ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 19~1 i I Best y Crn u ~ ave c --15 z. Tins Bes BU~ WiiteorColure -Tvin Pack- Save 170 S'WAN ISSUE" for 99c.K4j % Best Býuy! - Pineapple-Grapefruit - Save Ilc! Stokley's N 48oz 3f r$ Dr inlK tin Best Buy! ,- ads in Every Package - .Sa,,e 6c Red AI BAGSof73 Best Buy! - Cat Foýod Save lic- 15 oz. Tins Pus 'noot 4 or 59c Save 50c? - Enter Lever's "Name thec Boat Coni e-t"-- 37c off Pack KingW'e ôSize > Surf Chiut Fn Quaity Golden iRipe se 3 Sai BadSuks o 8tj -Remember Our Appreciation Bonus- Through Month of June Red and White is Offering You "Shadoy Seam'" Full Fashionedi Hosi- ery. First Quality - Assorted Sizes I PAIR FRE FOR CArýH REGISTER RECEIPTS TOTALL;NG $50.00. Start Saving To-day 69o $1003 Save 29c Whore Canined - 3 lb. 4 oz. Tin BuýR,- ,-rns*ieken $1,00 9uti-iem-e 7 oz. Pkg. W nut Pice Sae1c-Red aind White 8 oz, jar $1,0 TaMI Tins - Red aind White Evaporated iik 7 for $10 Spremne 4 oz. Can BIak Ppper Haîf Gallon Ice tC,,eain 35C - 8 9 cll Early iser - 3c off pack. Coffge 1lb b ag 56c0 Swift's Premniumn Skiniless Cello Packed Birthday Speclal WEINERS' lb 45c, Swft7s premiumi - FourVaitis Macaroni and cheese, Pickie and Pi, l nto, Mock Chiçken, Dutch Loaf LunceQnMeaut 4 forSlftv"nc 8 tins$I1.00 5 jars $ 1.00 4 oz pkg 59c. ISH O rono, Ont. Phone 1121 KENDALNEWS Proteci Wildlife By ý)dCaifrii' v îth her Leaving Its Y lluLi , I , T 1 - i n 1) i C, oi '.r ,u r-other Anthur for ahl . .Il )r3~to wth er daugite'r Mrs. vice in endal United Curhand c _ld nMr. and MrIs. JR. Elliott andfamlyan-d Mris. A. Swarbrick. I isClarîa Seenls of Peterborough andlvus MrgaetSeens of Ottawva, suet h hliday eeendwith tueir sster, Ms. R. Elliott and failiy. Mrs. L. E. Srnith amid Mrs. G. Cahcrtvs1ted thIleil, aunt, Mils. tirimacmbe, wo is very iii jin Bow-. 1av [erospital. Mr. and Mrs. H-atcher Foster -vis- ied h!is brothier, Mnr. Roy Foster i~n Port Hope Hlospital whiere hie is un- der observation by bis doctor. W Mr. ancMrs.Bob Carruters of ~}omavilespent S'undlay 'with ber paet.Mr. anid Mrs. H. Foster1. 'l'le mueeitng of the W-vomien's In- stitute n'as held lu the Sixth Lîne School in %Wednesday evening, MayT 24[thl. The 1pre(sidenlt, Mvrs. E. Cour- oiux, wvas in thiecai.T'he nmeeting openled by thle Sînging of thle Ode and repeatigthe Mary Stewart Colect Te roi! cali waý,s answered by " 'cstom thlat bas become ob- solete,". Thie siiniig vwheel and; hJouýse nd buiggy aire out of use and' t one member eiifembeed the time whe,îin a perýson dcidT't wvait for an in- itation t o cal on a neighbour or- fniudan a nîndalways seem1-edý to) have timne to entertý,ain. fhey werei friely days. Ainther memnber re- m1i11ebes that whea boýy called on hiis glirlie sulystydfor Sel weknas he oftenlîve quite a distance 2 cay and travelling was 1much slower than it is today Mlrs. UN. KennedconU ce the instal- latio f officers for the current ya;President, Mrs. E. Couroux; vicepreidet, rs . M. anders; Serear-teaurrMrs. H . Foster;T 1Mrs. WV. Turansky. Conv\eniers: ,Ag- rlicullture '(- d Canadlian Industries, -Mrs. J. Stapleton; Citizeniship anda Educýation, Mrs. W,. Turansky; g~is- torical Researcýh and Current Events ýýiý C. W. Stewart; Home Econl- omiics and Hlealt, Mrs. G. Cathcart. Public Reclations Officer, MrIs. M. Mandlers; Cmuty Activities. Mvrs. R. McMackin. Miss Seatin- trduedte guest speaker. Mrs. B owen ,lo! Orono, wbo was ver 11- tertainiing in-, ber talk on pioneer daLys and stories she remonmbered 0f el ays, we hrfather and hiis as so ciailt es were younig andi hepe t eve1lop ti at ofth cu try. Mss Seatcnutda contes "Nmethe Song', iu whichi Mr.l. Foster and Mrs. E. Couir-, olux adthe )most ansers n-meeting cosdby the stniging îo Gojdsave the QuIeen, after wbich re- freshmientis wr evd 4oung Atone airal was seized. Charges in this Ab)out this timeý of year /we are case a-re bin conisidered. otnconfrontied by people s oeking a permit to kee~p a "poor abandoned mutaanureeeyn awnvinjcativty.Last weekend la' travellin.g in the \woods to "LEAV-E well-ntentoned residen t of thAN UN ANML AOE. in oden area picked up) a so)-calledý "Yutimay tink it hias bueendeer Je te to-day old fawn hinthe ' by the miother, but hin actualtyth ý-,Sjl Il( wa 01 a i-ýlin trp.mo ther .s fot too far away secure in bus ah hi e ason a apfihing tpr-the lknpwledge that she-bas con- 11 aplctonfracptvt e-cealed her offsprin-,luna safe proi- mit was retused and the youing tected thicket. Hale'sBody Shop l KingSt. FE. MA. 3-2301, WE HAVE TWO LICENSED BODY MEN TO SERVE YOU imi FARROW - Frank MAHEW NO JOB TOO. BIG Bowmanville, Ontario NO DOWN PAYMENT ON BODY WORK AS3 LOW AS $10.00 FER MONTH OPEN FROM S to 6 ORONO TINSHOP FLOWERVASES. FO0 R T HE C EMleF.TER Y Orono Tinshi)p Wil Be tClosed From June Sth to Junie 23rd R.E. LOGAN, Prop. Ph~one 11816 Orono, Ontario - ROYAL Bowmnanville M A. 3-558 9 Thurs. at 7.30 - Fri., Sat. at 7 and 8.30 ALSO in Color W;ITiH MARTIN WEST MON. to THURS. ý4 Days) JUNE 5-8 ELIZABETH TAYLOR IN ACADEMY AWARD ROLE Some « women neyer give a name... j ust, a phone number! M-G-MA Presents John O'Hara's Best Seller in CinemnaScope and,%METRO,ýCOLOR .Watch for iit.! wvith Laurence Harvey and Eddlie Fisher Show startsa a'c7:30. Main Feature at 8 p.m. Umm Save 24c! Stokely's Fancy - 20 oz. Tomato Juice Save 25c Wagstaffe's - 9 oz J ams or Jellies Save 6c -- Fraservale Frozen Fish & Chips 2 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N * s N N N .5 N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N THURSDAY, JUNEýleli,ý96ýl<- . RONO'WEE KL-Vri m ËS