Thtirsday. Apri1 20th 1961, orc R nuo ~r'èHrUigT .~ 0oYaIý iJ m aoviie cnm oniday ight c il meting began Sith Tli I~yaLThfatr~ Bywmnvil~.andci ali to worship. Vl In, Publik Specîking Thjegedt bre -'veanoucé ûa ~iyale, andBible Reading hen ost-spectacular nmov ie flm, f 3The ordif Go."w Mis l4àivile. of,iù & eýro o Y a Px t Lt For looi picînre hîstory, -Ben Rur. teWr fGd' Htigh S sho king "A Tripto This, $30 million powinfib R e n ~ ~ ~ 4~ko o V he IP or Fl iip, Fi k . e aed¶Charlton Heston and r'eport was given. WVe s~nfordivisOf the Roy al Cani-'~ ig~~WWi il eryi h raue aaýn Lgo Dsrcafla peknt 1'eiýe1dous càst. Bpi, 1Hur wý1illthe business. it was (le ccne lý,j-rh Qtipaing a s ontractbas been a- i ruh foi, 4.least eleven performa ilces .could tuck bi nt-ur mid conesiwhih ws hld aturday _t ardil 13Ythe Departlient of Pub. af 'the $.oyal and the xma e et Pn~I~fsin i mrritqith eilHalBw lie Wàtrks' 1o the Sincoe Dock and )ftlhetlieatr'e labIes it as a miusit. n~~~~A~s G-lanivilfe's subJect Lfl-iigi -eLI ' c f Toronto, fr .-- TeAfl rela e n i a nw s a n d ip tp o 5 tbdc 1 w rl i h e e a re a s in th e j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A p ril 2 5 . W e n v th~e Q~ehn~~fo~ndto behaibutir at port JTo , Oiit., il .was inpor wvell presednted and interesting. anniÏn dionenly b Mr R. erc Viia M.P. for DIurhamf, on be- DRMAWORKSNO.P iHOL'DlNG nStr[twew lialtl cf the Honourabie David J. WEEKPqU)CONFÉRENCE books to sei to1f Tri]i ýThe ugsfor the finial eontest * - i av 'iinr wfeL. Roberts, -An o the Wapçer, W-liister of Public Works. Th-le Dam Wýoksh are holding Çhlildren's ryB<, D.Po er, Schod4r. lPortý H~ope, G. The firnu suhmlitted the lowest ani open wcrkshop iin Bowmanviile phone Cr0 ag Gl'han ýýid lis. . 0-NellBo- bd O fte il reposetadvertis- OMl- aturdây, April 29th and 0On Suil cqoefoeSaturi!y, Al-w4 nmvileig fo)r pbi tidrThe high day; April 30th. The sessionis will Meeting Qci d -lw itfi bld ws 4,Q.The ,vork- îssched- operi on each day ais 9:30 and cdiû- ~te wnes ee Kathryn I fled for comipleti.on by Junie 30, tinule ultil 5:00. On .Saturçlay Mr. S o, niillleli, Studlenf ati;1961. Zî>der will instrudt on acting while workshop is .¶1ü0 and 1 an i lgh ý>!oiîpe io Suild.aTy Mr. Jamnes Dean WIi n-i mation may hdfr of the Junior Higli chqo1 IetiJïIi s rc Ofl directiTg. The fee for th~e Samiuel. rs.tbet "The p et of Auto- .Tins is an taninuai redredgiing job ton 'lie JuniOrr I-eme-1-tary inivoling the rermoval of 25,000 cu- w by- Pegý Millson, - oliia.schooleic l yards and sand, silt and cday o- e n w c~ ~3T~~ ~R~ tth eneitraxice, ii-neir ia1)our OronC> H i-T e s Prep& e SnSt-. -Denis, St. Iihaf chol adeas an!- west slips are -mainý- rg,1 ,v 1s ti*"se-ilJE1 ee1taý1 y. at the antrance and imer harbour F rC I O II a nrFlag." rý.4ý ý-lé a- and wevst slip and 12 feet at te east slip. T ils pro&xrides for an aaequate -n nStra2 iii i(i J qeptJl fQr comrhercîal vessels of 15 - The Or-ono Hi T~so audy, on June 2 ICap-il ,151held a, outiand su ,iha tpdi,-,bn- foot draft. ol chemical fertilizers qaeth opd bn purpose d prayer en from nuMmber ur Bible, hi Coaches For BdiàseirbaiI ;TheîOionioAxiatr thletic As- c~a~~t flld~,gtiiig on Thurs- day e nfig o lasy week in tht Orono M'1ýluilicipalBuilding with about eight present. The purpose oft On o limaF~t~~1 the eeting wasertmo plan for sumn. Oron à arla F s mer activitlès for the childreèn Go the area, and to also consider means. Before summr eveC" tn begînis the Of raIising funda toP p ýte thé >Polrtanltzev, "to rakeplace in ilhet The lack of inferest was -scussedt Fali. The com-mittee of the ?-rono by% those preýsent however1 if was de- Drama Fesivai, under the leadership cided to carry on >what progIramÂs of Mrs. Margot Sa muel, are aîIready,., were possible and that wt further -..--.w- the A'sosciaiok i proI- I mote basehail for, the hov nd soft- bail for the younger gir-ls."r' e -reat, need, il was pointled out výa that ai SThis yèar te estival ýýii je coaches tO look atrthe ivarlous held on the 28th, 29th .ï3t î em wie ' e ered t Seüme.Ofrry-, the et-devarious' eagues b A l th. va a benh~d t.t smetieMr. Samunel,' pesdep sta . d that [Iiý Fal Far, ýI(tgret maye'wan'4ned-iae leed ~fora -oFi F irls' softball eahas Lh b'laguc pèoPJTa~have nQt.wba s, 1eQ t being îdrawnp.Ath both events. By caifia i- ae pre.Liit tine -ro c ach ià co m~e we wiii be able to ofý ,1se forth oWr ih hsOl 7ho have an interest 1in ýig a c- gilils. Vit h p f tivities at the Fall Fair and also ilke if wa s çlecWad by the n'eeting o tten-d th- rama etv that a meeting be held on Sýturday i-t thé > -ni ~no Mnicina' miber 6 Ottawu,& *$2.5C0ý