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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Jun 1961, p. 7

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For yeans the massive central pnian 0fr Beinut, Lebanon, had had a griin- reputation. And when people in neighbouring bouses began to, camplain about the noises emanating froni the prison at ight, officiais of the penal administration decided it w~as time to step int and suggest a. little more disection on the part of the prison guards. But a cdoser check revcaled that the &ounds heard Jby nrighbours were iot gropans and cnies of tennor - but na-ucous laughter and jazz mugie 1 . Wlhen police paid a surprise -nidnig ht visit ta the prison they round: radio sets in every ccli, even -'oie iwith TV% as well; stockpiles of whisky and dg- IncItes;' kishidden lun mattresses, Nhie-h, as the ccili wallg testi- led, hand been used for playing lants; and liberai supplies of hashish, -'onie-growin lu the prison gar- ien. Neyer had convicts had it so good. The hansh repoutation of the Central Prison was demol- ished overnighIt. Alter the police raid hallf the prison guards were charged with xnegligence and corruption, They, together with warden Abdel Ghani Amad, are now behiind bans awaitiag trial . . - in an- other prison, where there is no TV, no cigarettes, no whisky or Oruga-1. Sweet-Pea Seeds HeIp Fight Arthritis What do sweet-pea seeds and ýýynthetic rubben piarticles have in common? They are bath in- portant researcb tools lu The Canadian Arthnitis and Rhaeum- atisin Society's broud attack on a.rthritis, one of Canadas major health pnoblemns, reports Dr. Almon Fletcher, Chairmnan iof the Socety's Committee on Research a.n.d Professional Education. Dr. Fletcher, ini annoiuncin.g the C.A.R.S.' awards, said 'chat the 1961-62 grants and fellow- ships mnade by the Society in con- junction with the Department of Nationa-l Health and Wehfare, wil bring arthrii research ex- pençltures since 150to naven ý100 The 1961-62 programn wilI sup-1 port the work of 41 University- basd nvestigators ini the amnounit of more than $282,000, The scope aud variety of arthnitis research was evident at the Second Ca-na.- dian Cûrn'fr~ence an Research ini the Rheumnatic Diseases 1,tFai At this time, investigators were ýexposed directly to each othei-'s vldely-differing ,vork, Sweet-pea seeds contain a sub- stance called proprionitrile which Ueuses destructive changes n ionnective tissue, site ofarh- ils. Its effect on animais is un- ker study. The clustering of 5ynthetic rubben particles in the abtex fixation test helps deteet ýa nysterious subatance, the rhe- wmatoid factor, which appearx fin -ie blood of patienit with rh- 3rnatold arthritis, the most seni- luts form of the disease. Aunt Bessie: My, but you have rown. What will you do when ,ou get to be n-iy size? Little girl: Go on a diet. PUBLIC EYE - De.nver police cire usirng a new Traiffipax camera systern 10 get evidence of motor violations ait the tirne of arrest. S e q u e n ce# corneras, ehown through windshîeld, ore mount- ed on clash. On top of car, next to siren, is flash unit for night photos. Suckers Ar, Alike The World Over The raucous call of the pitch- man is contagious ayw e~end nowhere more so than along Istanbul's teemning Golden Hon. He stood on the shore, b.rking in Tu-rkýi.h until the cords, of hi,- rieck swelled out, and, pushing gawking boys and men - nio wo- men - jito n rude lune towvard his bout, anchoted along 4, tinly wvharf behind hlm. Here was a. mystery. The, boat herself was high proweï sud igh sternied and neither more nor less vividly painted thýan her sister fishing boats, risingan falling et anechor ail alonig the niolsy waterfront. But the pitch- mians boat contained Q cabin