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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Oct 1961, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY &[ FIELD RESULTIS Thne complete rsutsofthlri- sehool track and field mi-ee b)e1twee-n Cart:Wright, Orono 0and Milbrooký Righ Schools held at .Blackstock Or. WMednesday of last week were - leased on Friday. Orono camne out top w1ih23/ points; Millhbrook, second \wlth 195; and Cartwright, third witl, 931/2, Junior Girls' Events Ornotie9.8'; Linda Qreeniwood,' Ornoled Julie -Armstr.-nng, MVil- unigBroad Jump - Lynda1 TyriOrono dist. 13'Z'; Peggy IHncock, Orono; Caro, lan, MiII-ý stan1ding Broad Jump - Nancyý Stanilandf, Cartwrigh- '8" Les-' J(ie Campbell, Orono; Carol Blyth,i Cartwright Hop, Step and Jumip -Vicky Chard, Oôo 59 2Car-ol (lan, IMýlllrook;Lý:eslie Canbpbe, Orono. HIigh Jump -- Leslie. Camfpbell,i Grono 4'l"; Peggy Haneo, )-'Orono; ,JuUi, Armistrong, Millbrook. DicsThrow PgyHacc' Oro îo 0c5';Shirley E -lganMili- 1b 'ck; Shirley de Jonig,Catigt S'f4tballThow PeggyHacc Oroo 16'912-; CristineMar tese rono); Lea)h McK.ee, Cart- V7,,leyljall Speed Throw - -1: Don a Done, Carol Raim, La M\CKe-e, Cartwritght: 2. Linda Pears, Juidy H-ancock, Leslie Catmpbýell, Or- onoa; 3. Joan Arm1-strong-, Vlcky Meed, Mary Liesemer, Mýillbrook. 44-adRelay Race - 1. Juie! Armsr~gJoanArmstrong, Catrolý Clan, lcky MeedI, Mllbrook; 2. Pegpy,, Hancock, Linda Greenwoý7od, Chriisfihe Aaartense, Lynda Trel Orn;3. Nancy Stanila!hd, Marlon-. Bradburn1, Doi. Doney Helen JunorGirs'Champio-0l] P eggy HaccOronio 21 poIn1ts. Pitermiediate iril'Events 100 3ya11(d dash1 - Sharon 1!Cannon,! MillIbrook timne 13.2;GaeWîls Orono; Bonnie BecwMlbok Runihig Broad Jump -Shiaron Cannoni Milhirook 12'8": Gayle(- Willis, Oronio; Sandra Teninyson StnigBroad Jîump - Bonnie Blencowe, Illbok6l;Sharonï Cannon, Mllbrook; Sandfra Tenny-, H1ýp, Step and ti Jup -- Gayle WllOrorno 26'5"; Lynda Ilogg, Millbrook; Bonnie B~lencowe, Mili broýok. B:igh Jump-) - Sharon Cannon,' Laurel Mackie, Cartwright; Donna McLaughlin, Cartwright Discus Throw - Laurel Macie, Cartwright 78' 8"; Bonnie BlenccYwe Mi!lbrook, Sharon Tatblyn, Orono. Softball TIirow - Gayle Willis,ý Oýrono141>" Lynda Hogg, II brook, Linda Allen, Oro.no, Vol~alSpeed Throw -1. Don- na Couvier, Mary Jane Brought, Paitsy Jones, Orono; Laurel Mackie, Donna McLaughln, Anne G1bson, Cartxliht;3. Lynda Hogg, Bonnieý Elencowe, Bet-ty Raper, Millbrook-. 440 yard Relay Race - 1. Sharon Ca-,nnon, Betty Raper, Lynda H-ogg,1 Bo3ý-nnie Blencowe,Mjlrok Gaylc WliJoan Ransberry, Sharon Tambni,lMary Jane rouhOr-i onoI Laur-el Mlackie, Donn1a Mc- TenInyso,Cartwrighit. SfIntermdediate- Girls' Chîampion: Shation -CannIonI, Millbrook 18 pts. Senior Girls' Epents 100-yard Dash -- Normi-a Earl, Miflbrook; Bonnie MIount1joy, Cart- wih;Margery Tyr-reil, Orono. RunnLing Broad Jump Noirma arMilibrook; Mdargery Tyrreil, G)ronto; BonnieMonoy Cat wr.ighit. Standling Broadt Jump - Norm-a, EnMillbrook; Margery Tyrreil, Orono; Edith- Nimigan, Millbrookl. Hlop, Step and Jump - Normia EaýrL, Millbrook; Bonnie Mdounitjoy, Carwriht;Edith