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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Jul 1961, p. 8

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Published every Thursday at the office of publicatin 'Buy C..anadiani' îliaspFallacy There'san himorant faacin the spate cf "uy Canadian" campign whih sem o begroingin C2anada these days. Badic idea behid the camipalgns is to influience custonters i,;buy[3- made in Canada" items rathier îa the samie sort of itemis irnported from abroad. The most bvos n most milportant fLlaw in this idea is -that because it is alinclsve and not iimited to any partieular. produets (though the eecral nmanufaicturers, espeially of radiois, have been hitting ëtte hardeet) it suggests tat 'every item we buy from- Japan pýr WstGerma-ny throws a Canadian out of a job. This simply isunot so. We are si01e1 otigmore Ïtaeacl7-of thiese particular counties than we are iumotig. To put any kind cf an ebroufii4or o-therwise-on suîch import1s is an open invitaion fr then to d the samie, And sinIce their purchases are arlyof raw m iateris, the group hc stands to lese the mnost efne one in which thre is the moýt urnt i uneployment. Ot- tawa bowed o this pressuire when it nrae the import tax on automobiles fr-om cerin coi unties a miost ill-advised move in our opinion. If ever they exenedtis to thie importation of radio and electrical prodlucts f roma Japani it would be disastrous. The secondimott fla w in the "Buy Canii)îan" campaign is Ëtihat ini the case of many tems, there are no domesticaiiy pro- ,duced paraý,llels.: except those which have been forced out of relue- tant mnuacuers b!eue hey imust comipete \with imports. Smail csame an excellent exaple, and at this writing there is stW no domest ,, ic cometiion for the PVokswaigen-g roup of cars, thiough some ,ýof themoto moguls have been forced off tlieir comnplacent posteriors to the poinit o etn cmeiinfront the lre ritîih c-ars Te apanese gave us transistoryadios andi transistorize Votbe s an1-îw cost. hi-fideiity equipment whiie Amiericatnc.nd ainadian mi-anufacturers were stili milling arounid in ýonfJus;ion at te new fieids opened up) by the transistors.- WNe ail know where the first mass-prced itemts taking Advantage of salar ceils are gu)ing o orne from, don't wve? There are miany ex,,ýarples: cameras anid opticýaI instrumients, toys, gadgets, some kinds of furniture, giasware,fine stainle8s steel products, haunm diat objects are just a f ew. Until Canadian mnanufactyers can match the imports thy don't deserve consider- ation. Whbile the second cnsiderati is open to some argument, the first portion is not. The anadian Weekly Editor Strawberries Lusclous red stabrresugar-I ed and chiiled, are a summirer des- sertstan\by The'reso quickly and easily prepared. as weli as so temypt- ing, that they c- an be served at anyv niealI . Ch(oosetrhe b'ight, fresh, 1ean, rosy-red bernies say the f ood spec- lalists at1 acdoal inst itute, Gueiphx .The be1-wrnes should befr-e from mitr and drt. Chlie',k the bottoîn, of the boxeýs for stains. Tie usullyý mean that the bernies wvere- uvrnp nd soft. Damp berrnes spoil readily. Takle the prope-r precatii(ms when the berries ariin thitce. o wash Wthent ut ou are going to use them. Store them in tha e- frierto 