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Orono Weekly Times, 4 May 1961, p. 1

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as Second Class mai[, Post Office Department, Ottawa. Subseription in Canada $1.50; in US. $2.5é$ Sotte G arens m - .MS.M G! omp i of W1MS-1h Ul meeting in 1he sui Mtrcted To Jr. Garde ners tul f heUnt _______________________-Ar mstrong in charge oc 1« xth onirGadn ie' lueld il h gra ceir it'eîn nte vnnpoàOjlh , UL Thîeimeeting copened ýv Aprîl 227th, "The Beautiful Gre Q ~ 1 ollwed by The Lordl's UAi SeivO a u îi peated in unison"1. T~r.Fairbroth-er dernonstrateýd ita bottlçgarden (or terrariu)iW Mrs. Log-an took the -sol be plarted. From the %voods. ïoor onclrcie a lter vice, her tc~ býinig S'Ie sugçgestled coUfecting various f rom the( Northumnberland> a d Dur-j cf Paerr c ript 1-rnds of mioss, er, ungus, seed- ham HIealth iUnjit alt the -,special I was from the 7th ehapr 2-n--, ai-i stch plants as violet etngc oucihedo Mna hew andic Mrs. Ln-aga wid str-awberr'y 0or ipatica. Smrall nlighit. 'Th, eltterwas from L .jsiigme-ssage o p houe patts are aise uiseful. Griffith, sertD-raue f hle134,"'Swetv urc IIeatlîl3ord.Sung and MUrs. C. Woo0 Mrjc. -raffith said: "The nuestion of 0Orley Chaï k ac)h a METHOD OF PLANTING: 1,n theC - btom f the boýttie put one ic f itdgravelI. Nèxt, add an inch iayr f good garden soi!. Carefully [nlrite plantsz into the bottie and press thie earth ,f ilv around themi. 'V i- rk Board Proceeds Ie ~i o Complete Swim Pool lils repj whëen rave:inter'e fluodinai-n)f municipal water ing messages and AMs. Ceeuil..omh supplies in the United CQunties of son clse'd ith prayer. Northumberland and Durhamn was r.Ln spJeýutec discussed by the board and the f ohl Mns aLng spd ok eyon athe t lowirg jsireouion passed: be writtn and as she conclud9ti Lay pieces of moss around the "Tt the Board cf Health sup- plan-ts. Sma'll figures of peopfle, anii- ports tlie conclusions and reco0m- mrals and birds.,)pretty stones or irendabs of c the Ontario 'Fl'uori- m--ar4bles, a piece of woocl, a pond dation Investigation Committee and acefrein a mirror, bridges and therefore recomm--ends that councils býuses, are only a fevw of the addi- in municipalities maintaining and fio)ns which can be thought of. operating water works for the 1sup- ply of'water within the municipalit ' i;mmedliately take action tLo impie- Be! ore losing jar, spray thement the provisions of the Act to plants or llghtly throw in soi-e wat- {proYvde for thea fluridation of pub- er, The terrarcn is self-waterîng liecater sutpplies. - beeause a cover prevents tu.e Water 1Som'e of the conclusions of the fromr escaping; the moisture gathers'special invest-igating committee are- iri 4rops against the top and falls _,s follows: b--ack down agaiil. "We are convipced that the nc-i Sedigtrees ce methiod of 'hey should ho mechanicaily ad- al or communal the incidence of n such water isý ýi period o! teooth fluoridle extends that the caries-! fluoride extends' hewill be a special prize for a tha for-incesin iheight, usinig be hesmial Easlfer arrangements <a. e brught for dlisplay. cal )1n of fluelride is anilcanl ed within the llimits o! fectiveness and safety. aiesatisfied that h ffluer-ide in thýe rc rncenltration deecýs net sincf water mýalins, itnsnor doecs it affect any w"ay indlustriai pro- thle cost cf fluori- i water supply is nl relation fte the st an înuuc'j