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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Jul 1961, p. 7

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KNOCKING THE ROCK - It may neyer achieve the popular;ty of the revived rocking chair but this Porter's Ci-air displayoct of a home furnishings show has its pointsý. The. enclosed, curved bock, somiething like a 4edari chair's, prote'cted occupants from Irafts for centuries. The on. photographecl- is- as m~odern as made! Irene Simonaitis' restumie, even ta, faar rulb.r cushions. Strictly For Murder Fans According to the rides whodunilry;, it Is a violation of tii. credible for a myslery wriler te close lis case by Sayiug the butler did il. Real Ite, howe.ver, Ja less exactirig form. BackIin 11429,' Charles Ho'ughton, butier bý the. Misses Woodhouse in one *t the stately horlis of England, maurdered lothiistres.ses wltb e @portlng rif le ýwhen bhey gave xhim lie sack for serving dinner vý hile 4runk. Lýter, I!oughton ôxetl ut his throat andI EvetI ta b. hanged. SuchiIs lie 'itnd of ]ore now alphabetically e-vilable in zhis peculiar work qfreterence, "A Companion to Murder." 0f what purpose, une may ask, ms aformai dicionary ut British mudiEasily answered - ta kead. Aithougli hure raay be p aver reasons for louking up John George Haigh-a dapper, friendly 1111e nman who would t'mell one down in a bath of suiphurie acid, if ont pessessed ?ny loose capital"-hhe pure tas.- cination ut lis slOry is reason enough. Haigli, Who poured sixs people in a liquid ,state down ma mianhl-ole i us cellar, soughitot aid his plea o),flnsanity by con- fessing liat.,lie customarilydrn a glass uf his vietimn's blood. Il didn't w.ork; they hang-ed hlm in 1949. Aithougli E. Spencer Shew, a foFrmer British crimie reporter, iinits 'ais 'comnpendium, lu the years 1900-50, lie makes tbis pe- riod seemn a golden age ut vil- lany. Near lhe starl of Il, a lady named Amelia Sach was mnaklag a, living extermînating unwanted' babies, under pretense of puttlng bhem out for adoption. At, the era's end, ex-policeman John Christ-Ie was telling the judge 'rie honestly couldn'tremember whelher lie' had kiîled a triend't wif e. Since lie earth under Christie's gîround-floor room wa, at thal moment full of femiale bodies, bis absenl-mindedness was understa-ndable. Things To Do Be fore You Leave For Vacation mj A. t appli-' Loek. ail doors îireuit ask police boa .& hme lft cmpleely ark Ja~epestoffc odmail. is ain invitation b tehurgiars, unltil youtr reýurs one gèirra"nge tô bave some-ose eut stop milk delivery by phon- Uawaui g4 water g a rden j'm~g dairy; doi't plib Rofte P; f» în ubottieý He Skoutd Stick To Cartooinîg,_Mcybe? AI Capp, like Li'1 Abner's sýomelime pal Joe Btfspclk-, is be- ing floWdaround by a smanll black cloud. Six months atter the 51-year- old foundcer of Dogý'patchi U.S.A., mnade his debut as a cohîimnisl for The New 'York Herald Tribune Syndical e, only about 30 papers wvere priniting bis thrice- weekly effort (compared With nearly 1,000 carrying bis A.bner, which is distributedl by Unitet] Feat- urcs). The Tribune hiad not runl Capp's colurmin rfouriee and neyer hadcid more Il an one v' weekM. Capp, Who looks like a faýtter, eider vers ion oif Abner himself, stili soeems breezily confident of bis ability as a columnist, but lie iz! frankly puzzled at his failure bo voWv editors wîth WOrds alone. "For instance," he said over lunch ai Newý, York's Overseas Press Club, " created a whole country in theý