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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Nov 1961, p. 4

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rt Hope Study i g Gian-aramska Area Port Hope's saeof 1h starrng exîvear, Fre-d suevsrof field ofLicers Deprîlento4 Comm-Ierce veloment consrvaionl told meetng)jfIhe,(,autl <Ali giitemsare espe ýaiay SeICeCt dTor ChriStmas gîving and are avallable Pree for IGA Cash Register Tapes or, for adided corIvenieflce, tapes plus cash. TQ avoid the Christmas rush, place your order now wuith your IGA Dealer. For an even greater variety of Christmas glft suggestions$ check your IGA NiBLEniT S GREEN GANT SPAGHETTI IGA with Meat Bàl8s IGA, BE-EF STW HA- MS MF AIE Llb , -, , Piw#a l.qkRî%." 19 lb if Food Prices Effectjve Nov. 22, 23, 24, 25 W*,e Reserve the Right te Limit -Quantities 3 14 oz4c '~tins 4- 3 15oz 59 tins 9 tin -$1.39 ipkg&,,37c c= o = 0c:ý- oc O=>0 CZD 0ý= ý Ontario No. 1 Grade Nutritious andi Economical 1 ~POTATOES 501hb bag 7 Sreet, Juicy Valentias - Size 163 SUNKIS f ORANGES 2 doz 69C ~ No,. 1 Gradce- Snow white Cet-to Wrapped CAULIFL-OWER each 29c fi Caifornia No. 1 Grade 1 23c Ontario Grown Fane>' Grade 13CELERY good size 2cDELICIQUS APPLES 3 lb 29c LOIN PORK SALE BISCUIT Loini Roast 0' Pork RI1B 31lb PORTION avr. Loin Roast 05 Pork - 3-lb. Avg. TENDERLOIN PORTION Centre Cul LOIN PORK CHOPS Napte Leaf Rincless SLJCED SIDEBAO lb 39e lb 9c lb 69C IMAPLE LEAF WEINERS lb 43c EXTRA A TOTAL 0F ~AAflflBONUS el lfl 'onTAPES REGEIVE $6.010 IN BONUS TAPES WITH TOMATO JUICE - H-einz Faricy 2 48-oz. Tins CNUM DOG FO0D - 4 15-oz. Tins KRAFT DEAL -, 1 jar Jam, 1 jar JeIly, 1 jar Honley eombinat ion Offer MtRA4CLE WHIP - Kraft - 32-az. Bottie CHEER DETERGENT - 12c off - Gian.t Sue Aika Seltzen - Large Size RECEIVE FREE $2.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH NIONARCH MARGARINE - Reg. 2 1-lb. Pkgs. BOOTH- FISN STIX - Frozen- 8-oz. Pkgs. COOKED MEATS - Tabierite Vacuum Cooled- 6-oz. Pkgs. CAR R07S No. 1 Grade -3-lb. Cel;o Sa-g Mincement, Maple Leaf, 2 lb. tin-----.. Table Syrup, Old Tyme, 16 oz. bottile . - 7c Cornet Cleantser, 3c. off regular sîze --19e- Caramel Wafers, Graiy Dunr, 2 - 8 o5z.' 49c Shortening, Doniestic, 3c. off, 2 lb pkgs. 65Yc and D(e brianichl, Tl'e tw share undecï-r agree- ment !iwhlieh expires tIbis yeur is $14sc0 Hopeanîd larlke towlishîpsI contribute $1400 each, uvlUe ïMan- versnnd avanconrlbute $300ecàhj andi H-amilton $200. Mr. Jackson said otHcp' shýa(e ;on a per cýapita basis shouidý bu greater, anid wh-ethier or not tfie autoriy'sjurisdiction is enflarged, thetow woldprobably pay a big- ger share staring nextt year. Cibourg haýs-tskod to be included iti the ~rî.rtand Itamilton bjas asked to have the authority's juris- diinextendced tu the,ý wlnl,)e ýowrn- (Go)ntin-ued from pae 1 temnlprogramm-ile and one-yearc able students 1flessereacade.c ikli s tat they may be employý1ed anflyaler leaving sCIhool. 4.Abltte blanc,(e in enirolmentýii amog Caýdemic, techinical, and 5The new co)ur-ses wiil bedeg- ed le hailetge stuents f dÈfeý ing aptitudes. 6Sujeet requirernents for ui ve5lyentrance will be mnore filex- ie ut, with nio lowvering of standA- aS dsasai 11-IU~tpss GraLde 13 ship.7 7 5 ýfe sil studenits will Ielle At present Uneathitsjui- rnse free[ly ifrom one Bran-ch dictionI extenlds only to the waîer- ean]hr t the end of Grade 9ý shýed of Ille Gajnaraska River, and ithitlos'f er intccles mnost but '-lot al Of the tonof Port Hope, about two thirds 8. By placing cm-nPhasis on011 in of Hope, about one thrd of Clarke. Oss adnmlnisltr-atiùn in the commer- and smnail sectionis of Manvers, Cav cial course' those~ boys who plani to an and Haniilton. -,c, into business or who have ambi- expres- ntG itecome junlior execiitives in Clarke îonhbas aisoee ss mous-y comnmerce will taIke ed interest in haviiig the authority'5,ttscus dpOfrtc eIegn juriisdidýtion e(_xtended tu lteîie eral coîurse as nOWv. township.1 Reeve Stewart Gray headed a SUBJECTS 0F STUDY dcegation from Hlope Ton'wship t0 Mr. Bigelow ýoLindtecus liautherity meeting and askedlo fstd for eaeh of lte courses i."7 tiree