Nimigan, Mill- brook. H i Jurmp - ElaineMonjy Carwriht;Marg-ery Tyrrell, Or-, onto; Sylvia Lawrence, Cai-twnliglh-.' Discus Throw -- Norma )EarI, MfiIbrook; Fenna Rienstra, Ooo areeRansberry, Orono. Softhall Throw - Normna Earl, MIlhrek;Sandra Mercer, Orono; vîreyTyrreil, Orono. VolyalSpeed Throw\, - I. El- aine MAotunljoy, Sylvia La.wrence, MaoSheila -Barrabali, Darlene(ý RanberyOrono; 3. Norma Eanl, dthNimigan, Brendla DaVldso, 40Relay- Racýe - 1. Edith Nimi- gan arenPeterson, Brenda Davil- son, Ntormna Earl, Mlillbrook; 2. B3on- fit untoyBct'h Strongl, Elaine Mountdjoy,,Sylvia Lawrence, Cart wright; 3. Margery Tyrreli, Fenna Reinistra, Sheila Barraball, Mary ' oun!d, Orono. SeiYGirls' Champion: Norma Earl M-llbrok,30)points. unior Boys' Events 10-adDash - Gordon Simrp- soOrono; Gnoron Cowling, Orono;p aidWotteni, Cartwrih-t. 220-yard Dash - CrIaigPafry Milro;Gordon Simpson, Orunio; Dane Rogerson, Orono; David Wor-1 teCarItwright tie. 88-ard Dash - Craig Pýalfrey-, Milro;Gordon Simpsoni, Oprno; DaeRogerson, Orno Runnlling-, Broad Jump - Gordoný Simipsonl, Orono; Gord-on Cowling, O10rono; Bruce Beacock, Cartwriîgh't.ý Hop, Step andi Jumnp - Dane R-og-' erson, Orono; Gamey, Lycett, Orono; Bruce Beacock, Cartlwright. H1-igh Jump -- Harold Rein-str, ;Or-ono; -Bruce Beacock, Ci-twrig«It; Davi\id Wýotten, Cartwrig'ht. Foie Vault - Br-uce Beacock, Cartwright, Gamey Lycett, Oronio; Cordon Simpson, Orono. Discus Throw - Gamey Lyoett, ýOrono; Brian Glus, Millbrook; Da- - G-ut (amey Lycêtt, Orono Gordon Simpson, Orono; Bavid Bal- lingali, Cartwright. 440 Re4ay Race - 1, David Wot- ten, David Ballingall, Reg Renouf,ý Bruce Beacock, Cartwrighvt; 2. Brani -Gillis, Ken Thorne, Brian S tewart, Crag Palfrey, Millbrook. J unior Boys' Champion: Gordon1 -Simpson, Orq>no, 20 points. intermnediate Boys, Events 100 yard Dash-David EarI. Mill- 1brook; Robert Robinson, Orono;I 1 Howard Stapleton, Orono. D- oE z DRYERYESAL g $168,00andg gFRZE LANKET g $2995value includedg ORONO ELEGTRIC ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 129 g FOR RENT hrec ooms unfurnishied heated. Reatsoable. Phonie Orono 1302. FOR RENT - Self conitaine four-roomed Apart LOST Heefrdsteer, appro-Jimately' 800 Ps., ecenl ehorned. Strayed from Lot 32, Conl. 4 on Ociof)er l9th. Anyonie knowinig its whelleabouls1 phione 5r18, Oronlo.a- NURSING HOME Dcwnstairs Accommodationis for Ladie at est ome. Plione Ororuo a3l8.h-p01 - COMING EVENT The Ar-nual Thank-Offering Ser-ý vice for LePskard United Church wl ,,, held on sunlday, oobr 9ha 7:30 pm. The 1Rev. Geerlof ùk hlorstBA., B.D. of Tyronievwill be- the ues, peaer.Specýial .mu-sic will !e poie yteTrn Cl-nir.a-c HO1,T TURIKEY SUPPER f- :30on POPPY DAY Plopplies will be so)ld by membeis ville, ini Orono and district on Fri- day anid Saturday, Noebe"rd and 4thri. b-c DIED- ARMURJames Ade -At the Otbr2lPt, 1961 Jamnes Andrexv ýA-rmour, aged l78Seas Res-ted at thie lBarow Funeral Hom, PrkSt-, Orono, for seryice lI 1d :30 P.mt. on Tuesday, ýOctober 124th.Linterment MutPesn .Cemetery, Toronito, Ont. 220 yard Daslb -Dýavid Earl, Mill- b ýroo k; Howýard