Quciles and complaints are often heard lirearste door- 14 oo saiesnwh0lo are seliiing serne torm of article. The big q t'stion aiways is "can 1 depeud on this man or woman who10is nut konwn.-. and eau I be assured I1xiii get the itemi wheu I pay for it. This question' is a hiard one te answer an-d one nig'ht ayalmost impossible. There are mnany who ar(, honest aud above board but there are aise others whv!o are doubtfut aid some who have proven shady. One recet salesman sited that hie was sellinýg magazinýes and thiat if yen purchased eue ht wouldl assist te provide a sciolar- ship for the Oreno Hligh Sehoni. This story did vary from dioor to dlonc as the man gie knewledge of the area in which hè workedi. 0f course the siory or sales pitch was f ar trom the iruth but appar- entlit O e1, gazines on some occassions. No%% the customers are awaiiing te see if the magazines will arrive or neot. A Mr. R. iBrisbdîis of Timmý-ins wvas found guiltiy on Tuesda-y of tuis week by mragistrate R. B. Baxter on the charg-e nf tarnpering with a cheque issued in Orono tehhim.Brisebois appaxrently had cuangeci ihe value ni the cheque trom an amnount of $4.00 te $14100. Qitizeris should be careful of whom they are deallng with andl if in deubi refrain f romn purchasing. Most of the items ottered fer sale can bie purohased locally front a reputiable ir-m rigit w,-ithin the Village. Unisigned Letters Fron tiure te tinte tis office rece'lves Letters wriiten to the editors whicti do not reach the celumns o! the paper. The main reason being tint th9y are not signed by the writer. The- poliiy of any newspaper is net te publista lettérs ulness R caies- the signa- ture et the writéx'. Other letters tend te get personai and s-bing with net- bear- Ing a signature thus are net pwb1ihe4. We are always happy te recelve letters te the eçitor and wo pubiisht'htem, but do ask that they be constructive' and 4igned. Thbis gÙluiO il4open t 1othre publie te express their views and vie do t-h4ope tint thls'op*dlttux4pty is takên by those who wish to use it. 't BIRTH ATTENTION PL.EASE- C,ýARMAN-In Bowmanivillle rMemor-Te usaitSOSwl bhod ;al Hlosplitai on Monday, ldarch (6, .The1 Poubadouti!,saii e hoid 16,to M\r.' and Mrs. Wm. Carman g opBiteDrv Strdy idatughter, Martha Ann, The baby March llth ,at 117.A\ M. pased wayon uesayMari The proceeds fromi this drive te be Or i!a-p sed foronTecly Mth Troop and Pack Equipment f1961. __ __ __ __ __ __foi_ __ i ELP WANTED exý j'DEATH S tir Applications are invited for f uli SQUjAIR--At 1Memorial Hospital, and (jpart tUrne lhelp as wýaitresses, j Bowmnanville, 0on ThlursdaY, ïMardi' dchn elv etc. for Baster and the GL 11961, Regîni-ald Kyle Squar -frthOig mrSeatson i 9h ;4,BoniaVdeaged 69 years, be-'Northway Rt1staua rit on a-c 'lov j uandl of Aura B. fundle, 'l5.Phone rono107. J lt, an iea rothe(r of L. A. Squatran t Uth (Mýrs. \W. S. Mýoffat) Oroflo NOTICE R1 j Srvie washelU at (lie Morris' Funerial Chiapel, Bowmnanville ')hDNimoia Hspta omen's1_ NlnaMarch (6 at 3 o'clock. lu- Axlay owxail ill 1hold their Annuat Birthday TaTus termient BowmnanVulle Cemretery. je hus S3to 7)Sp.n. b-c i1CON,,NELLY- At Oshawa GeneraltN0TI Hospital, on ThursdaY, Mý.ardi 2, LOLA'S BEAUTV SHOPPE O 1961, Walter Connelly, 648_ Dean Park Street, Oronoir, Phonie 160J Ave., Oshiawa, aged 31 y7ears, b- Cîo)sed hleatedig1961 Cavai loved husbanmd et Hazel Potter and cadie of B3eaujtySho0w, oylok ! dear- fathers of Roy, Gloria and i-oe),oono Mr 1, 1, 1,154 Larry. Service wvas hietd ai the Mor- , b-e ris Funeral Chapel, Bowmi1aITville,' on Saturday, MUarch 41 ai 3:30 pýi. CARD OF rHANKS ý!intermeni Bowmanville Cemnetery. 