column. Nothing happened. Gee, it was dleadly. If I'dî doue the same thing in Abner, every edlitor lu the country would haý-,ve been 3yelling fo-r more." Despîte bis troubles, Caýpp de- cla.ret] thal "I ar nuow a columi- nisi - irrevocbly' Then he hinted that lie igýht change syn- cicates if lie can't get a New York showcase for is ýefforts. At The Trib, bis editors had no comment ou this point. But il appeareci that the bitter lruth sôb!) was that cartoonist Capp, hoWever he mighl persuadî,ý him- self that le feels ai home ai a typewriter, simply isn't as f-unny ýr a single act as he is wilh the ,qupporting casi from Dogpalch, Skunk Hollow, Pineapple Junîc- ton, and Lowýer Slobbovia Along with luîs other troubles, Capp's penchant for besomny belles prompted two papers tu drop "Abne-r" recenlly. Thýe But- falo Evening News caniceled bolli diaily and Suniday strips, and Thé Detroit News eliminated the- Sunday panels tem-po>rarily (un- tiI a luscîuus bikini-clad LoWer 'SiobboviaPn disappears fromn the aàtory ine). Editor Martin Hayden cxplained: "T'here's no doubi that Capp is goýod. . but Eoumetimes b.e goes too far. We go on the Ibasis that comics presum-ably are for the kids." Mfen shouid bea.r with eachi other. There lives flot thte imc woho may fot be cut up, oe lashed to pieces, oiT his wveakest aide. -George Savile. They who ar-e of the 0pefl40a that Morte~y will. do ev.erythilng, mnay very well be sus pected fo do evervpthing for Mnp -Ge'orýge Savile. Persecutionîis the ifn-sftLa.w of society because ifý is a1lwiays eus- ier to suppress criticism t'hon to qmeet it. -Howard MumýiJord lJonces. SPACEMAN'S FLO'W E RS - Carrying a bouquet and \wov- inq, Yuri Gaýgarin wclks down ai street in Tuîku, Finlarsd. dur- ing a recephion held in his honor. - C-SSIFIED. VERTISINO AGENTS, CLUB5~, ETC. -3FLL Canadla's finest Christmas carda, Over 300 temnshincludng Religiows, Everyday aiid Personal cards. Wraps. Toys and Novelties. Prompt Service. F'or Coloeired catalogue and samiples on pproval, Jeandron Greeting Card Go., 1~253 King St. E., Hamilton, Ontarlo, BABY CHICKS BRIAY bas mrany varleties starteýd cbiicks evallable, prompt ship1ment Dayolds, a few early shipmient, or to order. B3roiler cbicks available. Ordler nv.. See local agent,, or write Bray Hatcb- *ry, 120 John North, Haemilton, Ont. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SL V'ELDbusiness, mill, bidgýs Office. ex. ira storajge shieds, double garage, pri vate j rload alding, $23,0K; dovwaa. Hawkins Bros., If) Wakefield Parry Sound, RI. 6-5231 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TELEVISION & Radio Sales and Ser- vice,. Ilbsiesfor a servjemani wýho w\ould like to get into buisineçss for hiosself. This dept. connacted wtb a fliriiurle and appliance business, sl!tuated ln a town 0of U,00 Population ln the Niagara Peninsula. Records shown to inierested party. Disposing of ibis end of business due to other inter- asis. Apply Box No. 239, 123 l8th St. New Tor-onto, Ont EDUCATIONAL EARN degrees, homre study, DivinitY', Science, Tl3eology. Free information. Samninary, 423 Wilson, New Westmnin. sier. Briisb Columbia, FARMS FOR SALE FARM for sale, Glengarry County. e0 acres good land, buildings sud water supply. Near Iighwýay 34. Dunvegan Road. D R. MGlivaBos, 91 Drin. vegan, Ontario. 