggen- oýratiens. ItS easýy te laulgh et tise Alger books noivadays. u wht1S worth noting is that e fwgenerations ega the peo.ple tviso buit this country did Ftrive end dlid suceceed in t'he 'face oh isardsbips identicel ,vit.1 Algerr's nirchins - and that the 100 mil-- lion copie-, a!-dbis 118 tities hcld. a mitreor up to A.neriean 1f. wvith a t$'utll ii at is Pa 11W. dcis- cormfiting ini these pleVe, cir d&-Ys. -- Hartfomd Coumant. Coandion Exampi. Of Grvadous Givinq ' Canada furnisised the world an examn«ploe C gracieus giving re- eently when it tumrnc-d ove-r Vo West Pakistan tise Canadiedïn me- ChinCrY end other equipmeint used in building an $8-million hydroelectric ps-ject. Gordon Cisurcill, leade1r of tise Canadian flouse Of Cemenis, jOurneYed te PPkistFpn to inniake the presentation. He handled it well. Instead et m n-aking thje glfV seeni lîke ciserity, Churchill said: "We cf tise Western World ehould in sud-I prectical wnjys n-ake recom-pense te o of tise East 'Who have pessed crn o us se mucis wisdom over tise cen-tur- ies"' MaIybeit's corny bt sucis ex-- pression-s have' 'a way of1neaning miore te other pDeoples theii Our ý9WeG6d War pisilosopby, o!týn hinted if noV, expressed, of bar- gainlng for loyalties. Church1li puVtihe transaction en tise level cDI equalascitn - an ulti- -nt wst uth lin Fret crld *affairs. SIFIED ABVERTISINO G LADY CHICKS WATCH good nmanket trend and orde r jIayold and started chicksa prompt whlpm-ent. Sima Amaes In-Cross and cImer bre started .pullets to 16 week- old. Also, hýatchlng to order. Boolt May Broilens nowý. Sec local agent, or write ogrey Matchery, 120 John North~, Homi- tItan, Ont. BIERRY & ROO'T P LA#IT% ONTARIO'S LARO!ST STRAWBERRY OROW'E'RS A LL CMECALVREIES iil MILLION PLANTS Ratures ocfIlp)tO $2,500 per acr'e isder cur new growling ,ystewi. For comiplete informiatIon and pie lilt, write: B...BOSTON BERIIT FARMS (EEG.> r,.R. No. 1, WILSONVILLE, ONTARIO PHOE: ATERtFORD 1H1IOKORY 3-5807 BULBS GLADIOLUS Bulbs, treated, ready for plantng. arge11-2-to 2 inches dai eter - $3.5Q,. Julabe2inlces up - $4.010 hundjreal. Po.t pain, William ianit- )ey, WaNterdow n, Ontarie. MNON SETS lat CLASS governmaiýint inispactad. Sire l,Gpnduce very nniiform nons wtutseed sakaFrice at vequest, Stae qantty.Newxhouse speciýaizlng NFWHOUSE RR2 Niagaeaen the Lïke BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIIES MIODLEN seft ice creatu and fond busIness for sale in growieg tovie of PortlHope. Excelleclt location on1 No. 2 }.ilihay, equlpmei, invaentory $11,. 644. Seling fer pensceaul reassns. $14.800 full price, 3.7,000 down. Long linos., Resiturs, F. G. Long, Port Hope. SUSMINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALK F'OR sale, CaneraI store, fuil lina, self- re r va, goed turnover, central heatlng, living quaters Write: Dean~ A Fiatvli, Belmnt. Ont. &UILOING MATERIALS troughing. Il a mi ni a r Tachera anal Staples, SpecIal rcipnient speclall>' pnlc- Fid Wr1ite te lie, 31j, CklOnt." CATAI.0GS BIG Marchandise Catalog. Great Valuts. Sen4 $1, crediteal te flrst. cer, Sen- tinael Services, 50 Broadwyay, Rayonneo, Ne Joey. CONS "ICOINS wvntedl, psy higliest -pricon. 