midships, and the cabin roof, reaehed bvy cllmbing a s;teep coin- panionway, was lined with boys end men, gafzing over a curtain t somnething carefully hidden 'rom view. Occasionally thelci watchers bIlrst îrnto excited clapping, and at eachl such bursts the pitchmran increased his efforts, untl more standers -by - horny- handed sailors ot the waterfront, mnostly -fumbled in their pockets for a coin to join the Une. B3eside the pitchman stood a, pelican, 'hunched down upon itself, open- îng its great beak in huge yawns, as thiough bored by the secret ft long since had knowin. The Suleinan Maisque, that m~arve1 of architecture ýoaring albove the Goldien Horn lu plain viewi of the men àround th1e boat, couid wait. Its delicate mrinarets and vast noundcd doinie would stjll be there when 1I had probedl this tnystelry of tIse pitchmva arin4 his, boat. 1 paidl my coin and inchcd forwaird in the lîie to- 'wa rdC the boat, rocking aund swaying benecath the sapigof dloxens of shifting feet. First, camnefthe caïbin îtself, into whîch each man ntertdA and dlisappeared, to reappear ', few minutes later climbing flic corn- panionwaqy to the roof above. t was My turn. I gave m1y tickeL te a hand-eyucd Turk at thcE door and entered the imness of the cabixj, wrîtes Harry B. Elllis in the Christian Science M'ý,lnitor. Mystery, romance -- ali faded nway. The boatwa a f oating aquariumn, and a2 poor one at that. In separate tanks, swamn, or la), dully, an ecl, somncthing like a wvall-eyed pike, twodihrt- ed skates, and a more than un- hreantened little sea horse But up above? Whiere those mien -tamp- ed and clapped? Whit rmight there be up there? I Carne Out into the sunlight and climnbed the stairs. Mern wene ,ppplau-dîug e ven as 1 clîibt-d and ) heard a strange barkciug grunit, As eagenly as the rest, I Fushed iny way ta the cuîtain an'ý peer- ed downl. Before me, lanshallow waten, lay four weany saldulied by the summrer hea't. At thel- com- mnand of another pitchmnau. armn cd with a pole, one of the seals clambered sliowly oven a Kilnd of banrel into anothen tank of water, Excited clapping around mne, This was the act whit h had produced that applause that kept the cnrowd growing below. Two of the other seals Jay on their backs lu the shallow tankçs, presumt-ably trying to keep both cool and wet. Out of s&d, dlark eLyes, the performing seal look- >ad plaintively at bis mnaster. 1 had -hed enough. Perennial ,suc.ker for a pitchmnan, 1 had f allen aàgalu. lu the wvay of al thiore who have fallen, I looked wise and knrowing as 1 parted the crowd arouud the pitchman- end walked- rapidly away, tw- waprd those ôthei îmysteries, imy- steries of the ages -- the mnos- ques of istanbul. Some Tips About Your Painting Electric light switch plates ýauid outiets are less conspicuous if painted with the sarne paint as goes on sunroundIng walls, It is best to remnove the plates and paint themn separately. Otherwise, thie paint arounfi the plates ii-ght becipdWhen plates are tken off for eleIctrical repairs. If maskiug tape is used wheu painting window framnes, the tape shudb,- remnoved as soon as the paint becomes t 'acky and wiÏl not run. As the paiKt. film becomes bard, there is more likeiihood of a ja gged edge when the tape is takeIl away. 1Radators should be painted af- ter the heat haRs been turnoed off for the summner. Research has shown that more heat cornes, through fiat paint than through glossy enamel. ïMetallic paints; are qulte unsultable -- they kýeep the heat lu! 4 c( -RENCE IN CANADA - President John F. Kennedfy, in Canadai on az 42-kour state V;&& Mcwth Cancidian Prime Minister johfl Defebakr i Otta'wa. E E AGENTS STOREKEEPERS - DEALERS Wiefor free copy Sumnmer Speclalty Catalogue featuring large assortment seasonable