a counties is in the n tire cou tire coun oI~iiI y Thp ~art :cecommen ~ talcen on the ratepayers on Township, tha' in tire location ni Kendal WestE n urged that c 1 [ see d cô-ulc, e '101 -,n Iinal tawon sv1es » i'-- i j roacieinioyees nav- ciamage is cosHtut repair, The quesîed thatworking hoer be re- çemissenaise founid that certain çue fron 5', te 5 days awek construction on tirese connecting Irs edluctlien laheurs wvou-ld be Links had been delayed se that local ffset by an hourly increase of 15 nrnicipailtes ceuld insal services acats \whichi would give emiployees pirte construction." iheu saine take home pay. For theix lt stressed the f act that the ce -1r, the emiployees agreed te ilake oeaino! sucir municipalities is eo furthirer:wage demiandlsfor rwc necessary if decsirable standards are years. S. imns were bung. voie Gi- The )rno Memorial ParkS Board-' a motion on Tuesday night con tractor the co-ahlead te- thle new' swimming pool atý )o Park. The miotion was un- yý supported by every mem- ie Board, even tlhough a surn id $1300.00 still1 has t'O be complete the inancing the construction. Mr. S.B rd stïtecl that the sooner- ba rcought into Operatior; ier the Board could reeivt, ,lie~ vitew was uplild 1U iat' action might prove dletrimen- Mr-. W. H-. Carmian, chairman o!t the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t, toac ndsr n n h litz Camnpaign, reporteci that the obaco inustr in 11$1300.00 had already beeni turned in Ontario Flue-Cured Tobacco and that imore %vas expeoted. H2 rs Marketing Board is pres-1felt the, eanvas would net at least considering- the question cf $1500.00 when al eanvassers had re- erring market quota, from ported. rmatonothmers wIn a, ndý view to obtain fu'rther funds ciaton embes wll aten an appeal is now to 'be macle to local er n Cboug day10 e harorganizations, companies and per osalby faga Lt. fo co sons wvho stili, hold an interest in the ve supply cf fuel for heating village ànd area. kilns. .ýq1.V , JUl ul 1du U Le- - Fify all o sik nd ilt4rs'-cunties judge. Three of thesý-w lle association lagtFeed tO UP. t MisAlma Cutteil stated tha.t the_ were repoted. Mrs Logan ~ withdraw.I or ft apeals James H. Tucvey of Brantford who Swimntin.& Pool Fund hada.bk eighteen cartons of be-ddîng and reductions were granted, but la two is seeking election as district 14 balance now ý,o! $2915.23. A total et clothing paeked on May 1st. 1 t4he amoiunts were increased. These; direetor on the Ontario FueCured $5,621.00 Wa neecled te complete thte 27lieladesageed teo assisi oeta fst the redcton. Tbacco Gro-wers Marketing Board. pool of which sum $140525. wil ha CXUL.T. -gbrls with their bake~ sale lDistrict 141 includes Durham, North- available froin Provincial Grants, tnd tea on May 13th. Jî, -.Shields said the assessrflenlt -tmberl~aii n Alliston. This leaves a sum of $1300.77 to ha Groups 1 and 2 will hbld a jointlqualiÏa t o7, will be submittedj The p]resent director,' Ted Quinn collected locally. The Board feit th4t meetin g in June, group oe to bp t couriçil lat -and thatte o n.11 çoun f Castileton, the first to ha elected it must comiplote the pool and that rasponsible for the program and the fies equalization byIaw shoiild be 'frpra the United Counties te the necessary arrangements could Ibp afternoon tea. passed by July L. Boardl, declined to stand agibeInaefrt emnng ous The ineeting çlosed wit -h the llie assessor, s annual report cause ,ýf business >reaso-ns. needed. theme song and the Mizpah Bene- sfic0wd Ccburg te have tue highesýt !Mr'. '1urvey lias an' interest in four!i The pool is te be off iciaUly operiei diction. (c0ninUêecI fI-m page 1)y United Countices tobacco farms. I on Fridwy, June 23rd with a eený_ Association secret ary-treasurer, H mttee cf Reeva E. Wýalkey, Mesrs. 