ÉORONO WEEKLY TIMES AuthorizeJ as Second lass mail, Pust Office Oepartment, Otta'wt Establisýhed lin 1938 byv R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Editor and Manag-er Subscription payable in ad vance In Canada $1.501 In U.S.A. $2,50 Publishied every Thursday at the office of ulcto A ull Two Days For Orono Fair Tkeý( Orono Fair which will be held in the Village for a 'Luit twoc days is now -weft on its way in the planning stage. This will be the f îrst effôrtto mae the fair a full w-a affair an'd as a rcýsult greater interest is being shon y a greater riumber of i ple.TI-is, of cours, will be inecessary iin the promotion o ýf such an event. On Friday' , September 8th a f-Iii days siate of activity has ffn lanned and thiese activities will start around noon when ï;he Holstein Black an'd White Show will be ield. Other Points of interest on Friday will include harness racing, 4-Il Club show- inýgs, the Kansas Farmier, the Tobacco Tieing contest, the To- b -acco Queen contest nd the Midway which is to bei operation f..rm 12 noon until 10 o'clockla the evening. The exhibits in the aýgricultural building- will ýbe open to the publie from 10 in the morning until 8 in the evening. There wvill also 'be dancing in the Orono Town Hall on the Friday evening. Froni the above list of events slated for Friday by the Fair Board, it is quite apparent that the fair this year is to be a truly two-day fair. Saturday, of course, has as usual a full pro- gýram o! interesting activities. The Fair is built around exhibits both in livestock and ln the mnany classes such as domestic science, flowers, grain, vege- tables, nced!iecraft, art and junior and juvenile exhibits. Without thiese exhibits in the many classes the fair could not exist. There, are classtý at the fair in which almost everyone could exhIbit. These exhibits mnake the fair a show Place and do create interest for the thousands ýwho will attend again this year. To be an exhi- bitor is also iateresting and rewvardiag. We would recomimend that you be. an exhibitor at the two- day fair thîs year. You will f lad the experience rewardiag and at thle sanie tume would be helping to make the fair a big-ger and better ev7ent. Prize lists are avaiabe fromn Mrs. W. R. Gilbart, secretary, Orono. Thnise lists contala ail the classes in which one may exhibi along with the necssary information for exhibit-ing. Driver's Tests Tic proposai Vo examine automobile drivers evemy tire years on tieir application for rene-wai o! their licence is a good one. Thec magnitude o! tic proJect to be its chie! obstacle. The need for suci tests is sufficicat, howcver, to cause cvery effort Vo be made tVo ecar the obstacles fronri its pati. The preseat examinations taken before the privllege o!f driving a motor veh4cle is gantcd, are vastiy different froma those takea by mnaay o! toclay's drivers. How many persoas op- erntiag motor vebicles hal tus district today completed ticir examination la a natter o! -minutes? The ability te drive snfely around the block passcd nmany a pcrsoa into tic anks o! tiose permnit ted Vo- operate an automobile la today's beavy and fast moving traffic. Todny's drivers may wcll ask thenlselves boacstly if tich dliving habits ticy bave acquimcd over thc years fit V'ie me- quiements of tVie tests given applicants by tic newv examiantion systeni, A copy o! tic Motorists Manual supplied at tie licence office wileveni Vo almost evcry driver (if he wvili 'be trutiful witi iimself) flaws la bis iandliig o! Vie higi powered car he Is pivilcged to operate. Tie tests are acedcd Vo bring afl drivers Vo tic standard ,o! opemation demanded by today's increase-d flow o! vebicles. Tests o! ability and kaowledge will ielp Vo answer the drivers who are noV fully capable. Tieme is a type o! driver wbici suci tests will fail Vo maci. ~Someting m'ust be donc Vo check and wecd eut, if nced be, tic capable driver witi the abillty Vo pass any test but wio ms tVie conceit o assume tint th-,e vehilie and the rond wcmc provided slmply for ils own entertalameat. This type 'beiag iigiiy capable attempts o show ability Vo the point of endangeriag otiers because his one big lack is mental stability. Tiey are on every higiway. They drive about tic Streets o! every town. Their fnuit1 will noV be revealed by present tests. IV is one o!t attitude toward drivîng and Voward tic mules o!fie rond. GftêN@ WE91CLYY TMES TYHNURY, AUGUST~ BITHOn Kos~h L ke north F-LYNN--Tolr. and