1o a tray, so that the air will uirclate arounid thent. Wash. the bernecs before you bull thiern to prevent loss of flavoun and, colour. Ther'e's a nuLtr-ition story on straw- bernies too. Did you knw here is as Imuch Vitamini C ini one si.x-ounce servig of fresh strawberMi as there is in orc e\wIoteorne -Cmie2 ups of finiely mnashed or sivdstrawbJerries with -4lCuLps of I sugar. Let this i--ixtu-re stand for 20 miuestirrîng occasionially. Then mis 1/2 bottie Af lquid pectin With 1 quart of wte.Add the bernies and stir for 2 minîutes. Pour Into olyglasses. Cover, anld let stand at room temperature 24 to 4S houns, or uniU ilit. 'Fin imakes about '6 glasses. Seai with paraffin ami store in a freezer. It wlili eep for soveral wveeks in the refrigerator. It Pays To Adverise To Seil, Rent, Notify Build your bank balance Build your peace of mmnd CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF' COMMERCE Over 1250 br-anzches (o srerv ou jup- 12,front ,,2 t ~4m COMING EVENT B E i usines3 in 24 Hours FOR SALE Pop ICeCpors rbrt Comietly edeoraed inside. a-c Remnember the EeigAxir Pieie eeig tDoa ori'co- ,R PE REX NGE FOR tage on Tbunsday, Ju 13.Cr ae S MALL LIVESTOCK ta leave tMe Town all comret! 6 p m. Groupe1 and 2 are to take Usedtrco Side Rake, four bar, desser(and ro)upýs3 and 4,ifirst oil bath. course. Como out and fhave ai -, 1A'Ppy Cr TdClarke. Phone joyablo timie. ac15RD0.b-p ___________________- STRAWBEERRIES FOR SALE NOTICE Sîwcre o Ai rs. Roy Thopso, Lskad.Phonie Oono, Orono Junior Gardeners' Club î6 - Please nma'ke sure-,your garde nii plot is well mne. T&plots are to! FOR SALE he 1u -t. wok fJuly lumh i Please note:4, In the Ononot Junior' Baby Carniage in perfct conIdition Gadnr'Club Booýk a mnistaike was can be made intopcar bed. Price $15. maderegrdig te tinnng f >the Phone 2212, Oronio.ap cart.It shfou0d be '2inhspat lnstead aofd5 incbras. a o. mn.. oRnnIr.Q rtnQ ONL.ME M CARD 0F THAÎNKS MORS The famnily of the late' Mary Emmlla Morris wish t[eprs theirtha'nks and apeiintal fiends andreavs for Ihein kind- nesssympthy nd floral offeninge rceived during their bereavenienti in the loss of their dear sister,' Speciai tanks f0RevT. R. C.Whe to Pe kindness, f0 palibearers and Morris Funleraýl Chapel. Colin and Etie Eown To stock up your Frýeezer or for Canning wvith r ipe bePrnes your ad- ress is: Aibeýrt Poýs, Oronio. Phone 2237.a-c GRILL MAN OR WOMAN WANTED Dutch Oven Restaurantýl. Apply in person b-c 1 - - - - W-ANTED TO RENT Younig couple wvi ih.one child, want, to nt sal home)orgrou,)nd floori apatmef i Or~nomisSeptember. I Conact Brt HaS, 8Bond 'St, Liberals:1To Choose NMMRI1A M 1Lindsay- EAME Inlovig mmor of ai ederl C ndiate ar ifeandmothr Hnnitta Girl will do babýy sitting onrn A Conventlinto selec-t a candidate Jl 0 98 ie ~h okatrono v f on Durhama for thie nexýt. Federal oefotubtlovn eaeig.a-p ele-ction iilho elcd iin Ononio the oncMairy Tonnant, phoniýie 22, Orono. iiideof Sep)temýi-ben if Wars an-,Dahcnnvrtk wy _________________ nouncei4td necontly ,by Peiet .NTC R.Lovekin of INcwcaefle. The do-,Wieuo hserhw ty was raelSadlya misthgoofby Hsan1nd Iwiil niot ho rensponisible for any the Durham County Liberal .Aýssoci a y -'ý,js(o(iLs a roti yhs tion held in Port Hope Monday even- - adsnm.ap in-g. 11a Mrrni