'T e N wK. Long reported a record member-1 E Dent an-d E. H. Samuel in charge Gue nse o iOship covering more than 8ý5 percent o! making the necesslary arrange- G uer sey how o- B N ewof!h farmers an tobacco ýgrowers ments. in the two cýounties. The next step ini the planned pr-~ gram ',>r the new pool. is the instal- FeaturAt Qrorio Faix LOCAL RSES NOW ainftefleigadclrnt IN. AeTIO Rel& a ps Folromingnhinth [a41urham Central Agricultiural Soli Entry foris for, the Field Crop Mr akRiaYoiethre alk-around a ndffee 'Ill'be rx- -nan cf the Village, has his nacunÉstal«kd ciey held. their April meeting ao-n competîtion were distributed arnd itstbefsanrdrdscpfli Mr. Vie Homiewood approached n yApril 26~ at thehm is the hope of the executive~ that stbe fsanad rd cmeing f~~~~~~ ar erg asothnlute tthe hih alre nme O arnïess races in Monfreal, t1lPark IBoard and made applica-, ýf 11r. ýo-e aronývhn her wll e lr.-r umbr f eae wvedohap, hrswoChampoo th aot hersePak hi plans we-re made for thie fair te be tentries this year returneti te thel . ed n n h cwen, yetien srcf A.h e ot stH Pa r-I ~edin Orono, September 8 and 9, Secretary by May l5th. byM.Ridadoe hc a e er Msr . .Wsint. er-t MLr. O. W. Rolph reported for, the tered in the Orono Colt Derby last cer and E. Dent wero 4eiùe Tobacco Exhibit committee and ITeadlve'rtising committee are year, won its first race at Montreal. carry eut the necessary arrange- stated thiat nost plans hiad been now caling on busnessmen in the The win was taken on a Uime 01 ments, if found suitable. -,npleted1 and that a meeting weuld township te Procure their ads f or l 2.11 1/5 with the drive heing mad~e The Board is to meet again on be held M1ond1ay, May 8th wwhen te- I the fair prize list in order tihat the byMr Jack Gordon cf Coldsprings. Tuesdlay, May 9th to make further bacco exhibi tirs and xmenbers of bookc may be, prnted a little earlier: Another Orono stable which is exý plans for the opening of thre Park the, fair board\v.uldl di5cissfialarf*hi iarpected ta see action this week is and niew pool t1iis year. rangements for the competitiens Trespassing anfldidmage te th'U that of Mr. Junior West. His two I oncinwt u hlri* and obcc Queen ceýntest. Fair Groundfs was dî'scuss-edl and ., , herses were shipped te Hazel Park , Wading Pool,;h atr a hle Mr. Caies Tamblyn reported for was eclded te post No Trespassingi' ast wveek where they will see their for thie present until funds are avail- teHolstein Association that ihle signs and te proscute Ï0nyone fun first laction of the raciag season. able. 1lack anid White Show would kýe bekn into thie idnso caus- hedFiday, Se-ptember 8th andiwsin aag ethepoeryICT plasdtereotithat thie eneyIM.F. Jsewa iterested in pro ý , -q --1C rC l bo JU3ciaionwoiold their show] mnotiag a Ipho(to competition for- next %j lonty n emn ta C aiuoo aiîc te rnofair groun s St- ea sAn ulCovention and are- urasept. 