questions, w'hich were ans- delail. In grade nine there is a eon- wered by Nir. Jacksonl as f ollows: siderable Iikeness wvhicl- makes Al Mr. i~a: Ho muit wuld possiblIe in most cases for studentsý Miý, ray:How urfiw.oud itto, change front one to anothêr alter cest IHope township if the author- îeaving grade nine. The . co rse£ ty's jurisdictlion was enlarged? change after -rade nine and il be- Mr. Jackson: Very 11111e »more, corne~s more iffwcu Jt10 , ransfer probably less thian $100 a year frein one course te another aria l-11(l (1.would necesstate, tain ost cases, go- Mr. Gray: If the authority were lt-bcon er te take on an enlarged area, wvould In Grade 10 every one (>f ils services be spread 100 rýhin? tue couurses tranlit off in a different direction and difficulty wiil be reg- Mr. Jackson: The authority wou1l:d istered if a pupil war.ts to, transfer. have more money to wIork witb, and, coutid(do a better job,.Its activities Grade thirteeni remains as ;U is wojuid, increase and wouid flot be today in the five year course of lit spred to (ihn. 1Ars and Scýiece, te Engineering, sprca d 1 tinerTeo khnology n.and Trades and te Dus- vincia wintr wors proram. ess ad Commerce. The passing fi was agreed that uip 10 $2000 )f Grade i3 allows the studlen t te wvould be spent Ibis winter and tat-adv'an ce 0fý ui-ter education andu W. J. Au!,Istini of Port HOPe and El - training. moï.(eScott of Hop)e wouid be a coin- mittee tQ supervise te wor.k. o- It was pointed eut aIthe m--,eetinlg niion and provincial subsidle'; on tha t if a studenit is going te take, apoval winter works progra -~.iteig Tcnlg n rd mn-,it to three quarters of lte la- es that it would be almnost necessary bor- nost. for thiein bt starr in grade 9 in the Com1positwe Sc10inolut Pot Hope. DiU- The( autitority, aotîing on a sug- ficuîty wouILd arise even enter'ingý g!estion by t'ieDeamet of Landsl'the Composite SchOol at the grade- anlî Fores'ts, decided to buy lite 10 level. Mr. Bigelow stated thj1at Duhm Federat ion o)f Agricul- theoretically transfers froin one ture shae c lYr Cod Spingbranich te another are possiblebu icainpste. Thte ar-ea was bought in, reaiy wouîci flot worký out, 1jointly bY the federation andtIlite autI L) bot 5ye-ars ago, for Il was also pointed out at lit-e 10.The aut'hority wý,ill paiy the meceting that theý fille area siol tedcatin 600 or its share, aind .vul hve1 simiujate their cur-, 'iX ori mb11edby Landcs and s of study unil. or1der ilitIranslersý- Forests.i-, bemore easily made, aubîit aredte spen1diup Aithougit the Durhiam District h, lCio ils share of a station i igh Selhool Board lias accepted the"- ilagôn whirhIlistberased for neICW cure f tu as cdescribedil! ,te Commerce anti Doeeopmefýtl this aticule it w1ill net falltaI il fieli oficr wh isworingwith thee couse's 0orPlans vwîllbeaat fouriuhrtis aarskCen,- abiile in[ evey cioon heara ger hr trîgnextyerl 1es e iligthevarious pas M r . w o l,11(i icaS m ailerW Is c h o oiC s % ill i o t l a vîe li te H o eM c G r a y : W h' s it y o u ld h a p e n l f c i itie s r no r I le s tu de n t e niro i n - m e n!- thority? 1 uail courses Mr. JacksIuon: This is a difficuil qution teiui t answer, becauise ilite - __ equity c f a mncpaiyin an11t1 oi'tisprimairily lin intangible j things, sucit as improved forest 0 a ni less friequenit floodîing,. Benefîlsý cýover, slower runo11ff, less serious VliVR whicldh a miunicipality blas already, reevdand ,vill continue to re- WE NSD ceive from Vithe aubthorîty's wOrk W141N 7 Ttqoe are of :t Jselpemantl ilasset te 5 LD tle municipa'tily- sOR RD Reeve R. C. Everson of Port n Hope aIse attended lte imeeting te -î 0UUKR iearn what municipal costs would Ç'~fi..~ he in future. The auchority discussed briefly' the basis on whicit municipal con- rfbs:~s-i 1 te present agreemenit expires, but1 ail, decýisions were> postponied unitili: early in '1962. Be-fore meeting ai the Port 11opeý town hall, lte autherity mnet aI t- BRE 1Garde-n -Hiil oisezvation Area ld at Sylvan Glen Park le dîscuss pos- subie woý;rk underlte (dominijon-proü-! ê & -I - i I F-à lb

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