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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Dec 1961, p. 2

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Subscription payable i-n advance, In Canada& 5 InU.SA. lJ Piiblished iev-ery Thursday at tluý office of publicattOi Talent Galore Activities in the Village af Orono on Tliursday eveni-ng o? last week revealed the fact thaf tis area does noV lack far talent nor ability. Within the Qrono Municipal Centre and the 'TownshWp Hal on this evening, talent, by variaus groups, was much i n cvi- dencf,. Its use in providing enfertalnmnenf and creative work was lest admirable and commendable. The Junior Gardeners, a group ai youngsters of Public School age, leld a Christmas show in fhé Centre where fhey di- played their creafive work o? decorati-ve abjects. These items m~ade a grand display and ane seldomn seen anywiere. It was indee-d a <redltf fia tese yaojng dhildren. Also at work on Tliursday was the Orono Art group whichn talents have been viewed by tlie public on a number of occasions and have always received iigli praîse. .1 furtier display o? talent was seen and heard at the Taýwrshîp Hall where the Orono Higli Schol Glee Club and the Orono Band were perorming on a Il-gh note and reoeving fie praises of their audience. A despairing note d0es liowever creep in wh'en noting fie rather rniagre audience wlio take advantage ta, view anid hear the 'wotic of local talent. In mast cases on Tiursday» last larger crowds could have been handled and would have, no doubt, been appreciated. The work ofie children and fie musicale Wr wvorthy programs o? lnteresf. in ane of tlýe cathvedrals o? En- [and there is a beauti-ful window ~hiough which the sunlig-ht streams It displays the facts and personali- lies of the Old and N~ew Testaments anid the 'gloriaus truth's and doc- rines of the Christian revelation. Ti -win'doaw was fashioned by the artist out of broken bits of glas-, which another arti-st iad discarded. 1The result was a thing of beautyý. It was a cornbination of the beauty_ in tie glass, the arrangemenit of the artist, and the sunlight which came streami-ng through it. When Jesus sai-d, "the son 0ft man is corne to sàve 'that whici was lost", lie was sayi-ng that thi-s very thi-ng- could be done i-n the lives af men, that the broken pieces o? lile,! tihe cast-aways, could be fashioned info a beautiful pattera far sur- passing any natural beauty to be found in man. And sa He came, H-e camnes ta save us fram the past, i-n tLeý present, for the future. The psychiafrist in dealing with emo- tional disturbances knows that ex- periences of the pasf are often sub- cosiul affecting the response ofthe present, these munst be ident- ifled and dealit witi if healtli is'to be restored. This often involves a spiritual experience. The great ap- oqtle Paul i-n is lEst of? things wh-ieh É& says cannot separate. us from the love of? Christ ncludes 1thi-ngs present". When we assess aur actions we offen find that wel have been domnin'ated by just that very thing. The nearness of today's responsi!biliti-es, fie derinand o? so- cial ci-ai-ms, and the ever prese,-nt desire ta get aliead all tend ta cloud spiritual responsiveness until we need saving Pot only tram the grip of thle past but the dlaims of the present. If we dfrap our consideratioa here, however, we fail to takeit account that whichi is the glaya the Christian faîfli. We believe fiat God did not create man for tiese strivi-n'g but for ail tiat is involved f ew short years ofsruggle and la thaf greater lie beyond the ex- periences of tie presenit, and so Christ came to Save us for.-the fu- ture. Tle truth about life is tiat or- diaarily man dcls not express the full potential o? hi-s ife. He lias been created for greaf things but grows satisfied with tie ininor. He becomes lost in lis involvement wviti things present, h4s surrender ta self -centeredaess, ta immoral ex-. pression and a hast of other thiungs. 1.n hi-s 10sf state lie cannat knokwi the abundant life of wl-icl Christi spoke. But God knoyws wliat is in man, he seeks to bni-ng hi-m into that fulaess. God alone knows tlie ri-gt way. The aid testament pro- phet proclahned "my ways are flot yaur ways, neitier are your ways my ways"'. sati the Lord. "For as the heavens are higlier than the earth, so are my ways ltig'her than yaur ways."' Ia man's evaluaFti-on of man his opinions are limited, lie takes the best and accommplishes the least. God, on fie other hand, is noV li-ted, lie takes the left- avers, the cast-aways and works them laVa a completeness, a thi-ag o? beauty. We know that aur hives are fui-I of mistakes o? one kind or another, for we spend our fi-me