nmerchasadise. Toys, Dry- godHoucewares, etc. Boinfide deal- ers oniy. Plbiiiips Sales Comnpany, 1939 Busby St., lMontrçg;ï. AGENTS WANTED HIGHI PROFITS, seling imaports every- one needs. Juleers, Nootile Machines, _Magnetic Skap lHolder l.0 Special! -ampie 50,1. liportera 153 Il St N.E, Medilcine Haât, Alberta. BABY CHICKS BRAY lias dayoltis andi started immne. tinte shipitient, RlRxCR, RIRxLS, Parks HP7« Aines Series 505, 424, 434. Ask for uow sýumnmer pricelist. <)nder summeir Broiler chicks now. See local agent, or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ATTENTION ! Garage and serviýe âun- tion owners. Limîted ,ti number of asso. ciate store dealerahipa availabie. Only srinaIl capital requireti. Be competitîve. Autoinent Assaciateý Stores, 195 St. Pstit St. W., St. Catharines, Ont. AUTOMOTIVE accessories - Only $1,. 000 puts you into the hlghly lucrative yean-rouad Automatîve Parts wholeaale business. Ail service stations, garage, car dealers, cigar and drug stores, e., your cuatomers. Details available on requet. Ail replies confidentiel, gitan. anteeti exclusive territory. Ail Parte Automotîve, Limniteti, 1084 Kipling North Rexdale, Toronto. "EXTRA Dollars f rom Your Gardon". New folio, i60 plans, tells how. $1.00. Other homemiakýens' "howx-ta" boam.. Write Lucerne , Box 133, Stoney Creek, Ont. EXTRA lin. for saesmen presently calling eon: department stores, drug stores, gif t anti noveity stores, sport shp rbrer shops, to sell a revolu- tloniary nlew Swlsa matie electric shever. Commission 20%. For full details write RELIABLE TRADING CO., Box 292, Chlppawc, Ont. INVESTORS WANTED. Interosteti la lnvestlng la gooti fast - growing com- munity. Commercial, Industrial, Subtil. visions, Raw nti Improveti Landls. Will arrange administration. Write: Frank Johnson, R. J. RoIlas & Ca. Ltd., Reai Estate, 5007 Gaetz Ave., 1tet Deer. Ai- berta. LIMITED number of active anti part- Urine ditribuitarrhipare avaliable with a progressive esblished Ontario lini- Iteti company now expanding, Experi- ence not essential. Company will or- e anie. Minimuma $2,000 capital requireti. celient prospects. Appointinsnt enly. ]Box 235, 123 - IBth Street, New Toronto, Ont. PARTNERSHIP - CONCERTE AND CULVEET CONSTRUCTION B3USINESS ln operation over four years withiu a 75 mile radius of Lontion. Interesteti ln exiierlenceti concret. man to buy part hIterest on operat.. Equiprnént te adequate asgI ln good condtion. BOX 9, NEWBURY, ONT. UUSINESS PROPERTIEs FOR SZALE TORONTO CENTRAL location. 42 roonis total, e t5i4te îkpirtment building buîlt f rom pna.war mnatenlals; this extra large building will outîcetr anti outproduce most cf recent structures, excellent street, yearly rentgals close ta $10,f0O Ne probiems with these rentais. $9,S00 cash requireti andthe price le 10w, be- cause the vendor le! t for UISA anti bas to sel h. Cal! Mr. T. Warawa, RO. '4-3553, E. Kurtiydyk, Realtor, 514 An- nette Street, Toronto. RESTAURANT for sale în Gowganda, Ont. Building 2 storeys, bathrooiu up anti downstairr,' hot anld cold water, atijoining 2 lots, established business, retirng Apply D Lafrance. Gowgantia. Ont. CAMPING MAPS CAMPING MAPS, UJ.S.A. J Mai of 50 States locatlng campgrounçls, liste fa- clilties. Spiral bounti, 5½/x8½ý; $2.95 postpald. Camping Mape U.,S.A., Box 362-ASB, Uipper MVontclajir 22, New Jersey. FARM KQUJPMENT SE us liofone yuu ted-for Fan anti Industrial, tractors, loaders, backhoes, Combines anti Baiera. New anti uset. Recontiltioneti, guiaranteet anti as-is, Convenlent tonms anti highest tra'de-i allowansces. The Hamillton anea's Iargest dealer. Hanson Supply Lîmited, 124 9ing St. W., Stoney Creek. Phiono LI, 95917. FOR SALE - MISCELLANEOUS "'DESTROYEP." for use la outtoor toliets. Rats down to the oarth, saves eleaing. Directions. Thousantis o! users, caest ta Coast. pnice $1.10 per can, postipaid. LOG CABIN PRODUCTS. 