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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Nov 1961, p. 7

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aate h, tment ekenci i ite 'cd a Snew - a-nul4 y, beti POIjUl e been 'erns as as a lit-level miorsth, newest 1- bani- Bridge. As played in West- chester County, N.Y., each teamn in a foursomne bids on its score for alternate holes. A teainwins orne point for making its bid and one point for every stroke un-. dier it. AL $1 a Point, witb cdoub- ling and redoubling, it cars Mlount up. Blngle Bangi, Bongo. As played at Tamn O'Shanter in Chi- cago, Bungle Ls the iirst player on 'the green, Bangle the player elosest to the bote, and Bongo the player who ssiks the longest putt. The Bingle, the Bangle, and the Bongo collect fromi 50 cents t0 $50 apiece from each meLmber of the foursomne,. The lure: Luck counts more than wkil]. Harnier:. As played at B3rook Hlollow in Dallas, two mens play for $23 a bole. Wbenever player A hits a bad shot, player Blsecau gay "hammer." This iean$ thkt 'the hole is played out for $25. extra. Player A cari refuse t.ýii hnznmeî, but if h. does, h. au- tomatically loses the hole (and the original $25 bet). Parli-mutuels: As played At Orchard Lake ýear Detroit, thisý Io th race-track prunciple, with 4ach foursom ein a tournamnent eonstltuting a "horse." - Non- ,Players oaa keêt on any hùoise they wish, and the odds are de- îermined by the amount bet on sach horse. WileeI: As played at East Po- türmae in Washington, D.C., twev(n- ty players, competing ini five 4 ep a r ate foursomnes, bet a t1wheel," mneaning that eachý pla-yer has flneteen separate bets against nineteen opponents. XI a $100 wieei1, ene man, con- ceivably, coul& lose $1,900. MISLEADING PERCENTAGES Percentages by tbemiselves, howev-er accuree they may be, cmii be definitely misleading. It la said that a British temnper- ance organization onice acïver- tised the fact that of a certain faniaus regiment which was ment te Africa, 25 per cent t 'those who dranit alcoholic 1- quors failed to return, where-as M0 per cent of tho teetotallers zeturned saffely. It tujrne-d eut, kcowtvpx,, that there was ernly ene toetotaller ini the regimient, ,4t.3MFArIINITIS8>- Lx-cheer- leader Peggy Kyser (U~,niversity of Arkansas) finds her honds full with a five-foot "mregai- phone" for the Liberty Me- meioro monument shaft, be- hind her, in Kansas City, The stentor Is one of four- such for e 305 bell carillon in the mnonumeýnt ta iniernatiiona-l un- OH WHE RE, OH WHERE . . - Leslie Topia knows where his littie dog hôs gone: into the army Tony folfowed him into active duty Gt Ft. Whitirig. Tuny's onfy advo-ntaige is that he's a natural born "dog face." Hitching Racks Not Parking Meters This la the timne of frantic bar- vest for housewives, as heavy frost wvarnings are given out. Emrnaline and Hilda make scur- ryung trips to, the garden ail afternnon te gather the tender things, the peppers, the tomateces, andf the last of the grapes. Tlhey leave the hardy cabbage, the banked celery and thc parýnIp, which are always better for hav- ing a littie fîost on their top5, Kitchens acîoss tic valley aRre redolent wlith the aroma of slm- meîing vegetables as the women- folk prepare the, batches of end- of-garden sauce that tbrifty Amisi or Pennsylvanla Dutch housewives always make at this- tinie of year. Comnbinng somne of practically e.verytiing in the garden and featuring ripe tomatces, red and grepen peppers, onion and chop- peýd celery, it is simcmered un- salted, put througb aP food mIli and canned for use ini soups, over swiss steak or smothered pot