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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Nov 1961, p. 5

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THRDVNVMER2 91 Page 5 SECOND 0F TWO ARTICLES ]are studied in greater detail. Auto- handti tols andi modern machlnery, mo(-bile englnes and lubrication, eï- both. portible and fixed will be En i e rnFe kn l gym a e ectrical andi fuel systems mnake up asteed ow 1larige part of the year's work. These Genral oodworking in Grade z. uý i îc rî £ , e hoo l m , r d sy r studieti in grea ter de- 1IX iscnpist of the reading of I ail along with11 the transmision rîg, the mrakinlg up bills of units of the chassis. TIe tudn aeil the Proper use anti care of vvil alo stdy ydraliebrak sytPeimportant hanti tool,atith Mm. H. .o1dwho will be in opening year to arrangee courses -1:e iroom will be about 3400 sq. sidering fronilt xvhl anglsani chnes suchf as the( Jigs, ý.Di Sc hare o h niernTc-a hywud have oly cnti1 ~ niwill have three overhieai steering geomery. SnieDrill 1Pess, Lathe nd ant nology and Trades programn at the aýtioni of what the stutients WilI dor ,)t service three work bays, GAEi .Alfnaetisil are ar- new TCompo-ýýsite Sh now undierwnt The courses, it is undemstood, îith two automobile hydraulic- The pupils in Grdei1curearel ke hilte pupil worýs on -ostucton in port Hope, outlinedj wîl i commence at first only in the hossat yaraitse.Teconsidereti sufficin tvact e ..oasget rjcs fe kc tIefciiie bin nstalleti in thie lower grades. ltîipmnt will be completeîy raoti- ueso pcaieiftig eVie mypoe npoet f his new building alongl with outliningl Studentiis in this area wishing to ern and include such items as teniantfi testing eqimn.Te tty~nchoie(. Grade IX poet a tevriu nrsetatwill be of- a-etecus in thie Composite -ar us Ihve engines; four various hecntuio oerinatis >deams bokentis,smî fered wh he sulhool is in full op- Sechool will hbc bsed to Port Hope. 1,ati engines; wheel balancer; coml- vice of automoM,-Ie eetica-ýl s)idtucns, waii sheives, cut- raon. Thefelin is a complete me- p-ete chassis; spark-plug cleaner;tosfulumscrb1einai gbadst. The seýhool will open in Septem- Port of information gîven by the valve refacer; arboyur press. over- 1 aj i egine anti chassIs units. AMy The Grade X couseCotinues on ber of 1962ý and will be the only director te thie Board members at a hieati lubrication reels; tdrill prefsGftesrvc rtos are caÏrri- 1';:n1 Grade IX wýithcntuto school le the area at which the recent meeting helti in Bowman- ici grinder; electris anti gas weîd- cd lOut in "live" automoýbiles broughtianc fpoettepoe s Engineering Te-chnology anti Trades ville. ing equipment. comrplete auto-ele - i, the shop for that pumpose. Somo e ae0fsecaîuroe ol Courses will bo taught. As in the crie testing equipymont, models of 1 ý fthese operattons are -from. heinc as the abbet Plane etc., anti Art anti Science course and the ROOM LAVOUTS AN D EQU1P- carburetors, gonemators, fuel pumps, aligueet, baesysteni overbial i0 safe Operation of the large domminerc.ial course there will be a1 MENT FOR THE ENGINEERING, front nt assemblies, reati-enti as- anti steering -ear ro-operation. icieysc stejitrat five-year, a feur-yeam, a twoyear' TECHNOLOGY ANO TRADES snbis brakes, transmission, GRADE 12 qDtsr h rjesi hsya nti'a one-year occupational course.1 COU RSES clutc( h assenibiies, etc., for studlen 1t The Grade 12 work fin automr o n,, tsr h re ava ctin t ay ud Mmr. Arnold, foît that the 'one anti . Tcncleuaini h rvt- tisaszsembî1y antiad ebyinstru- ca sinovsteovral e- tools, tables, etc. Lwo year courses woulti be comibined' îng 0f skJlls whîch