Staplelton, Or'ono; 88-adDash -- Roderiek Me-1 Dowell, Millbrook; Kelth Swarbrick oronol; Brian Staniiland, Cartwright Running Broad Jumip - Gary Mc- Mackin, Orono; Bruce Gibson, C-art- wrighlt; Howard Stapleton, Orono.i Hop, Step and J ump - Howardý Stapleton, Orono Gary McMackiin,, Orono; Roderiek MeDowelI, Mllh1ý Hlgh Jump -- Dennts Mercer, Or-ý ono; Keith Swarbrick, Orono; Day-' id Earl, Millbrook.1 Foie Vault - Bruce Gibson, Cart-i wrlght; Roger Challice, -Mllbrook;, Dennis MAercer, Orono-. Disus Thirow - Kelth SwanlŽický Oronio; Redlerlck MeDüwell, Milli- brook; Bruce Gîbson, Cartwright. Shiot Put- Brucýe Gibson, Cart-1 wright:; David Earl, Millbrooki; KlhSwarbrick, Ooo 4,40 Relay Race - 1, Hloward! (taffleton, Robert Robinson, Gary_ McMcknKeit' Swýxarblrick, Orono 2. Roger Cal e Henry Earl, Lar- ry Thoympson. DJavid BEan. Mllbrook,ý 3. Bruce Gibson, Brian WalkeLr,l Brian Grayr, Joe Frey, Cartwrigj-t.ý Intermed ialte Boys Champion: avdEarl, Millbrook 14 points. Senior Boys -Events 10-adDashi - Willls Barrabal Orýono'; Barry Woods, M\ilibrook;ý RgrBarlow, Orono. 220-yard Dash - Willils Barralbail Orn;Barry WodMlbok Peter .tuart, Milibrook. 88-adDaSLb - Glenn Fallis, Milbrok;David KteCartwnrgj t, aryWoods, NMillbuook, R1uning11 Broad Junip -Wullis Barr1-1abail, Orono; Roger BarlotVr,, O1rono; Peter Mantel,Catngt Hlop, Step and Jumup- dobe Milbrok;Wayne Hogg lIlbrookc; Hîfgh J ump - Wayne Hogg, Miii- bro;Peter Vand(erheul, Cart- wrig-ht; Wvillis Barrabaîl. Pole Vaul't--Dav7id Challice, Mii-, brook; Wayne Hogg', Milbr-oo,ý;l Peter Vanderlheul, Cartwnight. D)iscu.s Tihrow P-eMter Suar't, Rog' Barlow, Oronlo. shot Puit - Peter Stuart,,- Miii- brook; Gary Hopkins, Millbrook, Roger Barlow, Orno. 440 Relay Race - 1: Brad, Medil, Peter Stuart, Wayne H-ogg, 'David Challice, MUilfbrook; 2: Wiliis Bar- raba-ll, Roger Barlow, Douglas Bar-1 rabail, George Chard, Orono; 3,:. David Kyte, Peter -Mantel, Peter Vanderheul, Floyd Argue, Cart- wrlighit. Senior Boys' Champion -- WilIisl iBarrabail, Orono, 17 points. Space Heater, equipped VWitI:iIa mnd oih tankýs. ,Mrs. 'M. J. Tamrbly.vc-t- FOR SALE GnrnBaby Carnage-,-can be covete om car bed, jiso a baby, JumpInl)ing Chair. -Both fr105"0 Phonie 34Il]1(. FOR SALE Cook tove(Halrniston) also / codcutl od ½cd odnot Ray Tornt 0-11rno.IRP,2. FOR SAL!E One usd aparment ize Fii ireRerierto in good conditio0n 0',dtrcivl rcdat $75.00. Poe1121 or 1749, Orýono. a-. FOR SALE- Masey ergson35 Diesel Dem-, Allis Ch!almi-ers Tracitorý and Plow N775.00..Newcnditioni. clbad Tille, gond condition. Nw 3 frrw international t3 foroiyrulcPlw Trctr Anu,ýTCEDre CprEadr 16. MilbooOn. - A ply ox 4, Oronontro YOU CAN BEGIN CAREERTRAINIING SAT ANY TIME SThe Obw Business College, ,Jis Open ah ve-ýar and ourG method of individJual instruction .permits you to start a. any time 1P S8 Day-School Courses from which to choose 1 EVENING CLASSES TUESDAY and THURSDAY J 7M00ta 9-.00 p.m. 0 S Choice of Subjects -1 S Special Classes~ for i '-osewýives - SnflxworksrS f fl Teen-Age Typists' pÔ FREE LITERATURS f g AVAILABLE g 10j Simcoe StreetNot 13 Dial RA. 5-3375 InsuraD zlcD serice~oco