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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Nov 1961, p. 5

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-~, -~-r~- - ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Orono GirlsActive In Ir,-terschoô-1 Volleybail Thýe girl ot OoeHigh have(l been very s sfar as sports arc, conernd.The senior and yunior, k ~ volleybaill em aetaeld Wv-hitby and the Whiitby teani lias -et urn ed the fave7(ur in order te pre. paefor a C.OS.S.A. tournament wlich tok place on Noem . 5. Th-e gïis lef t Orono shortly after Gamesl 2:30' and journeyed te Ajax High Sch;ool where they competed wiv'th ,Anderson Street and 1Henry Street High Schools eof Whitby and Ajax ~lg.The Orolse girls put up a, gal- lant fjgit bt failed ite bring home, any great victory. The g-irls did the best te ol ndeveryone w-ýould arethlat the(Y uwe a reat cdeal teotheir coaoh andl f.,oofl~j..O.~oe.Ooo.opoe>ofleooo.oeo.nocefl4neeon0 Il FLASH LAMP SPECIAL! ALL POPULAR SIZES SLEEVES 0 F 1 DOZEN AG i1 .. .. Regular $1.08 Press 25 *... Regular $1.38 .Press 25EB....... Reg-,ular $1.80 NOW 89C. NOW 198e NOW $1.49 M - 25 ..........Re-giilar $1.38 NOW 98c. M - 25B.... R jeglar $1.80 NOW $1.49 Stuft's Pharmcicy ORLONO, oNTARio PHONE 168J manager, Mrs Chantiler. On Wedinesday afiternlooni, NOV- em-iber 22nd two teams frein Bow- anrnviliee High School came to ODr -ofo n exhibition gaine, Very ýCod teamVwork and gooid-sporst- mnanship wafs ,displayýed ai ail turnes and the o lcno seniors came up) with a ývictory of 17-15 and 15-13. The ýJun-ior-s were badly defe-ated in two game with the scores of 15- f3an15. The Juniors in a third gaine startled îtheiýr supporters by takinlg ,a15-2 victory from the Bowv 1,anv'ie tea. Next we Oronjo expeets to play VeîyalagainistBo aniead Blackstock. Mdu ~ia ocit The O-rcýoeHîgh Se-hool Glee club, aimnirng fo'r svrlconierts u~ nscfestivals, swung înto ac- 'io tisf ilwithn some tif ty seng- sters meeting twice a wveek. Un-der the cýapable leadership ilf -Mrs. F. Fletcer(th group are niow preparing songs for a concertWh will be heldi on Thursday, N,,ovem- ber M& hcmmencing at 8: 15 pi. in the Orno wnHaIl The O_ Croeno Band will alse pro- (Idescl e nter tainmient for hit el thefprograin. There will be a t ew special presentations by bn- iv(Ltal students. O-nly a small admission ls being, '-hargedl for the program, aduits 150 cents and children under 12 years )f age will be admitted free. If is hopedi that there %viil be a, gýreat deal of support for this con-! cert. r' WvvINTER FOOTWEAR for every member of the family LINED $ýTRAP-STYLE OVERSHOES Brown ruýbber Vwith fold-over tangue and acjustable buckle strapi. Warm flIeeoed cetton Iining, inside shearling cuff. Children's sïzes 6 te 12......Pair $3.98 Junior sizesý 13 te 3........Pair $3.98 Growing Giri's sizes 5 ta 10.Pair $4.98 Bos'Y 'sizes 4 ta 6.........Pair 35.50 M' sz*ýS Fta 12........Pair $5.95 WOMENS anci GIRL' "OSLO"7 Rubber over-the-sack Snow boots with ex- panding elajticIzed go re, waterproof with hardy rubber soles. Remnovable felt insoles, rayon ,and weolrýc pile lirling. Green-, brawn and hlaCLk. WamenS siZes ta 9.......Pair $6.95 Girs s 8te 3...........Pair $6.75 WOMEN'S "FROSTAIRE' Overthe400ot pull-on Winter boot %vith deep pile liring. Brushed nylon upper with wide imn- itation fur collar. Feit insole, waterpraof. Black only. SizEýsC 6te 8 Pair $8.95 WOMEN'S "SIREN' Bruvsh-ed nylon cocktail bot wlth illusion heel, deep pile lining, attractiye trim, Back only. Siýzczs6 to 8. Pair $12.95 MEN'S FLIGHT BOOTS COi-tannedf leatiier uppers witli twin slide fasteniers. Shearling inedf, heavy rubber soles, cver-the-siioe style. Brown only, Sizes 8 te 12 pric;e per Pair $11.95 MEN'S OVERBOOTS Frot sliide4astener overboots with ra.yon flece Uninc.. Black or brown. Sizes 6 to 12. Price per Pair $6.50 WOMENIS andi MISSES' PLASTIC O VER BOOTS Waterproof lightweîghts, saft aDr ipliable. Reinforced heels. Fol1d.over loop fasteners. 