- ~ I '-~~ - ~ OR NO WEEKL'Y TIME Autoriedas r Clssm.~1,Pst Office eatet OttÉawai Rey C. Frrester ditor andMage Subserption ayableinavac In Canada $150 In- U.S.A. $2.50 Publishied every Thursday at the. office of publication ~Conratlatirs o Hi-Teens The Orono -Tenn rdyevnn ast lheld their an- fluai Miss Orono dan,11ce whlich can b) ýe termed none othier than a gret scces.The Hi-Teens no,(t ol ecorated thle hall ila amost Aoasing mniner but',thely provided an entire evening of dancing anid enter(ainment wh-ich x ýAou1d( be a credfrt to any organization. AIl too often c--ritîcism i s laid at thie f eet of the younger se-t stating thiey Iack responsibilities such as were accepted ln. years gone by. The Friday evening event certainly belied any such p)oinlt as fact. 'Fle, HvreTcens, w.e must say, excelled as hosts for the evening. A finei group you wl find no where. The acts of a f ewý, are otten labelleýd to the mai ority and es- pecî(-ally whenl these aýcts are oyut of 4character. SucL, events as held and promoted by thie Orono Hi-Teens on Friday are often over- looked or passedi over. Credil is certainly due the local teenage2rs who worked so diigently to bring wo Orono residents a most enjioyabLle,-evening. To this group we say "Thank You" and "Well Done. Mosport Attracts i OO's Thec official openiing of MNosport Park on Saturday of last week, broughit most for-cibly to local residents the Impact that this- d1evelopment can and will hiave oni the area in the future. t also appear's that the respnd "ylte public was even greater thaa anticipated by the officis of the track, The Saudaeenpredbyd a doubt thiat the popular- 'ity of thlis ventluris sue d an-d that many thIlousa1nds upon thusnd wllbe patr-onýs psi trog -t ates year after yer. Local nresidents wereamz [laite rson to thisspr It i qute lea tht mch orehas to be dýone to carry thie trfilo and frr t e cetrckboh at th;e Town,sh1ip levelan This vevlom 1t1i1 no doubi speed up the planl of m1-ak- Ing Hihwy115 fi rom 401 to Enterprise a four-lane bigihway. Thiis move w,,as announLced, a couplec of yvears ago and [the lin-e-up of cars on this stretch of road iast Saturday, both ln the morning andl ev- ening wi'H speed up such a project. More and better roads will cer- tainly be needed to caýLrry the traffic from the Higl7ways to Mos- p.-ort and tis will meýan surfaced roads to replace the gravel and dutst givîng roads such as now exîst. Facilities were at a prenium on Saturday botlli and out of Mosport. People were lined many deep at thec refreshment stands and it was alntost imposible to get servïce. This along with th need of more parking faciliteis did create some inconvenience for the many of thousands who attended the official opening on Sat- urday. 0f course these inconveniences wil soon,,be overcome by * Mosport who have had now their first big day completed. Many to-day sec the Towntship of Clarke as a g-reat recre-, ational area with Mosport playing a great part along with other develompments such, as the ýOshawa Ski Club whîch, it is undestood, is again expanding titis corning winter with further property now pýýurchased. Seme view with enthusiasm the thought that the On- ario Governîment should be petitionied to develop a provincial park in the northern section where many acres are avaflJable for sueh - enture, Thýis area now affords many summer homes which dot the area along many of the clear water streams. There is a good possibility that Clarke couid develop