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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Nov 1961, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES 1jHUR$flAY, N IMS nited Counties jr Autherizecl as Second lass mail, post office D'eçartmleft, Ottawa Establlsbed in 19,38 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Editor and Manager Subscription payable in advance Lu a~at~a 4& ~ in USA Nublshod every ThursdBY at thé office o! publictta Congratulations- The Orono Weekly Tirnes would like ta extend ta a prescrit resident of thie area and a former resident, congratulations on re- ciigthe honourary degree o! Dacto)r o! Laws (L.L.D.) at thc faîl Conv)caItion o! the Uiniverïsity of Toronto. The residents, Dr. C. B. Sissons and Dr. Hlomer A. Thornpson, were so honoured at thc faîl Convocation. Bath men are and have been devotedly ded'icated to cdu- eation and have attributed greatly ta t1-is field. Their teachings, influence and standards have, no doubt, circled the world and will continue ta dô 50. Again we extend aur congra tulat ions. A Sound Policy Nomination meetingIs were held last Friday, botb for tlic Trownship o! Clarke and the Village of Orono. Ia botlh cases rate- payer intercst was lacking to a great degree and only a smail coentingent o! taxpayers were present at ither meetihg. It seerni almnost impossible to establish interest la our goveriTient la ta- days society and this is unfortlunate. These bodies do control cn sidierable sums o! money and do establish legisiation affecting the whole area- FInancially tie Towx.nship fils year la its general budget controlled $166,00.00 wlth the Polie Trustees controlling an amnount close to $20,000.0 In no man's language are these rnial arounts o! moncy, yct the gencral public secin little interested~. Points o! iaterest ia the Township meeting appear to est- ablish an awarcness in the present couacil o! a change la Town- sblp road work These points, we feel, are commendable and worthy o! putting into practice. Councillors Stone and Chater stated that the Township must 'consider hard-top surfacing of their roads. Mr. Chater point. ed out tic çconomny la this policy as thc present road budget Is depleted by twofifths o! the budget for maintenance and repairs. It is only obviaus tfhat hard-top surfacing, athougi costiag con- siderably when applied, -docs have econorny in the f act that if reduý mraintenane to à groat degrco. VWith a haretp surface there is no money spent for gravel and calcium which only edges into the ditches. Ca-lciumi does not, under present day trafflc con- <itions, liold up for any length o! tume and this was evident in the Mosport area this year. Reeve Walkey also came f orth with a progressive suggestion, praposing fliat council set out a two-voar plan for road work. Here again econorny should cxist witli sound planning. Roads, have ina tic past, been brouglit ta a condition ready for 17iard top- pig. HeaIth Unit Re-porti Communicable Disease Of 27 cases repor.tcd during Lhe Di ic moth heewe9 ecickonpox, J î flU 'OiL iULUII whooping cougli, 4 mumps. The to- Hamilton Township i~ :ainbei- crmes trep-orted sa Lfar Reeve th4s, yoar is 1566. One rabid (log was Gardon Carruthers (Acel.) found in Hope Township I his is Deputy-ReCe ohe first r-eportodi sin(_e arch. 0. Hilton Harris (Accl.) Three persons werc to recoive treat- Council (ACoL.) mient as a resuit of! contact with Witney Davidson, Elg-in Cochrane, this animal,.01ro10a Mana. School I-ealth BOwmanvillie Nurses gaxýe health inspection toý Mayor 877 school childrcn. More than 1,200j Ivani Hobbs (Accl.) Swere gven vision tests, mostly withý Reeve Good-Lite charts. There werc 8Sine Little (Acci.) toachIer nurse lissroom iconforelices ODeputy-Reeve concerning the health of each dhlld Rass Stevens (Acc.) in the classrao0m. Public Health, Council Nurses visited homes to confer with (Six ta be Elected) parets bout186chilrcr ~ Glenholme Hughes, Wesley Fiee, 1Annie Onke, Owen Nielholas, J. C. age. TIe most prevalent physical de-,. Cyc arc Pot ae romf- f ect among