lus ba'Qs and a The 4"square" at Lords wbere tic wickets are pitchesi - philoi- tists will note tuis la a totaily ~--different fomm of the vtrb ta Vitcii than tiiat used in basebali whicb means to tbrow about - mnay have te be takeri ur. this fail and relaid. After a test match witn. Aus- tralia wbîich ended too early, a elay and a ball early te be pre- ense, the Marylabone Cricket Club cailed in the surveyors. And tbe surveyors bow1iec< tbe Mn/CC a googly -- tbe wicket at Loirds, Cradie, Nursery and An- cestral Mývansion of Crickjet, is, tuey report, flot true. It is neitbe-r level non r t There lsa afal ,of tL-inches from the pavilljon end la the 3-Irsery end -- the nurst'i-y is Pa smaïfllr satellite gnound behind tua'- bleachers where baby cicke- tara are educated - and amoag gsi-rie variations la level and de- pression 23 feet from the stumpa nitie nursery end. During the match the players r-eaortad tbi-s depressioni a ridge. Ït, tiien, that th-,i- are w1aves in the turf. Tihis is rathen sbocking- Tliimas Lord, .wiose ground it wàs, first pitcbed wickets in Der- set Square in 1787. Wbien liehd to move, because ai building, lie took the turf witbhlmhr to Re- gents Park. When !;Fe" bad ta inova fnorn there, because tbey eut a canal thnougb bis cricket %round, hae toDlk the same turf u-p 2again and put it down where Lords Wicket now is. The turf was al nigt when it 'was in Dorset Square, because -Alexander, tenthi Duke of Hami- Mlon, once bit a bail 396 yards in tbe air fnom it. And aitbough Yrecently it bas been a little ive- Iy witi tue dew on it, there have been no serious complaints siace Mn., E. H. Budd smasbed a green- bouse the otber ide of tbe Wal În 1808 wben assisting Englaad xgainst Surrey. Yet now Lords, laiafc, b fas exactly the saie pnoblemn as We -have tbis seasen at the Oxsbýott Village Cricket Club: The bail beunces off la an-un-- I>redictable way. Now high, naw aow, now leit, now iglit, no-v lest, now low, and wble oui, 0pponents can usually score ruas of 't while it is doing this we eainnot, corn-mets John Allani May ila tue Christian Science Monitor. Ina tus match Englaad scoredC an aggregate of 408 in tbnae and a balf rdays- and Australia 411 wib five men still ta bat ia tiie second inalaga. An aggregate of 700 ec weuld bc- coasidered respectable. 0f course the trouble is that if the wicket, when nelid, is too fiat and too level and toc con- sistent it will be poSsible for a ie tei score 900 la ôaly one ri- ia as Eag-laad once did at the Oval anid spoil the gamne by m-a- ing a decîsion impossible even in six or sevea daysý of play. Tbis la tbe challenge, te pro.- duce turf wbere tbe bal] cari boune, not, erratically but un- qertainiy enougb lra-acultureci way to mnake itf fair on averyý- ibady. Not only botb asides equalJ- )y but also the spectatrs. <'Wbat's the most difficult in- strumirent of ail ta play?" asks a ït-ader. Second fïddle. Il ILU U LUUII AIL 15 NOT LOST -- Mothei- fell for a bu-garanpid these Fa- fher't Day slacks were too big, But Carl, 59, and Neils Nohr, 7, had a use for themn as a "cos- tumne" for a gaig photo. Now It' s A Book Abou t OId Carey Uçascy Stengl-_ Sece ,b Y Clay Fellcner is uindo-ubtedlyte sraîiest bundie ore literary en,1- tertainmenIt ever to hit the SCt f iel.d. Thoisg.h there are 124 number- ed pages, it is so spiced with an excelleent combinatlion cof stili and action pictures highlj,! i-htg the colour'ful Stengel caree-r, iît caGn easily lie ahsorbed 1n ipartu of an eveninr1g. 1Those who carne la close con- tact with the rmot successful manag&7e in the history «ff base- b~al findË themnsellves picking l op agair and