322 Tark Road, Gueilh, Ont FOR SALE,' Dragia. - Double drum,. p or a b e ou nle i, A ] con d ition , co in - pletely eqipet wth lines, btrcket porogh 11 n a Company, Wards. PORTAÈLE water so!ten1ers -$9. PrpitNothlng else ta buy, laste iii. deflnately, saves more than it caste lu sxMonûs. Also, water purifiera; Chaoise Lounge: Transi-tor Radios, anti other papitiar items. Catalogue. TWEDDILE MERCHANDISINGJ CO. FERGUS 18 ONTARIO "OHAIRGQSI W I1g s, T ot p e es, Transformations, Switches matie frani finest qualiiy hair. Write for llustrateti catalogue. Toronto Hilman flair Supply Company 528-F Bathunst Street, Toranito. How Can 1? By Roberta Lee QHow eau 1 darken ,some lig-ht tan leather articles, sueih as beits, shoes and the, like? A. By nubbing them i Tth a cioth dipped ilu ammonia. This gives the leather a deep brown finish. Be sure, however, ta apply thle armmna uuiforiy so that Your finiishecl job will nfo be spotty, Qý .How Canli stiffen lthe hrush- es of. My carpet Sweeper? A. Take the brushes out of the, Sweeppn and dîp themý"j several timnes intos hot water, to which a. llttle common baking soda bas beýen added, Then let the brushes dry lu the sun. FARM lFOR SALIE VERY desirable 200.acre farn 7 blocke fronitbe centre of the town of Nap- anee. Weli watered river on the north, never.falllng for freezing spnlng on the sduth end. Also creek ln the harnyard that runs al winter and neyer freezer, Gotii' b1dgs. Large barn stable for 26 cows lin a row. Aiso other stables for youing cattie. 70 acres plowed. corne fait wheat sowvn. Possession at once. Farn of the late Frank MecCutcheon, TLR. 3, Napance Telephone Area 613. 354-4192. LIVESTOCI< FOR SALE SS EWVES with early iamibe. Healthy 1-9 year eld. Joe Reesor, RI, Niplssing, Ont. LIGHT SULDS SAVE many dollars. Once yen buy Molilte Bulbn - Yeu neyer buy Light Buibs again - neyer! Information: Wilson, 536 Sa. 3rd Entt, Sait Lake City 11, Utah, U.S.A. MAGAZINES HUMANS are chianging! What willi we 100k Ilike? Nev, sexeýs? Mlonsters? Reati the Scientlfic Facts la "GC" Magazine, 420 Mauchchunk, Pottsviile. Pennsyl- vanla, only 30e. MEOICAL DON'Y WAIT - EVERY SUFFERER OP RI4EUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULO TRY DIXON'S 1EMEDY. MUNROS DRUG STORE 235 ELGIN OTTAWA $3,25 Express CtAIect. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema raches andt. ,eeping sLin troubles. Post's Eczena Salve wlilo t disappoint you. ltchlnig, scldlng and burning ecze- mc, acne; rlngwormn, pimples and foot eczema w,,lil respQnd readîly to the st2iiiless, odorless ointmient, regartiless of how stubborn Gr hapeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Recelpt of Pric* PR#CË $3.50 MER JARt POSTS REMEDIES 1145 st. Clair Avenue Ebst, TORONTO MONEY TO LOAN OPEN Mortgage Loans on fanra, -homes commercial, etc. Fzet -ervie, Phone, write. or drop ln. unlted Couzlty Investmients Ltd., 3645 Bathurst St., Toronto. RU. 9-2125. NURSERY PLANTS 20 flOUSE PLANT SLWPS $2.N. Blu« Hydrangea $1.98. froplcal, 4520> Franceb, North Burnaby. British Coluimbia. NUTRiA ATTENTION MURCHASERS 0F NUTRIA When purchaslng -Nutria vonelder the foUlowlng points which this organisa-' don offers: 1. The best available ;,tocit, no cross- breti or standard types recommendeti., 2. The repuitatian of a plan wjhich las proving Itseif substantlated by files cf isatiuted ranchers. 3. Full insuirance against replace.* ment, ehoulti they net live or ini the oyant of steriiity aU fufly oxplalned la our certifict. of nieit.) 4. We give you eniy mutations which are In demand for fur germants. ..Yeo receive froin tiis organization ab guaranteed p'elt market In witing. 