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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Aug 1961, p. 2

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______________________ORONO WEEKLY TIrMEs THURSDAY, AUIGUST 3rd, 1961 - Eight Apply For Township- 'Muskie Fingerlings OinSrpFi Building Inspector Posiion istiuin(~temsiog roves New Education Centre Te Carke Township Counicil Vith he Commission in this matter ,îînlgs Wei.(. istributedThenOvarjous Wed., Aug. 16 ____u_ ee nTedywtal members'Apovlof the conv\eyaýnce of lkstrogotthe LnsyDs-InTa ess than two weeks the annual LTh1edOfica c ior oftOof b adCr Billisrctiy vis:-t pr,,esent. TIe ICouincil olpened the 5.032 acres of land iin the north of rc,2,0 fingeinswrdev-rooSet Fair iii1 beluul principle the c'onstructionI of a hlon Centres in th.e area andrel r aplctosfr te pos ition of Oronio to the Township for, a specif-! I tI'k 1.)! hlt(ltPrfnig t h fýca bu1ilding inspecter cof which there' i(, purpose was received from t-he fnern to ak edSic istr.ict 12,000 swing,. The date of th1;s ann ual Chiristian EFducation Centre forih e hi idig oteOfca wercie eightl. This position lhas be- 'Departmnent of Highw.ayt\s. This pro- fnelnst we itit 0 vn is Wed_ýnesday, Aungust lthcurh.Ti cetrewudb ui Badfo c etihe tenr- corne vacant through the resigna-th hlshývwllelid()I perty is both north and south of t h rec ierubr is- ndtheoie ooshowaiiiteeldtn.he-ch rprtsuh fttieapovlwsgivben.e pro.-y tion of Mr. Gordon (C'otter. OooC1tey h1 titIl 150t h UprNa rgto roosMi Sre. tech'urchposa i mustnogobfePrby Ths apyngfrth oito wsgane orteus rp~ygaa LkeEi Dtit.AAChrist ian Educwationi Centre tery for thecir sanction. Ths plin o h osto rntdfr ueas -a st tio 450figrig ee For, th-e -geat event thebliino acmoae fthe Sundfay are Messrs. Horace Best, M. Drane, fra muniicipal uplyof water andp teotcudsacompiete00u ian or eolaogwt i h-sinE h uligwuda~iet -P. Wood, J. AM. Thompson, Roy WMn-,fr beautifying theetacino 0te3500fgrigspntiththe---older set as eJsilite ucaionpases connectedwihteaymtctatote pest ter,~~~~ Brc .Tnat .Lail the Villag-e. la the(ida-itrc,920wrey gtr.This inicldes r e(s as 1 culirch. It is proposed that sucha church. The estimatedco stwol Lowery andl R. G. Gibsonj. The cou-1 aefont,,pndc vie n i û'l heid over decîsion on tea,,- Teresignation of _Mr. F. E. Ly-p a tiRiceLake fromThpond aersweiadmrygorud ligwudhveami uirai h nihorod0 4,0 pointment until a special meetinigl cetti ,0\T"Isllilrepresentative onloaeatirsl.TepnisaAmsvebgostoeseufrtrumndisros It is feit that littleiemrwilb on uesayAugst th.theDuram ouny Dstrct ighproJect of the Rice LakeTour]ist the, bingo players with a host of Me" ordonCotter, iRck done on this imatter cduringAgut In connecètion wîtthile pt-rease School 1Board, was accepted w\ýith Ascain n wt uhavr pie te aesWl ei pr of ne tuckconci aceped hereget.Th apoitmet t fi tistising byIthem thflingrigweation aiong with eneraamntb -____i____________________________________ tender of Newvtoaville Garage for vacancy wvas left over f0 the special 'Ianted on Wednesday, July 26111',iag providled by a balloon niovelist. 