136 ACRES, 6 ceorns frame biouse good condition hyd(ro, pione, barn for 5,000 broilers, pres sure system, butlk bin, propane brooders automatlc iwarters, wlrad 66() fi. vw,1.r frontage on Snilth's- Bey, Prince Edlwacd County, liard and~ soft wood lots, 80 acres workabla. price $15,000 cash. Charlas Young, R 9 Plcton, Ont. HIGH level 100-acre Clay boans farmn, 90 workabIe, bush, pond, 9-rom brick cÈad bouse, big barn on wall, Impie- nient sbed, worký shop, mile to river at ltr$asvale con Hlghway 26. 6l7,000 wth ,crop and bielp to harveat; discount for casb. Fred Laws, Anten Mills. FARM EQUIPMENT JOHN DEERE Combine modal 25, man- uial or hydirauliclcifti available on head- er, neariy naw, scour kleen, grain bain,. *1.0,besi offer. -R. Miller, R. 1, Markbai, Ont. 13UCKEYE tlling macbine, 301, wth Work-Brau convayor, new lasi yaar, New segments, and new pins sud bush- lugs for iracks. Motor just overbauled. Friced to sali. Apply to Ronald Smiths, RR 2, Caiachelie, Ont. Phone Aberardar 2534. RUB-R-SLAT canvas for your hUrvestlng equipmient. Write for informtýation for your macbine. Adelard St. Pierre Bear Lina, Ontailo. F0OR sale, iMassey.liarris self-propelled 12 foot swather, ln good condition. Used oe season. Donald Murray, P R. 2, Lucknow. Telaphone 56-R-2. FOR SALE -' MISCELLANE US SHýOTSHELLS $2.03 box. Frcee delivary on group orders. Free demionstration samples. XL Explosives Ltd.. Hawkes- bury. Ont. CHAIS Loune for-position i.olding Coi, a iremnendous value ai $1095. Camp Stools - $1,98. Barbecues -- $695. Tberm'x Heaters - $21,95. Many other lines. Express PraPid'. Satisfac- tion guaraniteed or money refundad. Catalogue TWEDDLE MERCHANDISING GO. I.ERGUS 18, QN'TAR1O FOR RIEN'T BEAUTÎ1 shop for rani, eaiflSent, utilities lncluýded, good permanent Clh. .entelle, experienced. oparator Only. contact F. Coit, Ccjean's Beautty Salon, Tilbury, Ont. Abandôned Roads And Their Charm Net mnany et the things men mnake endure longer than roa.ds. For nearly twlwo hndred years the green groWh et the Ale- glienies bas 'lried te bide tbe twelve.-fuot lrack that General Braddock's engîneers cul, on Ibeir vay to dealli in the ,vilder- ness, but bere and there thbe old trac!k may stilb be traced. Les famous thorougbiares have just as long a lite. The settlemients lbey once served may bv dis- appeared and the bouses liaI were scatteret] along them m nay be notbing b'ut ceibar hobes, but teroa'ds themnselves persisit Sa ar from being mreî dis.- caýrd] and fagottenrelic-s ot the past,teyaire Very', bî1s-y plac5e, wîtbne su1ggestion tha' Ilt tbeh mur tei vnihe] umd- ers and] the hbuimn raffic that one imoved ab-on-g tbem. The cratrs tthe wadsrOe.ýri1 aaI roat] ý)Llfer, ;testrip of sun- iît iloffees. On biedges et rock and oan ,he old walbs atthe roiid- sýide shakos ike te basE By diay, partridge's Luse a bare patch et gra,_vel [for dusting, ,ind wbip- peor-Wills calme by lnight. On thle rond, as on thje fields if the desered farms Long if, bei ry bushes are quick te enc>ruIcb. Birds came ta ent their fru-its, and rabbits f o r sb1-elter am-it their thoru-set canies. The stong' light brings bullterfiies. An obd road invites te retlec- tion as a new \vand] busy rond neyer does. That il lias been MORSES FOR SALE HUNTERý; bay ge ing,17bandas.aged, bold jumnIper, good mainners sud con- forma-tion, excellent iworkLing hunier J.ý M. iMcDougýall Jr., Perth, Ont. MEDICAL VARICOSE veins of legs, piles, verico- ale, permanent relief by special self- massage treaiments. Send $2.00, only cosi. E. Coleman, 103/ Division, Grand 25apids, Michigan. 