6. Memibership la our omx c] -us ïve breeders' asýsociation, whereby cnl>1 purchasere of <hie stock may partici. pst. lu thse benîefits se offereti. 7. Prices for Breedlng Stock start iýt $200. apzair. Speclal offar to those wiho quallfy: earn your Nutria on our coarerative- basie. Write: Ce nadiân Nutre Lfd., L.R. N. ,stouffvllle, Onterïo. HYÇiENIC RUBER G 0000 TESTED, guaranteed, malled lm plain p arcel, lncluding catalogue and îeeg book free with trial sssortlent, 18 fôr 1.LO0. (Finerat qual. > western Wtiu orà, Box 24-rPFZ, Regina, Sask~. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND tdWOMEN a WELL-TO-DO LONDON OFFERS YOU The. best investment opportuni. tiese in seIcted apatrment and commercial buildings and f ir*f and second mortgaïges. For free brochure and information, Ca",5 vîiti or write: RICHARDS NEILANDS LTD, Reqitors GE. 4-2169 360 KING STREET, LONDON 9Speciaslizïng ln Investment - Incorne Real Estate since M05. PHQTOGRAPMY FARMER'S CAME&A CLUB ROX 31, GALT, ONT. Films developed end 8 magna prints 40e 12 magna prints 60c* Reprints 5ý each. KODACOLOR Deveioplng roll 90ý (flot includlng prints>. Color prints 30. eaepch extra, Ansco ansd Ektachrome 35m, 20 ex. posures rmoutnted la asildes $120 Color- prints 1 rn alide 32e, each. 1Money re- funded ln fi! for unprlnted negativea. PONtES FOR SALI SHETLAND Pontes for sale, grade an4 registeredl mares nd stallions and child's Ponies. Bridgewood Farins, Woodbridge, R.R. No> 1. ATlas 8-0713. pRoPIERTIES FOR SALE FOR SALE - New ïModern Home ovef. looking beautiful river; andi real estaté buaines.One hundreti mile territorg separate office, $270N, terris. Write to: Meiter's, Chapeau, Que. 16 ACRES mixed fruit andi nuts, om Main Highway between Vnlniand Hamilton. Large flouse. LevJI Housser, Beamaivlle, Ontario. STAMPS FEE, 60different stmp , Icudes Br-. Col., U.S.A., forelgn, to coliectOrs rt- q ueýtng approvais. "Robins.ý" 132 Eloor W., TorontWý 4, Ontario. FREE 100 STAMPS WVIH LARGE COLORFUL STAMP AP- PIIOVALS 60% OFF SCOl'1'. FASTAMP CO., PO. BOX 1205, POM',PANO BEACH, FLA., U.S.A. VJMMER RESORTS FOR complete information on summer vacation in Muslkoka, wirite for fre* colour folder. Paighton Hue RR 2, Port Carling, or phono HRO. 5-115%, AiMuskokai. REMOTE, prIvatte camp on Tomnika Lakem, 36 miles from North Bay: excel- lent fishlng or family vacation cabinN and i eals, housekceeping c o tt ag e , boats, niotors, etc, at lowve9t rates. For furtber information write Mooqe Point Lodge, Crystai Falls, Ont. HUNT - F1514 - RELAX LOST LAKE CAMP e2 miles west of New Liskeard on No.e Il hwy., near Gowganda, Ont. Walieyes, N. Pike, Speckled Trout, L. Trout, Blk. Base. B,ýar hunting sprlng & fal Mýoose huniting Oct. l to October 15. Blrdg,~ Ducks & Partrlige. Housekeepilng cot- tages or American plan. For Fuil Infor- mnation, write, FRANK A5 JANE 150WEN X#k Lake, -Ont.. Tel: 310 TEACHERS WANTED QUALIFIED te.ïiher' for rujral echool, enrolinent 23.. Apply, stating selary ex-. pected, jualificationýs and iïst inspec.. tor to 'Mr.Hérb. 'Smith, Sec.-Treas., XR. 1, Grafion, Ont TRAVE!, TRAILERS SHfASTA TRAILERS, more people bixy SHASTA than any0other TavlTrailer. WERNER TRA,ýILER SALES',EKIK ONT.. RR 2, PHONE 776-2373 SI.KIRIÇ '4 '4 '4 'r .5 'r- N '4 s '4 s '4 N s -N N N N 'r '4 N FEAR 0F DISFIGUREMENT LEADS TO MURDER - Dante Booi 35, is shown at Fair Lawn, N.J., after his Orrersi for the rnurder of bis son, Daniel (right), 14. Benzoni whose fac!e is parlial!y parcslyzed, said h. feared his son would go through Idle with a similar affliction. Dur'ie'l had ca face muscle severed during oral surgery wheri he was 9, Benzonï, whose- wife died o ya apa, fired two ,hot!;into h4s sleeping son's hcud, police soid CLASSIFIEO ADVERTISING,

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