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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Oct 1961, p. 1

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October l9th, 1961,, Orono, Ontario,~ '-u'Sunday Fire Destr4>ys Local JIouse i j U ire Sunday denn'toal 1s-, are residing with 1 reatives in- troyed a bouse ~and the upstair con-! ono until th,ir rjew home is ýr, [entfS when efforts failed to subdue' pleted'on the CoLunties ROad west', Omýw w the fDames which werJ f irsi repç>rt- Ifof o J ci ond 8:30 D.m. The house was Th-e lire is believed to have start- j G wned by MrAus. àD Harnes 'jnd vwas1 ed in the cldmney.« located on the fifth Ilne just.west! of the nai eoetv ro. S hen Mr. and r. M. Adas an fmi, DURHAM ANNUAL. FARM f ,were residents in the h-.3use ai tliel SAFETY RALL Y Swas aiý npleted.I 0.00 wort ed in the itwo hea, 41000 b years supL bead 0f around t] treof the îire. S Iroyeo Efos to stop the fire \7wlth the The Annuai Durham .Councyi aid of portable equipnient failed Farm Safety Rally will¶ be held in erty of Mr. but did however reýtard t'he progress thie Orono Town Hall on Friday, ýstroyed by aof the blaze. Water bail to be »ump- j November 2th at 8:00 p.m. ,with a lossI ed f rom the neaiiby strearn some Tl-& cauise l 000 fee.t distant as the cisteri on' The Guest Speaker for the even-, the property wjas dry. Ing Will be Mr. D. O. Gibb>, Ariul With the ald of local jesldent-s tural Engineering Specialist, Ont- wbarn iiot tefrisig1n hedwntiario Uepartment 0f ,Agriculttrý,, wassavd icluingmajr ~emsBrightoni. The prize mioneýy for theý th of as a cdeep îreeze. Alil rnshn and Durilharn Safety Poster CO'mpetIîtIonj barn W~scîothn* in the upstairs were des-W1 lob ad t~4 n.A ly of hay.. and Mrs. Adams and family corne ta attend. purebredl lie barn a tt3 L~ L ~ ~ L. fire but escaped Iany rJ. tUtL4iULI iirrmeu 4.J[inueriaeq blaze. r0 IP. rh1 The Payne farmin1s located on lot j and 4, Broken front of Clarke,i cuth-east of Newvtonville. The Port Hope Fire Dep)artme'nt 'ere at the scene of the fire. - 1j 3i. ijrono jFaira prizes. Mr. Cecil Cari showed movies which were muc. aliy those 0f Ore bout thirty years Trudy Sailows of entertained us wit ectis on piano ater which v1s Lt- Married 'n Por Perry United Chureh recenltly, Mr. and Mrs. TMacý- ns eil Boyd are makingter home in Oshawa. The bride, the formier tsNormra Audrey Rdbinison, Is the daughiter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley ftab, es Inson Of Porlt Perry and the bridiegroom is the son of Mr. and Mirs. J, A. W. 'Boyd of Orono. I5- xj]ý Gr'ay --uiaowelliidn %vas most enthlus- irito. Luanhanrd neluded a mosti lieve tney now have a pla. will work by selling eggs o type, similar to the method use by the Hog Producers. i exemptions wo'uld be made duoers who marke't their ov, ~by direct sale to customners *&hers would hb <f ferdfor IApretty weclding of interest was >of the 'bride and Mr.. Lar f "hl observed at Oronoô United Church'tBelle-ville, brotlier of the i 3Zr-ý at 4 p.m. Septniber 30, 1961 %Whenf w>r uslws. reetHelen Anne, dauigkter of Mr. andj h reception was heldi Sbride of Mr. Andr'ew Edward Gray,, mothier in Mlue lace, white'1 So-Tills'onburg, son of NMr. and Mrs. A. pink corsage.. Thke groorn's one in! Gray, Bellevle. assisteri [n figured green ited ai Rev. Basil E. Long, Orono, was green hat and yellow cor1saj sightW assisted. by ftev. R. C. White, New- After a furkey dinner seï 'n im tonville in the double ring cere- Shiloh W.A., Rev. Long wa wrong mony. master. Mr. Arthur' Lampo. ctures Tme bride, given in marriage b Y nto, p nopos he toast pis.iLetilua the actuai selling pricel j - -- - fi lc1i l 1 e -ii xtr ie e US..points wit! of th'e Junior boys price wouid be published, It was' te ul length of the fr-onlt over ro-yal bu ne pson, Orono with Idefinitely felt that quotations now Kziteduin ly pit. Te ong seeves hat. ýMilIbroolt and B. piiblished by tihe Press are prices o! 14n-endd hfhié oins. he îngr t Nl r. and Mrs. Gra it both with 11 eggs sold under distress. More wiîî veil wàs held by a small jeweIled Tiflsonburg, Wheret th nemdat>b ~ad ffli la ae s1tWl