the school children in bie,, Herbert Knapp, Roy Nichols, Nortbumbewland-4Dtrhani lCounties Kcith Shackleton, Ken Hopper, is dental caries, accompanied by u,-ý JacZk Brough, Glen Fry George healthy gums in the older children.Cwkr Harry Kilpatrick. MIsIuh of the teaching of the Publie Haldimand Trownship Health Nurses ia homes ai-d echools ev is about mattens that affect diental Ga;rdlon Blomfield health. Parents ar-e advisd to start' Deputy-Reeve takiag their children to the dentistLyeCri at the age o! tliree, there after at CTre o be lecte reguLir intervals. If the child can (TretbeEctd be traincd to avoid or at leaset limit Nelson Usher, Neil Masterson, An. sweet, sticky foods and to cleanse drew Aird, John IMassey, Alex his nIbuth properly immediately a!- Mackie. ter eating, mucli decay can be pre Election day, Decembèr 4th. vened nd he umskept healthy. Liquor Vote - December 13th. The addition o! fluoride- la the Necate amounit of 1 part per million to ee municipal water supplies has beený D. J. Cunningham (Acci.) shown conelusively to decreasee Council (Acci.> incidence o! tooth dccay in childrten J. T. Brown, F. G. Couch, C. R. hy 60.- 66%;i. This procedure lias Lovekin, H. C. Bonathan been endorsed by medical, dentaliMilr@ and public l-,'ealth assoýciations ini For- Reeve Canada and thIe United States. 'Roy ColdwelI, L. R. Gibson, G. Trick (Fu o be letd Maternai and Infant 1 Prenatal classes arc being lield la, Bowmanville, Port Hope, Cobourg, and Brighton, once weekly, with at- tendance o! from 4l ta 10 at ecdi class. Miss Margaret Coogan, Ao(tingý Senior Nurse, attended a ref reslier course on MaternaI and lnfant' Health, arrangcd by tlhe Ontario Department o! Healith, held in TFor- aonta October 23 tu 27th inclusive, Infant visits in October byv Publie Haltti Nurses totalled 375. Audiometry During October, testing proceed- ed fil Percy an-d Seymour Towns- hips, thie techaician working with thc Public Healti Nurse froin the Campbellford office and with nurs- es fromtfthc Bowmanvi-lIe offiee in Cartwright and Clarke Townships. A total o! 6411 tests were complet- cd. Th~ere wcre 221 beginners, 119 grade 3, 93 grade 7, 135 f roiti othepr, grades, .5 secondary school students,_ 2 aduits andi 66 retests. Nine riewl hearing defectis wcre disovcred,i and o! thc 66 rotests, '14 were cor-ý rections o! de! ects cdiscovýered 31astý ycar. Sanitation The programmiie for the monflh was routine witrh 39-4 inspectionsi matie. These consistcd largely ai 20 building lot approvals, 22 schoo] inspections, 252 pri'vate sewage dis- posai systems; 23 eating establish- ments, and 54 private water supplys 159 interviews were hlin l addition ta the abave menfioned inspections. Routine samping o! miîk supplies municipal and private wvater, and oating establishment~ utensil swab- bing was carried ouf and 258 -spoci" mens forwardied ta or transportec fa tie Ontario BanhLaborafory in Pefterborýoug-li for exam-inatiani. Offh'-,e abo've number 6(, water sae ee collected for chei(,-ý cal analysis. Thiese arc forwarded Ft the Ontario Water Resources Lab- oratory, Toronto, for examnination, Meat Inspection Animais inspected during the m nonfli numnbored 498. aitd]o! these 7 were nof approved. in addition. l27 portions wvere cnend General Remarks rThe Annual Conference called by the Onfiario Minister co! Hcaith and 1the O.P.H.A. conference were held 1on October 2, 3. anti 41h la Tarantüe Thie meetings were attended by Dr. C .Horner, Mcdical Officer o! -Heatitli, Miss L. Steele, Nurs!ný- ,Suporvisor and Mr. T. H. Waters Seniorý Sanitary Inspector. Public HlealC., Control o! Radiation Injury la Nuclear War was the subject aî ' discussion for coeday. Dr. G. Cormack, Director, Day SCatre Centre attends fthc monthly ~nurses staff meeting ro discuss Mer- taij Pealithproblen-is and programmn Swith flic nurses and ta further k ýR. Ridge . T. E. Nat*rcss', G. Re-- nolds, H. Bruemner, P. E. Hamilton. Electioxi date t>eceniber- 1. Darlingtori Township Reeve Garnet Rickard (Accl.) Deputy-Reeve A. L Blanchard (Acci.) Council ((Tirce to be Elccted) SinyCornisli, Fred G, Smith~ Harold Muir, Elmer Pollard, Mrs. Mlary Budia. Hope Township Reeve F. Bamsoy (Acel.) W. Liglitie (Acci) Counicil (3 seats) W. Banister, G. Fnie, H. Osborn, L. White. Sohool Trustees South Hope (3 seats) Mr.T. Andrus, R. Bebec, L. Bray, N. Gerow, J. Lancaster, D. Whitney. North Hope (Accl.) F. Fooite and G. Scott. Port Hope Mayor R. C. Everson, M. Wladyka. Reeve T. A. Brandon (Acci.) Deputy.Reeve W. A. Heber-le (Acel.) (6 Seafs) W. A. Anderson, W. J. Austin, J.