R OTWE Boys' Canadian Mla de Running Boots Sturdify made for active sports. Heavy canvas uppers, white rubber trirn, toe bumpers. Comfortable sponge rubber insoles with built-up cushion arch. Black Size 7 tu 10 -Price per pair - $2.25 Size Il to 5- Price per pair - $2.75 Mjen'sý size 6 to 12 -Price per pair - $3.0 ChildIren's Running S-hoes Just right for alH sommer fun --. uppers ore in plaids, stripes and plain Buoyant rubber soles are reinforced w round white facing. Site 4 to 2. Pnic-ed frvom 99e to $2.6,5 per1 Store Openi Nion da Ladies' and Girls' Kedettes For Sports-Time or Leisure -, Gay lightweight canivas casuals, completely washable. Varlous styles and colours. Ladies sizes 1 to 9 - Priced f rom $3.25 to $4.50 Girls sizes Il to 1 - Priced f rom $2.45 to $2M7 s Ladies' Summner Slims Canvas A gooci yariety of washable Summer shades. Siis, tailored from narrow wale cotton cord, Nith air- corduroy or terylene blend in ail the new Sumn- mer shades. Sizes 12 ta 42. pair- Priced from $3.25 to $6.95 Armstrong ys E ve n ns Fricav îdSaturday Open AIl Day .Wednesday raKi -~J~Il~w ine playhIig ,Joer last weu- Oni Tuesday afteriioon the u- Ie its of the senio)r roomn of Lhe' Oo oPýIMi c Sho visited the Or-' ono Public Library in observance of, CaainLibcirryWe 'Mr. Ainslie jMGestated that the chlldren %j 1were particularly in 1 leted n ie l ,works of Canadiain Pôets andf of j course the volumes ,-f n--sleries. The Junior Girl's Softball teamr is ij [n ani urgent nleed of a coach ýqInd maae.Ther'e are 1)lenty of gils for thre team and a eau i-wlh they miay enter. Their home games atý( th0rono park are beinig sched- !jIed for -en Sy. Anyon0je %ish- îin, to assist in this progrâm whlich Iwill be s;ponsored by the Orono Amn- Sateur Athietie soiainare asked to contateierMrs. H. Barlow or H4 Mr. and lMrs. FPerc-y Hayward of LBoý ra vilIle andj Mrs. Grace Cham- plia, ~visited ý!with MAr. anid -,Mrs. Raye WVest and f amily on Sun- day la-st. 'Mr. and Mdrs. Wmn. Ir-win, Mrs. An- nie Cornish and Mir. Douglas Lycett returned to their homes this week after spending the wvinter months in thie southern States. UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge M inister Rev. Basil Long SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 1961 CHURCH SERVICES 0rono1 - 11:00 a.m. Leskard -- 2:00 p.m. Kýirýby -3:00 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL Orono- 10:00 a.n-t Kirby- 2:00 p.m. Leskard - 1.00 p.m. 'es(ly atthe Pr.tleownship Carney Morris, car Mr. Bill Wannan and James LOIN- Man of thle bojard of trustees, S'. ery of Kirby are patients in the tetute eentstsidw~ b~amavileMemnorial Hospital. tlhe two-year ag-reement. Mr. Russell Rogerson hias accept- HeakedtattIvilglb i ed a position as Bee Keeper for the îowed to lake over ils own road Rideau Honey Company, Kemptville stemi. This, hie said, would r'esult L Mr. and Mýrs. Chas. Hogg, Duglasfo th îaý-' and Janet of Toronto, Miss tde 1,500 residents. Thecmmter- hî1lsOsawa spent Sun-day with1W ce i euet u gedt lu. î acMrs. (Cal Billitlgs. J Mr1. . " l. rhm saptin n h hr discussions on othercnt- Memnorial Hospital, Bowmanville. tospit nt&areet TOURISM BRiNGS- VILLAGE $144,000 Cla ms olie \iý,age Tourism bas been proven tome Should e Disba ed bigbusiness for theý littleOta ý5ht)ld B Dis anedValiley community of Eganville. AS special Onltario Dprmn Polid villag-es have outgrown Tae and Publicity survey so: their usefulness, Reeve Robert that tourlistIs spent $11-1,000 in-î i eý Speck told Toronto Township- couni- vililage last year. c'! s ;-,i, ra icommit-tee recently. Tourist s'pendîng ini the vîliai He told thie trutstee of Malton Po!- the report said, was the equivale-n bce Vill1age, who were seeking a re- of a 33-mnan indcustry with ana - vised atgreemienti between the village age p)ayrýol of $3,500. This amiou.rt anid twn itat it would be e' rw $73.96 ecach for every rsdn beat,; 1ýir the town'rship if the pueof Itle villagle. STOP! LOOK! SAVE! Baby Blankets Esrnond- Assorted colours - size 30 ins. x-, 40 ins. Regular 79e This week .7e -Baby Blankets Kiondik 'e Size 36 ins. x 50 ins. R"egular $1.98 This wveek .................