reast. Trina likes ta thicken an occasional jar, add tiny meat bails and bake àt. n the oven. It lsaiaso, excellent as a sauce for fish. Pucrpie anid white grapes go mbt jam, jelly, juice for lb., home and for Hioly Communion, adthere are always a t ew jars of plain seeded grapes and skins for pies. Bla'nkets are hung toa ar, stove are being brougit in and hooked up witb sbiniy new length of bilue-black pipe, and bou.ses are being banked . witb evergîcens until tbiey resenible the ones on Christias cards. Everybody in oýui valley, is gettiug ready for winter. It is good to sec the childien gby twlce a day on their way te and frei schoeLBoy2 ilu higb laced ehees, trousers cropped m-ldway to the kuces, plain col- larless jackets and mide-brimined feit or straw b1-ats trudge along lu groups. Tic girls wvalk ta- gether lun their long blmck cotton -tockiurgs, high top shoes, theur dresses well below tÏic kuces and coveredc with white pinatores. Most of tiem wear tbeir bhau partedi in the mididle and bîaided. The aider girls pin thieir braids up in buins. These arýte natlagrd.They go JoayfuIy i th-e mrinsand IseemiIjuIlst as appy ta be going Onue misses tche gaiJly calaredi JUlnch pailsý, naw that batlunches are bin eI'vedi in aur shao.It used t,-,bl,,,that an Amýish lsca-J boy av rctclyinse-parable tram two ojectS he onelhis batan:ïi1d dier pail. ThLey donf their hats for play at -eCýss, 1ne matter whiat the weathepr or haow fuiriauis thie païce ot the game. Ai-c ndr He.w-ay hamne fromn sühaoi vwhers theY participated iii gameet ag orl'in foot races, theirý pailsý were clutchied in their h a ndsci aysthey only haýve AIsh en stili wear, the 10wv- crawed 'rodbrmsbut thc yaung bacIhelors favor tLhe newer iaundC-tapped b Iats, wbichtey wear p-Il h'style. A casu-aI 1visita-r ta our region ee Ined with i htching racks in- gtead of parking meters, The gen- oral store selîs shawls, h-eavy black stockings, bonnets and bigh top shoes, and out inii ront of it there is aý hand-operated gaso- Pue pump, one of the ,st of Its kind in the state, The cabinet sbop depends on a diesel engine for po.wer and la illuminated by gasol:ne mnantel lamps, We have a buggy shop, a thriving hanness shop, and a "chicken factory" where the chickens are kept pro- ducing by ou lantenns instead of clectricity. Sorme of oui roads are literally horse and buggy trails where horses shy when an occasional car gocs by. But to uýs thiere are indicaL- tions that 19th century wLays are gradually being replaced by more modern ones. People here will neyer "go gay" (worldly). H-ow- ever, education standards are be- comring more relax-ed, young people now have 'Youth Night once a week in addition ta the traditional Suinday night sing- ings, and as many as wish to do s0 in oui cbnimunity attend the county fair, something unheard of a few yeaîs ago. An Amnish news7paper is published in the ceunty, and mnost familles take a daily newspaper and subseribe ta at least orse faim fagazine. Yet with amli these changes the tempo of lite here mnakes for serenity o)f living, and the young people etill love their homes. "Wouldn't you like to try city living for a-change?" Benny, oui teen-age n eighboî, was. asked by a boy from town. "Oh, no, i1 couldn't ever give Up faring,'5 Beniny told hl.m, "And beicles 1 like te be eut wvheîe 1 can get the fresh air." Tomnorrow is the Sabbath, a "1ciurcb Sunday" for the Amish, and today the backless benches *for the conigregatîon were hauleci te Benny's homne by a mule teani itched te s. big waý,gon which %tili had its hayrack- on the chas- ks. It la cemmon procedure. Every other Suniday la ieserved for church, the ones