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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Oct 1961, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THL To Lacy Corner Stone 0f Clairke High School On Novernber-- 2nd The- Cobourg District, Collegiate stujdent at Por>t thope and hler Du,,ýrham Counity district kghsehol bote is in grade 9. Intiut Bardl has agree'd to pay ByP a co -t ourt judgement t ise board tuftion ýfees for Joan amind r- Cbugbadwsodrdt a id May to attend Port Hope Hig,ýh Mis0ay'-tes nhe grcound that .Sch3ool in 1961-62. 'Fhe two M.ay PrtHoe iglh owas mr (ciren live in Hmlo onl cesbefor lher. -l ich coules under MheCoboiurg ]1iniother businoss transa ctedciat board's jurisdietion. the mreeting, Itke board decided tc) The Durham Board! has eevdda He a11,1altea chers dinner. a cýheque, for $1062A12 to coerti- ithI more than 80 teachers inh lionji fees iii previous years fort Joan fv isrc high sdhools, i wa lVly from the Gcobourg hoardý, W. 33 f P m r prdi(al to hv ob )tth Durham board atlits mIl-lycenre f1loal oar ,mebers wish- meigheid -il -rono ilastWdnsedia Orono FrfiheC 1.st AnnuctL BALL~ Friday, Octobeir 27, 1961 MIUIC BY THE RIEBIELLAIRES PRIZËS For the Eesàt Costumne, the Best Coupfles COsturt-e and fer the Most Original Costumne Admi;ssion $2.00 per couple. 09 ln Newr - s~r,1ths Manday nighv t tth FThéoing ti Monda h l- of two ho(urs. r lthro h ODronlo High eho staff wil con,- duci th clpasses. Arragemnt for thse tpigclass were made thý flrough ithe Clarke Township Recreation Cmiso~ The Commni-ission ils sF111 open for re-gistratons for thie squiare dancing class, the Camera Club, the Egii and also the French class. At thie present turene ot enough have sil- rolled ia either of these to warrant the operation of classes. If you are inîtereste'd in aay of tise above yoUi are askeld ta contactr Laverne 33Boydl, Orono. as soon as possible. Brownie News The Orono Brownies held Erl ment Exercises on Tuesday aiight Mien sevea browasies were enrol- lied. A aumber of mothers were aiso preseat for the meeting and the enrolmeat. Those earolling on Tues. day were Wealdy Mercer, 'Kathy -Middlletson, Charlotlte Drinkle, Dor- een I{azeiton, Jeanne MlcRoberts, Honnie Barlow and Vicky Ho1ime- wood. Other activities ncludled test work, singing songs aad gaines. The cmeeting ciosed with prayer and laps. * ~- _____ - LAIES' IJATS /3off any of our Ladies' Fali and Winter t~mover. They are of eyceptionally fine quality rtewes-ýt. Atl the new Fali hds Afew Dress.es, satie slightly sojfed Sizes $22.50. Hats. Corne la and Ioak and the styles the ta 18. Regular Values to SALE PRIICE $3.95 LADIES BLOUSES zeveral louses in --Otton and te-rylene, slight!y soiled. R egular $3.50 ta $k0. izes12 ta la. YOUR CHOICE $1.95 LADIES' BLAZERS Wrool flainnel Blazers with whiteco ,rd triai.r SiZes 18 a ýnd 20. Reyular $9.95. B0YSý JEANSSALE PRICE;' $2,95 Boys' iraed jeans, sané shade. Sizes 8, 10 arrd 12 years. Regulaýr $3r75 ta $475., SALE PRICE $2.75 1MEN'S IIUNTING COATS MerCs Huntinq Coats 0f heavy canvas With 1100d. Ait -ftilly lined. PRICED AT $11.50 OMEN'S IIUNTING BOOTS OPzs tarnne Hunting EBots. isulated for wa rmth. - PRICE PER PAIR $16.50- sWEATERS M pnUsu'Ve r Svje atersý. cashmrere finish, jshrinkprdoof anmi mothpraQf. Sizes 36 te 42. ReguL,ýr' Ivalues to$9. Your choice prk-ied at $4.95 .eA opon ,Icnday s Armtrn' Navy. Wine, and red. Friday and Sat-urday Open Ail Day Wecinesday C. Cl ass of the Port Hope High '- ita itedailtuanlcn frneNovonimber 23-25 at Windsor. ~wrh istrctofte ncftrlo Secodary Sehool Teachers' Feder Th(,oadaloheard a reportlý! oGn the relocaflon of thle outdoori rink at the Port Hope H-igh School.1 'Thle ground has been graded aidi hydrho poles put in place. Pte hasý ai been coanedted pendingu9 th-,e buildinig of a changehus heethse panel board will bie locat- cd. The rink wvas mnoved to rmakoi vay -for, the -new vctinlwing. igtschool courses At Port Houe were approved. The , (corner ste o f ithe aew ~d y hebordchiranJ , T. aicident at thie Farestry. Mrs. Chatterton a-id Mrs. F.ý Brimacombe are both patients iný the Bowmaafille Memoriai Hospital Tuesdlayý eveniag the 0rn r Department received a cal! for what' was beleived t0 be a fire at the north end of the Village. Tseý f ire equipment proceded to the pro-ý perty of Mn. A. Pigdit -wiere it was t1lought 'the lfire existed. On arrivai it was found that the blaze was on1 the Sikma faxsm straight eýast of Piggott's where fence posts were being burnit. Th'le Orono Players who presented- the "Purple Door Knob"' et the Or- ona Draina Festival- have entered the saine play i-n the Peterborough, Festival wisich wiii be 'held very shortly. Mr. Les Aslcet is direéting the play with t'ise cast being Mrs.ý Aslett, Mrs. R. Johnson and Mrs. D.ý PoYwell. A onec-aet play froin the Bowmani- ville Draina Club bas aiso been e-n-ý tered ia the Festival with, Mrs. E. H. Samuel being- the direàtor. -Mrs. E. Grady returnedt by plane' froin iPittsbturg last week whlere shie viitdwillhber son, Mn. andc Mrs., Geýorge Gray.cv The egua C.G.T.metn wa id on Mji oadc,,'(ay, Oictber231rd at; 7:30 p.m. la Oronïo Unistd G rc.ý Thiere ,vereceg, girls prescnlat n ficcllectiaai wals $1.0,5. The m-ïeeting bga by repeaiag the- C.G.I.T. Purpose. We tliea had1 the ali to Worship ia wiich every- an-e took part. Hyma 48,-'0 was sungý fowdbv a prayer and the Bene- su-rrs reports vwere thea giïvenl. Our buLisineiss wais ciscui-ssedc. The girls' colleeteIýý toys and books whlchi we gave)taIlle Adcams fanily. WVe also dliscussed mur pro-jects for fiis year. Our 1-new officers -were cisen at this meeoting b, eing: Pre(ýsidenlt, Don naiu Couvier; Secret-ary. Banniie Cou- 1 v io t re a ur r, L y n a i B ýai e y ; P u b - lîc-itY Direditar.. Carol Vagg,,. We(-also u'huse a'lunchcomtte Ail of the ginls v1u0teedtahlp ýwith Junlior Coagr egatio i. We plaly-J ed severalIne and tchemetn ciosed with taps. Our aext meeting -isNoenr 6th and ah gýirls 13 years- or ovfer, are welcoiue. 1 - Carol Vagg UNITED CKURCN Orono Past'oral 'Charge Minister Re-. Bsi ong CHURCH SER.ViCES orona - Il ,ar.. Kirby - 3 p.mf. Leskard -7:30 p.mn. SUNDAY SCHOOL Orono - 10 a.mf, Leskard- 1:30 pn. Kirby -2'-p.m. Your heati'ng systemU Fmake you ,ai HOT FHEA D?7 et unijfo'rm floor tocelfa om rtwhanw Christmnas Cards, 51 Beautif ul Cards f amily favourite assortmient. Box for......... 69e Men'S Good Quality Initial White Hankei-chiefs 25e Teen-Age Bonus Pack. Book, Bell and 24 Modess Napkin's. Ail for, ............ .. 79e tour-quoîse. 2 gallon sîze ..... .. . 69c IORONO 5C-. TO $1.0(O STORE j OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS "t--'- W! N N N s- s- N N Flyiag Officer Charles Waiker, Mris, Walker and faml]y of Garni Borden spent the weekend with thel laliters parentsMr and Mrs. C. V.ý Cooper. MissFranis alker, 'Nurse in tra il]in-g at'- hwaspent the1 eel - eeld wihhrgrandparenitMrad Mrs. C. V. Cooper. Mýrs. Freeman 'dyJas been a patient lin the Bwaa l em- anial :Lospital. MrIi. aid Mrs. Alex -ïnmmond, Torato speatMthe 'm eeier i ith Mri. andMrs. A. A: Diunitnond. Mi,î:ss Ciarmaine Nc\wmiran had a ýo;tin foripeaiiin AtS Bcwmanille emort L Hospista neaylst week. Mn. and Mirs. Russeil Robins of Bowmanille wre Stnday Visitars wruh M's HeerSoulh--. Torata i stedov'er theweed ~xKh M. W J.Leam)ren. spen theweeknd wth r.ïanti Mr.CrEilings. In heaccua of fLilOono Hor- ticuturl Metig, lain s ee paper, the ame oGf Mrs. Eveiýeïte Braýwn wl auccomipaled(r! Mrs. Mr. m. Moýffat is a patient -I MrIis. Jack Hludson retuiund hom e on) Fr,_iday from nthe hospital where, -1 -1 - af .z, an OIL.FIRE wintcrair cnioe "hot pots"and extremetepr-I tlure variations . . . giveS youl evenl om frm floor to ceil-ling .. fomrn to room. And the air is I kdlemian an fiitered at al times, too," Look0 ýa t these m.oneY-saiving fea- Mturcs. *ew Exclusive Qudi~VC Baer istgntydelivers wara a'ir then shiýfts'to igh lispeed as fraereaches maxiillUl?1 out- pu.Afteýr burner stops, blower circu1atecs residual heat, at 10w spe-ed (ta - prevent unpleasat "daf", then cuts off automnati- cýally... prevents hot and coid " oYrs f air from f ormiflg. New Filter Sentine! guards a- gainst clogg 1-ed 'filters, cuits fuel lasses . . . signails when filters need attention. 5 VEARS TO PAY LOW DOWN PAYMENT SMALL CARRVING CHARGE Carman ,Plunbing & lleatingl J PHONE 143, ORONO, ONT. HA L LO'W E'E N Masks ............. 5e, Vo 79c. Costumes ........-...59c to79e Box of Stage-linè Make-up ..39c -Mustaches ................15c -.Disquise Sets containing Sidle- -Burns,, Goatee & Mustache 45 c Sani1-tized Wigs.......49e R'oaïsted Peanuts in shieli, il ounce bags..... 2c Hallowe'en Gum- Drops, Party ixue n Molasses Kisses. -ý-,tr n Bocy's Printed Flannel Shir-ts, assorted colors andl patterns. Sizes 2 Vo 6x. This weeIks special ,1 '77c ' KnIitting YarIP, A i nyon, large selection of colors to hosefrom. This week,. ... 31. o3for 89c Se Boy,'s Lined Panlts in popular checks, well tailoredj from goo90d quality mnateial, sizes 8 Vo 16. P r. à28 >5~liIPpers, Men's Dutchl Plaid Operas, sizes 6 to M. Pair for.............. $.51 1Kerchiefs, Ladies' Plain, Water Repellant, ýEm - 11 bossed Rayon. Red Star. Special ,,3,r 2fr 9 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N s-t N N N 'N N s-- N N N N N N N N Ni ~~1 N N * N -'t N s-t 't N N N N N 2 N N ;~1 -t -t "t -'t--, N N * N N N N N -i N -i N N * s -N -t N N --t N N N -t-t N N N -t N "t N N N * y N N --t t-t N -s- N N N -t -I -'-t -'t N -'t -4 --t 't "t N --t N -4-t .5 j m

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