rs. AndreW 2 bedroomns e vy wvirir Flynni, a d laghte-r, /arol' ~Phone 1308Orono. th ereor iai .Hos ,ital, Bowm'an- ville, on Tùes;day,, August Isi, 1961. NOTICE Pease now-tha'ttb Rice akeNoted dscut' sAuut'5 noýt l5th No rember 196f For luskcies ûn omeO no TeFLP Did'iin totbasand ail the COM, <G EVE other filqny luires that attract most anglers, thie dedlicated irnaskinonge The Annumal Lesllarldý fishermen the-ýse, days are hiard in be heldi inOroPa pursuit of the freshwater monsters 1,ugust 12th. t-arcw big and fi-lit lbard. They Eveiybody ic are somietîmes called the barr-acuda Af die inland waters. AJT NSA1 At 15 years of age, '"muaskies"' 1 have re eý-d instritet dns rom, om aveýrage 53 haches in length and a Larnc lan to seil ýy publici5Ro Appa meini t. forth o) 20 or 30-po)undcei is not unusual. The auction at his Residence/la_ the V i hway 35 01 n. 2ea o Irin. fof Ontarlo record is 61 lbs., 9 oz. I"s lgeof M brjhook oIQ Saturday, Pin 52 the larýgest fresh water fis ecept AugustI 19 tf 1:00 p.M. shap thie sturgeon and is the miost high- HouseholdF urai e including ly pr'izeci game 0fiSh amnong angilesFeerTlvion Dining roorn CARETAKER WANTE hereabottî's. ,suite, pianéoradio Electric stove, ~rcTxsi co Ae The nmaskinong e is a voracîo-s cards h etc Badreur cnpee arfk moaister and from the age of l12 Trnsca esre mfor awK dal SchoI J.__Payne,______________,_n, Ii minenc days must have live food. Ontario R .PynAcioer Dties to 0mec/ September lst.Salay $ per it. is one of the f ew areas la the world1,t ary$q where Lhey are raised suctcessfuly. AUCTION SAL Appy to M1.\ eg 'l1otChair- ilive minnows raiscd la the ,,akin. The- undcrsigned bas eceivýed 11- man.l Kýendal, ata o.ac This is doaê by supplyjng them with stuctionis fro rM. a.'sbry onge hatchery. it's a costly business lot 27-28, Bjroký,n Fr0 t, Dailingtofl NOTICE TO CREDITORS that is why the luit is set at two Towntsbip, firslf farm east of Cour-ý per day, not iess than 28 inches ini tice, Highway 401, t seli by public' lengib.It s te oly amefis inauction on Saturda 7, AugUSt 5 NT. AT305THL A Ontario now, on wich, there is a Holstein Cattlé, 1 .cbiaery, Fumai- ROBBIN 1 a'e of the Town hi of size lumit. ture, Impleme ýts, ivestock etc. CareiV outofDra, If you waat muskie fishing, here Ternis cash. Reserve. Widow, deceased: are some of the places whichh may Jack Reid, Auctioneer. Ail per oas having claims against provide it, Departmnert of Lands the Estaie of the said Ethel Mayo and Forests officials say: Robbinýs,, Who died on orabout thi llVh- day of April 1961, are here The St. Lawrence River ia the -1ntfedosn to the unrsge vicýinity D! Gananoque. - Ad ministratrix or hem Solicirto on The North BayT area, TFrout and or beforý the lOth day of A gust, Talon Lakes, Lake Nipissiag and 1961, their naines and ad esses the Fenchand ekerl Riersand fuif particulars o! their dlaims wvhich providle goodt fishing and ar e and theý nature of the securities i favorabl knon asgoodprodc--any) hi-I by them duly ve îiled by earabysn. s odprdcstatutorydeclaration. Immmc fately after the aid lOth Býetwcen these twý,o areas is a lake day of uut 1961, thel assets of Iprasoverlooked by miore south- tbe said deceased will be - itributed cmn fishiermien who drive ight past onépPessetddthro it. Ir is 1Rice Lake, said to, produce haviag rgard onlyv o t 'e cdaims o! inor-intikiesthanany therlakewbich tlie Administrairix or- the o!f sima isze and proxîmty o ndersigned Solicitorl,/shall then~ largernuiiciplitis. have noti e. lare nuicpaltis.. 'Dated a, Orono, 'Ontarlo, thus Ia Western Ontario, the expemu -2Othday o, July 196, enced. mùskie fîsherman heads for ;tù E. cUTTELL, Lake St. Clair Wohere, almot t Orono, Ont. ia sigbt o! Winsor's mae!ot Administraîtrix some giant f ish jâre taken every -i W. K. LYCETT., Ono, Ont, BeteenNorh By ad SultSolicitor for the ministratrix. St-e Maie on Highwýýay 17 are home 1 jexcellent muskie spots, including O oo Weekiy liMes D A TC Lauzon Lake. Maay think thnt the P110 o \ i.U ORONO Higlies prices r Dead and Dis- Sault area produces oaly trut abled far stock pljikoand pickcrel. It's a fact, 1dYV A T) bhug, tint la the Gohiais River, Lbcust ili, Ontario nortb O! the Sault, a fewv old-tilners Phone Mark arn 1160J, Collect dan pick up a rnuskie almost aaysonsi' okd segry 241 Hour, ,7d y Service. Please cal day. adalhulimn lreanytime. qario Goverameat Lïc- NoV until you get west of ,Port sougha,adathgi an lre ense C 1i