ini bctween fer visitlng relatives aRnd friends. W. often wonder where and why this particular rule oengi.n- ated. There are neo writteri church rules, everything is by tradition. And any change lu congregation- ai rules cmii becomne rigid church canon ini the few years it takes ta forget iow things uised te be, writes Mabel Slack Shelton ini the Christian Science Monitor. For so1iýe obsc-ure reason ad- missions to the ciurch occur at two-year intervals onily, and ta- morrow is one of the special Sundays ors whichne members will be taken in. Hilda and sev- eral of ber girl friends will be admîtted, as will Beuny. But sometbing is troubling lm-. Glad be is ta be joinîn-g churci, he confildes, 4s we mneut and talk at the- long Une ot mailboxes near oui homes, but w-hen hae does it. will 'have to comne out that bis name is actually Benuel and not Benjamin. This i somnetbiing he bas, kept secret from bis churns, Iwho will surely tease himi when they find eut. Hlis rs father lad the name before hlm, and niobody else tiat h. bas ever heard about. Tic Amisi uisually name their childien by writing down Bible mames and dirmwlng one "by l-ot." Weý-, hasten to assure him that it is a fine name- and one to bc prouid ef, a combination of Ben- jamnand Samuel, mnost likel1y, and chosen ta please twcý grand- fathers aât som-e turn., -no doubt. He thinks cover the suggestion, tien gives a relaxecd gri-. Benuel ls't such a bad n-am-.e attur al,ý the grinsy, and wýho cares about a littie teasing, an3yway. gion, "Tt is paeu as Hu'avers mlighit be- ifthyfmetee And so it is. He's Big Daddy 0f AUl Racc Horscs A -'di)s is a21ya-l stalliors with na knack toi begletting strang-, speedy pacing baises. He has sired mare wýinneîrs (329) wýith greater earncings ($10 mil- lion) than any other- horse, stand- ard-bred (harness racing) or tharougibred (fiat racing), ini histary. Today lie counitry,'s best pacer (Adias Butler), best three-year.- alid pacer (Henry T, Adias), ýand best two-year-old pacer (Lehigi H-anover)ý are alil oftspîing of Aiaos. At Roosevelt Raceway (N.Y.) last moniti, tic first tiree ciaices lu lie Roasev,,eitFuuty thie couutry's richest Imînresa ýrace BABY CI4ICKS 3,15 WEEK 01,D Amas pulatLs wil glve jou early egg production. Bray aise . tiier variatias availabia. Dayolds te ordaf, Now la the time te ordar yousr uaxt lot of broilers. Sea local agent, or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Kerniïton, Ont. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE ÏFLLY aquIpped restaurant, s e a ts thirty aighit, large apartmieut uptairs, 8ituaed in town with 23 large grain elevators. Box 233, Hensasil. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PEOPLE vwanting extra mouay find Wondarful opportunity wltb Catholie religious jawellary at wholesala. ini, muni ortier $10.-M DetaiUs nid ful colon catalog 50c. Dept. W. Catholae Raligious Art, 776 Macfloieli. Post lBox 626, Port Aithun,' Ontario, CHANGE YOUR LUCK ! 1 COME TO TORONTO SELL REAL. ESTATE Age-Educction No Borrner MOnY V*11 fl e en oncrn $8,500 e yeur ond more sellinui homes, apart. mente buildinq*, Iond iond businesses., PETERS AND Wl LES LTD. REAL ESTATE BROKERS 8 Toronrto Aïea Offices over 30,000 Properties Sold Immedictely Require For 1961-62 Expansion 45 TRAINEE SALESMEN. 27 EXPERIENCED SALESMEH 5 F9&LES MANAGERS For details of quelification3, pey teolinn programme, write - "EMPLOYMENT MANAGER" PETERS AND Wl LES LTD. 11190 WESTON ROAD TORONTO ONTARIO FARM MACHINERY WANTED ALLIS Chalmens Combine wanted elso onre to wreck weith Bmn. Fordion Major tractor. 49.51 -wanted W, Scott, Rd Oweu Sound. for two-y-ear-olds, were sons of Adios. 