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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Apr 1961, p. 8

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This wveek man cenitres. throughiout Canada will be observ- ing atinal lbrry eek in an effort Po place m-ore importance cv iichinlMtuti ons. The importance of reading and the supply of -, talebok is possibly one of the elhief sources of knowledge 'lha', we have. Prof essor W. J. Eccles of the University of Alberta lu making - Wrcettst of first year studeuts in knowleýdge of history claimed zhem tIo be 'appallingly ignorant'. 0Df course hlIs solution is that of miore reading ýwith botter reading habits. The few students, hie damrhat did wel in the test fell into twvo categories: those Who hiad excoptionally goodl teachers and those who owed their high acheveentto their home environment, A reading specialist, Dr. Cocil J. Wilkins, of Ontario, lias fP,ýnmd throug-h an extensive survey that lu Toronto at least one iu fivýe and possibly one in three of the students entering grade 9 are such poor readers that they will neyer graduate. Many of ilhemi are reading at only grade five level. Iu today's fast moving age one eaui only keep abreast of fievelopmeuts through the use of books lu which information may be obtainod. Knowledge of a reluctant reader must certainly be impaired and lacking. Poor roading ablity is linked with poor vo- cabulary, poi' spelling and inabilty to locate, select and organize. It also means that ones ability to absorb ideas and to express his own ideas is seiously hampered. To promote btter readlng we must equip our schools with i-oýre books, our libraries with I-ore and bette-r books and also there miust be a g-reater entphasis placed by those within the home on the use of good and more books. Mucli eau be doue from withlu the home to improve this reluctance to read. Locally, throughi lack of interest of the citizens wve have little f0 off or and to encourage more use of books. Our lcal library is flot usecdtof extont that it should be nr does it re- cýeive any great support f rom the public. Flnancially it operates on a shoe-string and thus is hampored in providing a 'wvder variety of books. In must other centres :the local Library ,vould bo support- ,ed f0 a great extent throug~h a loical levy. This is so in the Village of Newcastle. Prasduring this week more considexlation could be given to the use of gooil books and a membership would certainly be wel- comned at t:he locl lbrary. C OMING EVENT Your committee has completed all arrangements and are delighted with the sacred beauty of this Dedi- cation service. No Oddfèllowýýs or Re- bekah should miss the building of this alter on which is inscribed the mnottos of our Odr May we urge aIl to get your tickets a-t once. On Sunday, April 23rd our annual *Anniversary ser,,jice commnemora- jiug thieonue hundredh and forty-sec- ond anniversaryv of the foingo ounr Order on thiscotnt.ro NOTICE The regular meigof the Ev- eningjj Auxiliary will be held Thurs- dayv, April 20tlh at 8:15 p?.m. in thei Rev. John Kitchen wllbe our, guest ivl- V 111U speaker. Bro. Rev. B. Long- wil l be \Veriry of Newcastle wilI be our in charge of Ithe,,servTice. Meet at the ý tspae. vron e ce --de ,al at 10:30 arn. for service'a, at 11:00, a&m. at the Orono Unitedi Churcli, Orono. The 01rono Band is1 COMING EVENT to be in attendance. Please wýear 1Ocflellows andReeasanit badges. Mvay every member turn out! anjd Dedicýation ervceOf Vhir all to greet Bro. K itchen. Rememyber Saturday, _April 22nd, 1961. Banquet ou Iedication staff wîll be in atten. in United~ Church ai 6:30 p.ni. Dedi- dance so lets have an all out effort. cation 8 