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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Nov 1961, p. 8

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i ~W~f I~WW1WT~W~ ~ DEATH T[:EE, Donald. Jchn-On Saturday, No,çvernber 18, i961, Donald Johni Tee, darling son of David and June ~'ee and littie ýbrother of Blruce, age4 :L4 rnonths. Interment Babyiland, 11fail1and Cemettery, Goderich, Ont. Beloved grandson of Mr. and Mrs.1 1\.W. Fee. Leskarcl, Ont. a-P Feddeiua Real Estate 8 WM AN VILLE 7100 acres - 6 rooni frame house,i bar n 30x60. Water. Price only $7500 A0 acres - 5 room Insul Brick Eo1kuse. Barn 3Qx30. Creek. Priced aLt 0o1Y $5000.K0 $8W.00 Down - 7 rooqm house on M1ighway No. 2 near Newcastle. Full pI'ce $6500.00. Hmnpton - 6-rocen bungalow, brick enrfully modern large lot, gar- age. Prlee $2,500. Low down pay-ý .ment or rent wlth option to buy., Zznm,-medite possession. Blowrnanvllle - 4-room house, cen-, tato'wn ,vater 'and sewage. Prie 121 acres - 8 roorn house with. IrtJit, 2 large barns, creek. Askuingý $i-5,500,w!7th ternris. Many otiher listings throughout eurhiain County and Oshawa. A. J. MoGii Phone 1407, Orono Local Representative rCOMING EVENT' The Durhai Çounty Fedexation of Agnicuflture wrnl hold their an, nual Meeting Banquiet in the Harnp-' ton Hall on Saturday, Novenvber 25, commencing at 12:30 noon. Mr. Wm Tilden, presi4erit of the Onrari Federaltion of Agriculture wiLl be1 the guest speaker. Plate $150. b-ci COMING EVENT Plan to attend the Annual azaar, Tea and Sale of Home Baling, "62, CHEVROLET JOBMASTER 1TRUS iTH N' ýE-Ii gh -TorFq Ue Po e r! Here's newi High-Torquepoe for every wje ig ht caýs s -- l ig ht, medÉ,i um an,.d heavyj,.. . the mcst powerful engines in Chevrol!et hitrincîuding a newv 4-cylinder diesel. Ijere, tn, are modem versions of the world's mstpopular 6clidrtruck engines. For 19632 Chevy brings you true triick po i every one of its los new mAoelS. Torque 261 ISiýx* thats available for the first timeî. in Light Duties. Loads Co oher reason!-s, too. Like the newi work styling with downwvard-sloping hoods thàt !et drirvers see up to l01.1 feet more of the road directly ahead for better ma- noeuvring, safer drivin-g. Like Chevrolet's proved Independent Front Suspension for even smoother riding, easier working trucks. Like the beefier, heavier duty hypoid rear axIes for Mliddleweights and the rugged new I-Beam front axles* (9,000- or 11,000-1b. capacity) available on Series 80 Heavy- wveights. Like work-proved Corvair 95's (2 pickups and a panel) that haut ûp to 1,900 Ibs. of payload with Iow-cost dependability and sure rear-engine traction. Like to know more? See your Chevrolet dealer. *Optionaj at extra cost 37 ~ 327 V8 348 V 145 Six P;20f. 185 hp; 305 ft. 220 hi); 325 ft, 80 hp; 128 ft. ique - Ibs. torque Ibs. toique Ibs. tor-que your local authorized Chevro Jet dec!er Thbe Junior Gardeners unrisias Show and Party will be hdld in the Orono Municipal Building on Thuirs- day evening, Novensber 30. Entries to> be broughlt b$we 6:30 and 7:'00 p.ni. Everyone welcorne. a-cý SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2nl.,! ___________ 2:30 p.m. at the I.OO.F. Hall, spon-1 sored by the HEATHERM SOCIAL CLUB. Many useful and deoorative gifts wilbe for sale and it will be a pleasant lime and place to pieet your frietxd for a CUP of tea. HçTui-rnadc Chritmnas Cakes willl be on sale and if you get your ord-i er in now it will save you dirsa- ppointment sliould there be a short- age later. To Cv~ Your Christmas now, ÇaIl: 'Mrs. Betty -Major, - 15210 Mrs. Irene "Murray - 14611. Cake a-CI IT PAYS -TO ADVE.RTISE COMING EVENT T e omn' Association of Or- ono United Church are having a ,Smorgasbord Supper on Thursday evening, December 7th. Kindly keep this daýte in niind. a-p COMING EVENT The Orono Oddfellows Service Club are holding their annual Fund Raisirg Draw and IDance in the Ddei z'sCommrnty Hall on Friday, Deceflnber 13th, 1961, When 20 Tirkeys wifi be given away. Revellaires Orchestra in atten- dance. Theýse musdicians were wel received at the Firemluin's Bail. Net proeeeds for Comvnrnunity Ser- vce. dison$2,00 per couple. Yainc- -i C9 until 1 a.m. Corne and enjoy a friencdly dance. a-c COMNG EVENT The Orono High School Giee Club and the Orono Band wlll presenit a Concert of Musk in the Orono Town Hall on Thursday e-vening, Novemrber 3Oth at 8:15 p.m. Admission 50c. Children under 12 years, free. a-c Apýartment for re Ymmoder~n 3fl Apply Mrs. Perc,-y FOR SALE Collie Pup. G(ood cattie or house diog for srale. Apply E. 