1961 CoIn Catslogiue 25e. Gary'm (a) 0"10 JRasper Ave..,dOtnAt. CROSSBREI3, f ren reg. stockl. Dober- iti n aIGermniShor-thaIr, e haeck beaut>', spayed, tnimnmiied. shsots, gar- antead watch, ptenltial heilgia rd. 14 imenthi .$50.001.rlesbrcd, RIluetlck epal blach s ud tani, excellenit. rabbits. r909oou, easy runner. 18 esonthm $65.00. Cross- bred, White Terrier D& Clhiiabuai leves chilfirenl. 12 Ibs., 14 cnonths $20.00. Pleaise. go>d homes onl>'. Coarad Mac- Vicar, 14 Poster St., Wheatley, Ont. Phoene 8285-4119, aàfier 6:15 p.m. DIETITIAN WANTEC CHlFt DIFIITIAN1 REPLACEMENT DUN TO RETI#NMV4?N 960-SED MOMPTA>, APPLY TUE £ADMINYSTRATOR QUEEN ELIZABETH H JOSPITAL. 130 Dunn Av*. TORONTO Love On MiIk.r Repebi Inllationa.t~i mlkI ana tuesla aeustoàtF rVa k.Locis ~& TG"e (er MNfýulOnt. 130 Acres of workable dalo1am lsou on farm cof 135 a)cre.,. 9 roomYi bouse plus bathroom,' bot and cold water on tap. Dou~ble Garage. 2 Ba;rns, 1 "'plement ahed, silo etc. Apply -Mr. Vctor V Carr. R.R. No. 8, St. Thomas, Ontario. This adverti2ement is pubIished fret a* Ocee Of the mainy henefita of:- THE ALLIED SERVICES (CAN -ADA> PO. BOX 1M2, LONDON, ONTARIô rARM MACHINERY FOR SALE F'OR sale: Sawyer Massey Tfhreshlng9 Machine with straw shredder and long feeder, alstonoua I.C, grain bîndcer, both iii good condition. Apply J.* Mý Laird, Norwich, Ont. Phone N~c 286-W-1. NEW iManure Spreader Aprons with original No 67 chin. 75 bushel size, $38.50* complete. For Information write M'artin Metals, Route 2, Waterloo, Ont. FOR See- 1 Oliver 36 plate wheel dc,2 years old. 1 John Deere 36 plate~ Mwheel (lisc, both gond condition. Apply Dyer Stanton, Hlyde Paýrk, Ont. Phone lderton 4tiRI4. 440 I.. W/12" John Deere Tracter. ail purpose grousers, direction reverser, llgh1tsl bottom plate, key swltch, ra;" cap and ;ield; 831 Crawler loader W/fil" lfpcket & teeth, couuiterwelghts. purchased new July, 1960 for $5000 00, 1954 Dodige 3 ton dumlp truck F license; Low bed mnachlnery float, total price for ail equipment $7,000.00 - nivay ha 1. manced, muti a sold te wlnd up9 ette. Box 108, Port l'ar>-, Phone Yukion 5-71.31. 19OR SALI - MISCELLAN4E0JS BEAUTIFUL Nickel Silver Key or Dog Taga! Approximate size 1½-àx %.Tvo for $1G. DIfferent engraving on each If dcied exland's, W'lker Street, Monroe, Georgla. CHIEQUE protector - recently over- hauled$0.0 T. H-. Grahanl, lOa Glen- forest Road, Toronte M2 Ont. nte. reii-ütiblp hal point pens. Free 10 refis with each order. Pen's, 550. Smilth Street, Brooklyn 31, New Yorki. PHONOGRAPH RECORDS WE atre Canaitdas mail orderha- quarters for AIl typas of recoîfds, pepu- Ian, cias.sical, fol1k, foreign language, 4oeuntr>' and wvestern - vý a have thani ail! skf. delilvery pesittlvly guaranitaca. Send 5 cents In coin or stamps te-day for cur up-toý-date cnt&lùguie, lM% Desry' iMsic Centre, Box 747, Mont- resi, P.Q. Please enclose this ad wheui erderin. 