gInsurance n iSeBranchesg gAuto, Package and Composite Policies, Fire, Farm, Life, Burglary, Liabiîity, Marine, Accident and Sickness, Wind, g Boiler, Fidelity Bond, Etc. tSadi FIRS- lie Hamilton hone, Orono IFI16 P--nRTGAGE LOANS BEL. AIR ALUM,,INUMi ingý-S, Prime. ldes Garag-e Doo)rs., R. elltie, Pone9r15, Orono d3 9 1 WINTERIZE VOUR HOME FOR WINTER Cal Newcast1e !F. H. Graham, 28 or 01rono: 2191 DEAD FARM STOCK Hgetprices for- Dead and Dis-, RAY VIVIAN LTD. Locust Hill, O;ntario 24 Hor,7aySevie.PleaSe cail ense C 10261.- B OWýM A NVI LL E OROO ainSt. 3 Bedrioo-ms,ý Bah Om il Furnace, eS of t water uon tp.Good w ll, nw al- teain.Askinlg price $85(0.Ü00l weranixiouis te seli, make US an of feu. HAMPTN 3 bdroombungalow- approxmaely fivey ear l bikveneer, -alI oveincs Saturdays and Wednesdays by appointments only PHONE 1471 DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINAýRY SURGEON 1Phone 10616 Orono, Or&*. Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT, Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-553 1L. J. SKAIFE Charter-ed Accounlianti BY APPOINTMENTS :Èo don pymet.P.O. Box 68, Orono Phonoe 1251d ()RONO ,lain Street, 3 bedÀro-4mý bnao.Ail conviences, garage,1 larjge- lot with cý-ee1ç, nmany ex,.tras, $13,500.00. Ternis. CLARE~-5<)acres, 9 room brický house wi'th o11 furnace, batlhroomn,l bank barn, creek., Exceptionallyi go)od farmi. $25,000.00. Term.s, CLARKE-10 acres, good garden soul, with 10 room frame house,' banik barn, gairage. Price $75000à Terms. ORONO-30 acres facin.g highway' 115. Suitable for building lots. Price $300.00 per acre. iManly other listings thrDughoutý Durham County and Oshawq... A. J. McG$i1 Phon2 ~Orono White Washing STABLES and PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Toinpkîns Phone Newtonville 4721 STAFFORD BROS. Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMEN!TS AND MARRERS Let us erect a handsome, dig. njfied monument over the rest- ing place of your Inved one, It's flot expensive. And seeing this Iast tribute wil gve you endleÉs comfert. WALTER FRANK D. W. 1MCQUAY 13177 Church St. 6-wnlaliîlLle MA. IN SURANCE Ceerl&Le SEE FREU LYCETT OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO Phonie 12516 Rom, 11716 JACK REID Auctioneer and V'aluator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Conit me for tenus and dates Phone 5 r 18 - Orone TEID JACaï'KSON Auctioneer and Valuator Cceiducts Auction Sales of all ss and at reasenable rates Communicate with hlm ai Port Pery, Ontarie monuments and FanityMemorials Our quality andi service leaves nothing ta be desired AsIc the persan who bought f rom ut. a neighbour-, frieni or relaive The RIJTTER RAIT COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE "Largest Display in Southern -Ontarioe" Qrono Electric PHONE 129 CONTrRACTOýý3FOR FARM and HOUýV. -a eEstimate>t% ÀIi 1TjkNCjE SALES :1romp.. a-id Qaart l~epairs toah 0: nc's ofEf ectri-t =,pL1pm,9nt -' - ad! . W.- - àro TRACK'* Vi.W KAY LYCEfT, B.A. Iïn ite Offices of Il. R. WaideIl Q.C. MAIN ST., ORONO ITeIlepione 1M8 Orono

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