crown piece and the bride èarried, accontant wlth f t h e I n er ed at ý b h ea d f his p l n at r s i w llw h t e c a rn atio n s, lh u es a n d C a ad a T h b r winner of the'first be niecessary to form a Mark-WiIAofhteCae nada h'rlH hy was Willis Bar- eting Plan to coinply wvith the- Act. IUteCPovaciloTheiS frae"wssn-sxada afyas h 17 points. Tl-e ýmeeting decided to hold ftheI u P ieii4HInter-GLu101 hM.enord's Prae"wasle gsi ada aîhya fthe girls' cham- Annual Meeting thîs year in Dar-j Competîtions at the O~ntario Agri.IyM.GenA1,Ncate 1j Guests, were reoeiv ýs f ollows: Junior ling-ton Township - in Haptn f cultural College on Friday, October also sang "Because" before the ce,,-,o h rispr ýcock, Orono, witb arrangemnents can be made. Theý 3h h - lbMnbr rneoyeeig Ilbeoo with~ -i3t, the4-H Clb Menbefs îom exony anRossPrfect ove" fter eening ediate Girls, Shar- date will be the hast Saturday iin Durbiam County 1 Thssa it r.RssHloelBw e bride was fi illbookwit 18Noveriâber, Nov. 25, and will be a winning in tbree competitions as manvihle, organistý,. marriage at two nner of the Senior, noon banquet. It was confirmed -the wel11 as making an excellent show,- Mrs. Don Hart, Toronto, matron showers in Toronto Eu i i5bok ustsekr iib heOFA ng in the fourth competition.Te of honour, Miss LulubelIle Matthews H artadMisLl Resdet, r.Wn.Tiden wo wîîPoultry Team with Larry Welsh,j of Toronto and Miss NaneyHalw hostesses. A miscell suceessful day as sea on bis recent trip to the L..1 3ow"manviIJle, R.jR. 4, and Garry Je Ë- 1 el, siste2r of the bride,asrie-attrkilwsa excellent anid -good AP. Conjferencc. fery, Bowmianville, R.R. 3, plaoedI maids, were aike' la bot pink peau Brian 'Ca'swelfl w'ith ts shown tbrougb. 'l'le Executive were appointed to f irst in the Poultry Comnpetition- de soie dresses and matching sboes. Mrs. Bill Wade, Mis mieet with a comimittee tr- rve with a score of 893, h4etli'e I The rosette beadpieces were of tbeý Mrs. Norm-an Aud Stralthroy 4-H- Poultry Club froni saine material surrounided wi'tb veîl-1 Norma Ihallowell as MdlsxCounty placed second and ig They are acdso ht The office staff Kemptille rom Genvije County, I pois and J8ettertime r1oses,Dison f e third. Mrn Don Hart, Toronto, wasbetwhe the bride wo t an. MUr. Gerald H1allowvell, brother h.br wîtb, a beautifui Fat Knox of HIampton, R._1, ________________________ and Harold Yellowlýýees, R.R. 1, En-' p, ikilil representing the Durbian 4HGrain Club t'pd h rain- Compeition against tit-be lcInls wt a score ofp8 aeoî i vas scodand Prs4-H1 Grain- Clb rim Brant Counut'placedý, f hrd. 1Th r fa: The Dra 4-H Senior Dairyý Caif CiLlb) meithmn i ev- ent-seenteamns place dfirst witb Ia s ore of 9ý23. Teain membr Wr Pauïl Tamiblyntý, Oronoan Douglas Jose, Newcastle. The secon)-d pla"ce 'em as Itatf 1 c lyth 4-H Dairy Club from Huron out wbie tird went to South outi and B rinston-H-11CaIf -Club from-o DudsCounty. A new competition isyear11a - the 4-H Sbeep Club omnpetition and -the Durham Couty teami witbi G~lenn Quinney o! BownianvIile aid - unes *BEviXs of Blackstock plaedÎ f ourtb. The winining team ii fibis c ompetition ,vas f roma Brant Couiy n hile second was Wellington ail ....................................... third Lincoln. The teamns were coDacbed by the Club Leaders, namely Ron Brooks Ea ri, Bihflibrook, for tbe ?oultry Club; IFrancis Jose, M.hlbroo, andDairy Club; James Cootobes, .Sbeep rono, wiflner of Club; Bruce Taylor, Grain Cliu4; and O. . Dairymple, Agricuturai Rep- resentaflive, Durbamn County, been meetin f0 the tu esult of a meeti] Wedesayof ast \wej Iba.n ten present. The rm(eeting dliscusse( interest s n athe wbvicb, if continue'd, wo woork of the -AssoCiatior t!-bat a sociaql a enteri ing Couic! Possibly fcreý terest for tbe annual n Plans w'ere laid for t]- Fridlay, October 20tb in -arouse çurîosity andJ Association is iwakdng1 a basket-ball -game coic 8S:00 to be followed by the annual meeting with dancing i-n he ïn uML For the basket-bll p, Or, Tues th-,e oroll in toucli m mtnnual ebieerleaderýs 0 as h'ard as ti, ed by toast- ~ tlie' 1

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