- - . ê NoMêwi,ÇP$4yT1IIE-8THUKSPAY, AUGUST Srd, 1W1 Sel?Out Ru les FOI, Power Mower Is your power mnower going to save yoii work this simmer or re- Ileve you of a few toes or fingers? Will1 it give yop extra leisure or a hole inte head from a hidden peeof debris JIn the grass? !D l-n't count on it tbhat you'r e ai nriormally cautious îndividual .. you just need to slip once with tht s, machIne to do irreparable damnage, anIid the variety of grisly injuries it can -ICause is infinite. Amptatonsprains, electrocu- ton and death fo hurled otb>-ts1 have be-en steai(ly on- the increaý2- as power rmujýwemi- Ihave cUUU "Tc, -111 Lle-~.- -- Durham County DistrictWHigh Sehool Board Vocational Teachers for Port Hope High Schoel wilH be needed in September 1962 SMenl witN Grade 12 dliplotna and 6i - 8 years experience in a trade miay bualif y by taking a winter course at Ontario College of Edut- ficetion (Setembeir to-May) Mïremtam salary will be $4,500 with possible allowances fcor extra experýeflce. 'The fees for the course will bie paid and a living allowaflce of $30 Sa weel wilI be riaid - other financlal assistance will be available.U pTeachers wil! be needed in the following trades - rnachinists, ~ auto. meclian îcs, eletrical, o-wki.U fiPersons irterested ste Mr. tigelow at Port Hope IAigh Scholoýra'f your local high schooi Principal.U 'If NEW if, KRUr4bUI1 I~UUW LIGHTER $2.95 LîGtHflWEiGHT - W[NDPýROOF - DEPENDABLE Stutt's Pharmacy PHONE 168-J ci Ail Reo ORONO I S>UMMER GOOI>S A] to Iess than HALF LADIES PYM~ Fine Cotton, aise Seersucker. Ail s BOYS COTTOIS - , ~ Boys Cotton ýParnts. Colours green an BOYS SHI] Bocys Tomn Sawyer Shirts. Size 10 to Iý S1,HOE, Ladiles Washable Kedet+es. Colors Regular $3.95 for Womens (Carduroy Sport Shoes. Ladies Sport $boes. Reaula Childrens Slip-on, Shoes, ail size! -GOTIIIC Gothic Bras "in Cotton; Nylon an Regular $i.50 to $2.75 GIRLJS PEDAL fIlLtREN'SGirls Pedai Pushers. Sizes 7 - 12 ýERSEYS LARGE BATII t ùf different ojatternsý Largie Size Bath Towels. Re ýg. 950; 2 for $1.00 with face cloth At thi-3 eacht Iii spite of aIL the niormual pre- cautionjs taken on Ontario bea6lies io safeguarci children bathing, life- gursand other officials warni rhat inif]ated swim toys., inner tubes -and ýach pdal hbigs remain for younig folk the one uncontrollable wvater lbazar'd. A large, bightly-co1eur-ed, îinflat- ed toy slips for, a moment from a cbiild's wet hiands, floats aimost imn- Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood, Gail Lai ijdra of Lakefield, Mrs. Georg-e Crowthers and Jamie, NefIvcastle, visited oný Sunday, with -Mrs. Chas.' Mrs. C. A. Cuîming, Bowman- ville,. MIiss Audirey Billings, Os-hawa spent the weekend witb MIr. andl MUrs. Carl Billings. Mrs. Heber Soucl., spent Sunday with them. Mrs. Wesley Elliot't is a patient in 13owmia nville Memorial Hospital.. perceptibly away from shi~re; the Mr. Russell Rogersen, Stittsvile,I child follows to retrieve it and, spent the wveekend wth his parents ail unwiltingly, is beyond bis depth Mr. and Mrs. A. Van den Heuvel I in a moment and in serieus trouble. and family.1 On ba~hs ad inproincal r. and Mrs. _M. W. Staples, of On baoles a(] n prvinialGuelph called on friends in town parks especially, almost every safe- on Monday on their .4way te the' ty mneasure possible has been taken Hlaliburton district to spend holil- I to assure water safety. Shallew, days.