as a -major recreational centre as it is quit assessâbje to centre having large populations. Extra Care Niee6ded Sehool will be out this week, and for the thousands of pupils ,-ettis district the vista opens ahead of a carefree life filled with piay and laughiter and fun. Ail tee soon they will have to return t4o the more serious tasks of life when September relis around. -ildren in this area are frtunate indeed corn- pýared to those ih large cities, whvlerýe often a one-acre park JE ~teoidy glin-ipse of greenery they will sec ail summer. But there is a 1hý,,ard ýwhch is nearly as great i our towns as in the -,irge cities--the dangïer of be.ing struck by a motor vehicle. Those of us in the aduit comnmuniy-and the older teenage community as well-must take spec ial care at tl-is time of year ~when driving an automnobile or a truck. Cildrýen, despite the safety ,training they receive at school, are often so wrapped up in their oýwn lives, their own occupations, t.hat they f orget to look 'before ,they cross a street, or they ride their bicycles less carefully th'an 1 BIRTH1 i AYORU Rcs nd-soId ae l ym CllrsAsocaton Dane.NewasleCamuetyHall, hapyteanUu3ethCbRie hi rdy ue3,1961. FrdyJn 2r,191'tÀiic Fte alýs :00 12:30. Hospital, Ottawa. Asitr for Dale Adisio $00 IN MEMORIAM wChurch serice n unday, Jl 2nd GAY 1la_ loviý ng mmoetour dear at 3:00o'ce Bebe are te: moih i Mala ay wopassed rmeet ait thV KedafOrng Hal I., away Marc(i lst, '194 2; andc our dear 2:30. Kenidail bn wl ttendandve. fat! erý, Joh1n Gay1wh passed auway b-p Junei( 22ndc, 1946. Ever remembered and adlymiss- COMIG EV ENiiT ed b)y the childrea ad gaHhid - Thîe Kirby SundaySchool)(, wiii ren. ap sere a met andsalad plate ta- _______________________berry Supper on Tuesday July 411h fremn 5 pm.until all aýre servedl, CARO OFTHANKSfollowed by a programme of sports. CAD0FTANSAdmin-ssion)1: $1.10; cjhirea untdpir 1 would like te thanik Dr. Mc- 1 e O.b-cf Kenizie, and nurses; for- their care c cturrg ng'my stay in ivîmorîar 1-1-spitaï aie aseca thaaks te my friends and relativeýs for cards andir their he-lpith'h chiiren. Th-ey areý ail deeply appreciated. a-p 1 - Anne West, 1 COMING EVENT derth auspices et the Kendlal WA ,will be held,'atalthehomne et Miss Catherine Stew%\ar-t on Wednesday, July 12, tromn 2 te 7 pnm. b-c FOR SALE Strawbe1xrries for sale. R. Reitsmna, phone 1177, Orono. a-p FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SMALL LIVESTOCK Used tractLor Sicle Rake, four bar, oil bath. Apply Carl Todd, Clarke. Phione 15H20.b-p FOR SALE Stae bdyforuio truck, plat- bulî an Y igh ithplyw,.OOd top. Phono 3- ll201 Newcastleý. a-c CAÏRD 0F THANKS STAWERIE OF" SALE thaks e eeroneforth beutiulFOR SALE flwesinuiie words cfAeer tawerisforiae, rdrnw an te exres;sion-s et 'kindnes.- AberlPolPoneý 223 ,01ron a-c- Espcial~>I silould like to thiank_________________ Mrl. Longl and ai1 luh various chlurci- oranzaiosincludinig my Sunday j WANTED TO RENT Schlool Class, Heathier Rebekah Furnishied hiouse forto month s, Lodge No. 334. the Trustee Board July and August. Phone -1350, Orono 0 adTeachers of Orono Public Sc0hool, the Office Staff ad Coun. 1, ROOMS FOR RENT - memnbers of Clarke Tewa1sip and Apply Swing'Inn 1-lotel, Ponty- Oron Masnie odgeNo. 