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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Jul 1961, p. 7

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Shied A TMear For The. Poor Secretary ciations lhave Scetruu uially a hardw,ýorking individluai but one who suffers casoa misunderstandings. We think bis po ition is, nicely ,un-med up h.ere and if mnight be entîtledl "Our Friend the Secretaýry." S if the Secretary wvrites tactfuillij, -he's ver-bose. Ifhe is brief he il tactfess. If he drafts at report.,lie is wvrong, qhe do0esn't, there is n1othing ta wOrk on. 1he speaks to Uth" Commýiftece, he's bstttnIg h, If lie doesnï't, he's useless. If he rend1s a rewmicdrhe' .ý ; pest, If uiî desn2 ,h's s;aCki. If he ass7 for resc lvttons, Me' if he doesnit tget thq ings doe, he's, If a mneetinf)'s success fui, hie*s thre cormittee, )f it's a failuire, the secret ary's- If h-e askýs for i'st ractions, heî j ne initiative, If lie dent he's sicollen-.head- ed Ashes tO oshes, dust ho dutst, if others -woîî'h do if, 1the Seec- First TV Commercial Cost Nine Dollars! It alI began ah pnecisely 2:29:,50 p.m., ten seconds before the basebail gaine behýween the Br(.oo'klyff Dodge-rs and thre Pa deiphia Phillies gat unden way on station WNlýBT-TV one July1 afternoon twenty years ago last month. A picture of a dlock with a. second hand sweeping ow,,ard thre 2:30 p.m. mark appeared on thse tiny screens cf the few thou- sand television sehs in the New 'York City ares. An announcer intoned: "Btlova wvatch tLime." Thre television industry had run its first paid commerci1al. The Dodgers have long ic teft Brooklyn for Los Angn.ses, WNqBT-TV hias becomeiý WNBC- TV, thre agency that placed the- advertisement is no longer in business, andl the cosh of a ten- second afterncoo spot on a1 local sýtation bias soared from tire $9 that Bulava paid b 194]1tw $22 5. Stan-k The Monî 5111Swngn In a niglit gaine agair, t the Mlwaukee Braves, 4-la-l St. Louis Cardinal star Stan Mutsial slammeid a double 'aj I-, te ceuhe-field wall and psýsed a rare mnilestone: lis l0,OOith of- ficii hme Dah bat : lu the maj ,eaýgues. Even an umipire -AI Barlick - defemned to ts occa-î sion by shaking Musia1',s r ind at ileore plate. Am-ong theio jewels Froi 10,000 duels: 2,053 sîî,gles, 684 doubles, 172 triples, 438 home runsý. Musial said-. after- ivard: "It's a lot of imeý, to go uip there, bout I still get a kikOut ut swngingthat bat."ý lta great pity that becau-Lse o'y tIe force 01.tgnavity it takes more energy to close the mnouth than to open it. DRIVE WITH CARE I DAPPER - Winiston Churchill srikes a dapper pose in Lon- don on his wavcy tb the horse races at Ascot. Terrible, Ordeal 0f Teen-age Hero For Terry Wayne McClelland, as for any eager 14-year-old who ha d 'just finishied a bout with the books at Huntington Beachi <Cff)HigJi School, there could handly be a better way taý start a longed-for summrer vacation. !lis grandifathier had. rented the 3-;-foo)t motor cruiser Tim C. and was. going to take Terry on the buy's first ocean-fishing trip, M0 glorj0jiously ft dys of angiing for alibacore li the Pacific off the rocky Baja Caflifornia ,oaÀst of Gran1dfa.ther, 48-year-oi-t Rus- Icl Bradiford, would krîow wvhere Aheywere striking, toc, Before ne b came a plastering constrac- tor in H-untinglton Beachý, a shore city 35 miile S below Los Angeles, Er1adIford! w a s a coisnercial1 t ishermn. He and the olden firîen-d lie was bringing alung, 57- year-old Alvin Hartman 3f Santa Ana-, also were familiar wUt the Tim C., whiich theyha often jrinted for othen euch fiebiing t ,,P S. Itf a ap pryu he whýo sailed friMcNwport