1The success of his famrily; whule it does littie to enrich Adi- os personally, has mnade hum thé, miost expensive gigolo in harness racing. To breed a mnare ta Adios, the mare's owners Must pay $ 12,- 500 to the three-man Adios syn- dicate (Del 1Miller, Lawrence Sheppard, and Max Hempt), Miller, whe ikeeps Adios on his' ïMeadow Lands Farm near Wash- ington, Pa., bought Adios for $21,000 ini 1948, sold hlm for $500,000 in 1955, and then repur- chased a one-third interest in 1956. Adios's offspring now coi- niand fancier prices than their sire broug-ht in 1948. Three years ago, one of Adios's sons, Dancer Hanover, was sold for $1~05,000. For three years, Adios yearlings have sold for an aver- age o)f!$25,000 apiece. At the annual Yearling sales ini Harrisburg, Pa., the crop includ- ed three choice sons of Adios: Lincoln Hanover. P r o, b a bi1, price for this fuli brother of Le- high Hanover: $75,O00$100,O00 M a je st ic Hanoiver. $50,00o- $60,000. T r u man Hanover. $50,000- $60,000. 'While his sons earn the moniey this monti, Adios, a graybeard by rpacing standards, wiI relax In Lis confortable 2-acre paddock at Meadowi Lands, eating eats and munching hay. Would his owners consider selling Adios? 'Xta chance," said Miller, look- Iig at bis favorite horse. "o for $1 mlin. IFIED ADVERTISINO PARM HELP WANTEO -- MAL% OP AMARRIED man, fuliy experienced, cap- able of taking charge of herd, for year round employment on dairy farm. Sep- arae living quartera for sniali famil3'. Keat, electricity, milk supplied. Apply s3tating wages ,and size eof f amniiy MeX- vin J. Baird, R.11. 3, Carp, Ontario. FOR SALE - MISCELLANEOUS WE offer the heat value in man's work an4d lancy socJs in Canada. Ail socýks sold on mouey-back guarautee, If net satisfied. Postage Paid. To introduce aocks F~REE with every 5 pairs pur- chasad at 8541 per pair, or 1 pair Lamabs- wool and Orlon faucy socka FREE with every 5 pairs purchased at 75ý per pair. Frea, catalogue listing hundrads of mer- chandIsiug items. TWEDDLE MERICHANDISING CO. FERGUS 11, ONTARIO PORTABLE SAFETY HEATERS Therm'x Heaters provîde aafe, econoni- Icai auxiliary heat for cars, trucks, trala rs, tractors - also in home and outlhiligs. Two year guarautea. Mod- el No. 22 - 2400 BTU' - $26.95; Model No. 57C - 40W. BTU - $55.95. Ontario purchasaîs add 3 Sales Tax. ShIpping chargea prepaid. Sau:d chaque or mouey order. HAYES & MCERIDE Imnport Company Umitedi, 2075 Lakt- sjhore Road, Burlngton, Ontario. HORSES SHETLAND PONIES FILLIE-S sud stud colts for sale, e100.00 and up. Ragistered, hast of blood lines. Blyth Acres Pony Farr, Blyth, On- tario. Phones 140 sud 191. GUARANTEED And sacured. With noa coliect!inu inven- tory os manaement problemns. Interes,t aud IPrincipal quarteriy. Cali or wirite, IncorneIanvestmnents Ltd., 42 James N., Hamilton, JA. 7.4558. MEOICAL POSTIS ECIEMA SÂLVE BANISH the torment if dry cezema rashea sand weeping akïn troubee. Poat'SZEczemaSSalve wil lot disappoint Yeu ltchIng, scaiding and burnîng ecze- meI, fanc, ringwormn, pimples and foot Lcaserna will respond readtiiy to the. stainiess, oderless olntment regardiess Of how stubtborn or hopeesas they scem. Senit Pest gros en Recelpt of Prit* P'RICE *3.0 FERJAR POSTI REMEOIES 1863 St. Clair Avenu* lest TORONTO RKAD TH1S-IVERY SUPPUERK0Fm RHEUMATÎC PAIMS ORt mEusrITs SN01,LO TRY OIXON'S REMEOY. MUHRO'S DRUG STRE M3 ELGIN OTTAWA $1,5 p,.sm Coifeet, NUTRIA ATTENTION MURCI4ASERS 0F MUTRIA When purchaslslg swtsle contïdier l 101lowing points -whiah th* organise. tion off crs: 1. The. best evailable ztock, nio cross bred or etanderd types recoommended, k. Thse reputatton ci a plari whiLh le PrOving Itzelf substarntiated by files of satisfiad ranachers, 8. FUHI nsursuce agaîint replacement should thay not live or in the. oyant of sterIity (ail fully explalued In our aertificate of menit). 