p.m. This is a beautiful sac ___________________________red service f1(m 12_ to 2 hours in- CARD0F TANKSTickets: $20 per plate. This is an We wishi to express our appreciaj yPen meetulng si any who wish tnay tion to ail oui, friends, who sent t-)me. PUlcha1se tickets early as cards, also special thanks to- Dr., there is a lîmit.cc MceorialtheospitaadBstaffile SofAL McKniie, tHeoses and saff of SECA durîng my1ý1 stay in the hospitad. Sealy Mattress;es $39.95. Norman W. Fea. G eneral Electgic Polishers $31.95! a-p Continental beds complete with _________________________head board, button free :359.50. 2-piece Chesterfield Suites f romi-r IN MEMORIAM $99.50 up1 hI oving 1memory of Orm , M. Allowance for' your present furni- Gerry who passed away April 2001, tutre. 1959. jTrade-in 6 cu. foot Frigidaire, 3 Sadlyv missed but not one day for- bUrner Gas Range, Steel Beds andul gotten. Spring's. Wife Zeta, Helen, Mverl, Gloriai MURPHY FLJRNITURE and Bruce. a-p King St. West, 'Bowmanville .. -1 CalI MA. 3-3781, Collect To t heo Shareholders of ý.he Orono Telephone Co. Ltd. MOn April 22nd you will again be requested to vote on a Resolution passed by the Directors- of your Company to sel to the Bell Telephone Co. Ltd. Prior ro that meeting would you pIease consider the following. (1) Do you beleive in Private Enterprise and Co-operatives or would you, prefer to have t-his country controlled by monopoly by large Companies which is eontrary to pohicy of the present Governments of Canada and U.S. (2) Are you in favour of selling to the largest Company in the Telephone business to-day at a pmrice which is lower -by far than two other offers by smnaller companies? (3) Do you know that the users of the Orono and the Port Hope Tele- phoné Co.. pay over $125,000 each year for services and if this were owned by the Bell that practically ail this money would go out of this District each year, this telephone service owned lo- eDistrict serviced by these two (5) Do you know that ini 1950 the Port Hope Telephone Co. was smaller than your company and yet to-day tbey have twice as .many phones, and twice the revenue -We have. That they have on deposit in the bank a certified cheque for $40,000 to pur1chase this Company. (6) Do you realize that you can have as much money for your share as what the Bell offer and still own a share in the Port Hope Company. (7') Do you realize that you would then be one of less than 2000 sharehold- ers own.i.ng,ý a Coýmpany havIng a net worth of overp 400,000 dollars? (8) Do you realize also that if we sel! to thie Port Hlope Co. that present em-iployees wolsti1l beemoyd (9) Shold ou have gvyour proxy vto) any Director or past Director 4-ndno feelyowud like t) attend thiemetn and vote in person you can do so ad i iIlify -use of your poy vote oni.thle Re-soluIctio teeli te the Bell at the next best iit-erest cf theic commtinity serviced by the Or- Interested ,lShctreholders. FOR SALE Qver stocked - Slightly used knap sack Sprayer. Can be used for barns etc. capacît'y 3 2/3 gallons. Also overstocked wvith ?.00 Apple Trees, semi-dwarf, varieties of Mac- Inohand Recid Deliclous, 2 years, gârown from cerVifîed stock. Wil son per tree for $1.001 or tnake deal for the 200. Apply /%. Van Ha-t',um. Orono nrh on the Sth fine, 250 yards off Hgwy35, phone 35r2. b-Jp TEACHER WANTED~ For Clarke Union 5.5. 