again, anxious t. re-live the fiction-likýe experi- ences of this remnaikable mani fron Glendale, Cutuf. No one bcok, of course, couId completely cover the Stge lifetimne on the dianioii9 f h majors an-d minors. There la too mueh to tell; too mruch per- hiaps, that couki, neyer be told. But Felkner, with hîs typeýwriter &i3d selection csf photogra pas, bas corne up with an effort that, seems te have toucheýd al i f hue high spots .withotit going into lengthy, extended detiail. Aside fromr the recallinig af so-me cf these wonderful old Stengel stonies, the featuire of the book is the fine picture l- lection, mnany of themn lively close-ups of soine cf the base-a-li greats xwhom Casey encountered along his rocky road ta stardom at Yankee Stadium. But miany of the Stengel "riiots,"' often taken t unguardled moments, aire priceless particula.rly those that sneak back through the years, bac'k trI Casey',s playing dlays w,,ith the Giants, Phillies, Pirates, Dodgers andi Braves Some cf these pictures r familiar, but most will be freshà to this generation of Sterigel fans. Thcsugh pictured and xrt- en as a clown in bis early dia- mond days, Casey vjas alsa fine baliplayer, holding bis owýxn tla an era when somne 4,4tntii greatest stars swung bats anîd *..FOR AMBE# WAVES 0F GRAIN" - Caleman Foley, once to penniless immigrant, stands in hi3 wheait fit-I. Poley haS - - -iven 50 tons of wheat to three Greek towns as a part of th* eFood for Peace" progrrm.. aumuýulated the background for the stratagic "boick" that was later ta bring hlm faine la the wiînning cof 10 Aerican 1Leagiýe pennarits in bis, 12 years at Yn kee Stadium. The wirit ten pages are gener- cusly colourec wlith Stengel1 words and phrases, an odd, con- fusing collection that becamqie known as "Ste-ngelese,7 and con- foundesi some cf the besteda- esi men in the press ro;sv of tJle major leaguies, wïfsRu- miii iin the Christian Science Monitor. If Stengel confused the crities w'ho flcked arcsundi himr wher- ever he worke-d, he coniused the opposition even more ut-mn- euvening Casey v'as a stualt, es- pecially during bis Yankee days, wben first rate balîplaYevrs were Always plentiful, and lie could jocliey tI-em lai andi eut of the lineeup as the innîngs nolled Tiiose Who knew the tr'a-n's intense love for basebaîl arec not s;unpised whea tbey r e a d lai -Casey Sten-gel's Secrets" of how, îa few lhours foilio Win'Prhis 195-6 World Senies vi-ctocsny over the Brooklyn Dodgers, hle was caught la bis hotel room, f ig- nin- ine-ups iand rmoves that lie could usc 'the next spriirýg. S t e n gele se nquestionably rea-ched uts beilt when the the manager of the New 'York cluib was asked ta testify before a Sexate Anti-Trust and M<iAco- poly Suib-ccsmmz-ittee cf the Ju- diciary, chaired b'y Seto Estes Keauver. Faor 45 minutes Stengelese overpowered sone off the great- est mincis of off icial Washing- ton, but mnust have accomplish- ed sometbing,, because the I ast time we lo1ked, theý garne vwas s;tili being playeci from eapsi te coast. But sone oailus wiil neyer gtused to seeing it pla.yed wïthout "()Id Case."