1401151 PLANTS, AFRICAN VIOLETS NMW VARIETIES8 - NIEW COLORS Thrae naeert nanied varleticasOn postpalal fer $5.00. )'lante sb1p cd 1e1a2" plastIc pots, benestifull>' peckedfor sait dellvery. Included lslafrete heetiof In- structions, plise catalogue ith full des- criptions, CANADA'S LEADING GROWERS We shlp £rein coast tô coat. MeRILERS APPICAN VIOLUTB Cswichess Station, BritisIS C.IuW»sl ItORSES Write: Leetch anal Mcilty, "ente, INSTRUCTION F.AiN More! ekepuSsil. slp. Shortitanal, Typewrltlsg, e-tc. L&-, sons 504. Asli for froc circuleir Nu. 8#1 Caènadian Correspondence Courmsa 129M Na>' Street, Toronto. MEOICAL 6000 ADVICE - UVUET SUFFERU! #0 ORNEUMAYIC PAINS oR NEURITIS SM9IIW Tay PIXOmlc IIMEDY. MiflRO'S biRue STORE 435 ELIN O4 TTAWA $1.2e Sxpres~CiIc POSTI IECIMA SALVE BANISH 'th*e Serment oh dry ececmea rasises .u4 weepIsmg sidu troubles. Nost's Ecroeâsalve will ulot disappoint you. ïtcblief acalding andl burnlng ece- meâ, lene, ,fngworm, pimAptea and foot eczema will responal rendily *0 th. e4talinlesa, odorless olnmit, regaïrdltss ,Df how stubborrn or hopelestise>' eeîu. Sent Pet Pr* en s Roept of Prit* PRICE »3.-" PUR OJAR POST'S RIMU&DIFS 1#65 StClair AyenutEueac, NISRSIN0HOM@ FOR SALK NURSING home, licensed for # patiente. fesilFeqsd ped' iluresidentt£l drit CuLt, 'De yhent ML 1Usl.Ne rsf estate dealeru iJ##UE 10 - 1961 REGISTERED NURSES Immediate openïnga for General Duty Nursta in à 20-b.d private hospital located in a modern Pulp MAiII town in Morthwe stern Onterlo. Startlnig mglr y $259.00 per month plus room and board et no coft. Aninual incre- mentei reognition- of stestr tervice. Accommodation provlciddIn 4ingle rooma UIn comfortablit Nurses' Résidence. émployee benefîts Include Oroup Inwernce, Pension Plan, and 1 i b e r e 1 vaeatiort alloWan1ce. ear. rounid recreatlonai lacilities. Apply, stating full particulars of aile, ex- perience, evallalliIyi etc. te Box No. 230, 123-1 Bth Street, New Toronto, Ont. NUTRIA ATTENTION PURCHASERS 0F NUTRIA WVhen purchasing Nutria censiderth Xollowing points whlich ith)isorganîzat. tien oeffara: 1.- The bast available stock, ne cross- bred or s3tanidard types recommendied. 2.-The repuitation of a plan whlch li provin g itseif substantiated by files ef asatlafïed ranchers. 3..ulinsuraneragaînsi replace- ment, should thay net live or In thq, east of sterilty (ail fully pane gn oui' certificata of nit.) 4.-We give you oly mutationswhc ara iin damand fet, fur garmants. 5. -You recelve fromn this organizatioea a guarantead peait mat-ket fta writig. 6. - Nimbarshlp* le o u r exclusive, breeders' assecibtioni wbareby on)ýr purchasars cf this stock nay . partici. patè in the benefits so offeired. 7. Prices for lreedink Stock, start aS $200. a pair.,1 Spaclal offer to, those wh'o qualIffy! ear» your Nutrr'ia on our cooperatlve basic Wrte: Canadieni Nutria LW., R..No. 2, Stouffville, Ontarie. OPPORf1JNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEK DE A H'AIRDRESSER SOIN CANADA$8 LEAIING 13CHOOL Great Oppcrtunlity Learefalrdressling Plleasant, dignlfled profea,,sion; good wvageai. Thousanda cf successiul Miarvel GradOstes. AneiaaGreateet System Mluatrated Catalogue Fret Write or Cal MARVEL HAIRDtISSING SCHO'IL .8 loor St. W., Torent. Branches: 44 ling st. W., Hacailton Il- Rideau Street, Ottawa._ PERSONAI. GET à hours eleep. Nfervoun itesei May cause 75% of sacIn«je. Partiltv leniy aeeple8sness, jltt eryness andl ie- etebility. Sieep, cali your nerves Wiit "Nappe'. 