ý R. Carr, Mrs. R. Clarkie, A. W. Lent, J. M., Rasevoar, B. L. Spicer, C.J. Snmiti, E. W. Smith, R. Turck. TWO-WAY RACE FOR REEVE !rN MANVERS TWP. Manvers Township Reeve Robertý Brawn, Pntpo l îl be apposed by Henry M4. Jakeman o! Bjefhany, owdeputyeeeat tflic Manver's Rninng for the deputy reeve'sý post wl be Coun. Jh Payne, Pontypool, Colin. Fentan Falliq, Manvers Station and Harvey Mal- cmYelvcrton. Othes sekingconcil seat s arc Lewi McGîlGeore Sith, 110w- Ird] Brown, Radncyv Porter and Lamne Farrow. CAVAN IREEVE RETURNED Cavan T ownship Reeve Lloyd A. Hooton was returncd by accla- m-ation for 1962. Thiere wi, be an election oýn Dec. 4.Tw monl have indicated. fiey: wi11 stand for the deputy reevcsi1,P -fif vacant by tC noving9 away of Lamne Farrow. William Mitchel and Donald Cafhcart. fhrece places as counicillor. Luther Four mca wcre nominafed fo f111 Olan,. Donald Lang, Rae Stewart an Jhn Knman. l3y Rev. Basil Long 4 Dr. William Barklay teIlî the1 roadYl story of an old man who was 1very Sucli is life that, too oft en. w 111 and fast approachlng the end o! do n ot concern ourselves wýith this his dlays. Some of his intimate question until the damage has Ie friends who were gathered aruddn'adwr tofroi him noticed that lie was 111 at ease "a of life to do mucli about if. ' and obviously troubled about sorte. thing. Ia reply to their inquiry lie Day after day, weelk after ek told them that he had been tliink-1 ýr after year, the gospel o! Jeszus in,- about the influence of his ife Christ is proclaimed la our chuieh'- a nd that he had been recalling ai es, ,ver the air and in many other boyhood experience in wh1e ways. But there are multitudes of. had been playing on a largýe coi- people in Our own country who liev- mions where two roads crossed. At er read the Bibè1 they neyer go .ýta the four corners, signs fastened to church, and perhaps nover listen a. polo pointed the direction. Sur, ) Christian devotional broadia-sTs rendering to a boyish urge to enjoy over the air. If t'hey are ever 0o be h rnle had loosenedi the pale, reached it can anly be- as tbeycý' see rnk,-i o"t-ýti oidi h the true spirit of Christ roflected turnngdirton.at is one ihe sin the lives of those who daim him. wongdeirecton and now lerhe asThe minister may spend hours on had sent down thoe wrong road, and his sermons and speak in a moest how many through the influence profound manner, but it is Nwhqa he of hs lie ha taen te wrng jivs that will be nioticedl and te- of hi lif hadtake tl'ewr n mmbered. Parents may %ek to im- 1 course. ýrPUýz irnnn flE AAfl f 1-heir chfid.* The tragedy rovealed la the ren the value o! a Christ contered story is that, like mat-, ottiers,, the life, but unless the fruits oî a aId man was asking this question Christian faith arc iëon la the par- at the end o! bis years instead of ents, the chiîdren will likelly pay early- in lie very ilittle attention, It is rather a startling question! No matter what our religlous to ask ourselves, "How mnany people conviétions may be or no maàtter have wc sent down the wrong what oui- philosophy o! hf e wec an- roadFt If we seriously try to an- not avokdthtle fràc'o! our influence. ver the question we will realize ,ap s hma h1cnfe that we have no way o! knlowing, hat yit is eemn for od. e for uneonsciously we are cxertingi la thsbe o od an influence for good or bad la ev- Somneone has wvrittcn the m-eain- erything we say or do. Just being g.-ful lines o! verse.