- float--guarded areas are provided in Mrs. A. Gerry, "Mr. Phil Long, the parks for young, folk. Guards Rev. and MNrs. B. Long attended the ýwe on hand and the parks have set graduation exercises of the class Up telephone and loud-speaker of CertIfied Nursing Assistants hi comnmunication systems that should the chapel, St. Andrews United, assure trouble-free ftin. But child- Church, Toronto for Miss Doris: Sren piayin.g with inflated toys or !-ain-g on Wedsesday, July 26th. floating in old inner tubes or on Rev. and Mrs. B. Long and Joyc e, othier such contrivances remain an ar'e holidaying at Norway Bay. Que unpredictable bugbear, parks of- Mr. Ernest Dent is attending thne fices .ay. ouning Convention ini Otawa in an effort to see- ttbat no cýhild's Rcn visitors with Rev. and, holiday is marredi by suchi accidents, Mrs. B. Long andfmin wr r the Ontario Department of Lands and Ms D. Long and Wayde andî and Forests bas distrîbuted in elau Viola Russeli, Oshawa. provincial parks an appeal to par- j The( main street of Kendal bas re!- ents to co-opirate fully as the ulti- ce-ived a c oating of asphait makingl mate guardians of the chîldren. ; it the first township road lai the "Parklý authorities take- every pr- Twnbi to be pavedi. Access te the caution to ensure safety and well s outh of Kendal along the counties being of visitors, the -SaIfety leaf- road hlas also seen a vast impr-ove- Ilots points out, "but the immediatO e It w t pavig the road between reposiiltyfor thie are& of youtng Kondal and Newtonvlle 15e now rilcildren 1rests with Mom ando ad, cmpCI ypaved. Mrs. Vir'tie Wilson bias returned oeshould at ail times be kept-,1Ofc f t oes ide epecaly he oug to h'er dties la thoostaOffce a- under a vigilant eye, and thîs 'qs tr1 alenthy ae0 asne Contiued bttoinnext olur j Mr.» Fred Lycett returnied home Coninedboto nxtcoum ISaturdlay, from the Memorial Ho- Iptýita, Bowvmanville. ' ]Mr.Mary Ana Baxter, a Red Cross examiner, bas been testing lm "C IML Swjimmers in the surrounding -en- ED %iJ E u tres this week and will be la Lind-1 Mrs. MeKenna of èChlgary hasi mo~rd bak t Orono and at pro-, P I C E F.Sent is living with Mr. and Mrs.1 Guster and family.1 Mrs. J. C. Gamey and her sister RI $3.5 forMrS, Roper e! Toronto. are holiday- sizes Regar $.95 or 1ing in Cajpe Cod. ~~ PANTS ~notmonkI-o inter! erence in' id blue. Regular $2.25 for $1.00 4 years. Regular $2.95 for 10 Charcoat, Brown and 'White $1.00 a pair Regular $1.95 for $1,00 ar $3.45 for $1.00 pr. s. flegular $1,95 for $1.00 BRAS id Sa tin. AIl sizes ini the lot. Clearingi at $1,00 PISHERS yrs. Regular $2.95 for $1.00 I TOWELS egujar $225 for 31.00 tû match, CITIIDREN'S ANKLE SOCKS Ank;e Sox( for Children. Alil sizes and colours Refiau ' ar d1,c - a pairs for $1,00 COTTON SLIPS Gtaized otonSlips, fuil cul, 2slips. Reg. $2.95 for $1,00, kaisCotton Sips, fae skirt. Zipper at side. AIl sizes. Regula'r $,5for$10 BABY DR1,ESSES Bab5y Dresses, foee cott -on, not ail sizes in these rteg;Ular 32.50 for310 LADIES' DRESSES LADIES DRESSES ON SALE AT PRiCE "N ~$têre Opefi Monday Armstrong's Frida:y anci SaturdayP Oipta AlitDay their fun. Remember, one accidenxt (-an knock a1l the fun out o! your holiday. 