25. pool. Four miles north cf Mosport Mvost slncerely on Highw,,ay 35. Olive Millsoni a-p Manager Andy Sutch Jr. b-p CARDOF TANKSGRILL MAN OR WOMA$.4 CAR 0FTHA1SWANTED The Orono Park Board wish to ex-!Apply la eRsnurb-c PreS-s their appreciation te a il help -___________in___________ ing te mnake their pool epenîng such a fine success. Ail tlheýse who assist- NOTICE ed that evening mnade this possible.,! -Mrs. George Dunlop will not de !any alterations on clothes from Jufly Thank you a-c lst te Septesuber Ist. a-c Orono !ntermz-e diates To Play In Major A Series Playdowns, Th',e Orono Intermediate Basebali iWest ingled. This ceunt cam-e in clu b which is currently holding se- the second inning. Don Mercer in cend place in the Lakeshore League the eighth reached first on an error lest a game te Peterborough on and Keith West was credited wlth Mlonday night. This gaine was play- an REI when Mercer scered the ed under lighits and was won by the second and last ceunI for Orono. dity team by a score' of 3-2. rowaabithe nte In the league Belleville holds top Orn waa gtretlth position with ten peints, followed by eighth and aise threatened te break Orono with S, Port Hope 7, Peter-thuh in the inth but these rai- borough wîth 6 and Newcastle -1 ses faile-d te materialize for the lo- These resulls are as of Monidaycabos Jnight- R. Stone on the moundf for Orono Althotigh Orono outhit Petetibor- for the tirst lime toek a total et 141 ough thiey were unable to count Up strike outs while Jones la his one enoughi runis to take the lead la the trame took one. On the whole Or- gaine. The Petrboreughi club collec- ono should have 'had the gaine but ted their runs in the fifth and sixth the bounice was neotila their faveur înniings. One was scered in the ith on titis occasion. when Hardili walked and scored on Eric Canleton leads the Orono a three-rbagger by Jewýell, thie win- batters with an average oi .437 tel- niing pitchier. Two more rua- scored lowýed by Charles Armstrong with la the sixth off a walk and two an average et .363. single hlits. This gave Peterborough the victory. ENTERED IN "MAJOR A" Peterborough coUeedted a suant Word has been received titis week, tfive hits frein R. Stone a new hufl- th-h Oreno basebaîl club is step-- 1er for Oronio who pitched fer sevea ping iato the big league for the On- frames and George Jonies who was tarie playdowns. The local club will sen lala heeigth.Stoenbae see action in the MUajor A with such by Peterborough did also assist in teams r's Port Hope, Belleville, Pe- collectin thie twe ia the sixth. tebrg, etc. The Orone club isc Oroo ~cued ,evn itsw. î~ neornnga well reunded club with gaine with Ronnie VVst and Harel more strength being addecl each' both collecting two. Single hits were week. The pitching staff is- the byý Dean West, Don Merer and strongest et aay year and benchp D. Beaton. strengthi is aise proviag available. Hare scored the first Orone rua Th-.e playdowns series should, whlea whien hie weat t second on, a twO- they open,. prove quite interestlng ba se hit. Hie scered when Rolnnie for, local bal tans. NOTICE TO CREDITORS [N THIE ESTATE 0F MINNIE MAY CORN\ISHI late et the Village et Orono ila the Coty cý, f Durlh2am, Spinster, deceased: Ail persons hain aims agaiast the Estate et the satid Minnie May Cornih, whldie on or about the 1lth day ýof Mýardi 1961, are lherebyl noiIeoteedto e he undersigned, Ecuosor !their oictr on or j betore ýhe Tird dayý of Julyv 1961, their nami-es andadrse and ful particlars tithir d-1aimis and theý - naure t thir scuriies(if any) ~ dulyverifid -bystat-J mmediatel fer Ithe sidThirdJ ofa e uy 91 the assets of th'e siid decea,ýsed wili beditbue amon)ig the