Beach, Calif., rcnl.The 'Tim c was provisioned, laden with trackle, iaid - Just as an afiterthou)Lghýt - providedà with a war-suriplie lîfe raft, ai flinmsy asavoda cork affalr .3 by 6' fiet, As it turned iouit, thec raft was nee sonler than1î any could havce ex- rectedi. The first night out "lhe Tim C. waE;s caught in a run of heavy swýells. The fishermien tnîed to ridle it out at anchor, bu't two great seas tossed the bùoi0 and thie anchor ripped hen buwkv out. Te-rry, bis gnanidfather and( Hart- man hiad barely enough thm-e ta gct onto the raft befone the- Tim C. sank. 1 Tlius bgnthree terribie aaya -days of disappointment, d-Jelir- iun, and death.ý Without fuod or waten, undenr a blazingn, the twoode men and ths' boy fiInicUyhiled pa-ssing bLoats None he1-ard or Ilspotted th11emli Hartman wiýs the finît Lu go. C;iazed] by beýat and thinst le te!] ïisto the water and the raf! thum- ed over. "Gri,ïiddad got hlin bacli on. theý rait and gave hlm mrouth- t o-mouth respiration," Teiryy ne- called half-coherentl tevcr on, "but itn-did't work." Thc tiend ied on Wedniesday sud Tern ïnd bis grandifather lshdbis body to thse raft, "Then," Terry continuei "miy g1randfathen went crazy from seeing AI go crazy. he kept screaming lind yelling aî fait- ing lite the waterv. 1Ikept elling b1m: 'Graniddad, don't die, doni't leave me here alone'." Exhýausted froin his ordeal, Teryy fieu esleep. When hlie awoke, Thurs- day xight, his grandîather was dead Tlie 180-poilnd Boy scout arid ligh-saoel.ýootbal1 playGr tehed the 'body tO the 'ft w1th Al M1;7aran 'Pnd di'fe il 20411t, ttc f rail craft tossin[g in teCold Nent morning T'rry i w is res cuer, thre fishiný1g o,7i Rulh Miei, loomiog out cf a hg-Thie boy wass bnought abhoard suffer- ng frnm shàock, eapoul an m&-1lnUtritiOn, an(! iven om tnoth. Tninsfurý'd lat!( IL h sîshinanine Diodlon, l'e w-1- takenj tu Sa-n Diego that nigh'. dtd a teiflreun-ion with hlis nother, M.veina MCel..Ail hie c"uld saýy was: "1'm alî rîght, rnoherj, 'but I don'h îPU ta tak A Frenchman Who SavedLnd! At thse eaid of 1913 Hitler clenisLhedl a scrme for pe ppernng Enigland every monith onUt 5,00Ô vergeltungswaffen - feurs'rne- ue 1 flying borrbls w irm ght haive chaniged the couis, oi thse war. But fate schiemed ii erenit- known as V-l'a - could gel off tne ground, the Britishgl wind af them, sent the Royal! Air Force a-ver the launchingl sites in Oiccupied France, and bmb edc the installations out of conmis- Sion. Eventually the V-î', were liurled aaistEugland f rom- athecr sites, bût this wa,-s s" lte li the war thajt theyfaie i thieir fui!l effech. Whoevc'r tipped ofl' the Bntish ta tilecminl plan pobb liasthcsvo f Locndon. The mnta thiank-, accordng ta "The Man Who Saved Lndn by George Ma.rteli, is Miche] Ho10- lard, a fortylh Frenchman who dJeclined ta be conqueneci1 with hi,, country. Unden covect af iis job as sarlesman for achra- burning automobile egitHol- lard assigned himself thic raie of master spy and organized hîs ,ýown far-flung espionage netwurk in France hto feed informatior hte e Allies, Ninety-four tunes, hie crossed thse French-Swiss barder orn foot, once even maniaging ta escot safely a' memben of fbis underground who had braken bis back li three- places leaping fromn a Geriari prison. Whlen R-ollard's fantastic luck ian out and bis own h um for capture aurived, the Gey-rans tneatc lm inta th-ebagor cmbination f 'beating and lhaîf- drowning li a batirtub - -pcked humf off ta an extei1)nDntion camp, sud finaliy impî isonied hmli the hold ot a mar:ichant ship whicb they planined ta scuttie ah tthe approach af the învading Allies. Hes.meo manag-ed ta