'Keep your children within view, at al ltme-s, especially %vien thoy're> playing in or near the wvater. Dan- gorous situations can develep quick- ly and when you least oxpeet+ them.f "Neyer aflow any of yaur chiId-> ren to, swimn alone, even if they're skilled swimmers. Watch a yeung chitd coastantIy, even lin shallewv water. "Ailhough yvour child may~ be wc-aring ani artificlal floating aid such as an inner tube or a rubber' atrsdon't tako bis safety foQr- grantedi. Lives hv been edlsl lost because of- comiplote relince oni such dvies "Wat-h. yomr chld at ail tim'es. His safeis la yI', our banis. " UNITED OHURICH rono Psoa SUN DAY, AUJGUST 6th Orona .........iam ..eska .d.. 2p. j' SUNDAY SCHOOL IKirby------na.m Leskard. ....... 1:3c0 puar CANADA'S ONLY Medollion Gold Bond Siding SMOOTH SIDINGI wifl~ ~~ Yeuy~ oe~ ~~S inboth op- will oke our ome pli cotiiond nainten. most~ ~ ~ ~~~ac eaaflonyu ok *CBwith Medlliort Most eautful n YOr blk GMd Bond Siding whem ond ~ ~ ~ ~ î Vaul ices. ~ YI put us on the job., and t wli ncrestite Estimate and fuit de-. velue tee îî. U a cc. tails, glodly givcn~ without Ony oblïgotion. ROPHHARDWARE Phone 143 r> Orono, Ontario STORîE v ALU ES Dish Cloths Checked Pattern, size 16 inehes colors of red, blue, green, yellow and multi- colour, eaeh 'only............19e Towels, Finger-tip, size 11x18 inches, regular price was 25e This week Special.... ý2 for 43c Slips, Ladies' Cattn half, eyeIet Skirt trim, shadow panel, sizes smail medium or large Regulàr $1,59 Ths WeekX Special.....$1,34 Genuine Melmnac Dinnerware, 20-piece Luncheon Set, Our regulart low price $6,79 This Week Special .,............... $5,88 Koe,12's, reguflar Special Price........ .1C A adB clips, sizes 32to 3 eua 8 Paper Plates, ïpkg fori,5!W..This We ks2 ORONO 5c. TO $I'%0 STOR OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS *,,iespread use. Yet the machïne rule has àireadY cOst a lot t in£- IU A W I ,,1y has, to Nbe reatedwlth utlost:5. Wear lheavy shoes, and eut s814,. cules offered by the Ontario Safety wy nhifls. Mr and -r' e.Düil n League to power mo>wer ser wy x M. Ms :.Dno n 1.Rk n npetyu an 6.Nvrltcflrnoelt famlly r'eturned home Saturday al- 1.or Rakeng a d eyor awy 6. Nover lc liit cIlmrenoeate ter spending a week at Clear Viewj beor own, a cer wy a.>es n1isstt. 1stywelCamp7 Youngs Point. sticks, Stones, wire and othier de1ris d a ~IlowVingý is lin progress.1 A jnow Aý r an tr iýv objects vili',ï.N'eyeruase an electric power Mr. and Mrs. R. Hollingsworth,! the forcýe of a bullet. . w1ho, recentiy purchased the :Benson îîî..erduinlg ram, or weni grass house on Park Street, are nom ot 2.Dsonetthe siarkplug wire .ýsX\,L. dyn a prrwLk jr elictrical plug when refueling, d-iga pro ae or workinig on t'e underside of [lhe 8. Have mnower inispected yearly Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Walker and mower. If you dlo't knowv how, gümtane i o ep.air by a.f anily left Friday last for- England learn! . ,i eriea.where they7 will spend a month vis. 3. Neyer f111 the tank whike the if fXn you y mwr to work iting relatives and friends, engine is hot or stili runninig. yo , iLi, ùtian aLgauist you, these Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Cowan and son 4. Stop thle motor whienever YU.ýýs uie . \lita.,mprane Douglas have returned to Canada le-ave the miower, and - it should be after a four-year stay in Europe. obvic:us - whien clearing . objects »' --t They visited this week With Mr, and irur.tli- lales Dsrgar o ths xta G rel.q wâro.ld mu N..AJUicVUIf iJ..tailny N N N N N N N N N N N N N k N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N -à, - N N N N N h h N b N N N N N N N N N N ~iY N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 1 . il