3-ton truck at a price of $7038.00.I meeting on Tuesday. A large number of persoas were on .. I h~~~~~~~~~~~and f0 watch heoertons. l'er- Goglae h eondJ* A es] o ws asedinhih The final reading was given to hapjis not as mnany as in prepvious sur anecle, ilasob tOI - S A L if was stated that coýncii had no la parking by-law affectiag roads lain r but from 8:30 in the m-ornth-Ile street fair aiong ihbis baudgA I U 'I ..i pràjIo e sub-divs oad r Wt teosot aea heprkn r-intil -completion there %vas al- of Corn Kuskers. Thiere will be bjectioa to an acess aoad to theeigit in the ways a crowd on hand. Mr. Fr'ed:'bandsqaredacin7o Irwia. This resolution was passed liet asar fomrefound g LU.ien Fye's In org--A the street foreve whichghtoereustnlof be( . rnportetc cii subjeet to the approvai of teu rîgutil sevea a night onutno h omtei ne- no careother rthan thegera te4 oaisRa omsin h Saturdays and public holidays andceen job of keepin g the opera-amisoncare f2 ent e C O O A MO R E rev wsauhr ie t onuit eare la effect from May lit t0 Oct- tors On the mv n gtigthe, 1ARMg0VR ober 1sf. d e cnsltingerlingls int o thne lake.peon _______________________________Con1cludbiagthe activities frteg l~ _______________ ~nigtlwilbe thegrand dawfor~ i & ~ t Au u t 1 - the2Ot Cntuy az~elTraler. fil. Whit e Washing 5 rn ntr e its i e g eThe frailir is fuly eopuipped withSAERIAat70PMSTRAYt-OêM PUMPNG UT cheuie f pay n1 IMEL TIS akithiaand sleeping arrange - : SLE:wiI nDspAY iay, .. STAug it, ni g STBLSD1wvC t, W th~ments. 400 lots of Antiques consisting of Period Fulniltùre, trg Imay'JAKr I FiL Mr'Foortdams he igh tobe Dcloraks, China, Choice, Glassware, Sheffiel'd Pla'ted Silver, Hope Mr, ChambsIleih er off3 lc Brass, Copper, etc. This is another fit)e-sli.pment. Ar- f3O PUM INGOUTTHMLY IPSily. The Street Fair is sponsored by,, *o i 2:30 p.m. Eeyhn willIh sold with no reserve bild. a The reg-ular he rono ommere of playscash SE T C T N S the ,Lakeshore intermedaafe league ýeOooCa bro o m r("1 aouso eus.Trn ah has benIcomTAtedand l the stan- Better hurry if you wanf f0 con- H.BUEgIEAcine Inlg the Orono club holds fourth1trol EurIop)ean or Brr.Pr.h.eBRUCOesN , ariuct ine Bert Tomlpkris plc.As a resuit they mneet the W. C.-iaOCeaoooît Verbal SanctionUPon 5OdsOnao(Piaene Por, Hpe lubin he eage pay-suggests the follovwing ways: Spray PoeNwtni1471 dv.Port Hope b rhel ecn ague lay-r__________DDT__or____________________________ per acre, or appiy graaulafed DDT fi Nw 1 lu the league -standing. Belleville ' et~o tipudprare O aForNe topped the league and Peterboro "rhetabpI a 1o ___peare ~~~ended in thirdl place. Belleville and' or apply granulated endiin at 1/3 _ -- The Durham Counity District f High School Board has received AII verbal approval from Ottawa for a f vocational wing te the Port lp N ew ca stle iÀ nnucai High School. However, no wri f3 o wvord sanctioning the new addition bas yet arrived. Us s b l a Normal procedure i.s for the fd Ba se-a / eral departmnent of Labour's ap- provai of the measure to go to the f a Trio to andtencte h Dur- LY5 Mo day, August 7th inaTrontoardtent ote Duio bham County Board.0 MEN'S SOFTBALL- INTERMEDIATE HARDBALL The special vocational advisory ' LADIES SOFTBALL Board set up to hiandie the project meets under fthe chairmanship ofO BALL GAMES'TO START AT 1:30 P.M. W. E. Tranmer of Por Hope in the f Town of Bowmanville, August 9tb' O to whv fic iai apepovalWitte n hope by hv fic iaelth coma rnitte oe R N A word accepting the sket ch plans C A 9V A submitted la June is thoughf to e b la the mail now.U 0 The next step involved is. the pre. f COMMUNITY HALL GROUNDS AT 7:.30 paration of working plans by the o Board's architects, Barnetf' and Rieder which may in fura have f0; he submitted for provincial and r ederal approval. J1 i YOU CAN BEGIN OCAREERTRAINING AT ANY TIME fThe Oshawa Business College isl open ail year and our -method of individuai instruction permits you to t] start at anv f ime 8 Day-School Courses from g whicfi to choose g EVENING CLASSES oTUESDAV and THURSD)AY 9 