perýsons enïtitled thiereto, halgregard onfly to 11the cdaims ,et which the Executors or1,the under-1 sig-ned Solicitor shiah thea -have lnotice. Datedi at Orono, Ontario, this 121th day ef June, 1961. ROY 1HOOEY CORNISH, Port Perry, Ontario. WILLIAM OeRNISH-, Bowýmaaiile, Ontario. Executors W. K. LYCETT, Orono, Ontario, Solicitor fer the Exe-cutors. DEAD FARM. STOCK Highest prices for Dead and Dis- abled f arn stock. RAY VIVIAN LTD. Locust Hill, Ontario Phone Markham 1160J, Colleot 24 Heur, 7 day Service. Please eall anytime. Ontario Geverninent Lic- ense C 10261L p DOUGLAS SIMPSON Orono - Phone 1413 A. F. MCKENZIE, M.D,. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Holurs 2:00 to 4.00 p.m. 7:0 to8:0 p.m. Saturdays and Wednesdays by appointme,-nts only PHONE 1471 ORONC DRZ. R. J. TAGGART VETERUNARY SURGEON WVA N TE-D T0 R EN T Linsay184dp T ENýDERPS Tn swil] be -eevdby thle ~'ndersgned un im Jne29)th for car- pentr andplumhIýinig wor-k at the 1»~songeChurch 1Street, Ooo Tendes n 'Nbesibitted for elîher ail oýrpart f th jo. ork rmust be l ne dIng the 1monith of August. ;Iujrherprtcas from the under-ý Signied. Harold Cobledick, Sec.Bor of Truistees Orono United Church TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE TENDERS FOR TRUCK Sealedýq Tenders, plJainly marked asi to, contjent, w.ill pe recelvM\ed py the undersîined up te and including July 1:2, j1961 at,12 ocoknoon, for thle suipply of a 3-ton Truck, dual prse1961 mi-odel. Specifications and tender formis can be obtained from the Townshiip Offlce. Lowest oýrany tender not nleces- sýarily acceptedl.11 C. E. Stapleton, H. E. Mii5oni R.R. 2, Orono Clerk, Township of Claýrke a-c Orono, 0nt. Lawrence C. MasOn,ý B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones- Office MAP 3-5688 Horne MA 3.5553 w L AY LYCETT, B.A. 1Barrister - Solicitor în the 0f fices of R. R. Waddell Q.C. M-A1N ST., ORO-NO TIelephone 11~8 Orono 1NSlu J.SKAIE General Insurance SEE FRED LYCETT OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO Phone 12516 Res. 11718 JACK REID Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consoult me for terme and dates Phone 5 r 18 -Orone runTut -inisn*ci & KeVin* iOJ*n I e SS AL Paperhanging, Woodworking Auctioneer and Valuator Painting - Interïar & Exterior Conducts Auction Sales of ail smi.. and at reasonabie rate« ~~ Communicate with hlm at Poft Rervv, o fi Ontario.-- HaMIloS rMonuments and g - fi nothing ta be desired À fi Ask the persan who bought f rom ue- UInsurance in ail its Branches ýJ a neighbaur, friend or relati-ve g fi The RU¶1TER GRAMNTEj- Auto, Package and Compst COMPANY fia73 Ontaoriee SPolicies , Fire, Farm, Lif e, U0 - POIýT HOPE U fi Largest Display in $outhern Burgiary, Liability, Marine, Ontario" Accident and Sickness, Wind, Orn E1 c i~ Bolier, Fidelty Bond, Etc fi PH-ONE 129 g O -CONTRA(CTOL13 FOR g~ ~~ Sai]aitnj FARM and ITOUSE SaieHf tânWIRING g Phone, Orono 1I1D iJ ~ANCE SALES fi filO Promp. - dGuaranteed Repaira FIRS r- !'RTGAGE LOANS ~ to -)iin f Electrlcaî J-ýg!pmoM3n g -, nd ApF llarI ýV u-as .Motors .W '?'P k Phone 10616 1 1 CARD 0F THANKS RaANSERPRY-In the midIstt o ur Sorrow,ý7 we wish te express Our Iheairtfeit thianks and- appreefiati-en te our mny relatives, ttieadis and neighibours for thieir kin-daiess and syptyshowni us la the l-oss of a beleved faithe1r. W e xishi te thank the Rev. Log, thle Rev. Wairren Heron and t he Hleathler Rebeka(Ige. Thanks again. The RanIsb'erry Famiiy. a-p TED JACKSON