holp a person f0 ni A one-ton ovorheati hoist ,etn at ig Osi f al Grades, XI anti XII brancet, off in- Thle courses. he gaiti, includoti con- earn a living ani rentier useful ser- beigrcmeteifcsrieo-~mo automobnilemeancl .tO rctaladtoeialse- siderable acatiemic subjeets antivcd oscey gine.s anti compflete aiutomobiles. ecticllant fuel syse toblstl:zed work such as cabinet making _rade 13 of t'heftrevr course will AUTO MECHAN RAE 9Asmuc a posile e ttintio)r more offen building construction. bo the same a s the Arts and Science in the Auto Mýeé1-anies Course a The Grade 9 auto mehais i their womk on serviceable vehic. tPe building conistruction. course course. sneteasth thoycauocrscvesigner alte con- les broughit into the -hop. Safety lbals with ail prases Of constructing 111.0en leiriIý,, th, teor ofaut in el!', ' h -anti cleanliness are constantly stres- i bouse anti deals with the import- He also poifetPI-Ouf that theIse wechanies, thenamnes and function stutonat peration 0f th'e au- seti throughout the four Years Of! Ince eft(building by'àws, specifica- courses, particuilarly in the five anti of ail parts anti the principles eft0tmi'le chassis units. This involv-thscueaogwhtecmef nspnsniplnn.Prtcî four-yeamr programs would be equal- the varlous systems useti as weîî os t]he dismnantling anti assembly hscueaogwtte 1l f-ïnpasadpani.Prtcl ly as h-arti as thosffe in the Arts anti as practical experienýce, womking of ahl feasible units, such as front Testiig equipment anti po e oos, vo)rk incluties reugh framing, roof Sciences. These courses ,are not det wlfh the fu11 size shop motiels anti wheels, enginies anti parts, ecluitchi, thre at oe tie1 on rses rmn nisti aota eîa àigned for studonts whio are not real automobiles. They learn the brakes anti transm-issions. CARPENTRdYte&iMsIalLWtonKof hard willing f0 make an effort anti there uise ef specializoti testing anti fit- GRADEI1O 1 The wootiworking course Wi;ll Thsr1 ilbeaot20 q must be an ability. tiiîg equipmrent and how f0 diagnoso leI the Grade 10custý u-give instruction in bai twr-fTisarea antil haoe ove0 eati Mm. Arnoldi stateti that there antiservice ecommon mechanical atpscto antpeain ftepnbu ail ulin o-1ot aclîatendhanlng of sup-d woud b a ret dffiult i th ~lctrca trubla.principal pParts of an automo~bile struction anti carpentry. The use o! i .-A Umistakably . a . the brand-new, trim-size Chevy Il is ail Chevrolet, through and through. It has the tradfitional Chevrolet value that has made Chevrolet products the leading sellers in Canada year after year. Chevy II also'brings you a brand-new kind of economy..a with an eye-catching new flair for style! And a respon- sive new kind of power, makes this notable niewcomera real goer! Truly a -Chevy II is a C hevrolet to be prou d of! WhIýtewa,;l tires optiona! at extra cs Sée and drive Che vy Ila t your Chevrolet dealer's soon .A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE NEW ENGINES CHEVY II has the goods under the hood. There's' a brand-new 4-cylinder, 90 hp high -stepping money-saver, or a 6-cylinder, 120 hp high- performance power plant that takea juat a littie more gaa and givesaia lot more go. 