$1.8 3 Slips Ladies Cotton haif eyelet skirt trim. Shadow panel. Sizes srnall -med. large and ex- tra large Regular each $4159 This week....$1.131 Socks, Ladies nylon elastic stretch, white and assorted coloei"s fits sizes 8!2 to Il Pair 35c. 3 pair . $1.00 Boys Cotton Shorts and Shirts, sizes smnall rned, or large Special Garm-ent .............. 37c Ban Roll-on Deodorant Regular 89c Special 76c Arrid Deodorant Regular 55e Special.......4c Shelf Paper, many attractive colors to choose from 15 ft. lengths. Regular 35e Special ...... 291ke 'As soi-ted Toiletries, skin lotions, wave sets,~ shampoos, talcum, hair tonies large btls. Special,25e Licorice Alls-orts, made in England. Always firesh. 1/2 pound........... 1ORONO 5c, TO <-V N N N. Ni .4 N -t --t N N N N N no -âmm- r NOT11c E' Mr. and Mrs. J, A, Stutt are happy to announce the purchase of Tyrrell's, Drug Store in Orono. We wîll endeavour to serve the community to the best of our ability STUTT'S PHARMACY Jim and Bet tie Stutt The Rexali Une Cent Sale 15 NOW ON I - Newtonville, Ontario To FeIlow Shareholders, prl7t,16 Tuec-Orono Telephone Company Limited, Or-ono' Ontario t -,as not iny intention to do any avertis-ing-, in connection with th~e purchase of the Or- ono Telephone Company Limited. But it is being broig.ht'to îmy attention that 1 amn being accused of making certain statements while visiting in the area. The main one seemns to be "That 1 could block the sale to a certain Company". This state- ment 1 wish to deny. 1 cannot think of anything 1 have said ýwhereby the ahove could be impliid f rom it. At the time it was alleged to have been made, there were threc Companies in competition. Therefore 1 would have no reason to single out one Company and certainly have had no grounds to make the statement. The object of my visits in your area has been to give information and answer qutestions on the merit of merging the two local Companies into one large group. In your cunimunity, new industry is being sought after. But the Telephone Company, rear- cd f rom pioncer days by local mien is not considecd seriously. Just becatîse of neglcct, no ncw wire no new poles, no new ideas in a growing commuinity, whereas it should be considered ser- iously and receive the samne local pride of owner- sip as does your Local ilydru System. t is here that by our of fer if you are given another ch-ance to vote for it, wc invite you to acc-,ýt the S10,000-00 plus one share in the Port Hope Telephone Company for $10.00 for cach Orono Telephunte Co. share held. This mneans that aftcr you have rëceived the $-10,'000.00 you still have a fifteen per cent interest in the larger local Company for $13,180.00. than if we are contained in our own. Also the th and installa tion of Dial in our own commun- We certainly have had problemns of grower area could be operated more economically ity but we do not hesitate tii think that the larg local men would be trained and prove competent to assist in its operation. However if arguement i s of no avail and the Directors, assisted by past Directors, persist in making this sale by Resolufion on Saturday ncxt for $35,000.00O I wish to draw your attention to past sales that have been completed, and ask you to draw yo4~r own conclusions. In .1955 The Austin Telephone Ltd., Wooler, Ontario. Number of Telephones 994, Revenue $48'514 Sold for $100,00 lun1959 Leeds and Grenville Independent Co., North Augusta, Ontario. Number of Telephones 982 1 Revenue S50ý72'). Sold for $175,000. Ln 1959 Mladawaska Valley Telephone Co. Ltd., Bancroft, Ontario Number of Telephones 2331 Revenue $127,656 So!ý4 for $615,000. Now let tis total the Orono Co and the Port Hope Coi. figures. In 1959 Orono ..... 719 $33,349 Port Hope .... 1218 $90,641 Total ..... 1937 $123,990 The combined revenue alnost reached the total of'the Company that sold for $615,00 Yours very truly C, M. Jones, Manager The Port Hope Telephone Comipany Limited mi e% V% ÊWM à% or.emU^eIALS