4. We give Yom only mutations wihiah are In damand for fur germents. 8. You raceive frorn this organizatio.ýn s guarantead paît market Ir, witi.ng, 3. Memnbership lui oui exclusive brecd- ara' associatiou wheraby ouljy pur- chasers of this stock msy partipste in the banafits so offered. 7. Pricea for Braeding Stockel at at e $200 a pair. Spacial offar to those who qusllfy, earn your NutrC ia ou oqi oorative lisais. Write: an adiànMtla. Ltd., R.R. No. 2, Stouffvillie, Ontarlo. - RABBITS CROSS breed, leish, sud New Zeg- land white youug doas of breeding e frosu saelectad stock; aLso young gucks, 8 montha old, average ? Ibs. sud aver. Variaty of colora. SOC, on handî aleca available rabbits for meat, ase e ddi- ioinai Young stock 0 ta P wks. l'eu ce n raise ralibits, thaere la a large demsind for ralibit meait, It salis et, 80e ib, et 411 chiaiu stores sud imeat couinte îs; tii. bast mest you ever ste. RaIsýIng rabbItn is a pleasure. APPLY1 473 Ritson Rd., S. Oshawa. PPRUIIS DECOME AN ENTERTAINER FUN - PROFIT -- DISTI~NCTION Two bookashslow y3ou how tao verconiQ ata.gefnighit, ioke-telliiug, limitatioü4, uasing P microphone, song writiug. Leeim tisa reai secrets of Vntaoqinud how to mrake'your own Dummies. l00'sy of fada sund tüchniquses. SPECIAL OFFER $1.00 for both -books. Tortusso Publications, 12334 77th Street, Ed- monton, Alberta. OPPORT.UNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER * JOIN CANADA'S LEADWNG SCHOOL Great Opportunity Laaru Hairdressing Pleasant dignifiad profession, good wagas. Thousands of successfujl Maîvel GaC ae Amierlca,'s Greatest Systemi 1IiiStraïted CtlgeFroc Write or Cali MA"RVEI. KAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Bloor St. Wv1., Toronto Branches: 14 King 11t. W., Hiamlton 72 ideau Street, Ottawa PET STOCK TROPICAL aud Ituropean Finches Cani- sites. Budgies, other caïgebird. Mon. kays, Haminsters, Guinea Pigs Chamac- ieous Litaratura. Detaiiled pricelis.t 15c. Thousainda Birds Fan. Delta. Outanlo. PERSONAL LOVEIlS 0F GOD! Learxi Ris declaned purposes - fean not - but rajolce lit confident hope. Write Bible. Truth Ms sion, Box 811 Brantford, Ont. IF youI like to read join our Novai Club? Information for salf.addrassed atamped envalope. Novel Club, P.O. B3ox 4207-CL. Bskersfiald, California. HYOENIC RUBER 40008 TESTED gusranteed, maiied lnu plain e arcal, iuciudiug catalogue sud seu col; frea with triaI assortmaut, 18 for $1.00 <IFInest quality) W*stern Ostribiu. tors, fBox 24-TPF, Regina, Sask. STAMPIs FREE sint Africa set sud M U S, cor.- mnens., wrth approvals. Litho, Box 91. Canoge Park, Calif. STAMPS of Canada Albumn 23 paes paesfor 370) stamps. tend F1Iý ents tW lghtman, Box 328. Smitis a colleNove Scotia. TN.ADE SCKOOLS ELECTRONICS rvoring claisses ln radio, teltV80 golon 8utom4tlon, 1'ieanstor sand conductor. VWst or write %t London,CE320L WOLDINC UOIIPMINT qYLî'GMâointàe, Elenot' V, I see gn diton ' Vet0 a ti . ZE4uipft , 0% gck n A Îo en te ne.Nonmrn 441. ISSUE 47 - 1061 LEARN WELDING NO TIME UIMIT Alse Certificate Courses in SïTi1'ERVISION - INSPECTION QUALITY CONTROL, A.R.C. SCHOOL 0F WELDIN4 92 John St. N., Homilton JA. 9-7427 JA. 7-9681 .ARN MORE MONEY Sel! "Lustre Craift" Stainless Steel Cookware Fuli-tim.-e -Part-timie No iniitial investment necessory Apply lu Writiug to: Canadien Steelware Distributors 924 Churchill Ave., SUDBURY, Ontario qw,-ý m

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