'u Take your choice and go, go. GO for less. -N EW ROOMWINESS Here's the inside story of the year. Although this car waa de- aigned to be over -two feet ahorter, it atili providea stretch- ing comfort for six adults. And ..... .you'll love the handsome in- teriors, quality fabrics and sofa- aoft aeats. Try a Chevy Il for size - and sighs. NEW SUSPENSION Straight from f ifty years of Chevrolet know-how and engineering thoroughniess - the suspension avneo the year - Chevy iI'a fabul- oua Mono-Plate rear aprings! No harsh boun Ce.No0 aqueaks. And sensationally smooth, smooth, smooth l NEW STYLE Theb Chevy II Nova 400 Converti- ble, cean as a mountain breeze n line and design, shows you why Chevy II is truly the car tatr emplifies function with a fli.Al fine Chevy il modela have the finish, the sparkling style, you expect from Chev- rolet, the perennial leader. See t . . try it . . . at your Chev- rolet dealers today. H- 1462D PHONE 728-6206 Wies ana construction projeefs. Thore will be a lumber storage rack vvîth a finishing room locateti above. c T'he equipment will include six .square wootiworking bonches; a 20"1 thîckness planer; 12" joiner; 10" riýal armi saw; 10", circular saw; tlîree 12" woodi lathes; bandi saw; seroil saw; Moultiing machine; disc and bell santier; tiouble-entieti grin- der; dill press, mortising machine; andi necessary hanti tools anti pow- ereti hanti tools. A large construe- lon area wîll be provîdeti for con- s.truction work anti a cyclone dust cul1ector syte as been reýom- cendeti. iJRAFT1NG The Drafting Coursýe teaches the -.-e of tirating instruLments anti de- .v iops tirafting skills se that a stu- :enct can receognize anti tiaw detail ici woi-king irawings as usetinlt '7,dtstry anti bis other sliop wark. i wli be divitiet at the Grade XIT s~ infô Mach7-ine -Draftitng (irw i.as-appliedti f0machinery) at Arichietetural Drafticg tdraxvicg aL a _piedti t the building construction iielti). Map-making, survey practîce ricd draftîng, shooet metal pattern îîaking anti structural steel tiraw- ing will be introduceti as requireti. Survey -ia-ýLngk, use o01 eia botgrplscacÀa,rali naï pilg, topograp ý. al îJng a i u ,Lurai seel ,designi,wili w ema sizoti iineteati tof soy t iîii i cture anti Froohanti Skecciing le the new education progranmme. TeVie Grade IX Course includes care anti use of instrunments, alpha- bet of linos, lettering, working orth- ograph,,c projection, oetaii drawv ings, dîmensionîng, sectionîng and blue-print reatiing. le Grade X, the student begins to 'cirelate bis dafting with the ma- chine slîop anti woot sbhop by mak- ing working tiravvhîgs (asseniuiy anti détails) of 'projocts typical f0 these shops, anti oby statiying tliread representation, types of threadeti1 fastenings, intersection anti tevel1 opmeet of surfaces, anti geometrîc j onstruction. Grade0 XI anti Grade XI! I tei course endeavours to corr elatei drafting te the shop in whiceh thev stutient is specializing. For exemple,I auto mechanics make tirawings ot P gears, canis, eloctrical wiring antid apparatus of cars. Machine slup 14 stutients tiraw gear.s, carcis, tiesign of d mechanical ebjeets, etc. Wootiwork- ing stutients make tirawings of var- ions tietails such as floor construc- tien, frame walls, fireplace anti ahimnoey construction, windows anti roof ty pes. Electric speciais make electrical tirawings of electrical ap- partu, bussmachines, etc. Thee sheet mealvorker engages le the desigenti teveiopment cf surfaces for sheet metal objects.1 Grade XI stutients spenti more time le the drafting roon anti are2 taughit the fundamentals of diesign ' ainti tevelopment of machines. A-d mong- their varlous jobs are draw-f legýs 0f machine parts, engineering t credevlopment ef surfaces, gearinig (spur anti bevel) jig andti fixfiure diesign, structural steel andti pictomial tiraWings (isomotrîc, ob-n lique anti perspective).9 Grade XII stutients continue anv intensified anti advanoedi practicala study of making drawings anti of problems dealing with str-ength.t ,of materials, spiral gears, varkous'% mechanisms, designi of simplem- ,chineýs and drafting office routine, SPECIALIZATION