0000 ADVICEI - EVERY SUFFERER OF RIIEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURIS SHOIJLD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORF f 3 ELGIN, OTTAWA $1.25 Exp'ress Cclleci POSTÉS ECZEMA SALVE CANISII iba tormQeni cf dry eczemna rasises ajnd weeplng akin troubles, Post's Eczcma ,Salve wil"Mflot disappoint you. ftcling, sca;dJng and burning eczàe- mna, acne; ringwormi, imples sud foot ecz ema twill respond readlly to the siainless, edorless ltmnregariess 0f bew siubborn or bopelesa ihey seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price P1RICE *3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 185S.Clir Avenuie leat, TORORTO MONEY TC LOAN -8% Mortgage- Investmient FIX-TED rcturn wiih intecesi paid montisly. All fonds bandlad ibrougis icustea. Securiy Cdeposlted wih trusteae. F'or furtber informnation write or cali G M.S. INVESTMENTS Exclusive Agents DaCE.P,-564.5 EV'gs. 447 DUNDAS ST,. LONDON Mvesnber O.M.B.A. MUST ceduca nuiria berd due te pan sbociage. Ps-bas from $ý50. pr. Joseph Scott, 1.1. No. 1, eamasvill, Ont. ATTENTION PURCHASERS 0F NUTRIA Wben. purchaslng Nuiria consider tbe foUlowxIng po)ints wbich ibis organiza. Cion offers- 1. Tbe basi available stock, no cross- bred- or standard types recomimended. 2 .rTie réputationi of s plan w/hIcb le provIng iseif substantiaied bv files of s5atisfied ranches-s. 3 Full insurance againsi replace- mieut, soule tbay net liva or ln tise avent of stas-iii (ail fully axplained ln us- rcecilficate of mart t) 4. W. glve you only mutations whiCis are tI desnand for fur garmnents. 5. Ton recalve frens ibis organization aguacanteed paît mar-keitsi writing. 6. Memnbersirln iiOur exHcljU ie 1V breedars' association, whereisy only par-chasers of <is stock may partici. paie Intise benefis se offeced. 7. Pricas for Braedlng Stock tari ai $200. a pair. 1 Special offer te ihose ,,bo qualîfy: earn vour Nuisla on our- coo perative basis. Write: Canadien Nuts-là Ld., R..Ne. 2, Stouffyille, Ontatio. OPPQRTLANITIES FOR -MIN AND WOMEN RE A HAIRORESSER JOIN ÇANADAIS LEADINGS CHOOL Great Oppociuniy Laarn Hai1rdrassing, Pleasant dlgnIIJad professýion,; good ,vwges. Thousands of sUccessful las-val Graduaies. Amlerica', Greatesi Systens Ilinstra.ted Catalogue Fr(ea Write or Call MARVEL HIAIRDRESSING SCI400L 358 Oloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W., Hamiilten 72 Rideau Street. Ottawa - PERSONAL IIYGIENiC RUEBER G0005 TESTED, guaranteel, rmailed in plain. parcel, includlug catalogua and sex bock freea wltb trial asserrrani. 18 for $ 1.00. <Fineat quality). Western Distribu- ocrs, Box 24-TPF, Reginé, Sesk. aýbanldoned may seemn- a proote of the vanily of hluman effort. But in tact it proves th-alî no checki need be final, tht eyonc1 Ver- mont Ihere is always Ohio. Wbhat is immortal abouut any road" is the quality o:,L ïhope and endea- voue Ihat first ulilthrugbth Wýoods. So long asî these per- ,sist, what happens te the py sical road matr ery lbe At ils best, it- c-ould nieyer be moüre than a cudetrýanslation, of the dream iand the pu rpose Ihal shaped.il. AIl eods vorihy ut the bame ladsomewbere beyond tmeetin, iDill and -mar- ket, and evenan- abandored r'oaid is one staýge oIr) hat longer jeujrney - Frimal' "Spjeak i1 the Ear-th," by Wý7ill iiam A. B, Ei1e Y - Joe Was There With The Squelch J-e,,HumWjphreys<, ïfamaus ud lime New York riefigal an- no0(Ucerïws La B wtypi-,ictucl wolooket]aIbie' eaisi'Ll -~ ~ ~ ~~~il anslo xadrdit the realm ,of fancy. lUs,",-',announe- meunIs were short and t1O the i on. Tbe scrc,,ratbler thlan the fbawery adjectvwas Joe's for-te. Hewa a mýaster aI sýquelcbi;ing hclesThos,' who attLended Ïthe