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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Jun 1961, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Establishied in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester .- Editor and Manager Subseription payable in advance In, U.S.A. $2.50 Published every Thursday at the office of publication In Support 0f County Councils Dissatisfactiom, in the district and elsewh7lere, with the large share-of counity road expenditures paid for by towns and large share o! counity road expenditures paid for by twons and villages has led ta suggestions emnanating froin ail over the province thiat the couaty system be abolished. There is a feeling- that county governinent is dominated by rural townships which tend ta ride roughishod over the wishes of urbani municipalities ,where a majority of the population and assessment are located. In this connrection the counicil of th~e United Counties of Stor-mont, Dundas an-d Glengarry hias recently issued a memorial, inwhc the hiistor-y and signiificanice of caunity cauncils is dis- cussed quite exhaustively. The mnemorial points out that thie de- oeomn f county governient in British North America was in marked contrast ta the French adiniistration ai Quebec, %where no provision for- local autonomy wvas included in the goverimental s\ystem. Ontario counity gavernment developed in the l8th and l9th,. centuries in a way parallel ta the developmnent ai county govern. ment in Britain, and had its origins in the same histrical roats, stemming- froin early -Anglo-Saxon local councils. Bath still are a far cry main the local governiment of France, where local officiais at ail but the lowest level are appointed by the central government. Ais the Stermont, Dundas and Glengarry memorial points out the county council la an older Institution in Ontario than the town or township ceuncil, or, for that matter, than the OnTtaria legislative assembly. Its functian, in theory at least, is te provide local controi aven certain governinental functions whichi would bc too costly or uruwieldly for a town or township te administer, and yet where centralizatien in the -provincial capital la not nec- essary.- It is the opinion e! this newspaper that abolition of couty counicils would create more probleins than it would salve. Most caunty services - the health unit, the home for the aged, the administration o! justice, ta naine a few - could not be handled separatelv by eajçh town or township, ai-d thieir centralization at Queen's Pr wotlld ilead tû less- rathker tlian more efficietiêy. The manst serlotls cefect i the present system in our opinion is that the county coundcllers, removed a yit frein the people they~ represent, are not as careful o! the ratepayer's money as when they are sitting at their own municipal couneil tables. And this lsaa log-ical result af the fact that mast ratepayers de pet pay attention te what is going on at Counties Council. Indeed, we venture ta gue-ss that thex-e are- natepayers who do nat kniow that counties counecil exists, though the press rep~orts its meetings regularly. Revisions in the makeup af county couneils may indeed be in arder. It wouid seem only fair te give the towns which are pro- vidlng most of the tax mnoney a langer share of the representation. Othen changes in the details o! county governinent perhaps de- serve se-nous study. But county governinent rfils an important niche in our system, aid its chief weakness - as is the case wlth goyernnient at every level - is lack of public interest. -The Port Hope Guide ofyouirlfei Q'4TAfUO DEPARTMENT OF TRAVEL AND PUBLiCiTY lHomn. Sryan L, Caffhcart4 mifister RECEPTION M.and Mrs. Charles E. Taylor will be happy ta neceive their rela- tives and fniends at the OddfelloW's H.Iall. Onono. on Saturday, June 3nd fro 300 e :00an 7:0 e 900HELP WANTED ,p.m. on the occasion o! their Forty- I Femnale 1-elp) and Boys 13 ta 18[ fi!th WeddingAnniversary. bl2c wanted for seling Refreslimeits a _________________________Mosport Park. Please include t-e BROOKLIN FAIR 1phone number in application. 