i. p Arthur and Fort William, oe, fisi are not regarded as "good. eat- doesthe rue uski dowfer, ia " whea they grow Vo over-sizes, desvie altre msie ds evotee be- that is not Vie case wjih maskin- DOU, LAS SI MPSON/ Thaýre are plenty o! fish taken one.Oro io - Phone43 1 a i nme iakeheart, vofcourse, but tic west will bet that the 1lud- son-Sioux Lookout Area, the Rèd Lake road, Eagle Lake, near Dlry- dca, and tie daddly o! theni ail, Lake of the Woods, are the best on tic continent. Mýost common miethod of fishing for mnaskinongc : Trollint, usiag big spoons or spinners, rnany with bucktail trailers, or double-joiated mu5,kie plugs. Surface baits Wijth Ilpropeller" heads wihdcic kick up aý tremnendous fuss, are popular. Tiere djocs't seem to be 'any way to scare a muskle - the noisier and splasiier tic hait, tie better. Suck- ers about 12 or 13 haches long are Used as live baits. No oie la tic Departmeat of Lands and Forests will guarantee that anyone will catch a muskie anlytime. The fish is moody, partic- ularly la the hot montis. Solme be- lieve a sore mouth is respoasible for 1-is igaoring baits; others be- lieve tuis 15 a myth and tbat the. fisi is simply Jazy in hot weather. It's still true, iowever, tiat inany a fisierman bas watohed a muskic lazily foliow a bait right Vo a boat and tien swim off witi a conteinp- tuou's twist' of a giant tail. Experts advise dipping the mo2 tip ha the water and cutting quick figure eigits to create ail the splashing possible. This, tiey say, makes the fisi mad enough to strike. If aiay not work every tune, but it is c laimed that it does womk on occa- sion. There are times when Vhe muskie fights despeateîy and niadly,~ oti- ers when !I:. subsides almost as "Tint we are serviag Xosüly our ywaýv residents ds seca in the factý that 78% ",o! park users hast year were froni Ontario, five per cent froni otier provinces and 17,%',fromi the Unîted States. ",We will welconic more thous- ands of visitors from our neigibour to the south this year. Completion hast o f the 165-mile stretch o! the T'rans-CanadCa Highway aiong' thc beautiful Lake Superior siore lilac bas openeçi up, a vast ncw re- creational amen hitierto accessible only by train or plane. "An international link With On- tario's 1,453-mile part o! tie Trans- Gýanada Highway wii shortly be afforded by tie aew two-aiation bridge at Sault Ste. Marie "Long before the opening of this great Lake Superior area, the De- partment o! Lands and Forests wns prcpariag Vo meet the public needs sure Vo folio-w. We hope this year Io accomnmodate Up to 400Y camping units la Lake Superior ?Provincial Park; there weme only 54 tiere hast year. At White Lake and other points new pnmks are being pre- pared. Older parks are now being expandcd and imnproved ail across tie province, froni Lake Erie to Kenoma la tie f ar northwest. And, w'hcrever water aad beaches are in- volved, wc are concentrating onr safety, withb protected swimnming treas and other safeguards. Parks for the People will continue to be one o! tie most- important pro- grammes within the comp'lex me- spoasibilities o! Vite Departaent." SInsurance Service0 SInsurance in ail its Branches1 SAuto, Package and Composite o0 SPolijies , Fire, Farrn, Life, Bugl3 y Liability, Marine, Accident and Sickniess, Wind, S Boiler, Fidelity Bond, Etc. 0 gSadie Hamiltong ou Phone, Orono 1R16 FiRS- rR"RTGAGE LOANS W.. KM LYCETT, B.A. Barrîster - Solicitor j In the Offices of I R. R. Waddell Q.C. MIAIN S-.., ORONO /e1ephoine 138 Orono L. J. SURF Chartered Accounlant BV APPOINTMENTS Lycett's frsuranc, Of fice P.O. Box 68, Oronio Phone 12Z51f( INS U R AINC E General & Life SEE FRED LYCETT OFFICE - MAIN ST, ORONO Phone 12516 Res. 11716 JACK REID Ores., 1 Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terms -and dates Phone De r18 - Oromê Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Aution Sales of ail sien and at reasonabl, rat« Communicate wlth himn at Pa" Pe"y1 Ontario- Monuments and Family Memorials Our quality and service leaves nothing tu be desired Ask the person who bought from us- a neigiibour, friend or relit-ive The 1RUTTER GRAINITE OOMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE "Largest Display in Soutliern Ontario" Orono Electric PHONE 129 CONTRACTORpý FOR FARM and qYj5F î Frce Estimate~ Ap., 'TUANCR SAL~ES Promp .i*rd Guaranteed Rpaire tOjçnr;- of Electricajqp~ f'nd ApçjIian. - as A4otors - Wý "a - Ctes - Rdioe,-8. stu- Imm TED JACKSON