22. Afl grades. To commence in Septefnber. Situated 2 miles fr-mn Orono on Highway. Apply with qualifications and sal- ary to: HERB N. SCOTT, RR 2, Orono, Ont. a-c ALUMINUM WINDOWS, DOORS See your local dealer for your Aluminum Windows, Doors, Awn- iîngs, Railinugs, Sectional Garage Doors, Prime Windows. Cal Bel Air Aluminuni Phone Orono 9r15 8-P BRCBLOCK and CEMENT Phone Hampton, CO 3-211 NOTICE TO RESIDENTS 0f the TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE OF PROPOSED DEBENTURE ISSUJE to assist in the orecting and equipping of a new Sehool at Kendal Your Couneil hereby requests those persons- who wish to participate in this proposed debenture issue, to be set at: 6 per cent interest per annumn, f0 contact the undersigned at thefr earliest convenience. H. E. MILLSON, Cierk, Town)shîp of Clarke b-c OROr4O PUBLIC SCHOOL TENDERS Tenders for levelling 0of school grýOundis, supply of top) soul, and gra- vol for parking lot, will be received by- the undersigned up to and in- cluding Saturd1ay, May 6th, -1961. Tendicers m-ay be forý contract or hourly basis. If hourly basis, type of eumetavaîlable to be specified. For further information regard- ing extent of work, contact H. R. Best, Chairrnan of the Board, any evening. Work to be completed by July 15, LoxVest or anyv tender not necess- arily accepted. W. Gordon Cotter, Secretary7 S.S. No. 12, (Marke, Orono, Ontario c-8-c 1958' Chevrolet delraty, 2-dloor. Mlge23000, one owner. Phone 3-R-4, Orono. Mrs. Everett, .Stapleton. a-p FOR 8SALE Plutmbing Fixtures - Pressure Pui-ps - Glass Lined Water Heat- e-rs - SUrnpP UniPS Pipe and Fit- tiligs. We seil and instaîll Cail usý today for Free Estirmate. Guscott Plumbing & H-eating Ltdl. 207 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa Cail Colleot Oshawa RA 5*5132 DOUGLAS SIMPSON Orono - Phone 1413 Furniture Finished,& Refinished Paperhanging, Woqçlworking Painting - Interior & Exterior STAFFORD J3ROS. Monumental Workï,- Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUAL.1TY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Let us erect a bandsome, dig- nified monument over the rest- ing place of your Ioved ones. lt's flot expensive. And se.lng you endless comfort. Building a Heuse? i or remodelling your present one then contact Floyd Nicholson Phone 2191 Orono IFoundations and Septia Tanks pourecI. Forms available. WALTER FRANK McQUAY and KIOD REALTORS fi 177 Church St. Bowmanville MA. 3-3393 PHONE 1471 ÔONC DR. R. J. TAGGART '.ErERINARY SURGEON Phone 16616 Orono, .1 - Phone 5 r 18 - Oromo TEL) JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales 0*of liwad and at reasenable rats Communicate with hlm at Port P",' g Monuments and liiuraic Sevic ~ FamiIy Memorials Insuanc Serice Our quality and service leaves nothing t0 be desired Akteperson who bought f rom ýus- Insurance in ail its Branches U ' a eighbour, friend or relative fi The RU¶TTER GRANITE oAuto, Package and Composite 0COMPANY ~ Plices FreFar, Lfe 73 Ontario Street Poliies, Fre, arm, LfePORT HOPE f "Largest Display in Suhr fBurglary, Liability, Marine,o Ontario" Accident and Sickness, Wind, vO n Eeor~ Û Boiler, Ficlelity Bond, Etc. PHON 129 -f1 CONTRACTOR$- FOR S-adie Hamilton ô F R I1 Nd O S g Phon-e,'Orono IR16 ' A1-PLIANCE SALES O Prompt andi Guaranteed Repaira FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS to ail kintis of Electrical Equipment g and Appliances Such as Motors Water Heatesrs t .v.Radios -Sto es -I1rone LMAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Soficitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-553 IW. KIAY LYCETTB.A. flarrister - -Selicitor i Ii the Offices of NI 1AIN ST., ORONO I 'Tecphone fUS Orono L. J. SKAIFE Chartered Accountant 13Y APPOINTMENTS Lycett's Irsurance Office P.O. Box 63, Orono Phone 12518 EN SU]RANCE Cenerat & Life E FRED LYCETT OFFICE.- MAiN ST.,, êRONO Phone 12516 Rés. 11716 J ACKRXEID Auctioneer and Valuatr Specialize in Fanu and Furniture Sales Conffuit me for tërus and dates

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