1Styles for flat, cuban anci high heels. Gýr1's sizes 8 ta 3?, and Womnen's s-izes 4 ta lO/'Pr'ice peýr Pair C$1,95 MNSSU BU RBAN BOOT S Lightigýýht rubbeýr boots with net cotton iinrin.g,sld faens and corrugated ruibber soles. lack orily. Sizes 6l-ta 122. Pair $5.92 KAUFM1AN KINlGTREADS A laced ail-tanned lýeather boot with spenge insulation for amh thick rubber soles. Brown only. Sizes 8 t012. Pair $16-50 MEN $ REINTITE A 4-buckIe rubber overshoe with ourru- gated rubber soles. Black only -Sizes 6 ta 12. Price per Pair 36.25 MEN'S SELKIRK 7 eyelet lace style ever-the400ot Rubber Boots with heavy pile lînîng and remoavable feit insoles. Brown only. Sizes 6 te 12, Pr. $8.95 MENS& EXPLORER 5-eyelet iaced rubbers with heavy rubber soles. Black wïth red. Sizes 6 te il, Pr. $5.95 MEN'S ana BOYS RUBBER BOOTS Sturdy Rubber Bots with treaded rubber soles and heels. Black with red foxing. Men's Knee-high Boots, sizes 6 te 12 Pr. $5.95 Men's 12inch Boots, sizes 6 te 12 ..... .. 4.95 Boy's, sizes 1 ta 6.. ........ ... .. .... Pair $3.95 Youth-,'s, sizes 10 te 13 .. ...... ........ Pair $3.75 Several other styles net isted above. Mr. and Mrs. Ervan Raîneoy vis- iedi triends ini Corbyville andi Cani- nittoni on Sunday. MrIIs. Jas. Pope of ownnRWvej Manitoba spent a few days thisi weelk with Mr. and( Mrs. E.. Rainey. Two carloads of Rebekahs îravel- ledl te Ajax te visit lDt9rove Lodg-e, the special occasion being the F"ifth Birthday ut that Lodge. 'Mr. and Mrs. J. H-. B4)d, Erian iand, Terry, Or-illia spent ibe week- niwith Mes. IKen Gamsby.* Other Visitors w'ere Mr. and MNrs. Jim G s'yand Melanie and Mr . and Mr.Doug Gamnb, kaa Mr. and( Mrs. A'Ired GricPr Hop vs Ledwith thIleir dauglter' Mr-S. Clifford Cooper and family. Mývrs. Cari Rowden, Port Hopeý spent a few da.ys with her sister, Mrs. Clifford Cooper and family. Reimeniber ilie(- Orono 1-1oejicu1- tural Christmas meeting on Tues-!, dlay evening,, December 5t.h. MIr.I Druinmond will show slides, booký for prize list in the Coming Events, Miss MNarletie Graham, Queen's! Uiversiityý, Kingston, spetit the weekend wft1h Mr. and Mrs. Ed.' Grahami and 'Terry. Mr. andl Mrs. E. G Hay, Islington visited with theiÀr parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan on Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williamns have' pyurchased the Elliott house on Main Street just south of the businessý section. Mr. and Mrs. Marshal Keast have purchased the house be- longing to Mr. and Mrs. V. Rolbin- son on Church Street north. Mrs. D. Myles and Mr. Leroy Myles have purelh2_sed the Crossley house on Miil Street north Mr. Aif Pigott lias aocpeted a! poýsition in 'Port Perry having start-i ed work there this Monday. Guides Pass Tests On Tuesdlay evening, November 21 the Guides opened the meceting- with roll cail, inspection, and col-! lectien. Mrs. Hani announced that next vweeký is The last week to bring big G Cereal Tops. Also slhe asked if anyonle had an oid card table te donate to the Guides. The following passed tests: Judy Bull and Mlary Tennant pas.1 seci bed roll. Margaret Middl eton passed hand shake, salute signis Jeaniette Maartense passed Jsnots.