- what wve are has its influence. Ev- You are wvriting a Gospel, en thougli we could accurately say A chapter ecd day, that weý7 have sent no one down the B3Y deeds that you do, wrongu road, we cannot be satisfied By words that you say. with sucli a negative response to M-,ýen read what you write, lile. The vital question ever con- Wlether faithless or true; fronting us is, "110w any people Say, what is the Gospel ave we directed down tic rlght Accordîng to you? Camera Club lVeet Wedneseay Evening The Camera Club will loliia,,meet-, ing this coming Wedncesday, Decen- ber 6tb. The meetig wiîl open at 8:0)0 oMcock and is ta be hcld la flic upstairs, raam o! the Oro omr- munity Centre, Mr. Ted Tarer o!flice Oshawa Camnera Club %vill address fis first meeting outlining flic acf ivif les o! sucli an organization and nio 'dubt will corne forth with some hiats la flic art of pliotograpiy. The meeting is open f0 everyoae and th-.ere will be rio charge for- fis f irst meeting. Presenfly tiere are ten infcrested la the forming o!flice Club but more are needed fo maRe if a success. Salety Council Sponsor Crest Conipeýtiton TeDurh'am Counfy Safety Couni- cil o! Ontario lias decided to. accc-pt ic'eas franri th? ceunty and district 1sa!ety arganizations far a Provinc-1 ial crcst. It was decided tiat caci county sa!efy commitf ce sliould hold a competition in flicir own -outify, then send'ing on tic to>p crest for flic provincial competitioli. Cash prizes arc offercd for the provincial competition as follaws: 1sf - $50.00; 2nd - $30.M0; 3rd - $20.00; 10 prizcs o! $10.00 oaci. The Durh-am County Sa! ety Côuncil 1 bas dec!ided fa sponsar flic competifioin otahle extont fiat tliey wilî secure j Ioestapick flictop. crost and if ýin fura will be entered ia flic provincial comIpet itian. Any- one interested a inte campiletifion .sIIould send the (crest Ita Mr. Milford Whife, the 'Chairmnan o!flice Dur- hiam County Safety Cpuiîi at Campliellcrof t, or tliey miay leave it witli fle Ontaria Deparfment o! AgrculureinBowmlîanivilîe. The ,conditions o!fic crest com- petition are as follows: 1. Tic crest is fa be dcsigned an 8'1/2" I-" "paper. 2. Enfries are ta be submnitted fa flic DurliamiSafoty CouncýiI Ihy Dec(. ember l5tli. 3. Only one ent ry per county wil) SbeP Sent On ta fie provincial associ- Safion. 4. Sucli a crest would be uedfor ,lefferhcad paper, lapel pins,.nvl [ opes, etc. 5. If may or m.tay nof include fie n'"ame o!flie Onftarîo Safe-ty Council. Local News Professor and Mrs. Thompson of Princeton, New Jersey, visiter, on Sunday with- Mr. and Mrs. Arnoêld Wallace. Professor and Mrs. Thorap- son were foi-mer residentsý of Orono., A number from the Orono Bad- minton Club attended a Badmintonl Cl1inic held in Peterborough on Sun- ý,ay alternoon. The Orono High School GeeClub mId the Oroxo Band are present1nç? a progrmof music in the Or.onco ToDWn all tonight. The pro« ,ramn will open at 8:15 sharp and a. full program of m, usie will be s;up. )ied by these two local groups, d1plie rdth,e daffo bgB Tobacco Men Encour-, aged To Exhibit At Fair TWbacco growers and their wives from ail parts o! the United Couný ties attendled the annual dinner meeting of! Vhe Durhai and Nrh umberland Flue Cured Tobacco Grow,,ers' Association at the Legiýon Hall, Cobourg. Guest speaker for the. occasionl was George DeMeyere, chairmian A! the Ontario Flue Cured Tobacco Marketing Board, -who spake ontha difficulty of granting farimers in- creased tabacco producing righ'Fts. Mr. DeMeyere was introduced !)y Achiel De Sehepper and thiankýed by P. G. Nowell of New%%castle. GlýenAt- kins, Centreton, was chairmnii. Association secretary H. K. Long of Port Hlope said this was thýe sec- odyear thie asoci(,atian had exhibi- ecd at theé Orono Fair and lie urged 'hat more members take part next y-ear. OURHAM COLJNTY AGRICULTURAL CALENDAR December -Lurham n osti Club Annual Bang-uet Decenber5Dulni oL. Club Annual 'Meeting Janiuary 9-Nrth urham Apple jGrowers Annual Mctng epart.- mnent o! Agriculture, Brighton January Il - 10:00 a.nt--Dur' ham Soil and Crop Improvemenl Annual Meeting, St. John's Pariesh IHall, Bowmanville. -Il

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