9th1. vision o!)fthie Prize List. --- Canadian O F~ Il ~ - I ~3uvrono QlUrreview During the past thr-ee weeks you- while ailiers prepare thiem for the- have probabiy neticed the increased a arshwsin Oshawa, Toronto M os portOU n Sun dayacutivitat the oid Flax Mill coi CoI-b aiid BuffaLlo. Seme cf the cr iv - ber o!fae car enthiusiasts known California, Ohio and Michigan. The M3sprt, fe mils nrth f sart r te ray. s the Kontinentals Rod & Custon J Orono, mwas the scene oi! muchciv- Thymut id hycrr k rue Cub o! Oshawa. This iclub which [ it nSunday when a possible one Yi r"P îfren= c emandy calclatyn was organizd in Faîl cf 199 ini- thuadcars passod t1Wotih Piclasr]L'ha d averagc speeds,. t e sted in automobiles cf al kinds. I gates in anticipation o! vievinj the Ci wé Points ai mi thCeroute are Tîîey are net a gang but an organiz-M l0d cars enteed lathe Cross Cam- c1 n te ai CWith IM mach-I 1 li»e apprOv ed greupwho *takeII ada CarRaly These 106 cars wer i',s ni fo ee ymiute ealy or ust oas muchl pride in safety on theýý te arrive at Meosport xwherethe div 0- ± tWecrets Dare asseedOne Penar cds as in thir cars. The regula- crs nd atosvereý put through , <~pc inteuCars are allowneda tta'iens fori, mbrsi in the club are serescftets.Ths aspart o! tï i t nl iv-'je heurs ltnesover the vryrigid and newm emes-ms fIratleg of a cross Caaioda tn-cp cf ç rute bc r bcg dsuji ndergo a thIor.ouign exam-inat'ionb- 4100mil-. hesecar let Motrel ~Tire30 int coi~ t~ ~thiprier to joining.[ Snamrnncmigteospr 3)pit jfîý 'anccmleingtie f7stle cfthr',irs secton -et thacra1ly is higher here are nme than tenymem- j 1-pinTrnoaudynit.Tetaavag.is and 35-) cars in th-e club. Somie cf au egn e arie t Mspnta- Mn oa rsdnswere atbMos-itue memnbers Iwork onA pi ars te runs wel cil lto, tir night.Thbse eax, in ,gai etantimes i se raceýs 11nai'stredagsrp Tire min obstcleat osprt 'AU 1 exit rIýoads tafebudo~nn ilbe, made public in ithe 'la~o hiDfibwihtc oio!li l~lnebigrae neaur future. som as tirey churnd o utremu *ovngMnral at7 a.m1. wit cas ardigof f at 2 m1inuteter--a:d on the aeraeceUld be tèrmied ~~~îh~~'0 cajdr!f'fTý%o,6 sô oer_ thtýna uste fisî-ernn 7T'ihe s'rýar fuis year, m.p.h. for t~~~he gamie fish swinging W utacnorasheachsgiolsinp-j J At he sart wre rpresentatives 1tCn. As usual tere was Nie ardent vus years. This, ire feit, was chief- a! ir Sei O CmpnycfCaad and anxieus f ishermran who drepped ly dute te thre cold w7eathier conditions, Ltd., sponsors of the $100,000 raly: iris Vne into tie water on tie stroke ricir have prevailed. 51 TAire ally is net a race between-'of mnidnigirt in Irleiropes that ail The best catches within -the area ýcars but a, cemipetiin by each car'were net asdeeP in the rilPpling9 wat- were reperted frein tire stream on a gainist tire dck (ýand 1tae ',ils o! tire ors Mr.George Laing's prcperty where raill organizers. Thre crews do not la speaking to Deug Powell, local an O0shawa Club irold the fishiing j know where thIey are going unitil Conservation Officer, it was feund righits. It was here that anl Oshawa tirey receive a route bock at tire thiat tire catch was rather spotty mani caught a 91/2 pound rainbow eiuo is net a profit maing organiz- ation as there are noecash prizes at éther the drags or the shows; all the meneyiý thie club tkes in frein >dues gues toward re.it anid better equiuiet wih wichte produce better cars. Fhe group is spDnsored by Osh- awain Auo.r andi W lson Bttery, ed cosideal i i the past. Th lub Cées cith tthy arelvery fortunate A1 ho

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