1 Ail replies ta Box 300, Orono Tlhere is te be entertainment andj We-ek.y Times, Orono, Ont. c-p; items o! interest for everyone at thé Brooklin Spring Fair being held WAITRESS WANTED on Saturday, June 3rd. Light and'.Fi71ve inights a wveek from -4 ta 12. heavy horses, beef and dairyi cattie, Anply Mrs. Durant, Brentwo'od harness racing-, aid tyme fiddlers, Mtlandl Restauranit, Highway 115 giant parade and band., Ail roadsa a-p leadi ta Brooklin an June 3rd. 1 WORKING BEE A Working- Bee will be held at the Orono Fair Grounds on Wed. niesday, June 7th., The hielp of any. m , li -n,, l a O w c.xrhnurc will TRAVEL. TRAILER FOR RENT 15 foot, sleeps Up to 63, completelyý self-coftainedJ and supplied witti counter-balance hitch. See -A. Mc-Lar- en. P'honie 11816 Orono. tf onelt w1i, tatpare aJ.t&v be greatly appreciated. The groundsTEDRSWN D must be prepared for the Colt Derby By Clarke Town%-iship Scýhool Area' so let's hv a good1- turnout. a-c Board, for- sale of sites and buildings ___________________________ !(,hefollowinig suehools: COMING EVENT No. 21 on Conce-ssion f6, No. 17 on Conces-sion '8. Durham Trustees and Ratepayers No. 13 on County road No. 8 at iAssociation Banquet, Orono UnitediKendcal, Church, Thursday, June 8th, 1961 possession oni-copletio o! ne at 6:30 p.m. lKpndal Sehool. Highest or any tender -tnc3 Guest speaker, Dr. H. E,.Elbrn, sarily aiccepted.L Deputy Minister of Education. Must be sealed, marked"Tne, acand received flot later than June 19, .j1961 by the secretay, B I RT HMrs. Violet Gilmer, SHETLER-Mr. and Mrs. John Newtonville, Ontario.- Shetier are happy to announce the' birth of a baby girl on May 29th, DEAD FARM STOCK 7 lbs. 6 ozs. A sister for Maureen. Hig-hest prices for De-ad and Dis- Mother and daughter doing well. abled farin stock. a-p RAY VIVIAN LTD. Locust Hill, Ontario EýGAGEMENTPhone Markham 1160J, Colleot l ENGAGEMENT24 Houx-, 7 day Service. Please ea Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Bleakley, anytime. Ontario Government Lie- P etexrborough, Ontario, anneunceiense C 10261. p the engagement of their daughter]1 Joselphine Dianne te Mr. Eric Rossi AUCTION SALE Carleton, son of Mr. and M-s. Ray Auction Saler of Holsteins, Milkers Carleton, Orono. The wedding WillSptingers,;'Open and Bred1 Ieifers, take place on June 24th in GeorgeiBdfed Hay, Poultryand Real Estate. Street United Ohurchi, Peterborough 1Týhe properlty o! Pier Sikma, Lot 5, at 3 o'clock. a-p Concession 3, Clarke Township, one midle east of Crooked Creek Store; Saturday, June lOth at 1:30 p,. Use the Want Ads They bring resuits White Washing STABLES and PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins Phone Newton-vilie 4721 PLANTS FOR SALE Buy your box plants early this spring. We have a large yariety of annual and perennial plânts.. Tom-1 atoes $1.50 a hundred. jDraop in or phione C. de Mooy, Flower and Plant grower, 1828, Or- oflo; 2 miles east of Twin Oaks Mo- tel. d-p ALUMINUM WINDOWS, DOORS See your local dealer for your lAluminum Windolws, Doors, Awn- :ns alngs, Sectional Garage DorPrime Windows. Cali BEL AIR ALUMINUM Phione Orona 9ri15 13-d-P FOR SALE Girls Greyv Blazer, size 141 - $2.00. Girls Camel Hair, Beige ýcoat, size 14 ~$1000; Two Girl Guide uniforms, size 14 - $3.00 eadli. Mrs. Ross Gilbart, phone 1963, Or-' FOR SALE One chrome highI-chiair and baby srlep1ay p)en. Mrs. Keith Morrison, Orono RR 1. 