survive ail thîis anid now w -e a rs thre Distingýuished service Order, Britaiu's hlighe-isi dccoration for a foreigai)er. If hol had bis rights, Lt. Gen. Sii Bian H1orrocks suggestsli au intro- duaction ta thse book, Lcndon wotild put up a statue hotlm Sensible Plan To Help Unemploymnent In Mllnois, as in mnany othier nlortherin AmenCiCanindlustnial states, thse ranits of thse une- ployed are made up miostly, of unsrkillad ]laboirs. Th-esýear men who arnived lahe (ofteoi froüm thre ilnral S01u1h1), got jobs; ah 'th(- bottom, and wIere the finat ho( be laid off during, recesýsioný times. Meanwhile, iroincally, mnany businesses with rono mre room ah t;he bothom are actively seeking workers ta fil! 'Job -vacancies ou th(- next layer uipward. To settie this imbalance, thes Illinois Govermnor's Connittee on PROMT sspsEufmauFOR SALEtis Bray started chiok.dayods sL' fe chlckýma aaibe. rdanoou grae, loca aet, wie r a aicing, 0 ',)0CI ohn. Bot vHmo, 1Ont, dei UUSINES5 POEIS FRSL FRNED buasa, mi,ois offe e ora aorgesiie da dr oubauragensri- vaf ied.raioadsidai .000 oWn.a WtEDirý, nvsnrd ,cl, Owa'ne buyLn ne, need ta rte (amest sud yo'îr ,c9lsb Sined. EclosW2ilson'psliWýtnjrc orer setsaClmebda.nyu "is foyr, Cainexchaog 181 vd_3tte EarsNo dgrs, bhome nsudDiauty, Seuny. '123 ilsoný-, DNew Wai Ro)ad. D R. McGillivrayv, Box 91 Dun- egn, ntaia. 13l CE,6uom rmebuego condition. hiydro, phone. barn for 5,000 broilers, pressure systemii, bik bits, propane, brooders automiatic warters, wîred 660 Cf vaier frnJtage ) o mi's Bacy, Prince Edwýard County, bard snd soCt wood lots, 80 acres workala. price sumo00 cash(ChaMes ongHR9 PNcom, Ont FARM EQUIPMElIT FOR SALE i'OR11Sala Wýi-snîuair coldfour clindar angine VF4) wlb starter, in gon,,d condition. Hay rackO9ft hy '21. (tof 0OAk contruction, 9ewlast yeaýr Lam;e Aiuustine, RE No, I Part Coîborne, Ontario. plorirsg a very se2nsibl1e and promng solution. This groutp. macle up of buisiness leaders and educators working with govern- ment agencies and labor, pro- poses it -retainl the 1more apt uni- skilled ,vor!ers) whü are s[i-i employed so they can move up into the vacant positions.Tis tupwa'rd mov7ernecnt ,vould thený ceave openings to becfiled by the present tunskilledun plydn Jhe 1tat. The comminittee fo)ni, lrin- starncç, that local lres tauti1cl[ chainrs have 1been hir'ing emcr- ployee-,s from as fur. away a's Ire, !and to f111 secnd layer jobs, hewithi help fromn aduit edu.- cation centers and the fîirms cor.- cerned, the more alcrt busboys. sweepers, etc, could have keen trained for the jobs. This proposed sy,,stem ùf ne- tnaiirg to miake roomn at tIse bottomn should be applicable hr! rnany other areas of he&vyý un- en-iploymient. - Fnom ,thec Chris- hian Science Monitor. How Cati I? B"Roberta Lee Q. ow cal] 1 remedy leather 'eats that have becomie sticky? A. By uising somne solvent such as gasoline. Imitation leather, however, miglit be injuýred with gasoline. One way to prevent leather frcm bcoming sticky is to sponge it with a mild suds of borax sap anýd.we prfty dry, apply a tiaii coat of ,vhite shellac. Q. ow can 1I deaii ivor.y obJects? A. if thiese ivory aobjects are ail în orle piece, it's sa-fe to da theasi with soap ai-d waten. 1f, howe.ver, they are glued togeth- er, it is better to take a piîece jof rawv lemnon, dip il: into sait, and rub the suirfaces with this, Let lhe juiice dry on the ivory before w'iping off with a damrp cloth. Corner Boy & WeInMgton Sts., Toronto, 0Ont. Tél, EMpire 2-2911 >SIFIED ADVER'FISINO FARM EQUIPMELNT FOR SAkLE 2ý02 MASSEY P'erguson -with 102) loader sud 210 backhoe; MaIfssey larguson 35 Âith 102 1oadler ;ind Auburn trancher. 