1 aomsopru: i - [thank ~~~Dr. MKninre m 1staff ofMeoilfspa, 3w mianville, te al trienids and nig!i-- BOWýEN- At Memnorial Hospital, hors lte W.A. and WMS. fori. Bowxnanvîlle, on Saturday, March thjeir vi-sits,cadantlwr.As- 4thi, 191, illiam .eànry Bowen, te 1ecv. B. Lonig for hîs visits suld Çewcasile, ag-ed 49 years, belovedspec.ial tihanks ýto DMr. and l Mrs. huaibail of Helen E. Hlooper, dear Cajrlos Tamiblydrn m rc father et Darlene, son of Mr. Stan-, illness. a- ley Bowéfl, brother o! Acy (Mr-s.f Sincereiy. 'Mary Pos.j Clinýten Farrewt and Margaret ____1____________ ' (Mrs. Carl Todd). Service was held CARD CF TIANK$ I 1 in thé Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- f r.Ca-e .Trelad j rnanïville, on Tuesday,NMareh th,1 aMlrs C he .To resl and' Sai '2 o'cîeck. Intecuxent Lang Vauîlt, duheswl t xrs hi Orono Cemetery. grtiuefn appreciation for the 'toe heml'at ie time of their hereave- » menta- HELP WANTED- MAL-E qEPRESENTATIVE R.EQUIRED TjO eri Fa.rm jService and Motor tub11 Mýembfer"ships. Plealsant, digni- ed wvorker, tull orp Iart time, re- esti business year after year. RushI pur, namiie aud address for fitluii- ,iimatioii as territories are ýgeing Sales Manager, 'litarie C-dI-21 'ronio 1413 Newcastle 4371 JACOBSEN - SIMPSON uriueFinishýled and Refinlished Paperhanging - Wioodworking Painting, Interior and Exterior First Glass Werk . Caîl Us Now STAFFORD BROS. 1Pline 10616 Orono, 0Pm LUtAL Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Home MA W. KAY LYCETI'e.BI In th' Oi f ficiý R. R. Waddell j MAIN ST., Cl? Telephone 1:38 L. J. a, ureno Cern-. IRe2eve te voice' ton Towl Itt 1 'e,, w v 'i WALTER FRANK 9., iMcQU\Y and KLDD to 0 177lGburcliSt n[J BowmanvlIIe MA. 3-3393 9 10bt, gin TWICE the help-FALF the work with our 2-Account Plan Pay ail bls by cheque on a Personal Chequbng Account. Thre low service charges are prepaid. Your cancelled cheques are your receipts. -, 4 j - r -- Keep your Savings Aceount for saving. Add te 2 it from every pay. As your balance grows, you' gain new peace of nrind. -Start Planned 4aving ut mnr necirest brancb novi. .CANDIANBANIK 0-F COMMERCE JMO'NEY IN THE BANI< MEANS PEACE 0OF MIND. of te cuci uiders." Insu Auto sirnceServiceg rance in ail its Branchesg o, Pacýkage and Compositeo W>..KaIIy - pIicies ,Frl am ie entd y ndMvs Ry coi f {onrnedfrot ag 1 9Burýglary, Liability, Marine, Gree, WuOdof f Accident and Sickness, Wind, Coluius. MIrs. Çharles PolIjey reperied an f Bolier, FideIity Bond; Etc. inci-ease et over $9Q9. Thie allocation l o! $23766 and gift tXor bulding ad-1f van.ce of $1500 hias heen sent to brandi treisureîr 41there were 60 f new. lite meurbers luý the varions de-~ fJ Iam l n pariments. -Mrs. Dl. Armistead spoke [ -on "Steicrsipr" and anweumiced an iùhére<ihe et $866 in.-the neW atieca- f tion te bring mniýssiqnary salaries Up Phione, Orono 1R16 te tire lev e t ofothelrs 4-nthc chut-ch. - 'l'ie po)si rsyeil xctv FIRST NVRJGAGE. LOANS mo1(etiing w&11 be hel lu nst. Ad qw' lnIite'd «hueci;Oshawaon Monda,11' - 1\1 arci_ 6, ai 120 prii. c'-r .o wn z- Phone 5 r 18 CoWUucts AùCt and a, Communicae e Otario- - Ni Ask the The 1. il -- ý 1, -1 1, 1 Barrister