*, Thle following passed 'tie a parce]': Sylv-ia Sutlherland, Mvarilyn -axmn, Dorethy, Dunlop, Sharon Aluin, Pat-ý sy, Hardy, Carol Nixon, Cheryl Cooper, Sharon Sîipson, Sharon' Butrley. Mary Tennant, Judy Bull. WAe pae gaines and sang songs. Th'lemeeti end vwlhprayerad taps. OronoRange' News TeRangiers met at SandaBw shoeon Tuesday, Novemnber, 21. e herd a report tror. Maily CobledckandSheaBrbai unsuccessful trip they hiad to peter-_ý borough' havingpane on attend inig a PoîdlRne Conlfer-ence The new -slate otfdfficel'S was pe sented to tLhe mieeting wIý ith Susaný Mvajor as chairnian, Carol Vagg as secretary-,Jd Tamblyn as treas- uirer and Shiela Barrabali and Feni-, na Rienstra as publicity iecos We then dîscussed our Christinas project and decided to have a parýtY ,r thre "Good Age Peoie" Sandra Bowins thnserved a de- licious lunch after which the meet-I ing was cl1osed.1 UNITED CH tR Cl Orono Pastoral Charge. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 26th orono -Il a. Leskard -1:45 -p.mn. Kirby -3 j:.in. SUN DAY SCHOOL Orono - 10 aýr.m. Leskard - 1:15 Kirby - 2 p.m. Your heating system make you a Slet unifor.. floor te Ceiling camfort ttin a n"W OIL-FIRED wiotcr air conditioner Constant :uniform distribution ends hot spots" and extreie tempera- ture variations . . gives you even W comfort from floor to ceiling frein rocvm to roomrr. And the air is dlean and filtered at ail turnes, too! Look at these money-saving fea- tures. *New Exclusive Quadrievel Blower first gently delivers warm air theu shifts to high speed as furnace reaches maximum out- put. After burner stops, blower circulatels residuai heat at low speed (to preveni; unpleasant "drafts»), then cuis off automnati- cally. prevents hot and cold "layers" of air 1iom forming. *New Filter Sentinel guards a- gainst coge i 'er 'cuts fuel losses ..signais, wh'en filters need attention. 5 VEARS TO PAY LOW DOWN PAVMENT SMALL CAFIRYING CHARGE Carinan PIumhiag& Heaiing PHONE 143, ORONO, ONT. Christmias Giftt Centre For the Whole FamiIy Xmnas Cards at real savings. A nice assortment. Box of 51 Cards for...........69e. Men's Sport Shirts, assorted colors and patterns. Sizes smnall, mediumi or large. Boxed....$2.98 Ladies' Pull Faýshion3ed Nylon Hose, Stedman quality, Dress Sheer, 60 guage, 15 den-ier, f ine pencil seams. Sizes 81 2' to Il', Pair 59e 2 pair $1.1-) Mezs-smaity tailor-ed pull-on style CapesKin, side- vent, lined, colors tan, black and lgr-ey. Sizes 9 to 101' 2- Pair for',.......... . $25 Meni's Handkerchiefs, fine quality, o-ne corner e- broidered! with initial. Each ..........2c. Ladies' Flannelette Pyjamnas, tailored style in Prinm- ed flannelette for snug comfort. Sizes 32 to 40. Outstanding value ..............$1.98 Log Cabin Chocolates, assorte4 liard and soft centres. Buy the best........ il pouind box 88c. Men's Slippers, Corduroy plaid with war-m feit llning, soft foam rubber soles. Size 6 to l. $2.35 Don't let Christmas take you by surprise. Use our Christmas Lay-Away Plan. ORONO 5c. TO $1.OO STORE OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N. N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N N N -N ~~1 N NI N N N NI N 'N N N N N N -s N N *~1 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 0-s N. N N N N N N --s N N N N N -s N 44v, ~ N N N N N N N N

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