'Cail after -, p.m-. a-p FOR SALE Dominion Electric Washing Machine . Practically new wlinger. Reasonable. Phaone 1612, Orano. FOR SALE Hoin.by Electric Train, Phone 290, Oronio. complete. b-c FOR SALE - Crossley Shelvador Refrigerator and a Meffat Automatic Electrici Stove in good condition.1 Phone 3P,4, Orona. a-e WANTED TO BUV Used Tent in good condition. Phonie 3R3 Orono, E. L. Gilbank, Orono RR IN. a-p WA NTED Babyv Sitter desires wvork after- noons or evenings. Anne Gilbaînk, Phione 3R3, Orono a-p - - - ITO GIVE AWAV A 50 acre 'arm will be- aifered forj A femnale deg, three menths aid. sale, subject ta reserve bild, coniot- I G> oept ing o! a 9 room f rame hoù-)se- with Phone 1039, Orono, Mns. Marshal nunning water, barn 30' x 90', im-- Keast Jr., (Oono. a-c plantent shed and garage. Ail build -_ _____________ ings in excellent condition. Ibie-1A The aixive propenty may be in- si*dýted any time pnion to date o!i sale. Tennis on property made known date o! sale. Tenins an Iivestock and f eed, cash. Jack Reid, Auctianeer, DUMP TrRUCK FOR SALE 1954, F700, 158" wheelbase, 1956 .valve in he-ad moton reconditioned ý22,000 miles aga, new 900x2O tires and brakes, Brantford 10-ton arn hoist and steel box. Looks goad and works every day with 26000 lb. 1961 license. Extension sides available. Financing can be arranged. See MýeLareri, Orono, phone 14816 bl3c Ilamîltops Insurance Serviceg Insurance in ail its Branchesa Auto, Package and Compositea Policies , Fire, Farm, Life, g urgiary, Liability, Marine,p Acciden.t and Sickness, Wind, Boiler, Fiçîelity Bond, Etc. gSadie Hamilton 13 Phone, Orono 1R16 FIRý ' 'R.TGAGE LOANS Orono - Phone 1413 Furniture Finished & Refinished Paperhanging, Woodworkirig Painting - Interior & Exterior STAFFORD BROS. Mlonumenital Work- Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whttby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Let us erect a handsom., dig- nified monument over the rest- ing place of your ioved ones. It's flot expensive. And seeing this last tribut. wiil give yeu endies,. comfort.- Building a flouse? or rpnodlellinca your present one then contact Floyd Nicholson ?ý hone 2191 Orono ! WALTER FRANKg McQUAY and lKIDO 0REALTORSg g177 Church St. g Bowmanviile MA. 3-3393 g A. F. McIKENZIE, MMD. Pf-YSICIAN nd SURGEON4 Office i-ours 2:00 to 4:0 p.m. 7:01 to 8:00 .ý Saturdays and W--daesdays by appointmejits oniy PHONE 1471, ORONO DR. R. J. TAGG ART VETERINARY SURGEON 1phone 10616 Orono, OmS. INSUR ANCE Ceneral Insurance SEE FRED LYCETT OFFICE.- MAIN ST., ORGNO Phoe 12516 Rome. 11714 JACK RID Or.s.'.L%" Auctioneer and Valùatou, Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consult me for terms and dates Phone 5 r 18 - Orent TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of ail slIu and at reasonable rates Communicate with him at Port P",y Ontarlo. Monuments and Family Memorials Our qua1ity and service leaves * othing to be desiréd Ask thenpersan who bought f rom us- a neighbou, friend or rela7tive The RUTTER GRANITE CO0MP A NY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE "Largest Display in SEouthierri ontario", Orono Electrie il CONTRACTRS Fop FARM and ~$ WIRING IAP.PLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repairu to Kincds of Electrica3. and APF lija 1) ~'as Motoro W. , i- RadIOt ,- t - ý Qn@ In, Canada -$1.50 LUÂL6 Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-55U3 I ýW. KAY LYCÎTIL1M 1 Darrister - Solicitpr in the Offices of R. R. Waddell Q.C. TeIephone U rn L. J. SKAIFE Chartered Accoomiant BV APPOINTMENTS Lycett's Irsurance Office P.O. Box 63, Orono Phone 12516 -Il 1

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