MP aeso'Xis. Gladys Wilson Mn. Lovekin saîd that the eatIomnil.The CCom-mittee wasi FOR SALE-1 daeof 1the Conventioni would be seýt iup by -thoE xecutivo for thie pur- Twýo Cole ,Puips, black and white, annoIun)cod as soon as a guest speak- 1 pose of fininig pensonis who wýould two monthls old. or hias b,,een confirmod. stand f o nin]ation at the Con-1 Phione Now;,ý,castle 3536. a-c The Execýutivo Iheand a~eot eto.Th-e Commi-ittee eotec_______________ froa to Cndiats Cmmiteej hatsevra)pesons ad beenlaI D EAD FARM STrOCK sh.Nyail. A t 1ieast tIbree persons ndctdinteres il, senidlngfor he niointation. PROPERTYV SALE NO. T-1544 1 AUCTION SALE 0F LAND Apprximaely371/_, acres of landi more or less locatedi south of High-i ,wav 4(',, one mile weo f Newton-f ville, Part lof 13, Cnesin1,1 Tonhi f Clankep, Counit.yof Dur- biat. Sale f0 ho held on Vihe Irprety at tfhe Road Allwacebeween Con- cessions 13.F. and 1 at: 11:30 A.M. D.S.T. TUESDAV, JIJLY 1Sth, 1961 TEPMSý: 5$200.00 Cash o -r Contified Chnu Ittme fsae blnc 1payauble in tihirty as Sale subjeet to a noerved bld. For tunther informcation lpease con- tact: 1Tihle Au ýjïCtineel-, Mn. JkReidi, Port IHoipe District Office, 138 Ho(peý Streoct North, Port Ho-pe, Ontanlo. Telphoe:TUrner 5-2481 1Department (of High-ways, Ptonntoq(egionrllOffice, Downsview, Ontario. Telophone: CHerry 4-2571-Local 444. Dapantcdnt of ighways, Ontario. Highest pnicýes for Dead an-d Dis-; ablod fart stock RAY VIVIAN LTD. Locust Hillf, Ontario Phono Markham 1160J, Colleot '24 Hour, 'i day vService. Please call anytimne. Ontanlo Govenamoiiiint Lic- enso C 10261.p DOUGLAS SIMPSON Orono - Phone 1413 Furniture Finishedl & Refinished Paperhanging, Woodworking Painting - Interior & Exterior A. F.Mc NZEM. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hogirs 2:00 to 4:00 pmý. 7:001 to 8:00 p.rr. Saiurdays and Wednesdays by appoiitmwirts only PHONE 1471 OROt'O DR .J. TA' GGART VETERINARY SURGEON Phone 10616 Orono, Oi.., Barrister and Solicitor BOWMNVIL~,ONT. Phones: Office MA, 3.5688 Hlome MA 3-5553 W.KAY YETBA OLI the Oîffices of MAIN ST., C'RONO o Telephone 1ý8 Orono BY APPOI-NTMENTS P.O. Bo0X 68, Orono Phone 12516 SE OFFICE MA!IN ST., ORONO Phone ',25i6 Res. 11710 JACKU~ID hAuctioneer and Valuiator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales ConsuIt me for terms and dates Phone 5 r 18 - Orone TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuiator Conducts Auction Sales of alilait» and at reasonabie rates -0 Ontario.- - g IfmiltNe Mnumen ts and InsuanceServce g Family âMemorials k1suaim Serice Our quality and service leaves a nothing to be desired Ask the person who bought f romus g Insurance in aIl its Branrches a neighbour, friend or relà7tive g g TheRUTTER GRANITE oAu;to, Paýckage- and Com1'posite CO AN [J 73 Ontario Street ~ olcesFire, Farm, Life, PORTHOP U "Largest Display in Southiern urar, Liability, pMAa riînea, o-Ontario" Accidenit a-nd sickness, Wifld, Ornnleti BieFideîity Bond, Etc.1 PHONE 129 - G - 0NTRACTOM3 FORg Sdi Ha ilonFAIRM jarîdIROIJSE] jg deHanlo WIRING Fr-ee Estimaterý Gi Phone, Orono 1R1Ô ' JANCE SALES P romp- and Guaranteed Repaira 1to ý1: Kn~ of Electrica qi.5pn FIRS ,- .-iTGAGE LOANS :ý0'i s A~i~ - Radior - Sir 't- houa

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