1(,59 Ford 60;duip fitrue(k Ai prce to ,salliand readly to work. JackMerer FO09 SALE - MISCELLANEOUS SH!OTSHEFLLS$20 box. Free delivery on group ordlema. Free damtons-tration sAmpe.Xt, xpoivsLtd.. Filawkes- bury Ont. CAMP Stools; $1 98. Bar,,becuýes - $6.,93 chaise Lounge Cota $10.9b, Portable Watcr Softeuems and( Purifiera, -- J29.1ùý Raç,iisý, and many othier Unes, Express Paid. Satisfaction guarnteed or moneý refunded Catalogue. TWEDOLE MERCHlANDi)SINGC CO. FEIIGUS M8, ONTARIO MAJ.E HELP WANTED HELRDSM,ýAN1,wanted for 60.cow herd reagistered hoLsteinsý. Marrled mani for pernment position, Farquhar Fammt.ý MIindemoy a, MniouM n sland Ont. Phione .10 Rl1211 MEDICAI. GOOD RESOLUION - EVERY SUFFERER Or RHEUMATIC PAiNS OR MrLURlTIS SHOUI.D TRY DIXON'S REMEiPY. 335 EI.GI, OTTAWA $1.25 Express Celleci POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the tormeut 0f dry eezemsî rashe,,ancud weeplug sidi troubles. Post's E'ŽzEmp Salve wili not disaiippoint you. itcinig, scaidlng and buruirug eze- mna, acn1e; ringwormr, piinples aud foot eczenia wil] respond readily to the staînless, odorless ointm.ent, egardiesa rit how astubhorn or hiopeleas tbey ,em Sent post Free on Receipi Laf Price PRICE $1.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1865 St. Clair Avenue East. TORONTO MONEY TO LOAN 8% Mortgage Invesiment FIXRDf return with interesit pald monthly. AUl funids handled tbrough truistýea. Secuirity depoalted wAth truistee, U1om' futher information write or caiL G M.75. INVESTMENTS Exclusive Agents Day GE. 85C45 Ev 'gs. 447 DUiNDAS ST.,* LON'DON Mlemrber O.M,îB.A. ATTENTION PURCHASERS 0F NUTRIA Mien purchaaling Nutria consider the lollowing points whicb this organiza- tilu offems, L. The hast avâliabla stock, nio cross- bred or stindard types recommended. 2. 'rha reputation of a plan whlcb la proving itself substanitiated by fîles of $F'ull insurauce a-gainat replaice ment shoufld they not ilve or in the evant of sterility (<aU fulfly expiainied in u certificate of mernt.) 4 We give you only miutations wvhjci are l dangndfor' mfrgaset. 5- 6 o receve froin dis organization, C, Mýembas)iý.sip ii our exzc 3usýi ve breelders' association, wherebv oaly paeasers of Ibis stock mas partici- pate in tle benlefita so offered. 7. Priceaý for, reeding Stock tari at $200 api speýaial aer te those whIo qualily; earn vour Nutria on our cooperative basîs Write: Canadien Nutria Ltd., R.R. Noc. 2, Stouffvillle. Ontario. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMIEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEAOING SCi400L Gyreat Opportunity Leama lIa.irdressing Plasni ignified profession; good waea housanda of auccessful Malrvel Grsddae,î. Amiieia'u Greatest Systemn lllustrated Ctaloguie Free WVrite 0or Cal] MARVEL HAIRCRESSING SCHOOL 358 Bloor St W., Torontr Branchses 44 King St W , Hamilton 72Rideau Street. Ottawa PERSONAL HYGIENIC RUSBER GOODS TESTED, guaýranteadï, mailld r' plain parcel, including catalogue and sex book free wltb trial assortmient. 18 For $10.(Fineat quaiity). Western Distribu- fors, Box 24-TPF, Repins, Sask. PET STOCK< BUCDGIE S,-ai-u;,s] -sumiý me r 1sale.