'Martin. phione 14r.5. Or- ono). a-p NURSING HOME Downstairs Accommodations for Ladies at Rest Home. Phone Orono ! 10S. h-p-45 COMING EVENT Vhe Orono Hlorticultural Soc(ietY wil hold its Chiristmras meeting amian show on Tuesday evenîng, Dercemn- ber 5th in the Odd(fel¶loW's Hall at 8:00 p.m. Coipeition- aare to be as f olicows: 1. Christnras Gift Box Wrýapped no-t to exýeed 16 inches. 2. Christmias Dining Table Arrýange- ment - not over 10" in hlicit. 3. Chr'istmas DMantel Arrngeet 4. Christmas Door Decoral.'on. 5. Christmas Arrangement with a Religlous Themne. Prizes to be: 1st - $1.00; 2nd - 71c; 3rd - 50e. Mvr. Druinvnond wiI show ,slides. Everyonie wellcome, Corne and brIng at least one entry in the arrange- ment competition if po--ssrible. b-c 4-53 Oie sel 130 lhr, 27i ft o. oru I4W HEVROLET-GÎM DIEL IRBIT Hee' ew eorningpwe for Cievrole- nidlweights . , .theChevy-GM-.ý 4 53 Diesel fo r 15 new 060 And 06n-H -,, I's .i,,, GVW's ronging from 175,000 Jo 23,000 lbs. Here's years-lon.ger ngn life, rçik-bottom mocintenon.ce costsý, com,- poct sfze, low w/eight, top torque ond topn power - ail backed by years -f GMý, Diesýel experience. Ideol for operaf i;ons with high mileoge and few ý5cstos0rhs calling foi- ext.ensive engine idlinq, 390 ft. Ibs. torque, NIEW HIGH-TOfflE V8. The hustiest 'v3 thot tever P owered a Chevy truck .-.- the new.Highi-Torque 409 V8* wilh l6Vz- pr cent more toi-que tho.n ever before avoUlable from Chevrolet. Made to order for- top efficiency on top-tonnage hauls. BEL. AIR ALUh Window,ýs, Doors A ings, Prime, Slders Doors. R. PELLETIER, Phoný u FOR ÔPAINTING -DECORATING ÔBUILDING -CUP130ARDS 1 REPAIR AND FINISH O FURNITURE g g Calt gDQUC SIMPSUN g Phone 1413, Orono f White Washing STABLES and PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tonupkins Phone Newtonville 4721 STAFFORD BROS. Monumental Workiv Phone Whftby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARK ERS Let us ereet a handsome, dlg. nified monument over the rest- ing place of your Ioved ones. It's not expensive. And sougin this Iast tribut. will give you endiess comfort. WTTALTER FRANK D. W. McQUAY H, R-7,LTOR 17ï n'hurich St. gInsurance na iSeBraiches Auto, Package and Composite Spoticies , Fire, Farm, Life, Burglary, Liability, NMarine, ô Accident andl Sickness, Wind, Bolier, Fidelity Bond, Etc. b adie Hamiltong Phone, Orono 1RItý oFIRS r.-TGAGE LOANS Building a House? or remnodefing your present one then contact Floyd Nichilson Phone 2191 Orono Pr.I..soul Directory A. F. INIKENZIE, 14.D. PHYSIC IAN and SURGEON Office Heurs 2:88 te 4:00 p.m. 7:00 to 8:00 pAU% Satordays and Wednesdys by appintm.flts enly 1PHOMIE 1471 ogowo Phone 5 r 18 - Oron TED JACK-,SON Auctioneer and Valuator Cc.aducts Auction Sales of ail slue and at reasonable rates Comrnuncate with hima at Prt Perey, Ontario.- Monuments and Famýly Memorials Our quality and service leaves nothing to ho e sired Ask the person who bought f rom u* a neighbou-, friend or reIatîve The RUTTJER GRANvITE COMPANY 73 Ontarlo Street PORT HOPE "Largest Dlsplay in gouthern~ Ontario" Orono Electric PHONE 129 CONTRACTOFi$ FORt FARM an~d HOTJSE WIRTNG rren Estimnatetz A~s1iACESALES ,romp. .-Id Gua-air,ýed epaire of Iir:l'Electric-itr~im -d Apj lanjj,: ' îas . "3 - W.a.ê -'at . . Rad .-,t.- et - ira »NEW POWER- NEW ýPAYOFF!f r' t- ( 1 r r c r r' r r r r r r. 'r r 'r r' r r r '-r r. A r' r ROY W. NICHOLS BOWMVANVILLE, ONTARIO PHONE 728-6206 DR. R. J, TAGGART VErERINARY SUREON Phone 106i6 Oro»~, 00 Lawreace C. Masea, B.A. lBarrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-55Î1 W. KAY LYQETT, 10. Barriter «SoUiciter In the, Offices of 1 . R. Waddell Q.C. MAIN ST., GRONO Telephone 138 Orono LJ. SKMIFE Clartered Accountatt 8V APPO INTMENTS% Lycett's lipsurance Office P-0. Box 68, Orono Phone 1251li INUANCE * eneral & Life SEE FRED LYCETT OFFICE - MAIN BTr, ORONO Phone 12516 Res. 11710 JACK REID Auctioneer and Valuatôr SPecialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Conit me for ternis and dates

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