on the things lhat benlef it Us little. We Waste Our treng-th seeking to gain that which profits not. We give our allegi-ance Scauses which have no endiuri-ng 'alues. But out of the pieces, if Hre s gi-yen the a2 ppartunity, Christ, thel mnaster artist, can weave a beauti- uL pattern. "Wlihen 1 was in Persia, iitsLeslie D. Weatherhead, "I, ~aid ',a a student watchi-ng with mie he( weaving of a carpet, rWhat hap- .ens when the boys make a -mis- ake? "Well", he said "quite affen the artist does no4t make the boy take out the wrong colour. If the arti-st is a great eniaugli artiîst, t&e weaves the mistake into a pattern." The praduct of Christ's weaving .ve so commonly wlsh ta condeman as a saint, but a saint is not what is one h is self-righteously liard and cold, or one who loaoks morbid-1 ly af le seein.- only the evil, miss- ing the goad, and expressing littie af the joy wh ,S' should bubble fortlh out of aur lives like a spring of pure water finding its way fia the surface of the graund providing re- freshment for the hirsty. When a littie boy was asked ta defi-ne a saint, al lihe could tlink of we the figures he liad seen in fhe ýta in- glassed wln4ows of the chlurdli. So he answered," A saint is a man the lIiglt shines througli." When Christ takes the pieces of a parfially spent lile, arranging them i-n lis own pat- tern, and wlien his light shines tlirouglb that llue,.it beconies a master piece i-n the Master Artisf's collection. Preached Dec. 3, 1961. BOWMANVILLE VOTERS ELEOT SIX COUNCILLORS Roy Ni-cholls headed fhe poil for Council in Bawmanvllle -on Mon- day with 11241 votes. Jack Brough folowed with 1086; Annie Oke 1036; Hiaaper 786 and Wesley Fice .708. 49.8 per cent of the. town's 3,777 electorate voted. The complete Bowmanvitlle edec- ti-on pioture folouwiùg the Novernber ,20 nominatioans is as foll<yws: Mayor, Ivan Hoibbs '(acci.) Reeve, Sidney Little (acci.) Deputy-Reeve Ress Stevens (acei.) PUC, Freder- ick M. Vanstone and Lawreice C. Masson (acci)., 3 TELEPI-ONE EXCI-ANGES CHANGE METHOD NEXT FALL. Seven-figure telephone nunibers wilI be introduced in thke Boivman- ville, Hampton, Whitby and Ajaxý Pickering exehange ateas coi'nci-r ent with the publication of the 1962 telephone directory next Oecaber. Introduttion o? the new method o? displaying telephone numbers will not mean ani actual change i-n SOrville Chatterton 1 1Eleetrical Contracting j IElectric l-leating and Service I Phone 1031 I Orono, Ontario TO TilE ELECTORS 0F CLARKE TOWNSHIIP Thcink You For my Acclamation as Deputy-Reeve for 1962 I wilI continue to serve you as I have in the past, three yéars as Couneillor. Wishing you the compliments of the season. JOHN STONE change designation wMt be folowed present. by the sarne last four figures as at "The change to seven-figure nUiLn- the dialing procedure, MriLor bers is being rnade unider the AZ said. Number Calling (ANO> plan, whieh7- Bowmanville's MArket 3 wilf be. will eventually emrc most te1- cqme 623; Hanipton's COLfax 31 phoûnes in Canada and theUnte will becorre 263;' Whithy's MOHawk States.. Itls purpose is to xnake m4areý 8 \ýi11 becomne 688, and Ajax-Picker- telephone numbers available t-han, ing's WHitechail 2 will beco4me 942.1 wou'ld be possible under the to ,In every case the new threle-digît ex- 1 letter, five-figure systemn. * 4-il n.as Gîft Suggqeù-stions Marconi FMý, AM-STERIO COMBINATION Regular $279.00 - SPECIA L $219.95 ELECTROIIOME FM AM STEREO COMBINATION -$269.95 27" ELECTROTIOME T.V. MIODEL T200 - $299.9â 6 Transistor Radios - Case, Batteries Earphones - $29.fl15 t'IoPortable, 3-speed Automatic Record Players - $49.95 RCA Portable 3-speed Manual Record Players - $29.)5M a Tube Radios, Mantel, RCA, Rogers, Marconi, Electrohome - $24.95 Fi -- ORONO ELECTRIC PHONE 129 ORONO' WE DO SERVICE TO THE ELECTORS 0F THE POLICE VILLAGE 0F ORONO I would, at this time, like to thank ail those Who supported and voted for me on Decemnber 4th fer Police Trustee for the village of Orono. lit is to be my policy during the corning year to gavern in the best interest of our Village. so.Wishing everyon e the Joys of the Festive Sea- H A RR"nY M ERC'E R "ILET'S PROGRESS", IJIL TO THE ELECTORS OF THE POLICE VILLAGE 0F ORONO Your support at the Polils on Decemnber 4th is greatly appreciated for which I would like to say "Thank you." May 1 also express to everyone Gireetin.gs of the season and Best Wishes for the New Year. LxYAfàLL LOA»WERY. TO THE ELECTORS 0F THE POLICE VILLAGE 0F ORONO I would like to express my appreciation for your' suport on December' 4th. -May your holiday season and the New Year be happy and joyous. InOtT y'FOR Ra lE SîoTE R

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