ý BoseolaIIMldget Wanted To Swing Player, Club GC.AB H BA Gaedel, St. L 1 0 0 .00 These lines wene stricken fromr theofficiai record book of base- bail, but the mremnory lingers, On Aug. 19, 1951, Eddie Gaeýdei entered bis irst--and last--ma- j 'or-league game. A pinch-hitter for the St. Louis Browns, he walked on four pitches. Qaeýdel didn't wcrk bard for bis walk; hie was a midget, 3 feet 7 inches tail. Twc.o montbs before the tenth ainniversary of bis basebaîl de- but, Eddie Gaedel, 36, died in Chicago last rnonth. "Eddie want- ed te swing at the ail21," necalled Bob Fishel, thea publicity direc- tor of the Browas and now pub-. licity director ofi the New York1. Yankees. "When Bill (Veeck, owner of the Browns) was ne- bearsiag him with bs toy bat, Eddie wanted ta swing. Bil made him promiîse to taise tbe pitches. Eddie didn't like il, but lie folliowed instruýctions."7 They Needed Plenty Of Nerve Cave explorer~s Qr pothelers, ned strong aor es. Te a lo)se tii-ir wey underground or drop suddenly inta dëeep chasnz or b.e ngulied by roanin-g sub- terranean torrents. Ia Hungary recent-ly, thrae ycungsters voluinteered te bt shut Up for a week in"Hl, an uncbarted section of the Agg- telek stalactite caves near the Czecboslovakiarî border. Exp-reieced 'potholers, tbey wvere a lathe operaýtor, a studceat and La.physicist. The jroung-sters' adveniturýebcd aj seious purpose, te 'maý the section, take readinigs of dupna- tic coniditions amd collectsa- piles of rock and ,water. sae,.. BAE 13RAY bas star leties, availabie aida, s few cari: Broiler cbicksi Sea local agent, 11M John ttorth, BUSINESS temn Pas- amI ny van- amIt. Day- toý order. Ha tc hery, ti- Stet NwTroîto, -Ont. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE FEED business, mill, ldgs., office, ex- tra storage sheds, double garage, pri- vate railroad sidlng, $20,000 down. Hawklns Bras., 10 WakLefield Parry Sound, RI. 6-5231. $20,000.00 GROS$ PROFIT GENERAL STORE ami Post Office in fast growing aras, 55 miles f rom Ton- onto, no chain coptton' toe brick building, 6 rooni apaniment, al equipmnent, ownar lil, *20,000M 0 ash wilhandle. W. 11. Cool, Broker, 353 Cranbrooke Ave., Toronto 12. COINS WANTED, wanted coins, we're buylng, no need to write, just send y'or coins lnisured. Enclose 254 stamnps. Money or<ler sent sanie day or your ýoins ne- turned. HoQnest appralsîng. William Fayer, Coin Exchiange, 161 Wyandotte Street Eu Windsor. Ontario. CL. 241121 FARMS F-OR SALE 160 ACRE Fan, 6 rooni bouise, large ba rn . Wil1li wî wth or witiiout cattle or macbilnery. For furthier Information write: Mr- T. Tyni, Dane, Ontarlo. 136 ACRES. 6 rooins framne bouse, good condition, hydro, phone, barn for 5,000 broilers, p rassure systern, bulk bin. propane brooders, automatlc watens, wlred, 660 ft. water frontage on Snithsý Bay, Prince Edward County, biard andi soit wood lots, 80 acres workable, price $15,000 cash. Charles Young, R 9 Picton, Ont. FARM EeUIPMvENT FOR SALE RERRGOTT thresher 28 x, 42 on rubber' shredder, grain thrower. Newv condition, greatly reduced. George Mlarths M11I- brook, Ont. FISHING TACKLE GOING FISHING ? 5-PI1ECE a;plit baniboo all.purpose roti psckaged wlth many extras. Packed In strong lbght-walght wooden box that pravenits breakage and keeps aqulp- ment dry, Complete $7.95 prapald. Hud- son Sales Reg'd., Box 1826. Place d'Armes, Montreas. FOR SALE- MISCELLANEOUS BARBECUES $ 6.95. Chaise Lounge Cota -- $10,95. Clýamrp stools $98. Port able Water Softeners and uiir -$2G.00. Many other inas. Express PaMR Satisfaction guarsnteed or mionay ne- funded. Catalogueo, TWEDDLE MERCILANDISING CO. FERýGUS 18. ONTARIO GARDEN $1 000 BUILDS Gireenhouse of your own. 12 X '16 ft. For complate. plans anti sp cifJeatïoiis, send $100 to: Gardon Rasearoh, 736-C Darling Street, Ogden. utah. MEDICAL NATURE'S HELP-DIXON'S REMF.DY rOR RHEUMATIC PAINS, NEURIIS. THOUSANDS PRAISING IL. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 5 SGN,0 fTAWA $1,.25 Express Colleci POST'S ECZEMA SALVE ,ANIgII the torniient if dry eczAmsi rhes and weaping skin troubles. post'aFecmai Salve will flot dîsappoint you. etchinig, scaldlng and burning ecze- nia, acne; ri-igwoni, piniples and foot eczcma wvili raspond raadily ta the stilsodorless ointnient, ragardlese of how stubborn or bopaless they seem. Sont Poat Free on Recelpt o0fPrice 9RICE $3.50 PUR JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1865 St. Clair Aveniue East, TORONTO inside WOuld record real cn1di.- tions. TXhe youngsters set Up their base inside the Giant Hall, and fer seven days lived in the pare petual gloom. Though the damp affected their camneras, Vliey brouglit back more than 200 coioured photo- grapis off-te caverais. Part of titis foýurteen-mile long cave for- mation. is open te tcsuists. One chamber, anlificially lit, is used as a concert halL In the river flowing beside it tiny blind crayfisb SWim and breed. This sp1ecies has net seen daylight for iillioi-is of years. An 800-ft. steirway leads ta, ther grottoes, most of wbich have romnantic, nanles, such as the Dragon Head, the Fairy Cas- ie, the Road of Lace. How con 1? By Robarta Lee Q.What is a good formula for ak "homemade'1 furnituàre poish? A. One very good one consists of equal paýrts of kettle-boiled ljinseed oi, turpentîne, and vine- gar. Rub on ail1 that tiie wood will absorb, then rub off the sur- with a, dean clotb, Rub dry, and-idpolisb with a chamois or MONEY TC LOAN OPEN Mort-gage [.oans on, fams, homes 2oiîmercilal, etc. Fast service. Phone, write. or drop ni. (Jnited Counity Investmnents L-td, 3645 Bathurst St.. Toronto. RU 9-2125 8% Mortgage tnvestmerit FIXED returu , wlth interest psit nionthly. Al founds hanidled thrQugh trustee. Secunlty deposited wlth trustee. For further information write or cal] G MS. INVESTMENTS Exclusive Agente Day-GE. 8-5645 Ev'gs. 447 DUNDAS ST., LONDON Member OMBA NUTRIA AîTENT1Oj PURCHASERS 0F NUTRIA When Purchaalnig Nutnia consider the foilowinlg points whIICh this orga9pniza,- Blon offers, 1. The best available stock, rio cross- bred or standard types recommended. 2. The reputation 07f a plan whIch lW 'roing itself substanntiated bv files 0f sat'is-11fled ranchers. 3 Full insurance aigam.Ist replace ment, should they flot ive or Ïn the, ýavent of sterillty (ail foufly explialned in our certificate of merft) 4. We give you onfly mutations which are ln demand for fur garrmenits. 5. You receive froii thiis organîzation & guaranteed pelt niarket in writIng. 6. Meiesin our e xcl1u si Ve breeders' association, wýhereby only parchasers of ibis steeck miay Purt1li pate in the benefits so offered. 7. Prices for Preelng Stocký stan Snt $2003 a paiir Spaclal offer to those who quailfy; earn vour Nutr4a on our cooperative basis. Write: Caniadian Nutria Ltd., R.R. No. 2, Stouffville, Ontarlo. OFFICË EQUIPMENT TYPE WIITERS, 0£f f i c e tEqipment. Large selection, lowvest prices Special - Underwood $150, our price 8,44. Write for Llsts. DominiJon Typewrlter Tren- toni, NS. 0F INTEREST TO ALL eARGAINS fromi quaint ld Mexîcol Perfectly hand tooled leather pursem end shoes. Most articles '½ retailiprices. Beaoutlfuily lllustrated folder and pices. Rush only i04or stamps to: '£RANS-' WORLD TRADERS, Eastern Passage, OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN SE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEAING SCMOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdresslnýg Pleasant dignified~ profession; good wîages. Thousanda of successful M'tarvel Graduates. America's Greateast System flluistrsted Catalogue Free Write or Cali MARVEI. HAiIQRESSING SCIIOOL 359 loor St. W., Trronto Branches: 44 King St. W., Hamuilton 7 2 Rideau Street, OttFiwa PNOTOGRAPHY FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT. Films developed and 8 magna prmfts 404ý 12 magna pints 604 Reprints 5e each. KODACOLOR Daveloping roll 90v (not lncluding pyints). Color prints 30e each extra.