-ILgb grade healtby stock, bree-ders, nommiaIs, virgin, or nested. $10. pir, 6, pair $50. Dther varleties available Aiso babies for pe ts. Mrs, T. Boad, 114 Elgin Street East, OhwOnt aria. New CUNARD Excursion Rates 25% Lower T SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT1 - NO ONE CAN SERVE YOI. BETTER. Feginning Nov. Ist, Cunard's new low round- trip excursion aices will take you tb Europe5 for 25%-less. Leisirely five-week excursions wiII give you three full weeks in Europe during the gala off-peak season. Meanwhile, Cupard's regular weekly s.erviceý via the shetered, scenic St. Lowrenice yields special dividends in summer pleasures. CQ UNAR D PAY LATER IF YOU WISH FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT. Films developed sý,nd 8 magna prints 40e 12 magna prints 600 Reprints 3,ý each. KODACOLOR Developing roil 90, <(Pot includiny prinits). Coler p rints 300 e ach extra. Ansco and Ektachromie M35 mm. 20 ex- posures miounted in sldes $'L2 Coloc prints trom sldes 32(; each. Mioney re- fnded (in fui] for unprinted negatives. PROPERTIES FOR RIENT STIOE for rent, in tise town of Ayl- mer. Approxlmately j35 by 2.5 plua waïreh-ouise spacc. Excellent location on main street. lIaýs modern fron.Rý-P . Sherpprd, 250 »Johln St. Sooufh Almer. PROPERTIES FOR SALE FRANKFORD. Ont.'1 6 rooms, Ai towrn conveniencer, large lot near U' rent River; terms Contact J W Sumrs.crý Coîb0rn1e Ont. -orcalp Ciare 6 FORasi: 6acres, 3 chlcken houses anid i barn, 20 x 40, wvater and ights i stablje. SlraIsil orchard and smali fris -rnnm hau)rse. 1-piece bathroom; heated by oit furnace; septic tank. Pres- sure svstem; shady iawn; atlilnu stormn windows and doors; 5 miles north üf Allîston. Price $750. r. Robert Buirbidge. Everett R.R. 1],Ontario. Motor Camp For Sale BLUE Top, Motor Cam-p cmrsn or mrore acres on, No. Il Hilhway 31,5 miles north of Orillia, overlookln g Lakel Cou:chlchllng. Suitable fýor hotel, maotel and market gardeni. This property has 8-room modern residence, 3 winterlzed cottages, al modern convenlences and 1, double and 5 single Io,, cabiin, for summer tourïits. For turther Informa- tion appfly teChas. ýA. Anînis.RRt , orillia, Ont. RUB~R BLTIN & OSI ALL ypes o0f rubber bellng avid bose for -sale; beits repalyed wltbln 24 11urs. Resainants ait sp)ecial prilces. 5W f ami beit 6" wlde - $4500. Snowdeninds trial Ruibber & PîatIst l91rure tet Oshawa, Ontario. TEACHERS %WANTED HAWI< Junction publi, c acoo, rqume Protestanlt teacher for grades K.P., one. two snd three. Approx. 24 puÏlîs Sai.. airy $300000 to $360000. send particulars tû W. È. Trainor, Secretary. Hawk- juciction, Ont. TEACIER wanited for Septemiber In new 2 oomn R.C. sepamaï,te schiool, 1 mile east of Cottaml on No. "3 ighway. Sat e ua'if!ictios, saIamry ecpeted and nama and address of iast lInspector. Direct inquiiasto CGerali Dlmre Secretary St. Ied col I Riutbyen, Ont. TRADE tFSCHOOLS LEARN IBM SPCA L Z E -1INST RUCTI10 >I NOW- AVAILABLE ON IBM KEYPUNC-"H ELECTRIC TYPEWRITERS SPIECIAL TRAINING PROGRAMS FOR THE BEGiNNER SHORT CONVERSION & REFRESMER COURSES FOR TH4E EXPERIENC1ED LOW RATES -- BUDGET TERMS Buýriness M\achies Troining M kBLOOR ST. E., TORONTO (At s(ubway Entralceel 925-3884 VENDING MACHINES CIGARETTE -Macines, 8 columin, for sale,.1300ilso ïMlti pupaî1se mach- i-nes vending six 25,1 Items, $90 i00 Con- tact Terlc Wholesale Ltd;., 17 Be(field Rd. Rexdiale, Toronto Ont, o-r phonre ISSUE 291 - 1q61 MAERRY MENAGERIE ( r~rr~ rrri -~ -. .. ~' -~ ~ .. r- N - N N ýAsk about Cunerd EgIe Airways Service-Jo London, ermuda and 4csssou. Sailing froam Montreal every Friday ta. HAVRE, SOUTHAMPTON OR GREENOCK, [IVERPOOL CARINTKIA * IVERNIA * SAXONtA N N 'N 'N N N N N N Ni N. N N N N N N N N - N N N - N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N - N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N "i N N N N N N N 's-i i...-. N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N s N N 'N N N N N N - N N N N N N N N N N N N N. N N N '-i N 'N N 'N N N "n N N N N N N N. N """i i '. s N N N i.' 'ni N N ,.r- - - - - -

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