10 for $1; 150 f or e4. Lyoni'e Drugm, llept. 20, 471 Danforth, Tor(onte GRZATF-1 Peae. and Rappinems cen b.ý youte If yoiu lestn tô ,controi ,ol tholits. Complett Instructionà 0 coah or. money or-der. Thlnh-Be 177- Coloei, Mount Cleusena, iia. UNWANTED HAIR. VANlSIED away wlth Saca-Pe-lo. CSert. PMela la dlffer.p.t, 1tdoeg pot dlssc1vý or ?Nerve ltr faons the surfaee butç peetrmteasud retardc grcivtb 41 t~'sted ba1r. Lor-Beer Laib. Ltd.. 0. GtRtlVetieuvtr 2, B.C. NYOIENIC RUSEA coo TESZS1ZD guRaetesal mnalleê -ln 91-4 bick ies.. thtralassorimn. 1.Nj §,.d Ftne uality). weetrn Wtdbsi P940OGR@APHY FAtMiERS CAMêrtA CLUB 60X 31, *ALY, ONT. Filins desýelopeai aad 8Smaga .plints 404 12 inagna pr1nts 0e 1%erine à ec., KODAC(>OLQ Deàveioplng roll 90,e (not lncudlng cI4nts. Celer prats E804 acCu extr*. Atffce and Elitachreine 38 i.n.e2 tu jeouea nomnted Ini~nldes L$1.0oulçd Mata oni sUid.. 82Ueack,. Mo-ey r. fwsifl Int full for unprinted negate, STAMPS FL SH Colïonial and USA used. Stea em4d i00 different fronà yocr idu. p*lie.tto und lhave tme eencl vou k entIrely different assortmnent of I10 dIflesent. Approvals 0f aboya ai 1A* coetts catalogue. T. I. Graham,. 201U Glenforest Rtond, Toronito 12, Ont. CANfADA llaheries , dollar, cataloï.- f$.28 for 50laIncoin, te adult eaprova1 UpIatfor ouf' fine u8pd Britisisý Colnia i;atns.W. PIanks, t.84 cel- ferest Rd.,.Toront.~ ZCUNGÉ, your duplieates! Sens! 1*1 atamipi anal14, recelve 100 ifferêt In êzc ange! $1 per- 1,000! Approv£U Qê., M * Rst th St., New YXork 1. M. 15TAMPS front y ui, favourite coucttnlea« on approv4 b>y country collection, stamps p$ced aingS il adper- collection ,1 <iazo, 1853 Centr-al, Windsor, Ont. s'- I JE 1W L ILUR UL~ - w - w s N N. N N 's N 'k -s 's N N N N. N -I N -'a N N 'k N N N N N. N N N N N s, N N. N N N - N -N N N 'N N N 'k N N N 'k N N 'i N N s s N N N 'N - 'N -.5 -'k N maoe~oenomoeinu~r-----~~ ALL THIS INCLUDED IN YOUR CUMARb TICKET 0 275 Ibs. fr'.. b*ggfào tiewance e Sup" bcuïsine e Duty.fr.. shopping * .ncing, pertiot, movi., 0 Stabilizert fer im.oth Sallle Ma-PIwI.se Btlsih servic. sav , 1.% en rnd-tr4 Pul 1APfiII14 PAY-LATER PLAN AVAILABgLI SES YOUR LOCAL A44lT(- N. On.% Ceq serve Yeu 9*tfr CernerBf &Wtln. t, feront*, ont. T*Î: IMpire 2-29I1i FAST, F*EQUEKT SAIING's TO DIGLISMI SCOTTISH, IRISH & FRENCH OT$ FRM Nikw YOR & NAUPAX 4UME MAItY Mqor. 4, 22, Api'. 3, let 0SAXONIA Mar. 2, tt *UKIN LIZASItN Mer. 15, 21p' Api'. 12, 2à IRIv1A Maci'. 14 PARTINA Mer. 17, Apfu-I :- t" : SVLVANI& 'Mar. 22, Art, 14 MMIIA-Mer. el 0CA11#TIIIA Ape. Y 5fr" e ilalitti ';fl re .>' nRom ktmngRAL a OumBC #VIMÂ A Ame. 13, -»«y 1, 14,Jsrn 16, Juiy 7, 24, Auq. 18 SAXONIA Aprf. -20, May iU' Jeas. , 23, MsY 14, Auf. 4, 23 CARINTHA tApi', 24, May le, Jun* e' 30, July 21, Au*, il ti4m Os.e fellewlnoay OOOUNAR 77 il 1

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