ý Ansco and Ektachromne 35 mni. 20 ex- posures maounted en slides $1.20 Coloir prints froini lides 324e ech. Money re- ftindeci in fit for unprinted negativea. PROPERTIES FOR SALE 1½/-STOREY, 12-room f raine bouse, on large well-shadad lot in Village of Caiedon East. Ideal location for aurs- ing home. Prica $15,000, terni, can bo arranged. Thos. R. Evans, Brokar Cale- don East. Phone Bolton 60832. FROPERTIES FOR BALE FRANKPORD. Ont.; 6 roonis, aUf town convenlances, large lot near mrent River; termis Contact J .W Summners. Coîbornje Onit. or calI Cohorne 66, evgs RUSSER BELTING H OSE ALL ty7pes of rubber beltlng md bose for sale; belts repalred vvlthln 9,1 hours. Ramnants at special pricas. 50 farmr boît 6" wlde - $4500. Snowden i3ndus- trial Rubber & Plastics, 91 Brui'e Street, Oshawa, Ontario. STAMPS ST£AMP mixtures - 200 worldwîdle 254. 100 Large NworM pctnias 54. 100 barge U.S. ecoimienor4tives 54,Brook- aide Stamps, R.F.fl., fox 242, Mendon, Mlass. SUMMER RESORTS WHITE Fore t Lodge, Arundel, Que. On bea utful Lake Ma Ioal ,k Laur- entian -Mountains. Excellent -fisine. Cocktail Lounige. Write Chalet Bungalow Camp GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB FRENCH RIVER, ONT. AAA--ATRO & DUNCAN MINES RECOMMENDATION EXCELLENT fishlng, golf, tennis, water sports. Deliclous meals, accommodation and service sdd up to a relaxlng holi- day at Ibis informa-l resort on the famious French River. Reasqonable ratee include meals and nild servie Dlck ]Brockç, Manag-er. Write, wlire or phone direct Noelille. 898-2244 or Toronto. O,1-2061, HOLIDAY IN Bonnechere Valley, heart of Ren-. frew County Good firing. bpaches, slght.seinig Write EGANVILLE CHAMBIÏER 0F COMMERCE EGANViLLE, ONTARIO, CANADA TEACHERS VWANTED HAWK Junction public aeiool requireim Protestant teaicher' for gradees Kz P.. one, two ani three. Approx. 24 puo,!ils Sat. ary $3000,00 to $3600 00. Sand particu1lar'a to W. E. Trainor, Secretary. HaDw1- Juiction, Ont. JtEQUïRED for R C.S.S. 1o i isdale South Porcupine. TWqO TEACHERS AND ONE PRINCIPAL For 0-classroo]11 Separate scbool. J. V. GERVAIS, SEC.-TREAS. BOX 367 SOUTH PORCUPINE, ONT AMAZINOý ECONOMICAL PROTECTION FOR FAMILY, STORES, HOTFLS, BUSIhESSES li1 i 'Powerfui "FIRE ALARM' hiaslb warn- Inq 1/5 mile. No Instalation co3s, test any tîme&, nover feUls even in avent cif short cIrcuIts býy fire, stormas etc Low coat two flashlight coul operation. Guar- anteed 20 years. Postpaid W;as batteries. Distributors neoded yeur area, request froc mnoiey maling opportunll-vDon'f dIyneedrd protection. RUJS14ONLY TRANS-WORLO TRADURS Ustlerrn Passage, NOVA SCOTIA REGISTERED NURSES Foe 20-bea, f uily equipped, private hos. pItailelcal-ad in progressive l-own hi; Nerthwestern Ontario. Startinc' saiarY 1,150C per rnonth minimnum to $325.00 Maxim u Mfor threu vears' experienco. Board and room i modern nurses' rosi- dence le supplied et nio charge Excel- lent employte benefits. Year-rotind roc- reational faciliies. Furthor particulars en roquosl-. Apply to Superintendent WILSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MARATHON, ONTARIO withdl-taillaof exporience. ag*, av8ilability, and roferen-cos, ISSUE 28 - 1961 Arrange t,î Iîai-~~ s~iî r~ ~' t laien sud vv-at'r gi~rd~us stop mllk delivery ey plielfr j.ug4afy; don't put àïot@ id btteý, N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N - N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N1 N N s, N N N - N -N - N N s s, String-on. Finger Things To Do Be fore Vacation Lek aldosan id, ask police tacheck luse,