ls oigmatch ait thieold MadSianSquare fe den, back in 192,vill neyer torgel Joe's iperforman(e. o once he a-wd isL) togel sentlimentl as bu plunged in'îa fariewellades ~s sbai- PýET STOCK BIJDGIES,analun'e a.llg grade 1healthy stock, Ibr-.e'r. rml virgini, or nested,.S$10.pi. pît$. for pçis. M . T ra,14tlt 'r FARMER'S CAMERKA C LUS BOX 31 GALT <1 T Film' eviupd nd Developing rui,] 0 no , oili prints) Color pits ID ab eta Ansco and Ekcihome35 n o Z20ex posures nountad jin teail0Cno printa sn aids,2eeb %oere. funded iu fui] foruneie' ngaies PROPERTIgS FOR RENT STORE for rani, in 0h- w..'fAyl. mer. Approxsiately 135 hy 35 plus warehouse spaca. Ecleilbsinon main sireet Has mo71,mn5R.S. Sheppard, 250 John St. Sout A'Jer Ont. PROPERTIES FOR SAe Motor camp for Sale BLUE Top MotorC.m onrlg8 or miore acres on No. i iha,3 nulfes norib of Orilia),oseooigak coucbicbing. Suifab,.le fc,botael, 1motel and mar1kel garden. Tis property bhas 8-roon1i modemresdne wnaie cottages, ah modemrnve acsand 1 double asud 5 'ngelo abins for sommes- rtourista. Fo,ýr ut'rifra tion apply to Çha ni I.13 Orillia, Ont. RIEDIRECT MAILENdýSI 1UettrF iled1,, fýor you wltb Pittsbslrgb pama.Scnd adrseltter and .25.'te: W Ce' o., Box 11W2, Piitsbureb. enn RIJEBER BELTIN4G k,*405E ALLtypas ofrubbi)er 'bian ono bo. for sale; beis repaýired aiti1n 7-4 boucs. Bemnanisa ai seclal p-lces.51î)fsrm bah 6" wida $4500. S'wdnindus.ý, trial Rubber & Plstcs 1 Brue Steet Oshawa, Ontario $PARE TIME PROFITS HOME Business Digest, Cie magazine that shows yen how te malte extra money. Only 50e. Jack Donovan Agency. 537 Cranheonke Ave.. Toronto 12. Ou- tario. SUMMER -RESORTS, WHITE Forest Lodge, Arundel. Que. On beautiful Lake MacDonald I' Laus-- entian Mountains. Excellent ýulsIne. Cocktail Lounge. Write. West Algonquin L.akes 16 MILES1 norih of Huntsville. A friand. ly Informai resert wbare yen enjoy tiha ps-ivacy of yonur own comforta'ble cot- tage on tbc shores of our, beautiful lake. W. guarantea ae eraholidays aud to saiisfy the beclesii appetites wlih tisae excellence of our homre cook- ed moeais. Swýimmcing, boatzing, fishing- Sgolf aud dancing neacrby Phone or write Norrds Lindsay, Blne Bay Lodge, Nvar, O-ntarlo qCalet Bungalowv Camp "ý.0OLF AND COUN4TMY CLUB FRENCHt RIVER, ONT. 4AÂA-ATRO & DUNCAN MINES RECOMMENDAÈTION EXCELLENT fisbing, gol!f, tennis, aatar sports. Delicieus meals,acomdto sud service add up te a rlxn oi day ai ibis infornal cesort on tise famious French River. Reasonable ratee Iucluda meals and mai srvice Diclz ïBs-ock, Manager. Wýrite e or plbose direct Nolvilla.e 898-2ý441 orTent Ho. 1-2M,1 rECESWANTED HAWR .Junction publi, sohool r-eLgnlra Protestant teacher for grades cP3 eu, twe an1d tbxe e. Apprexr. 2-J pupils Sal- acy $3ù000,00 te $3600.0i.-Sendparticulars te W E. Traîner. ee Prv HWk Juociion, Ont. WANTEO TO PURCH4ASE W1(ANTED te boy! Old delu isi beý Fifty Tear. Oid or ý ore. $300 pai d for delîs -needing r iepailr. 5f500 for hibes in perf, ect condition. Chin, W4ax, Weed, etc. Aýpply: Mca. 0alng . Box Joe avas p1lainlYou bse- nr int, like a wh n the desert. Finally the. fans, go~gi#a - tient Lfor actiùrn,bga het1n him. Humrphrýeys mae a ew aI- tenipts to corîIti nuge. Then, crýurn- pling b is script in d hEus,e ,sulrv\,eyeL the bue sonul fera pi.ta aley adbelW et: T].hemore I1se-1-f sorne of YQU o-an-ss, te moe1Ibe- lieve ini birthcorl" ettoc tan three oktisinside a mani How con t? Q, low can t gel 0d "f silver fîsin luy hoanie? 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