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Orono Weekly Times, 31 Aug 1961, p. 8

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OGRONO W-EEkLY TIMES -THUReDAY, AUGUST 3s,16 ~ORONO WEEKLY TIMES oriz-eC1 as SeýCOnd Classma, Post Office Department, ttw Establishied in 1938 by R. A. Forrester R1oy C. Fb-rrester - Editor and Mana1ger Subscription payable in advance In Canada $1,50 Tin U.S.A. S2.50 Publishied every Thursday at the office of publication Municipal Water Neecled The recent report from the Northumbenlafld-DuI'ham Healh Unit to the Orono Police Trustee Board in connection with a water Survcy conductcd ia the Village shows that consideration is event- ~ually going ta have ta be given to the act of estabishing a muni- cipal water supply in the Village. The survey as recorded by the ile4-alth Unit shows that only a f ew m>ore than f if ty percent of the v.ells tested and inspeeted were claimed ta be satisfactory. In 19-55 a sinillar survey was made in the Village when 75 percent of the wý,ells tested~ were 'in grades 1 and 2 and 25 percent in grades 3 and 4. It certainly appears that conditions have flot improved in the past six years but rath'er have gotten worse. The United Counties Department has also pointed out '111 their report that conditions will not imiprove for the water supplies in Orono but wlll get worse as the years advaiice. This leaves that 0rono has only one alternative and that is th-e installation of a anunicipal water supply. When such a move might be granted is one fact that cannot be deterrfined. It can however be stated that Orono is going ta 'have to make the move sometime. The longer such a move is wvithheld the costiier the project igoinig ta be as ail items are stcadyily and have steadily risen ov- er the years. Also the longer Orono waits to instail a municipal ~water sy stem the worse thie preseiit supply tlhroug-h individual wells is going to become. The citizens of Orono are gigta have ta approach the problem on a collective basis and sec that such conditions as now exist do not continue too much longer. Orono, today, is in the mfin- Dity of Villages of its size not having a municipal water supply. Two Days 0f Entertainment The Oronio Fair beinig promoted by thc Durhiamr Central àAgricutural Society is this year a fair wbichi is being staged for twoj full days of entertainment and com-petition.Th dates et course are Friday and. Saturday, Septemnber 8 and 9. The Board of Directors of the Fair have extended the fair into a full two days wiith pienty of activity for Friday as well at Saturdiay. Friday enhances such fLeatures as the 4111 and Junior Par,- m'er exhibits and competitions, the Black and White Show, Har- ness Horse Racingl, Go-Cart racing, and early Priday evening th-e Tobacco Show which includes a tieinig comrpetition, the ahosing of a Tobacco Quen an the crowningil of the Tobacco King. Alon-g wvith these features wîll be the gigantic mridway, farm implem ent displays and the exhibits of interest always held in the Ag-rieultur- al Building. This is the f irst lime in the history of the Orono Fair that ~such a program hias beeni arranged for, the first day of the Fair. Events on tbýs da-y will warrant your attendanc2e as well as on Sat- urda.y when another fuail day of activities have beeni arraniged. 011 Friday pu~blie school children are admitted free while aduits pay a modest 50 cents for admittance. The f air opens at 10:00 a.m. onl Prîday morning. Saturýday's program includes a parade of some 30 antique cars, the hiorsesow the Guernsey show, harness racing and theC appearance of the Kansas Farmer, It rtii ap5ears that the Oronio Fair is weilJonl its way,; apd warrants attendance both on Friday and Saturday of this corn. .ing week _Sec you at flhc Pair. HO1W OTHERS SEE IT- Reasonvs For- Drop-.Outs With so much public money bing spent on education in Cani- adat - fromn 1945 to 1960 the total incrcascd fromi $186 million ta ~$1,426 million -- there is increasing concern aven the problem 0f' school "dropouts", thec yourigsters who do not take full advantage of thein educational oppotunities. An indication of the nmagnitude of the proble mis the recent statement of Ontario Education Min- ister, John Robarts, that, in his province, of evcry 100 pupils whoý ~enrolled in Grade 9 in September, 1L956, only 25 reaohed Grade 13 in Sept-cmber, 1960. Aniother significant statistic is that for the whole of Canada only half of those who enter grade sehool1 carry on to enter High Sdhool. In an attempt to sort out thec reasons why sa many boys and girls leave school The Atkinson Foundation of Toronto has recent- ly flnanccd a study madIe by St. Christopher House, a social service- *organization that operates in the mid-town section of Toronto. It is interesting tha.t a preliminary report on this survey makes no mnention at all of ecaomrnc reasans as a factor ini sehIool dro-pots an apparent contradiction of fLic frequent charge that many Can- adian children must leave school and go to work ta help the family budget. A few of the drop-outs were simpi<'_slý. learners; a few more were round pegs in square holes, youths -who migît have ê>ne well with trades school training but were at sca in aeadernic eaýux-ses or vice.versa. But the main reasan -why the St. Christopber,1os teen- ýagers dropPed out of school was found ta be "lust plain boxedomn." And apparentl~y the clhief cause of his lacIk of interest in educýation_- lay not in thec school, systein or with the teachers, 'but in the at- titude of parents. The ncwspaper story puts it fils way: "Wheni the rrajority of youngsters who f cît they eotilcl go no0 further were asked what they thouglxt they~ were qualified for, most of tliem said unskllled labour, factory worh:, car washing, shipping etc. About 75 per cent of thase who drop ouf of tehool and find a job - cither on their own Initiative or through the National IE-iloymret Service - say they enjoy working but would like f get further training. A significant fa'ctor here is that a good per- oentage of parents are indifferent as ,ta whether their son or c(aughter works or staiys in schooLe' ECPINCARD 0F TH-ANKS 1 HOUSE FOR RENT RECEPTION I wish to sa~~~~~~~~y how deeply grat- A svnro lueo hrh îO~IUiinet fui .1 an to my relatives, friends, ~tet ossinimmediatelyý. __ Mýr. and MIrs, Wm. Wannan, a; -nd the miany Organizations foq Phone 1269, Orono.a- A. .MeKNIM . ibywiibe at hoime to) theiJr their kind enquiries andi expressions aT frîends and relatives froi 2 p.m. to1 of good wishes extended to mne and A.HYSIICAN nd SURGEO 4 p.n ýd from 7 p.m. o n in the to my family whîle I was in Bow,- HSCA anSUGO evening, Saturday, September 2nd, manville Memorial Hospital and CiDER FOR SALE OfficeHours at their residence on the occasion during- my present convalescence at Sweet Apple Cidexr for, sale. 2:" to 4.00 p'm. 7:00 to 8:00 p.m, o their 25th Wedding Anniversary.1 home. I also wishl to thank the. Hos-1 Albert Pos, Phonle 2237 Orono. Saturdays and Wednesdays by aýPj pital Staff, the Nurses, and Cte, appointments onlY Doctors who attended met for ilheir PHONE 1471 OON very excellent and kind servie BIRTH To my business associates and' AUCTION SALE i)aron Iwan t sa hw vry 30 Head PuVebred Angus Catlle. DR. R. J. TAGGART LYCETT -Kay anid Marie (nce much, 1 appreciate the lkind co- 1 Cows, calves at foot; 7 cows due VETERINARY SURGEON Lewis) happily atinounce tebrhoperation and corttýies YOU ex- gu fshull 17mnt eibTer n tiePoo166 rnO* of a daughter Kathie marie, )jj tenfded to Mrs. RuIby Porter, durin-ýguherd 0fC.1w. Ens l. Tohe e so Poeîd61 rno M August 16th, at Bowmanvýille Mem-' MY absenice fr-om the office. I am rn ofth.ut .rEsevantothe Durha orial Hospital, a-p ýdeeply indebted ta hier for her rnny CtoutSaesrena, OronoDonhFm L xt'ra hours of faithfui1 service. da Ses mea, heevning. Lar . BA Fired ,Lyoett. an1io atendthis important Lwence C. asoo, BA Terms Cashl. No reserve. Barrister and Solicitor ______________________J- Reid. , Auctioneer. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. [ INSTRUCTION lm Pîano Violin Organ Singing FOR BEGINNERkS AND ADVANCED PUPILS prepýaratîion for Conservatory Exami mations HENRY 1IIAYEK Organist Orono Unitedi Church 517 Burnhamr St. Cobaurg, Ontarloý H AD I i '61 MONARCITIlaordto] '61 CREV.,- Impala -- '60 CHEV., Impala 4-D& '59 STUDEBAKER, Ha '59 DODGE, Custom Roc owner .... '59 MONARCH, 4 Door '58 DODGE, Sedan, blaci NOTICE TO CREDITORS Phones: EKI THE'-, ESTATE 0F ROBJERT Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 2-55u3 S241THI LITTLE late of tlie Town- HELP WANTED s4ip of Clarke 1ii the CouintýV of Manufacturer requines mnan cap- Durharn, R-1efired Farmnen, deceascd:i able of seiing and thec local distri- Ail1,penýsons Laving cdaimis against bU in Of lationally known frnoduct theu Eýstate1 of the said Robert Smith1- that is in constant demnand. Remun,- Littewho died on or about the eraf ion andI exclusive Iesficted ten- -W hYLCTeBA ,day of January 1961, are hereby iioywl egrnc ates, S1 KYLCTDA notfid a sndtath unerigedfaction of the selectcd party. In- 1 Darster - Solicito)r Executiors or their Soiicitour on orqiie onfidential. Apply: bfrethýe 3th da~y of Septemnben Ontario Pire Prevention & Service, 196, heï nnie a d d'resseLSI 639 Qucen Street East, Toronto, Inh Offices pf and full pariculars of their -,aimrs Onai.acRRWde Q, and the nature of the secunities (if ________________ MAIN ST., ORO-NO any) hcld by tl&m duly verified by EPWN O statutory declaration. An Expcniencc huEkepD r eehoe1 Oronco Immediately affer the saîd 30f h homnemaker for a congeniali bus'n day of September, 1961, the assets ess ýcouple, in beautifuki Toronto of the said deoeased will be distri- suburban home. Excellent wages. therto havig regd ony -thewrie rs. E. A.Byworh,962 LIs-S MF the undensigned Solicitor shaîl1 then have înotice. hrtrdAcCountant Dae, a rn, nai, i4sTO RENT BY APPOINTMENTS Datd a Oonq Otaro,. f4s A 3-noomed 1un-furnished House 31sf day of August 1961. kecping aparment, hcated. Rso- Lycett' s Irsurance Office JOHIN DOUGLAS MoÉFA, able, Phionle rono 1302. a-c P.O.- Box 68, Orono Phone 12510 FRNLNPTmýI ANIMALS WANTED [r yu-)E~ * ROBER FRANLIN RTHERThe Orono Chamber of Commerce IN~U jj NL FO)RD,i are again this year pnomnoting j SU RA N Oron, Onaria. Maconld's Parm at fthcdroino Executors. Fair, Anyone having animnais which' W, K-. TLYCETT, n, Ontanlo, f hey wouild lend for. this exhibif ae, eneral &x Life Solicitor for the Executors. a'sked ta onc R. Fonresten, 109 Onono. Neededl arc young ducks,' SEE pups, on any other animnais wl-içh 7(YUYU Would bc of initerest. a-c1 ___ ___ ___ ___ FRED LILLII -FOR SALE OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO i m1957 Olds. Super S8 Hardtop. Au- Phone 12516 Res. 11716 Sonafic, PRadio, Power Brakes. _______ MAN VILLE MA. '3-2301 D tgSimpsoin, Orono1. taLi DEAD FARMr STOCK Ooomte- gef pnices for Dead and Dis-1 Auctioneer and Valuator ablcd fam stock. I RAY VIVIA.N LTD. Specialize in Farm and Locust Hill, Ontario untr ae Phone Markham 1160j, Collect Couruitm freres 24 Hour, 7 day Service. Picase cal. Cnfltm o em $35. iany.ýtime. Ontario Govcrnmenf Lic- and dates .........1.575 Phone 5 r 18 Oroum iuor Hardtop ........ 2695. [DOLGLAS SIMPSON ardtop......... - 15 95. Orono - Phone 1413 TED JACKSON Furniture Finishedi & Refinished AutoeradVlao .2351600milsInePaperhanging, Woodworking ActioneeAuc and ales o rlu ...... 2360.0Cmiles, onetie Salesofatçil PMw IHadto---------650 Painting- Interior & Exterior and at reasonabi, rat« k (3 such cars) eadt h -895. ~Q, '57 OLDS, Hardtop ............1295. '56 DODGE, Coach...........645. '55 PONTIAC, Sedan ...........79)5. '55 PONTIAC, Coach................. 645. '5ý5 METEOR, Sedan. ............645. '55 FORD, Sedan VS Automatic ......... 79-5. '55 PONTIAC, Sedan, V8........... '54 FORD, Sedan . ~200. '52 F ORD COACH .,......150. '51 PONTIAC, Sedan ..........,... 125.. TRUJCKS-.. '55 LNERCURY '/'-ton ... , 625. '50 CHEV., 1%ý/-ton, dual 'wheels.......495. HARLY HYES,Bces. MA. 3-2301 HARLY HAT'ESRes. MA. 3-7#218 Ha.îil.ms o 's i o Isrance Service Insurance i-n aHI ts Branches Auto, Package and Composite PoliCi!es , Pire, Farm, Life, Buirglary, L[ability, Marine, Accide-nt and Sickness, Wind, Boiler,. Fidelîty Bond, Etc. Sadie Hamilton Phone, Orono IR16~ FIRS- MnRTGAGE LOANS I~ I ~~*=~O1=.O~ Monuments and ~Famiy Meinorials Our qLualty and service lbaves nothing to be deired Ask the person who bought from ue. a rneighbour, friend or rli--4 9The RTJTTER GRANITE SPORTX HOPE "Largest display in' Southern o Ontario"' Orono EIectric 9 - PHONE 129 - CONTRACTORS FOR SI FARM and HULSE WIRING wFree Estimnates- u M JANCE SALES jPrcOmp . and Guaranteed Repairs IJItoaP ~ in4of EIectrica piioî O ~ id AppFn,;J- as M'4aa~otors . W ater ~'- Lim-

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