IN ARCHITEC- ýTURAL DRAFTING AND BUILOD- ING COiNSTRUCTION Thi"s Courise is designed1 to give £he tudnt a unerstnd'ngof theý 'buildinýg colistrlilltiondrwigan stnadoffice pac!ieil ti 'e pre- p'-aaionl of workinig daîg o eienCe or sm allilding. Tite couLrse is dvddinlto a num-, er oJf parts or sub)jects whiic&- ci arcitectural (draftinlgprcce aswls v a I cuitral aprctaio "'f the hisor ad dsg f ïbuildin-gs. InGradcie XI the ýstuetprep)ares. oig cdetaLls of a uildiig,ad makes a ièareful situdyv of building materials and methiods of construc.- bion. The study of structural design, hiistory of architecture and render- ing of arch'itectural f orins in pen- cil, and pen and ink provide a back- ground for further studies. Grade XII studies are a continu- ation along an, advanced line et! Grade XI work. The situdent wili draw a complete set of residernoe plans. These will be presented ai blue-prints and instrumental per- spective ctrawings rendered in pas- tel chalk or *.aterco1our._, Est imating, sprveying and survey drawing, andi specifecoýeon writing are introducd in this year to fur- Lher compléte the studenit's knovv- ledge of building constructioni. A5ý- an extra projeet, th4 student wiI.1 be required to construct an archi- tectural scale finodel of his residence, plans. Field ,trips te buildings under construction and to building mater- ial f irms. will add to the interest and understandinig 0f this subjeet. This area wiil include two idtent,- cal rooms, each with 20' drafting tables,, and a blue-print and storageý area located between the drafting- rooms. Equipment wil include 40 riod- ern drafting tables, necessary scaIe-q set-squares, rompasses, ink-ig pens, T squareýs, twomeancldftn machines, two special drafting fab- lemech1anic-al lettering 9eQuiPment, ea l hotograph and survey equP- mnanid a cmlt lbayfor ai ,hases of draftinig wovrk. ELECTR'IC;AL CONSTRUCTION AND ELECTRONICS The AýIplied Elec(tricity Course wili teach the installation andman tenanýce of electrical wiring (hoth residential and industrial) and ialso moosandieqie t i lso in!- cludes t1;ew heryanti test;ingof iechaic niîu electronic qup ment and'lightring, and industr'i electronies. The course is 0f' 4 year durationi, designedti te tain young men'for ocsitions in thie elecetricaltrades or i o pi epare tb-em for further studuies at sc institutes as Ryerson. I.-' fLra9 Jcourse consi-sti ýof ùeemrtial opraitions as -igiit c ftme bya ielectrician. The 7 eoryu of mnagneutisin, circuit p)r(. tection, electrical u iand sft ruleýs are studieti. In Grade 10 miore involvet1i pra-c- tical electrical operationis ae er- formed. This is taught mrostly b projects encountereti in hoiue wir- ingý T-vïDical theory topiesý are: 'Yin-Vs Lavv as appiieti to series andi aici ercuits, licedJ-op, p .ý,wer ,oss, circular mil measure, types of vvire anti cabie, coustruction and op. e'raioln of steve switches, controls a:ndi timers. ,_,ecialization hegins in Grade IL. The boys in Grade il who are se alizing in Electricity spent a major oonrtfin of tiîeir shop time in thie elcria hop. M\/ore intensive an exten1siveý wo-rk in both lvnuàse ant iidustrial wiring is undertaken. The stuifflo f [ndustrial D. C. motor cnrlat A.C. single phase motors plus 'i- iluceti current anti ch'aracterized.- loati test of D.C. generators ý,is iun- iertaken. In Grade 12, there is fuirthe tdyof: wiring industrial moiitorý mtoA.C. motor winding, reac- e,, Chevy 11 300 4-door Sedan BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO ROY W. ýICHOLS- THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1961

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