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. g Choice of Subjects r Special Classes for U 9ousewives - Shiftworksrs Teen-Age Typisfs FREE LITERATURE fi AVAl LABLE -310 Simncoe Street North Diai RA. 5-3375 -eterboro are playing the uLier------------------------ serie.s of the padws The win- cat1ionis at 5-day infervals. He rec- ners of the f wo sections wiîî meet ommends using the , granuiated for the leag-ue, chamnpiQçnshlip. f orm if severe pjivholes appear be-, fore tasseling. One caution: don't feed corn treated with DDT, hepta- The Orono-Port Hope series opens chior oiÈ endrin f0 livestock. inPort Hope on Saturday afternoon, with game Urne being called for your layers an d pullets need lots ý2 :30. The foIlowing games are on iof dlean, fresh water during hot, Tuesday, August S. Port Hope 6:15. lWalker, pouitry scientist at OAC.1 ýThursday, August12, PoronHop,6: 1.3irds may drink up to a third Satrda, Ag. 2, ortHop, 230more water when if's very hot and isticky' . Smialier eggs and a drop in The series is the best three ouf of production resuit when layers don", five for the first round. drink enough water, You may even rua into heat prostration and diges- Following the declaling of the tive problemns in s 'eyious cases. league championship the Ontario bc rknlgtblsadfx Basebail Association playdowns will1ue owe tehymw r open. la thîs set Petêrborougl, Or- rsuao, e tHelrhaymosaey ono >and Port Hope will play wlfhh1h sugtsHi rghaft thevie tht te wnne wil po-expert with the Ontario Depart-J the iewtha th winerwiI pr- mnt of Agriculture. Clean away ceed further la the OBA playdowns. the cbesadut.Itl mor 'The group for these f hree teams is - pbwqebsaddsIo stalL mstoff ~ntermediate Major A. The dates' ïtp itr3t epds f -andtheteans o pay n te frstthe lighit bulbs -- it might \start a round have -.ïet to be announced. Orono dropped to fourtivplace la the league standing on Wednesday evening when Port Hope won the final gam0 0of the series. This game was played la Port Hope and was a win for the Port towrn to the tune of 11-3. SnWIMMINIi POOL HOURSc f3WEEK DAYSAN SATURDAYS: C 10-5:00 and 6:00- 8:30 SUNDAYS: Il 1 noon until 9:00 pmiq ADULT SWIMMING:g TUESDAYS andi FRIDAYS -.8:00- 9:00) Watcb eout for, bloat when yoiu tura cattie la on aftermathi pasturel cautions Prof essor G. E. Raithby,l Head of the OAC Animal Husban- Officiai Board Of Chirch Ânn'ý ry L'epaJdrleIi. He says lia sorne - cattie wont bloat on first growth Af ter that will corne the cailing b)ut mnay on the second-cut. it wuîî of tenders and the actual construe- pay to check your cattie often if tioni work. tbere gigo hs yp fps The board hopes to begin wvork ture, -on the vocational wing fhis fail anild to have the ex'tension in Oper- ation by September 1962. Mepiks Meanhile feachers are being 1 sougbf for September 1962 for the! Port Hope vocational school. About four or five will be required lai-' tially, Mr. Reynolds said, since oniy grade 9 courses will be off ered la t he first year. Eventually alil * courýses up f0 grade 12 willI be taught. [Orone Weekly Timnes PHONE, qrl OROINO Prospective teachiers fDIl reteive fanalassistance f0 attend wîn- ai- courses this year te quaiifyý as }ocationalil-nstructors. Construction and fun l hig cOsfs of thie voaton i ng are beingi; shre n a 75-25-per cent basis by theo federal and, provincial govera ments , USE THE [CLASSIFIED JOB PRINTING Letter Headas Envelopes Labels Invoices, Biliheada Statements Bock&-, Pamphlets Wedding Stationery Orono '"eekly Times Pho. 10Oronô, - Onitariý 4<7 ~ j- '5/ i -7 Phone 109

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